/smg/ - stock market general

heterosexual edition

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Live Streams:






Boomer Investing:


Misc smg:


Previously on /smg/

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We have a big problem in this general, yuge problem, with the tripfags. Some call them namefags.

These are people, if you can call them that, I'm not so sure. They take on a persona in an anonymous setting, can you believe that? A persona.

We have to do something about these tripfags. Before I'm even in office I will do something about them.

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A scoops bake? Sell it all. Today.

Scoops made the bake on Anon Babble and it's the first decent thread there in moonths.

there better not be any GME baggies in this thread

Actually under section 3 of the ultra MAGA republican project 2025 blueprint it says here, "All users of the website Anon Babble.org will be required to use a name and tripcode."

the bake on Anon Babble


it was literally the crappiest bake that I could think of that wouldn’t get auto-janny’d

”shit edition”

OP pic is pic related

intentionally left “/smg/“ out of the subject line

left in the exhentai link

I literally don’t know what else I could’ve done to do a shitty-er bake, and I’m completely shocked basically only one niggerfaggot has said anything about it within the thread

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They're crypto women. The idea of being anonymous is synonymous with death. They need attention. Obviously don't get it at home.They think they're incel "maverick" or chud "Iceman". Truth be known it's probably for better record keeping.

if it was really an issue, the feature wouldn’t be supported, just like over on Anon Babble

Utilities pumping. Americans will love their new electricity prices

whatever provides value to the shareholder is the best course of action always.

i should buy more $wmt. im probably not bullish enough.

I've run the numbers and it turns out I'm going to have to rebuild my investment position in pumpkin pie. I redeemed the remainder of my shares last night, but I can acquire more. The deciding factor was remembering I had another position in my portfolio: whipped cream options. The theta decay is real and they are nearing expiry at a rapid pace. It makes sense to pair those options with the pumpkin pie shares, and turns out I had a lot more whipped cream options than pumpkin pie shares. Redeeming the whipped cream on its own would just be gluttony...

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I'm losing so much money on GME going up.

Sounds like a wise course of action. I've got a call on a dutch apple pie that I'll be exercising in the next couple of days.

I received a large subsidy of cookies and pound cake recently, I'm worried about inflation if it enters into the market too quickly.

Sounds like an exciting investment!

I'm worried about inflation if it enters into the market too quickly.

Could lead to a surplus in natural gas futures...

That's the magic that made it decent. Not great but decent. Which is great for that GAY NIGGER FAGGOT TRANNY QUEER JEW place.
It's all RELATIVE.
I think their GAY NIGGER FAGGOT TRANNY QUEER JEW JANNY posts here because his place sucks so much ass now but he won't say it because he has no power here.
(or a man)

When's a good time to buy MSTR?

When it starts going up again

Feels like it's just not the time for SQ.

If I wear the same outfit every day (multiple purchases of the same items) will people just think I'm dirty?

just get different colors, it's a flex anyway to look good in different kinds of clothes and colors
but if someone says anything about wearing the same outfit the proper response is "uh yeah, don't you own a washing machine?"

Depends on your social circle and the color of your skin.

Swap the colors.
I do maroon and gray and swap between shirts and pants for maroon.

concerning yourself what others "think"

bitcoin is approaching slurping territory before hitting new highs in the Santa rally.

man, each time they dump tech spx dumps too, then repump tech and spx goes higher, easy game

what about slurping MSTR (-12%) right now?

Santa Cruz Rally was cancelled so the cucks of commiefornia could have a gathering to discuss the outcome of the 2024 election.

Eating a Red Leicester cheese toastie with Worcestershire sauce.

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What buttcoin ETFs does /smg/ like? I've got a bunch on my watchlist.

If we get a recession instead of inflation MSTR is giggafucked.


Very handsome duck

the nigger clearly comes over here to Anon Babble because he knows his own board is insufferable, but refuses to stop being a tranny


Yeah you can't really just stop being a TROON. Once you chop your cock and balls off there are


What if disinflation also was only transitory?

It was. It was transitioning into DEFLOOTION.

holy fuck michael bitcoin do something!!

deez inflation

Who's still buying at these prices?

I for one look forward to 20 years of INVERSE LEVERAGED ETFs being THE KANGS

Anything with the word “micro” in it is a bit iffy desu like dick.

Deutsche Bank sees the S&P 500 hitting 7,000 in 2025 on the back of rising risk appetite

Didn’t Goldman Sachs say it would stagnate?

DEEZ cuts



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Big boys.

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S&P 500 hitting 7000 in 2025 is not that much, its 15% higher from today and we might be at the beginning of a rally to the end of the year
if we can pump another 5% till the end of this year a 10% next year is bang on average

aahhh i'ts pumping

oh dam, The Baggler is in

There is no reason why market shouldn't hit 7000 by EOY

SMCI currently being evaluated for delisting

twitter mongoloids acting confused and asking why is it down

Idk ive got January 2019 vibes. All my mates are now blowing up my whatsapp with shitcoin talk. Always a bad sign.

the buffett indicator is close to setting a new record, if it hasn’t already within the past month

i agree about crypto which is why i'm not touching that shit ever, if nothing retarded happens i think we are looking pretty good on the S&P 500
100% accurate statement, end all bobos

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Indicators will catch up eventually as things that are being priced in right now become reality.


How did it go today?!?!

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Well SOXL is pretty cheap. Why dont you buy that?

hyper crab
Not really... a bunch of my positions are up, but SOXL fucked me


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Up 0.36%, would have been higher but my msty fell off a cliff. Still, not as bad a loss as mstr, and this pays out over time.

I kneel to KKR anon. I still have no clue what this company or MAIN does, but green is green, so I'm not complaining.

At first it was like NIGGERS but then it got JEWS

+1.19% in one account and absolutely nothing in the other as I'm mostly cash right now. Overall +.07%

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Exactly +1%. Fun fact: it takes 69 +1% days to double your money.

The economic forecasts are completely all over the place. The economists think the economy will go in every direction at the same time.

sauce on the sexo anime gelr ?

Like -3.8% on active trades

Laggards: NOTV, BITX, CMTL
Bought: DXYZ
Sold: AIRS (stopped), NOTV (trimmed), SQ, SSSS (slow and breaking structure)

Makes sense today was crap, I'm pretty much the opposite of XLU. Probably switch things up if the turkey trot rally can't get us to ATHs.

some pokemon style sloppa gens

I got dxyz today too gg

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$DELL | Dell Tech Q3 25 Earnings:

- Adj Eps $2.15 (est $2.05)
- Adj oper Income $2.20B (est $2.16B)
- Infrastructure Solution Group Rev $11.37B (est $11.34B)
- Net Rev $24.37B (est $24.59B)

market's verdict?

damp eeeet!

It keeps making forward progress, but who knows. The space meme could be getting long in the tooth and there's probably >no news until January. Some stuff like XRT or crypto after this pullback could have more legs.

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DELL now in freefall

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Finally time to snag some TSSI I guess.

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I knew I should have shorted those crowdstrike niggers

Dell dumps (-6%) AH on revenue miss

SPX goes up

nasdaq also up-flat

What the hell is this even? Even NVDA and MSFT are lower in AH and its still flat

Rotation dingus

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From what, to what?

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See new posts
$HPQ | HP Inc Q4 24 Earnings:

- Adj EPS $0.93 9est 0.93)
- Oper Margin 8.5% (est 8.66%)
- Net Rev $14.06B (est $14.0B)
- Sees FY25 Free Cash Flow $3.2B To $3.6B
- Sees Q1 Adj EPS $0.70 To $0.76 (est $0.86)

I understand, but several large techcompanies just fucked up. For it to have 0 effect on the whole index is a bit ridiculous.

Dell -6%

Crowdstrike -2,4%

HP -8%

russell and dow are leading the S&P and nasdaq over the last month
the russell today was a piece of shit but still the best performer

I just watched some cops kill an innocent black man live on youtube.

rats are innocent too and yet we kill them without hesitation.

Oh shit I boarded a plane on flew into the future at 500 miles an hour. It's so over, the East has so risen. How do I invest in Taiwan
Heated toilet seats in immaculate Airport bathrooms that's all I need to say

Core PCE they expect tomorrow at 2,8%
After actual 2x 2,7% and 3x 2,6% in the previous months

There is like no way this isn't a setup for a pump

buffett indicator

US debt vs. GDP is also very high.
What if there is a correlation between buffet indicator and debt2gdp ? The rationale would be that the government is unable to unwind debt quickly, which makes it impossible for the total amount of (electronic) paper money to go down.


new record just dropped

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It's true you know.

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Sorry this is a no nigger zone. SMGers exclusively invest in strong loving families for the glory of the fatherland. Take your democracy elsewhere.

Crowdstrike is where it was after the shitshowfridayoutage

The coupons and voucher for Hellofresh really did work

here's a link to a webm someone in the live police chase thread made.

What's your process for consistently identifying these cheap stocks? I've been an early investor in stuff like PDYN (closed my position way too early, though), POET (ditto), and BBAI, but you've been on a roll. I had no idea FANCF even existed.

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Why are you posting a tranny then?

materials energy financials
This is a good thing, unless you're short. You're not short right anon?

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I have rode quite a few mini trains in my life but never one that MOOVES like that one. Well maybe they could but the COONDUCTOORS didn't run em like that one.

im gonna buy a second freezer for the garage. stuff it with costco frozen shit and whatever else.

Cool, thanks bags

Remember power outages can happen and consider getting a generator. Some Seattle-area niggers are still without power since last Tuesday. Friends were saying they had to throw out a lot of food.

One of the most nothing days of all time.

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Scoops, I completed my refactoring

11 files changed

443 insertions(+)

298 deletions(-)

it's a big one

2.8% core

this is with a frozen housing market and oil in the dumps

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The drop in oil will take a little while longer to factor into the core calculation, stop being antisemitic and keep buying.



My favorite thing about baggie besides him desperately wanting everyone to forget that he literally, not figuratively, sucks dick for free and tries to offset that by hiring hookers, is that he pretends he isn't chaff to be scapegoated by actual top jews when the music stops.
Rats are far from innocent, they intentionally spread plagues and debase currencies.

the goyim know


I got a nice propane generator installed a few years back. Shit powers the whole house, but burns about $200 worth of gas a day when it's running 24/7.

living in Seattle

not prepping for their inevitable 3rd world living conditions

They get what they deserve and all that.

There's a handful of smart guys I follow on Twitter (yes, I'm deadnaming it). I see what they're looking at, what the pitch is for each, and wait for good setups. But you gotta vet people like you vet stocks - are they transparent about their performance, holdings, and reasoning?

A good first step is look for something cheap that did move, and see who was talking about it beforehand. Filter out bots/P&D groups and you can find some clever folks.

The TURKEYS aren't "cheaper" this year because of NICE JEWS. It's because they know they can't sell what the GOYIM cannot AFFOORD.


Stock up on anything imported. Buy a second or third fridge too. An extra washing machine. Some spare couches. Do you need 4 monitors? Maybe not today but...

What are your thoughts on shkreli? I like his yt channel.

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i have a lot of CRWD shares coming to me

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A good first step is look for something cheap that did move, and see who was talking about it beforehand

I am a truly grateful NIGGER for all that you share.

I have no clue what this means. I just thought I'll post it since people are sharing all kinds of stats right now.

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Surveillance tech advances by Biden could aid in Trump's promised crackdown on immigration

SmartLINK, part of the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program, is run by BI Inc., a subsidiary of the private prison company The GEO Group. The GEO Group also contracts with ICE to run detention centers.

Stimulating the AI industry via a total lockdown on beaners.
Makes sense. Thanks.

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I know he nailed the SAVA call, and is a good resource in general, but I haven't been following his picks that closely. If you're into biotech, maybe go through some old livestreams of his and jot down in a spreadsheet any forecasts he made.

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Big generators are expensive, but keeping a small one just to power fridges and charge electronics is cheap and easy. You don't even need to do anything to your wiring.
This is mostly outside Seattle where they use aerial electrical lines. Literally nothing happened within city limits but 20 miles out it's fucking chaos.

Looks like a mix of some loans moved into collections and fewer are applying because laid off and can't make payments!

Fuck your company nigga. But nice. Is that a sign on bonus?

checked, and yeah, credit card loans are still climbing.. So it's probably just defaults and refinancing.

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Nigga I'm wearing the same jeans for 6 months. I don't give a fuck what you think.

Gov has a ton of surveillance few hands and even fewer willing hearts. Its a nothing ever happens recipe.

I actually want people to think the worst of me because I want them to leave me alone. I had a friend who learned how much money I have and he turned into beggar.

It's a pain in the ass running all the extension cords. I had one that I could roll out and back feed my breaker panel to run everything, but I had to shut the box off the grid to prevent back feeding to the grid and killing someone working on the lines, and then you don't even know when the power is restored. The new set up is way simpler and just automatically kicks on when the power goes out.

just my RSUs, been here two years. was given another 100k of stock last month for good performance.

Yeah, I wouldn't full port something just because someone listed out twenty tickers and one popped off. But if someone can call out good fundamentals and a stage 1 base ready to go, they're worth a listen.

And while deleting calls is a red flag (hence I include links whenever someone makes one), unless they're the NSA or have a time machine, they're not forging a correct early call.

...if they are, well, shit, you may as well invest alongside them.

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Yeah fair but it's more expensive.
Congrats. Hopefully you got the RSUs at a nice price. I lucked out since I joined my company near the absolute bottom after the pandemic so my sign on bonus is nearly doubled already lmao.

GEO really was a software play

Well son of a gun...

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the 100k i got was granted to me at 269.48, and the stock is at about 350 now, so solid. think my initial was around the same price point.
lucky you hitting the bottom for your RSUs, should be a nice payday

My schozo senses tell me they intentionally refused to replace with better power line forms in order to kill off those people and expand their city limits.

Now it's just getting too coomplex and I would have to have a TWATTER account too. I'll just stick with paying moar attention to what you share in between NATGAS AND OIL trades. I am way too much of a NIGGERTARD to do much more than that.
I just set my accounts to CASH and started GAY TRADING WITHOUT GONCERN and it reminded me of how I used to do before I started mostly holding. HOOD used to not let you get the CASH SWEEP INTEREST on a CASH account but they do now. I trade one with more than 25k but they still FLAG for PDT on a MARGIN ACCOUNT and you lose the SWEEP but now it's best of both worlds getting to GAY TRADE and get the INTEROOST.

Donald Trump doesn't realize that he can just filter out all persons of name and persons of trip if they inconvenience him so much he he he he

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Checked and read this in her cackling voice

walk into interview for entry level job

told by 75yo boomer who runs the joint he's looking for someone with 30 years of experience for his entry level job and doesn't have time to train

"why is no one going to college anymore"

UTI and LOPE seem a little dicey here, but there's a reason I got LGCY, APEI, and LINC on my radar.

reminds me of the Oscar Meyer wiener mobile a bit

How do I get a cool job where I'm paid in shares instead of cash? What do you guys do, accounting? Finance?

How do I get a cool job where I'm paid in shares instead of cash?

How are you going to put food on the table? Asking Target for reparations?

No you just work several jobs at once like I see all the WFH coders bragging about. Surely one of them will pay in cash.

i should buy a space heater too for the winter.

Work under the table doing roofing on the weekends and live in my car.

I already have a space heater for my car.

His spreadsheet videos are garbage in garbage out, way too focused on numbers and not on economic models like scale or inorganic growth
He made money on shorting biotech and doesn't make spreadsheets for these plays, this illustrates my point
The less you know the more you rely on spreadsheets as cope. When you find yourself doing that, just stop and stay in your lane. Invest in stuff you know.

Based ngl.

How many years must go by, for shit like this to pass again?

Probably just a few more years and there will be plenty of live demonstrations on streets of GB. It's quite sad to think that Christmass celebrations might become a thing from the past within our lifetime in some of the european countries.

Zoomers would love this.

2007 was 17 years ago

I have another 50ish~ years to live

kill me now.

not just injecting yourself with the blood of your sons to live longer

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It will be ok anon. In 15 years AI and robots will replace most of the jobs and we will live in utopia.

You know, I guess I *should* buy QXO for that gapfill but... nah.


living forever

Ehh no thanks

damn these robot vacuums they have these days are crazy. they can mop too and some are self-charging.

let me know when they can suck your dick
(like a regular vacuum)

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holy shit it turns out that I have in fact made it...

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I don't want to live longer I wish I was murdered when I was 9.

i see your point
life is ultimately pointless
if i had a button in front of me that could delete the human race with no suffering, i'd push it

Why won't you take the TMF pill? Explain yourself

bonds and treasuries are gay
no further explanation needed
imagine investing in the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. lol. LMAO

How do I get a cool job where I'm paid in shares instead of cash?

any start-up, tech company, or probably any high growth company
otherwise, that’s usually only done for director+ roles
they’re called “RSUs”
ESPP is something else you might see in companies that don’t do RSUs, where you’re able to buy up to xyz amount of stock at a discount, which is basically the baby version of RSUs

Aren't all of them self charging?

He made money on shorting biotech and doesn't make spreadsheets for these plays, this illustrates my point

The less you know the more you rely on spreadsheets as cope. When you find yourself doing that, just stop and stay in your lane. Invest in stuff you know.

that’s true
warren buffett has said he doesn’t have any kind of overall master equation that he uses for investing

any numbers you have are numbers that literally everyone else has, so I’ve grown really skeptical and pessimistic of the niggers on Anon Babblesmg that post those whole fucking essays of due diligence

Holy shit
You're two different people

I am a degenerate gambler.

I look forward to doing nothing this thanksgiving except eating food with my loser girlfriend who loves me. Life is so good.

Holy shit

You're two different people

he lives in seattle too tho, IIRC

I’ll make this a little easier though

Is your girlfriend real?

For now. I will eventually marry scoops (for tax purposes) and make him my bitch. No homo


CLF tranny




How many of you are there.

the only problem with that pic is that I can’t imagine her smelling like anything other than sweat and cheez-its

ah fuck, I don’t remember seeing lum in a while

He used to tell us all about how he was averaged at 17 dollars on his 1800 shares of SOXL. But that was back in June. Ruh roh.

Are you asking how many notable and referenceable individuals have been through our community? Like lil twinky, serial killer anon, CRBP pajeet, Big5, and rkg?

yeah, he’s probably demoralized from holding shitloads of SOXL
I had a period like that in late 2022 / early 2023

I’ve still never sold any SOXL shares and my average is fucking horrendous on it kek

forgot pic

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I was going to ask you guys what I should do for dinner but the captcha called me gay.

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there’s also


ran fag





movie night guy with the tarot cards

should have gone for TQQQ, I was a gigabaggie at -30% but now I'm up 3%

I would ask why you didn't sell when it went back up in 2024 but I also know that we often make trades that we later say "why did I buy this, and then not sell this piece of shit when I could have?".

Who would want it any other way?

red pill me on (((comfy)))
did he earn his parenthesis?

I'm the following posters

Moe Greene anon

Tom Cruise "affirmative" anon

Brian Kuh anon

Rocker has referenced Brian Kuh anon in one of his videos so I'm officially immortalized into /smg/ lore.

CRBP pajeet

It still bothers me that he unironically made it from CRBP

This place would be a total fuckin GAY FAG NIGGER TROON shithole without daily Moe Green. (You) caused me to watch Godfather for the first time ever.

forgot picrel

Have you considered breaking almost-even and walking away ahead of the (possible) mid-2025 market downtrend? Or is your strategy just watching numbers go up and down for years?

yeah im thinking time for a megapint.

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had to look up Brian Kuh because I don't know the name, but I DEFINITELY DEEP VALUE the KILL SCREEN posts!

It wanted 15 minutes before but only 60 seconds now

live in my car

Do Ameripoors really?

mid-2025 market downtrend

Only have to pay my uncle 100 dollars a month to park in front of his house.



damn right

God dammit
I made money today, but I came up $83 short of where I needed to be

if you buy international bonds that are hedged you only get a dividend once a year

Belgium anon.

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Did you mean your (((uncle)))?

Fuck I shouldn’t have cropped out the flag. But that’s Belgium anon

Paying 20k for a Rolex is so goddamn stupid, it doesn't even have a calculator.

based casio enjoyer

You don't buy a Rolex for the watch, you buy it for all the poon you score with it.

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I don't a single man that owns a watch. It seems like a nigger thing

should have gone for TQQQ

I had $180k of that until sometime over the summer ahead of the big tech dump

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not having a solar GSHOCK with thermometer and altimeter for when SHTF


why you didn't sell when it went back up in 2024

I was actually considering that when I was selling off the TQQQ over here: but decided against it because I was barely breakeven and thought I’d want to have at least some stake in something for being a filthy chaser of that disgusting green goblin run of june/july so that I wouldn’t have FOMO

I prefer a chick that can put on dresses, smell like flowers, and put on lipstick
I like the feeling of being able to defile something nice

he was fair
did a little vlog prior to john rocker’s
claimed to beat up a hooker with a bamboo stick
seemed like an alright guy to me

I own pic related. About 650 CAD/450 USD.
Nice enough to wear on days off working the trades. Not nice enough to care if a nigger stole it.

You have too much cash to be chasing meme etfs for zoomers unironically.

I get it, but it's really pathetic. It's just a luxury item without any other kind of value. I'd rather buy a fucking Mustang so can I floor it on the highway with some hoe in the passenger seat.

Have you considered breaking almost-even and walking away ahead of the (possible) mid-2025 market downtrend?

I sold another $30k or so of QLD today
I’m *very* deleveraged relative to earlier this year.
I might buy some plain ass SPY or QQQ at the next pullback because there’s always the chance that literally nothing happens… but fuck CAPE and buffett indicator look BAD rn.

if you own a Rolex for the poon then just get a fake lmao, you really think bitches can tell?

to be chasing meme etfs

QLD, SSO, SPXL are actually all perfectly safe (and even highly optimized) for holding over multiple decades

TQQQ is the only one that exceeds the threshold for diminishing returns
SOXL and TECL are likely not safe for long-term holding, but I’m never planning to go all-in on those

you can even get 1:1 Chinese replicas for $2-300 if you really want to impress a bitch

I'd rather buy a fucking Mustang so can I floor it on the highway with some hoe in the passenger seat.


I drive a jag

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I sleep in a car, do you?

-I sleep in a big house with my wife

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Those are usually quartz though. A woman will notice that the time isn't drifting, since it's not using a mechanical action and will definitely call you out if you haven't needed to set it after more than a couple of days.

Give me a good stock tip.

Reddit has a whole community with guides on how to get replica watches that will really impress the bitches without spending 10's of thousands on a stupid watch

Chukled at this thought, and at replying "it's daylight savings babe" as an explanation.

Those are usually quartz though. A woman will notice that the time isn't drifting, since it's not using a mechanical action and will definitely call you out if you haven't needed to set it after more than a couple of days.

lol, good joke, my last GF kept bringing me her inherited mechanical watch whenever it "broke" so I could wind it.

MSTR. i think they make watches

Just get a knock off, the broads who will blow you because you're wearing a Rolex are too dumb to know how to look at the second hand and spot its a fake.

MSTZ, it's like MSTR but sometimes it goes up 50% and then it goes down 100%. With those kinds of gains you can never lose! Honorable mention- MSTX.

What do you phone for your phone bill /smg/? I pay like $55 (tax included) for T-mobile and I don't even get to use it on planes. I think I also don't get data when abroad. Looking at Tello which has a $25 unlimited plan, wdyt?

I have a start date or my new job
Soon... no more neeting...

I have a tracfone

Google Fi. 65 bucks. Comes with an extra data SIM. Unlimited data on both devices. And it works in every country I've been to, with the unlimited data so no having to get a SIM or not be able to answer your number if you're traveling.

there might be a cute secretary
$45 for lanline and internet and if they raise prices on me i won't pay them and i'll take away their other revenue stream, and i think they know that too
thanks for mentioning that yesterday, think i'll go all in

kick ass, BLESSED
man you had a nice little relaxation period. Too bad you had to worry about your runway spreadsheet so much even though it finally started recovering!
kick ass, BLESSED!

Loli sex

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there might be a cute secretary

Maybe, but I doubt it. I don't talk to women anyway.
I wasn't really worrying about my runway. I had that spreadsheet built and calculating those numbers before I lost my job. I did a lot of improvement over the past year though. I don't think I actually need to work anyway, but if I put in a few more years I should have enough to retire completely safely.

impress a bitch

No thanks.
>you buy it for all the poon you score with it.
Lmao this isnt even the early 2000s. Majority of people are a lot poorer and those can be be impressed are even easier to impress.
And desu, rich people DO carry themselves differently, the way they carry themselves is more than enough to command the attention of a hoe.

My plan is 100 dollars for one year.
Unlimited talk and text.
like 10 GB data.

I am looking for a job too
but my parents will match what I make so I will make double.

Are you going to program a bot to bang and ding and power hour post for you automatically? This place won't be the same without you bro

we have unironic good boy points niggers in our stock thread

make multiple posts

cookie keeps resetting

I hate this fucking website so much.


stop resetting the cookie, bitch lasagna

using a GAY browser

time to move to


on both PC and MOOBLE

Paying 20k for a Rolex

I paid $57k last month for a yellow gold day date with the green dial. I wear it while wearing Walmart sweat pants and hoodies

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he doesn’t phoone poost

Never going to make it

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What is the point of doing anything in life if someone is below average? I have a neighbor and they are rich but their whole family is unattractive and below average. They have a lot of visitors/friends and relatives that come over that I see on the driveway and EVERYONE is unnattractive. It is gross.

Like it is sickening, it is like a mass ugliness. Husband is ugly, wife is ugly, grand parents are ugly, kids are ugly and all the friends and other relatives are ugly. It is so sickening.


that's really stupid bro idk what to tell you

Husband is ugly, wife is ugly, grand parents are ugly, kids are ugly and all the friends and other relatives are ugly. It is so sickening.

Like literally everyone I have seen on that driveway is below average but they rich. I don't know what to think about this lol.

I can definitely bang post, since that's 6:30 am here. Power hour and ding... we'll see. It's a hybrid role, so some days I'll be at home. Not sure yet what frequency. I won't write a bot/script since I have to solve captchas, and I'm not going to pay for a pass. Maybe I can take lunch around closing bell every day.

Not really.
You cant look at someones expensive purchases and say it is stupid

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's why you can score poon with a 20 dollar knock off Rolex you bought at a flea market.


John Phelan (born 1964), is an American businessman and art collector.

In August 2024, John and Amy Phelan hosted a private fundraising dinner for Donald Trump

The absolute state of this nepocracy lmao


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's why you can score poon with a 20 dollar knock off Rolex you bought at a flea market.

What? I never think of a watch to score poon. I have above average style and looks. (you dont have to believe, i say this before u say no you dont)
But my neighbours are ugly people and every single person I have seen on the driveway grosses me out lol. Like they are rich too but whats the point? It is not "beauty in eye of beholder" lol they are legit below average in looks.


He coauthored Dow 36,000, published in 1999, which argued that the stock market was about to have a massive swing upward and would reach 36,000 by 2004.[1] Shortly thereafter, the dot-com bubble burst, causing a massive decline in stock market prices. The Dow did not reach 36,000 until late 2021.

Mumus win again

It's why you can score poon with a 20 dollar knock off Rolex you bought at a flea market.

I don't even wear watches.

i thought i was still on biz for a second

why the fuck is there a stock market general on bant?

based mega bull.

every now and then you see a good trade in /smg/
i'm all in PIE.

Oh fuck
I think I ate those sketties and meatballs too fastly...
I was going to get some ice cream but now... oh god

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jews are ugly

So apparently retailers are cutting back billions in items because they don’t expect the consumers to purchase anything. Lol.


The book's title was based on a calculation that, in the absence of the equity premium, stock prices would be approximately four times as high as they actually were. In its introduction, Glassman and Hassett wrote that the book "will convince you of the single most important fact about stocks at the dawn of the twenty-first century: They are cheap... If you are worried about missing the market's big move upward, you will discover that it is not too late. Stocks are now in the midst of a one-time-only rise to much higher ground–to the neighborhood of 36,000 on the Dow Jones industrial average."

at the time of writing stock prices were "as overvalued as at literally any time in American history"

Just buy the top and then buy the next top

Lmao. It’s so funny seeing below average people with money.

Just tell ur job that ur indispensable here and will need 2 5 minute breaks at the appropriate times.

remember when gold fell 4% in one day?

just tell them you need a trip to the dilation station



they will FEAR saying NO in that region!

We could just go back to chili's at market close for happy hour margaritas like we used to. They still have great snacks and a full bar.

Gonna be honest I don't even know what dilation means, other than it's something troons do(?)



Troons have an open wound parading as a vagina. They have to stick in this dilator every day or the body will naturally close that wound up.

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The fake vagina they carve into them is seen as a wound by the body. So it constantly tries to heal and repair it. So trannies need to shove a dildo into their flesh wound multiple times a day to force it open

god I've been in that situation, locking eyes with a dog as I plap its owner

Ok thanks, that's what I assumed it meant, though wasn't sure and had no intention of looking it up

I've seen the images shitposted on Anon Babble
Genuinely terrifying

On sunday I listened to an hour long twitter spaces recording from a trader who has supposed made eight figures on forex and crypto, the topic was the bull case for Microstrategy.

Its good to know that even a guy like him is a complete fucking retard

That's because that dog was thinking

god I've been in that situation

drop some screen caps next time you are sexting someone's grandmother and maybe you will be remembered

I've never heard that. As far as MC goes and NIGGER shit sold by JEWS goes that's breddy not bad. CHECKED.

$bj is doing pretty well and beating the s&p. im going to get a membership since i have one close by.


Anon Babble is full of trannies

as I plap its owner

Your mom doesn't count, anon

So the market is the 10%ers moving money around?


i wonder if they thought making nigger lesbians adopting a white boy their protagonists would get more basedjaks on their side

kek i noticed all that too.

just make your company less productive and profitable so it can go out of business more easily bro

uses people in a lumber mill to advertise 30hr work week

the guy drew this shit has only worked twenty hour weeks in a mcondalds for a couple months at most. i can be nick picky all day but the implication of "if profits go up pay should too!" pay going up will actually lower profits.

why does AMD make up such a large weighting of SOXL when its not even that big of a market cap compared to other semis?

goes unrecognised on an anonymous imageboard

Well then you've done your duty. Now go home and... shleep well.

maybe share price like dow but honestly you can probably google this shit and find out so you will have to settle with my knee jerk reply

the guy drew this shit has only worked twenty hour weeks in a mcondalds for a couple months at most.

or maybe it just redditors who think profits are stolen wages


That's the fuckin point. Americans literally unable to realize and understand it, kek lmao wtf do you think the "executive to worker compensation balance" is supposed to imply/hint at in general?

unlimited paid sick/disability leave

yeah that'll work out

Don't get me started on the two niggers with the white child. I'm going to ask reasonable questions working backwards.

How can I increase profits if my labor expenses are higher.

How can I have profits if my labor costs don't even provide labor.

A whole year of paternal leave? What is stopping a man from just knocking up 2 women over and over and pertuitly staying on this vacation?

How much time of your mon-fri 9-5 are you actually spent working? I'm lucky if I get 30 hours of productivity while paying for 40.

6 weeks of vacation, why don't you take fucking 52 weeks unpaid vacation?

How can these people spend life in prison without making a dime? Living wage is a fucking joke.

The issue with this comic is, that you know it is from Reddit. Now if Hitler was the one who'd implement all these features/regulations, you know, for "1488" and the wellbeing and proliferation of the white race, you'd say "BASED", even though with the EXACT same conditions that are demanded in the comic.

What the hell do you think NAZI means? NationalSOCIALIST.


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How can I increase profits if my labor expenses are higher.

Redditors say the company makes record profits every year

Now if Reddit was really clever, they should have researched what working conditions there were in the Third Reich. Then put them into to the comic, but with their "degenerate" family and baited all rightwingers to hate on the comic only to then reveal these were all ideas, demands, measurements implemented by Hitler.

profits are stolen wages

Can someone explain this?

Forgot pic

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Yeah that's great, but say you're a farmer. You get years you have a bountiful harvest and you spread the wealth, everyone benefits. Then you have years where the onions futures fuck you and nobody can afford to see a movie so you get double fucked on box office futures, and you just cry to the fucking government to ruin it for the rest of us. Fuck you!

Stolen from whom? Why don't we just lower the prices of our goods and services so we operate at a loss, but I can give you the choice of taking a lower wage so we can keep the doors open.

Is volume going to be super low tomorrow? Holiday weeks are weird

Been thinking about paying for a billboard saying

You're somebody's son

No one will get it except those who will be gigatriggered by it

Stolen from whom?

The workers, thats what they say

im about to start trashing my apartment I share with three NIGGERS

when does the rug finally get pulled?

No, there are like 20 reports. Jobclaims, GDP, PCE.

No, there are like 20 reports. Jobclaims, GDP, PCE.


People who strike down have some issues, like for example small feet.


Wouldn't you like to know

There is some kind of Psyop or happening not sure on Twitter


Can't tell yet if a bank collapsed or if the intent is to cause a collapse by spreading panic as there are posts that indicate at both

ruble is collapsing just like the euro is collapsing. such is life as a european.

meanwhile germantwitter finally demands state-approved legal weed to buy at shops

tfw your portfolio is 55% XIU and 45% VFV

D-do I sell the XIU For more VFV???
That's Kendrick Lamar, anon.

in america we've had legal weed since 2018 or whenever drumpf passed the dude weed hemp farmer bill.

Taxes are stolen wages too. Why don't they bitch about taxes? They want to bitch about profit sharing while not even questioning their taxes going to pay for politicians to fly around the world so they can provide optics that man made climate change is going to kill us all and you must reduce emissions while at the same time these same dollars are being used to continue funding missiles and desiel powered tanks to protect a democracy that has suspended all democratic proceedings?

Taxes are stolen wages too.

So they aren't wrong?

Certain groups of NIGGERS have learned from the JEWS and it's those NIGGERS AND JEWS who have been buying and buying in order to lure a bunch of REDDIT FAGS into buying and buying and the NIGGERS AND JEWS are going to do a MEGA VOLUME SELL OFF on the last day before TG so they can ruin TG and make everyone sad and angry while watching Charlie Brown.

got banned from all boards for 24 hours because of an "off topic" post

Telling a retard to shut the fuck up is now "off topic"
Might as well have a "don't be mean guys!" rule

This fucking guy got blown up by a fucking liberal talking head, tried to play the victim card, and just watching two people with their heads jammed up so far up their own asses who are supposed to be on the same team eat themselves was kinda sad really. At least when Republicans do it, there's usually a fiscal conservative or constitutional argument to be made, but these two were just broken men.

racism is also banned before you go there. hate has no place here

the jewish people will look after their own interests whether anti semites like it or not.



that's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown

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You can now smoke it legally too, and grow it yourself. But buying it is still illegal I think. They wanted to implement changes in steps. That's why you can't buy it legally yet somewhere, like for example at a pharmacy.

I like how Netanyahu made it his 2. point/reason for the ceasefire (of 3 publicly announced ones) that they need further weapons (by the US). Why the fuck is Hezbollah agreeing to a ceasefire? It all appears like a clownshow

totally correctly predicts all the elections

"predicts" that Trump will lose

is wrong

Liberals should be executed for being fucking liars
Young Ray Liotta?

Haha get it? Niggers and jews! Its funny because niggers is a naughty word. And jews is also a naughty word haha

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Explain to me how "jews" is a bad word, anon. I'll wait :)

in america we've had legal weed since 2018

That was a mistake

Wait, you just admitted "niggers" is a bad word.

No profits aren't stolen wages. Wages are negotiated and just a piece of the whole. Profits are the bottom line, and these people bitching are just too egotistical to understand their labor is nothing more than a tool. Some tools are better and more expensive than others, but the entitlement of these fucking people who don't understand the risks, and everything else that goes into the whole operation demanding they deserve equal compensation need to see the whole picture.

should i invest in a bottle of wine for thanksgiving? red or white?

Diet bangs

should i invest in a bottle of wine for thanksgiving?

Tits or gtfo

Did you even look at his model? His own biases caused him to turn yes or no "keys" into incorrect inputs. If you actually looked at his model it was correct, but his liberal interpretation of the satus quos was what caused it to be wrong.


Someone in this general recommended Port a long time ago and its been my favorite since.

There are a few regular roasties on ck, fit and here.

If you actually looked at his model it was correct

This is wrong, and I know you're a jew. So stop @ing me RIGHT FUCKIING NOW

I'm not a woman
idk if I ever had port, but I think white goes best with turkey
probably get a pinot grigio

one day it will come out about the shadow war to take control of CERN and right the timeline

of course. every day is a good day for a bottle of wine or 5.

CERN blasted those stones in the US (Georgia)

Joe Biden ended the war in the middle east. What a stellar president.

did not legalize child marriage

status quo joe


No look at his model, I saw it posted numerous times on Anon Babble. The liberals all said it showed a Harris win, but they were marking blue on shit i was marking red. Shit like big legislative wins, shit like incumbent president (harris was only vp this one should have been grey but he gave it to blue), shit he was putting no foreign policy blunders as a win in the blue column, I mean it was a decent model, but he fooled himself and all the democrats bleeding heart liberals fooled themselves too. That's why I feel bad for them.

Tokaji Aszú for desert

No one likes you people, and theyre quickly becoming more emboldened in their displeasure. Does it not spook you, or are you in some sort of enclave?

My faith may not be in Christ, Buddha, or Muhammed, but I have faith. I am not afraid of those who worship men.

Imagine finishing inside Chrystia, and afterwards she rolls onto her belly (we were doing missionary), and she says "hey, want a GST holiday?".
What would you say? I'd tell her she could go piss my cum out, and had to walk around with it in :)
You're terrified and it makes people like me giddy.

OMFG a drop of less than a percent, whatever shall I do? Forecast a lost decade (epic buying opportunity), then we can talk.


one of these days i will catch the shadowbeing that lurks at the edges of my perception

That makes two days in a row where meme shit has tanked 10% and SPX has inched green. Boglechads, salud

Why wouldnt you just point a gun towards the edge of your perception, and pull the trigger when you perceive something?
Shiiiit. Is that an Ottomar Baguette?

I have less fear than you. I'm only worried I will die before mankind achieves a full colony on another celestial body, or a full blown first contact with extraterrestrial civilizations is disclosed. Since I'm nervous about the second, I'm working toward the first.

mankind achieves a full colony on another celestial body

I'm working toward the first.

so you are buying TSLA?

wow you really take bugfucking seriously

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What Steam games do you guys play?

late night bread

I got into battle aces beta, shit it's still really rough, and a beta. It was the first log into steam I did in 10 years. I still have a collection of dota2 pudge hooks that I guess I can sell and buy anything I want on the platform.