2 brown homosexuals say loving your wife is gay

2 brown homosexuals say loving your wife is gay.

i mean a guy changes when married, it's pretty fucking gay.

No they have a point. Men need to stop putting women over themselves.

Reject Fuentes. Embrace Hinkle. Keep the Nick shills on the defensive.

wifeguys are gay
it's just true
normgroid tourists can stay seething

theyre much better dragged

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I think what they want to say is romantic love is for low T guys and high T guys only think about lust and sex

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gay spic fed gay spic fed gay spic fed

2 brown homosexuals

Tate is bi, but yes Fuentes is pretty obviously gay.

I like my wife. Hanging around dudes all day seems pretty gay.

i'm 100% white

He's not though, he's a commie fag from the caucausus

implying anyone listens to these homosexuals

brutl, savg, rekt, and chekt

3rd worlders with no father figure do like this """guy"""

I don't take the opinion of homosexuals into account. In fact I view them as lower than women.

I think what they want to say is romantic love is for low T guys and high T guys only think about lust and sex

That's a myth btw, I mainly see robust masculine Chads in faithful monogamous marriages and low T degenerates thinking of sex and lust 24/7

literal deradicalization glownigger

being straight and married is actually gay

peak newspeak induced mindrot

They're dickheads, but guys who constantly go on about what their wife says or does ARE gay as fuck. I barely even mention my Mrs around other guys let alone give anecdotes about her thoughts or escapades.

She's my woman, mother of my child, I love her deeply and I feel zero urge to discuss her with others. Gossiping about spouses/partners/boy/girlfriends is a feminine trait.

That’s true, you don’t choose a wife because you “love her” but because she makes great wife and a mother

State enforced enslavement to a woman


It's kind of insulting to peoples intelligence to even call it marriage. An arrangement where the man has 0 power and the woman has all the power and can financially rape you at her leisure and rip your kids away from you and force you to pay for them. And if you try to resist this or fight back, simps with guns will put you in a cage. And if you get a battle rifle and kill the simps with guns, simps with helicopters and MRAPs will kill you.

It takes a really high degree of delusion to enter into an arrangement like that and say you're married.

it is and that's why women are repulsed by it. can't believe i'm agreeing with two literal homosexuals but they're right

Fawning over women is for pussies. They aren't talking about the literal definition of "gay".

You can be in a monogamous long term relationship without being into that romantic lovey dovey stuff. In fact, most relationships historically were like that.

get married

to someone you despise and only want to fuck

ok im sure that will work out fantastically

Have either if these gay niggas actually reproduced?

no they are
you might not be physically taking it up the ass, but you are metaphorically. the average wifeguy is a spineless effeminate husk of a man

literally just crawled out of facebook


no hymen no ring
think about it

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bapnigger kike-mutt thread

why does he bitch so much?

he's being coerced

Simps all around

How does this homo have fans? Why is "Anon Babble" defending someone who doesn't want whites making white children? You should find someone less retarded and obnoxious to orbit

brown homosexuals

So the future of america? Leftism is going bye bye along with whitoids
Its like poetry, it rhymes

God I hate boomers go away

maybe because you are a fucking retard who doesn't even know what the conversation is? lurk for 2 more years

It's only a matter of time before these 2 severely retarded brown faggot will say Napoleon, Franco, Salazar and Hitler are beta males.

And pray tell, what are those conversation?

A bulgarian doesnt get to decide who is white

there is no one on this entire site telling anyone not to get married and have children. it's just normie tourists get so mindbroken upon first encountering the idea that maybe they should worship and prostrate themselves in front of their wives especially in public that they start hallucinating things.

If we infect one people in this thread with Aids we could kill all the 40 of them (except for me, I love my wife) in a matter of time.

Someone needs to tap the sign.

I refuse to contribute to the current anti-human system by giving a sub-human woman the right to govern me in any way.
I will not be divorce raped.
I will not comply with a draft.
You will not succesfully shame me into contributing to a system that actively oppresses me.

No, they weren't. It's the same as when people talk about arranged marriages then completely disregard the Peter the Farmer wasn't arranging the marriage of his 3 daughters like the Lord of Farmertown was doing. People are deluded and see themselves, and culture, as the elite of the historical time period. Men and women married each other for love, even 600 years ago, unless (although not all the time) you were a rich, default political, family.

Marriage is slavery to a woman for a modern man. The woman's real husband is the state and will use it whenever she wants to steal from you and imprison or kill you if you fight back.

You cannot refute this. Marriage is absolutely retarded and blatantly rigged against one of the participating parties.

no they didn't. you're so full of shit. a 14 year old was groomed to expect marriage her entire life and then she was handed over to the first guy that came asking. it was probably her first time with a man so she likely got psyoped into love anyway.

loving your wife is something that happens but it is fucking gay and it sucks. i love my ex wife and always will, but guess what, it fucken sucks. not in some romantic "love it pain" way either - its just fuckin annoying. i just care about her and shes a fuckin retard. loving someone sucks fuckin ass. its boring and annoying bullshit

Whats wrong with loving your wife if she loves you?

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Same, anon. I’d rather spend time with her than anyone else.

Well the 2 brown homos in OP probably didn't have a stable family life, really anyone foaming at the mouth over some basic wifejak meme didn't either, i don't appreciate the hate something so boring gets.

do we need to hear about it constantly on twitter? no one asked. go love your wife at home

I'm married. If you treat your wife like an equal you are fucking retarded. Women love men who dominate their surroundings, which includes them. You sound like faggot simp boy who doesnt get pussy, and when he does gets cheated on a lot and wonders why chicks dont want a "good guy."

implying you are even evolved enough to have a political opinion.

If you arent listening to nick the spick, then you are listening to some form of jewish captured opposition that directs the conversation away from jews.

High T guys dream of a woman they would die for. Once married, women serve High T guys, not the other way around. Low T guys are sex starved, degenerate lust addicts that simp for attention and spend a lot of time cooming. The majority of Onlyfans subscribers are Low T simp men who dont get attention so they need parasocial relationships as a crutch to survive the crushing monotony of their very mundane lonely lives instead of owning their environment.

No, they literally are not talking about pound me in the ass faggots. "Girl Dads" for example are gay by their definition.

Having a wife that wants to be in your life for any reason other than your expensive cars and private jet is the literal definition of homosexual. This is one of Top G's core tenets and he explains it in detail to paying members of his university.

That's not what they're saying tho. They're saying being a simp is gay.

You will not trick anymore people into contributing to their own demise. We are speaking out against the anti-human system of marriage and there is nothing you dumb cunts can do about it but bitch like usual.


If you fuck 1000 women and suck 1 dick you're still a faggot.

Hitler are beta males

his generals outranked him by far
they knew they were going to end up bad with him leading them

Nick Fuentes is a closet faggot and a fed. Anyone who actually listens to his opinion is a retard who can't think for themselves.

Nice try, woman. Marriage is the act of enslaving yourself to a woman with the state acting as the enforcer. There is nothing masculine or domineering about it in any way. You serve the whims of the woman or she tells the state to make you.

You cannot pretend to be manly and domineering with the current system of marriage, you clown.

This. Imagine caring what woman think

fellas, is it gay to love your wife?

How can be a simp to your wife! A simp is loser that thinks giving women attention will get them ass. Being married is the opposite of that. Taint and the Jew sound like total faggots

If you love her more than Jesus, yes.

Marriage was bad before Nick said so.
Him being an obvious fed is likely a tactic to make his opinions look less appealing and to stigmatize anyone going against the feminist police state as some kind of bad actor.

I repeat. Marriage was a retarded act of slavery to a woman well before Nigger Faggot ever spoke of it.

doesn't this dude literally sucked Maduro cock and other brown commie faggots?

Puentes is on the jew pay stub its so obvious. Like 90% of the public face

But we do, private Rodriguez. We do.

What the fuck is a "wifeguy?" Sounds like a superhero from Mystery Men.

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A simp is someone that serves a woman, simp.

Marriage is the explicit act of revoking your own free will so that only the woman gets to make decisions. If you go against here she calls the state to imprison or kill you.
You cannot refute this.


It is a bit gay when baby boomer males have no hobbies and constantly bring up their wives after being divorced over and over. Stupid gay behavior. Gossip is for women and fags.

Marriage is only bad because Jews made it bad. Before no fault divorce, feminism, marriage wasn’t a joke it is now. Fact is, you want kids you need to be married. Kids need both parents. This country is fucked because bitches with daddy issues and niggers with no fathers



A woman can do this if you’re married or not. Look what happened to Connor McGregor.

now THIS is gay

Not a spic but whatever floats your boat Corvin

By not being realistic about the fact your wife is dumber than you.

Imagine marrying a cunt with no fault divorce in play LMAO.

I dont care about them, I despise astroturfed memes and shit on them and you by association.

Andrew Tate says retarded shit

Op gobbles on Tate's virtual penis

Op posts about it here

Op is a giant faggot


it's adam and STEVE not adamn and some goddamn whore with a fishhole
only the male rectum is masculine enough not to be ghay
or somesuch
now imagina a man's ass in these cutie panties

Fact is, you want kids you need to be married. Kids need both parents

They need a dad way more than a mom, and the fact is the only way for a dad to have rights is getting a surrogate. It's just not worth the risk to your kids future to cede all the decision making power to a woman.

reject nick fuentes

Sure, OK. Sounds good

embrace hinkle

Go back glownigger retard

So I guess its safe to say you dont understand how to control a woman, nor are you married. Die malding and alone faggot lol.

Yes. The fake nazi is a communist faggot trying to win "hearts and minds" with his "reject/embrace" kikery

He's right because you're basically a cucked faggot, that's what "wifeguys" are

the thread fills with brown zoomers talking about fake people

Women are the niggers of gender, only we have no choice but to put up with them to create more White children. Otherwise they should be quiet and chained to the kitchen.

Damn. You're making this Nick guy sound based.


tHiS guy NiCk

Low grade shilling. Go back

This. Men need to start having sex with and marrying each other, it's the only way to save the white race.

They should meet up and suck each other's dicks.

Aren't these guys single technically?

Honest question, did/does your mom rule over your dad? Or, does she do what he says?

Marriage is slavery to a woman for a modern man.

Marriage is absolutely retarded and blatantly rigged against one of the participating parties.

Finally someone that gets it. Holy shit the right has been neutered and deradicalized by stealth feminism. The glowies are scarily cold and effective.

She doesn't actually love you

If you love your wife she will leave you

They need to abolish alimony and child support. Women will want out the minute there is any kind of problem. Men don’t get divorce because they will get ass raped in court. Let’s see how willing women are getting divorced with no alimony or child support

They also need to make adultery punishable by jail time

I love my wife.

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if you have a wife, that means you had to have kissed her at some point. everyone knows that kissing girls is for faggots.

even worse if you have had sex with her. heterosexual intercourse is the most homosexual thing out there.

I hate both these fags but they're right. Being a simp is massively gay.

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You’re overSIMPlifying the argument, faggot

I can tell you are not the father.

I can't think of anything more simp than a man unable to take what's his from the jews that took it

needs the little daughter standing nearby with her mouth hanging open

You're gay bro. You're totally not normal.

what happened was Anon Babble took the blackpill that women are total garbage and hate above average white men, and also the blackpill that divorce means marriage isnt the end for sexual competition but sexual competition must now consume everyone all the time forever, and also the black pill that the pastors are all feminist and arent even Christians. after getting blackpilled, Anon Babble prayed and found renewed faith, hope, and charity.
to me, wifejak is a Christian woman, because i would never marry a woman who isnt a Christian. wifejak bypasses the arguments that women are irremediable garbage because she is already your wife and you only need one.
wifejak represents independence and freedom

punch a pastor for Jesus

Anon Babble never has to worry about this because you're all a bunch of fat terminally online incels. Totally worthless. Anon Babble isn't even capable of accomplishing anything anymore like they use to.

ok, but these things are just reality tho. women simply ARE completely garbage, no fault divorce exists, and violence is illegal in the household.

who's fucking for this wifejack shit? it's nafo tier fuck off

Anybody, brown, white or black who follows them and gifts them any attention is gay by default. They are all just grifters.

t. brown

Both of these cocksuckers are Jews

no, you actually don't

Shut the fuck up, incel. Get back to being lonely and undesirable.

In the current system you are deciding to be a house negro or a field negro. Until men have 100% legal authority over their family you are by default a cuck when you get married.

Only islamic countries afford man the dignity and human right of authority over their family, however they have to cuck out hard to the state and allah in return.

I HOPE, I can only hope that some straight guys that follow these people and still have a drop of sanity see this and understand that when people attack gays it is not exactly because "we are gay", but because we are capable of love.

The true redpill is this. Most people in this world have hearts literally made of stone, and they associate love with gayness or frailty.

Liking women is very gay. Did you notice how often gay men like and are best friends with women?

Straight literally means you are attracted to women in a sexual/romantic way.

brownoids never had to go through the monogamous deal through harsh and cold winters

to them, women are just replaceable things.

But Nick is a white homosexual

So I guess its safe to say you dont understand how to control a woman

You have to have the laws and the state on your side to control them. Right no under the current system men can't control shit. No matter how much you larp like the most alpha man alive, if you are married to a woman, you control jack diddly shit, and she owns you.

I get it. I'm still not having it or anything else about women from some gay shitskins though.

All of them were cucks because their national orders lost

i like you guys, you work very hard but honestly noone can tell you from a Turk unless they listen very closely to your language (and even then it's a toss-up for most people).

pastors are by definition not Christian

be gay

or be a cuck

The fact that these are the only two options you can think of says a lot more about you than it does of him

Acting like a fag is gay whether you have a wife or not. Calling yourself “wifeguy” makes you sound like a queer. I wouldnt let you hang out with my friends or anybody I know.

I bet these two have fucked

Whats wrong with loving your wife

Lmao love doesn't mean be a faggot, you stupid piece of shit. Love isn't you enemy you redd*toid homo. I love my dog, does that make me a gay?

Is loving the white race faggot shit too?

I change my behavior to satisfy the desire of women

You act gay and sound like a schizo

I mean... these two are pretty gay, so they should know


As a guy who is happily married with kids, with a father and two grandfathers in the same situation, let me give you some important advice for keeping a woman around.

never love a woman more than she loves you

You can love your wife, but make damn sure she loves you more. If she doesn't, she will see you as a weak simp and lose interest. Its nothing personal, that's just in her DNA. That's all. Its really that easy.

Who are we to argue with hands-on real world experience? If anyone knows about faggotry, it's these two.

Says the guy who responded with picrel to

what's wrong with loving your wife

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But the opinions of women are irrelevant because they have contributed nothing but problems for society.

He’s talking about what a “wifeguy” is, the topic of the thread, schizo

women do not truly love, they are all narcissists at heart. Try to think of a time any women called you not needing something in return or them getting something out of it. Even if it's teenager talk it's fulfilling their needs. It's never solely about you. Accept it an move on.

They're right in the sense that beta cuck men shape their entire personality around the first woman to look their way, or to accept the ring, and abandoned the masculine to adopt the feminine, which throws the whole duality into disarray. Which is what they mean by "gay"

Considering how prone men are to simping, the fact that there is such viscious clapback against foids should tell you more about the foids than the men itself. Mind you, Spic fuentes and that other nigger are still total faggots, no doubt about that.
Also wtf does this screed "what happened was Anon Babble took the blackpill that women are total garbage and hate above average white men, and also the blackpill that divorce means marriage isnt the end for sexual competition but sexual competition must now consume everyone all the time forever, and also the black pill that the pastors are all feminist and arent even Christians. after getting blackpilled, Anon Babble prayed and found renewed faith, hope, and charity.'' mean?


“The Individual Ready Reserve, which stood at 700,000 in 1973 and 450,000 in 1994, now stands at 76,000. These numbers cannot fill the existing gaps in the active force, let alone any casualty replacement or expansion during a large-scale combat operation. The implication is that the 1970s concept of an all-volunteer force has outlived its shelf life and does not align with the current operating environment.”


The Russia-Ukraine War is exposing significant vulnerabilities in the Army’s strategic personnel depth and ability to withstand and replace casualties. Army theater medical planners may anticipate a sustained rate of roughly 3,600 casualties per day, ranging from those killed in action to those wounded in action or suffering disease or other non-battle injuries. With a 25 percent predicted replacement rate, the personnel system will require 800 new personnel each day. For context, the United States sustained about 50,000 casualties in two decades of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. In large-scale combat operations, the United States could experience that same number of casualties in two weeks.

Large-scale combat operations troop requirements may well require a reconceptualization of the 1970s and 1980s volunteer force and a move toward partial conscription.

very interesting graph, so much to glean from it. source, btw? I want to study the data and see if I can draw additional conclusions.

enemy bar quickly drops off as you move away from the hyper masculine, becoming essentially a flat line, while the friend grows linear as you move from masculine to effeminate

so women perceive most men, even weak effeminate men with roughly same level of danger, only increasing for the most masculine of men. This explains their high rejection or mid and lower men for sex/relationships, to them the risk is still the same but the benefit is lower. but at the same time, they're fine with these less masculine men being "friends". this is odd, and I think it hinges on a difference in understanding of the word "friend" between men & women.

to men, friends are people who you share some bond with and can count on. who you can trust to see you at your lowest and most vulnerable and help you, and to return the same to them. who share in the good times, commiserate in the bad times, and to have each others backs and help build each other to be better men. If a man feared that another man might at any time turn and try to kill him for no apparent reason, he would not be friends with him. But women are fine with being "friends" with men whom they just a moment ago rejected being intimate partners with for that same fear of violence. so obviously they have a different definition of what a friend is.

the most desirable mates are not at the peak of masculinity, they are about 2/3 up

This is interesting, yet also logical. the most masculine men would necessarily also appear the most dangerous. so mid-tier men trying to compensate by improving their physique may be missing the mark and jumping past the sexy territory into the dangerous territory. The narrow range of desirable mates also matches up with what we see in reality, with 20-30% of men enjoying the majority of attention from women.

I love women—just not human women
Nuke Israel, gas diaspora

hurdurr dey tuk der blak pil

No, retard. It's called having experience with white/westernized women. Fuck you, and fuck your inorganic female designed thinktank forced "meme"

T.Treated like a leper for daring to exist as a sub 8 male.

What is it about those two that radiates more homosex than a thousand pride events?

mindlessly fuckong any ass that makes itself available and drinking piss out of a public urinal is love goyim

lol. LMAO even. You stupid fucking hedonist, most of you are loveless coomers and groomerd.


Because they call out white guys, they worship women that's why white women despise and disrespect them.
They got domesticated by their moms and now cucks to their wives.
If you ever go hangout with married white guys regardless their wives are with them or not, it's cringe. One time we were talking and that fat white dude sitting next to his wife and whenever any topic in science is opened, he would start chair jumping like toddler and start pointing at her while the other dude is talking, and then at the end he would say "she knows she knows this!!!" because she had a lame degree in science, absolute cringe

Nick would know who's gay or not

They literally have daddy issues.
How was the relationship between them and their fathers? I NEVER see anyone research and talk about that.

Wifejack is the kind of woman where if you talk about race&IQ she will get argumentative and insist it's socioeconomics. Then if you start winning she'll get all pissy at you for the rest of the day and can't believe that she married a racist.

Why would you need to research it when Nick talks all the time about how he's glad his dad is a real man and his mom a real woman, married for 35 years, has a good relationship with them. Always speaks highly of his parents.

Grow up retards. The big problem here is how much of this board is young and stupid as fuck. Stop latching onto these pieces of shit. Yeah they say some heckin based and redpilled stuff wow he even named the jew holy ebin!!!1
How have you naive dumb kids not learned your lesson from Peterson Shapiro or whatever other personalities you formerly worshipped? You're not going to find wisdom on jewlon musks platform from big personalities. For every redpillmaxed skibidi truthbomb faguentes drops he also spews out 5 retarded things. Any gyppo tate supporter is far beyond hope.
I recommend you hear them out and do the same with your "opposition" but stop worshiping these retarded, corrupt grifters.

Also I'll add that Nicks repeatedly said that it's always the guys who try to shit on him, that have daddy issues, every single time. And it's true. Real men who had good fathers wouldn't be shitting on nick, they'd be agreeing with him.

you can tell they're feds because they don't want you to reproduce

Lol, this is impossible. People that have a good upbringing don't give a shit to politics. Only broken losers give.

apart from the mannerism nick unironically has that gay face

his mom a real woman

Why'd she marry a Mexican then?

Lol, this is impossible. People that have a good upbringing don't give a shit to politics. Only broken losers give.

you're thinking of activists.

What does Nick say that's wrong about the jews?

When you pretend to be a normie to own nick fuentes

you get what you want when you have choice, some quality men want a family and a legacy not just whores

Nothing. But you can't tell me he doesn't resent his mom for race-mixing.

Neither man married

Neither man raising children

Both men just grifting lonely boys for their devalued dollar

first it was

trannies and cat boys are based!


vote for the nigger pajeet woman to save America!


if you love and cherish the woman you made a lifelong commitment to you're gay

im starting to think this gay midget spic might be a grift

they are right. all breedercucks care about is pleasing their hambeast wifes. massive homosexuals. cant even leave the house without asking permission first. oh and they only hang out with other breedercucks because the wife has banned them from speaking to their single male friends because all of a sudden they are a bad influence. Nick Fuentes is right. the breedercattle will never endanger their status quo, mortgages, loans and shitty jobs by rising against world judaism because they have to feed their screeching retarded kids. only the incels are a danger to the system because they have nothing to loose and dont have to pretend they like it like breeder cucks do

roundhouse kick wifejak into the sun

A guy who simps for his wife and can't shut up about her.

Nothing. But you can't tell me he doesn't resent his mom for race-mixing.

Mexican isn't a race. Are we really doing this whole "yeah he has white skin, green eyes, looks like your average white guy, but he's not white enough for me because his dad is from Mexico"?

yeah he has white skin, green eyes, looks like your average white guy, but he's not white enough

Is Venti white?

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Nick looks like your average white guy. Venti looks like your average alien.

A better question is: How white does nick have to be before you say he's white?

Fuck off, you fucking nigger

Luigi said it at least a decade ago

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all these seeth post by shills and simps

Truth makes shills go mad.

It's not about whether he's white, it's him claiming that his mom is great even though he claims to hate women and race-mixing.

I think we should return to times when people like Fuentes and Tate were chased away from rummaging through your garbage instead of giving them attention.
Fucking retarded broken people the both of them


Somehow they managed to push an even more obvious psyop than plapjak. You'd think it would be impossible but alas, they somehow managed to do it.

Why wont you post the whole thread? Fag fed figger

h-he's not huwhite

if you look at these two guys and start seething about if the one you don't like is a white then you are a mentally ill loser

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Pussy must be better than heroin, nothing else makes perfectly strong men simp so hard.

i found a clip of nick talking about his own view of himself and what race he thinks that he is

That’s cause they talk like men who fuck little boys.

When will retard milenials realize the difference between living your woman and virtue signaling in a retard social network that you love your woman, you are supposed to do It not to share It with everyone.

living your woman


guys guys I found clip of nick saying your body my choice omg he supports rape guys omg i'm such a detective yeepee

imagine going around saving every little clip. what a faggot

Is Andrew the bottom? Or do they take turns?






(you're a faggot if that isnt clear)

New worlders are such a meme.

I'm shocked anyone is taking the words of a homosexual hispanic ispanic fed seriously.

You are right, but the irony is palpable.

twitter screencap on Anon Babble

it's always some brown faggot screeching about women

if not that then it's cuckold fetish propaganda

At least it's not a Jo thread...

fucking hilarious that there's retards who unironically call him "brown"

Imagine being utterly defeated by a cartoon

you are supposed to

the gay midget and nigger told me

seek help faggot

it's just not funny, faggot

You people (who defend the meme) still don't get it
The argument isn't that marriage or loving your wife are bad things, but that posting humorless memes and bragging how much you love your wife are very feminine things to do.
You are seeking for online validation and at the same time also signal that you are ok with not wearing the pants in the relationship as long as you get to be married

The meme radiates feminine and submissive energy and sadly those gay grifters are right about it being gay, they know their stuff after all

Wifejack is a psyop to get young men to accept the idea of giving up on the idea of changing women's behaviour or their legal privileges.
Young men were raised seeing divirce after divorce destroying men and rewarding women's most disgusting behaviour and they are not going to put more effort than their ancestors to get a wife that's worse than all the women their ancestors married.
Wifejack is always angry and bitching at her husband and the daughter is there just to try to shame men into social expectatives like in that WW1 poster Of daddy what you did when there was a war the expectative of whoever made this meme is for the man to just shut up and become another henpecked faggot.
People here have enough of a brain to see through it

I need to know. Those of you that are in relationships with women that are right of center, do they read shit like this and agree? Or are they repulsed by this behavior? I genuinely don't understand how there are guys that take Andrew Tate's relationship advice seriously when he's never been in a loving non-human trafficking relationship.

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I'm an incel but I'd imagine any vaguely "right-wing" woman would react like pic related

Nick was mocking wifeguys (The typical guys that have no friends or hobbies and base all ther personality in "I have a wife" that they worship). Tate was promoting his pimp lifestyle and his courses.
The two twitts have little to do with each other

The two twitts have little to do with each other

They do, one is the motte, the other is the bailey.


I'm an INCEL with no friends, no job, and an extremely small penis. I'm looking for a good e-celeb to do my thinking for me. Looking for some advice on how to go about this.

1. Who is the best and most popular e-celeb. For preference an INCEL who has never held a real job so I know he understands my struggle.

2. What is the appropriate way to support that e-celeb? Should I just make a bunch of threads about him here and on Reddit or should I try to donate to their livestream?

3. Is it more appropriate to tip small amounts during their shows or should I try to just tithe a lump sum to them on the first when my SSI/SSDI check comes in?

4. Is it OK to have more than one e-celeb crush? If I pick more than one to do my thinking for me should I tithe to each of them or should I split the 70$ (1/10th of my SSI/SSDI) between the two?

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Fuentes is undoubtedly the best political commentator of our time. With that being said, his friendship with the pornographer Tates is cringe and encourages evil. Christ is King, Tates so not follow Christ.

I recommend Brittany Venti

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Neither of these people matter and you should log off for a bit

man you are the russian venti fanboy,i see you every day everywhere, you have like thousands of her photos, show us some leaked nudes and contribute to the community

show us some leaked nudes

There are none

Brown nipples

I've got a very limited onlyfans donation budget and I'm not spending it to see National Geographic tiddies.

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Are you me?

Lmao. I am constantly wishing i saved that 12~ panel of brownoids all saying theyre actuslly white

That is a fish

Nick is white though, ranjeet

Maybe compared to you

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every married dude turns into a faggot or a wifebeater

Why are brown people like this?

Well, I’m certainly getting the enemy part down. So I should play up to that.

reason: user is underage

You know how magazines like Cosmopolitan and Glamour will purposely give women bad relationship and sex advice to ensure their readers stay single, unhappy, and buying more magazines for more bad advice? Tate and Fuentes are whatever the male equivalent is to that.

embrace this based commie who sides with south african blacks and third worlders over whites

if browns are the only none cringe fag simps left in the world, then maybe the white race deserve to die out

The big issue is that white women aren't really cut out for romantic love or really interested in it. Romantic white men wouldn't look silly if the women were better.

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The big issue is that white women aren't really cut out for romantic love or really interested in it

You zoomers are screwed.

Post skin

studies like this are actually chilling if you're J woke, these kikes have been psychologically analyzing us to destroy us since at least (((Bernays & Freud)))

stop making cringe gay memes and posts about it online, especially as this memes screams being a
harmless normie, it saps all revolutionary and masculine energy from the environnement

This. The half-breed mutt is an objectively superior person compared to the aryan dipshit.

Nobody believes you’re a masculine revolutionary, even online.
Something a brown person would say

Yea it's called settling down. But simping for your wife is still gay. I'm not simping for my wife. If she needs a correction I wil correct het firmly.

neck your self you domesticated cuck, every time i see some faggot posting shit like this it screams "weak, domesticated and obedient new male"

A grassroots trend pops up promoting good marital relations

Suddenly the top rightoid grifters come rushing in to shut it down

(((who))) could be behind this

yes, trust two actual fags to tell you about women


You can love your wife without sounding like a complete dork about it & making it your prime directive after marriage. The guys who never shut the fuck up about it are usually lousy husbands or doormats who get cheated on btw

faggot on twatter: "You married a woman? That's gay!"

What the fuck is going on?

They hated him because he spoke the truth

Groypers are literal gay pedophiles it shouldn’t be a shock that the notion of a man and woman in love is offensive to them

Mm, yes, goy.
Liking women and starting a family is hella gay.
The only heterosexual chud activity is taking it up the ass and sucking dick of other chud manly heterosexuals.

love is a construct invented by the coca cola company and exxon

Nobody believes you’re a masculine revolutionary, even online.

i dont care what you believe about me or not, iam not even speaking about me, but about the environment you create, if you want real change you need a serious, revolutionary, masculine, aggressive and totally anti system and norms mouvement, and not some gay "i hecking love muh wife and normie life" submissive modernist gay shit, without mentioning that it is not funny at all and inorganic

Nick is good at being a provocateur, I wonder where he learned that.

You fags are the modernist gay shit.

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So much useless text. Just say he is cute and move in.

id get

Spic Fuentes with yet another incel take.

iam not a nick fan or fallower you braindead idiot, but he is right on this point, address the arguments and not some strawmen shit

intentionally misinterprets a post

lies about what the sentence means

asks a fake incredulous rhetorical question

you people are nigger cattle and you shouldn't be allowed to learn how to read or use the internet

Nothing at all my bro. Keep her safe from tranny monsters though.

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9/10 western women are thoroughly and irrevocably ran through by the time they turn 18 (probably more like 16) and have already fucked up pair bonding
Not to mention the effect of microchimerism
Seeking marriage in the west in current year is akin to fighting windmills

It’s a not a strawman it’s a visual reference of the literal homosexual you’re co-signing.

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It seems like he can say the most banal shit and there'd still be a group of retards absolutely malding over it

thanks for proving that you are he just as shill for
the kosher right psyops, let me guess you also love Zion don, elon and muh hecking nrx and bronze age perverts

Simping for your wife just leads to you getting betrayed and discarded.

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I am less gay than you faggots and I watch gay porn.

I don’t follow ecelebs because I’m not a faggy zoomer and I have a good relationship with my dad. I also absolutely voted for Trump and I hope he does a good job. Don’t like it? Dilate

So you’re conceding to a literal homosexual you have no argument against what he said

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I also absolutely voted for Trump and I hope he does a good job.

He won't.

Please do not marry someone you hate because sooociety says so, do not let people lovebomb you into making stupid decisions

They are right. Women should never be cherished. They should be reviled and invalidated at every turn until they lose their agency.

Who the fuck is this homo, I bet he crossdresses and cums all over himself

Yeah, nah. Keep sucking dicks, you la-la homo man.

What is his argument? He’s a gay pedophile I don’t think he’s really qualified to lecture anyone on heterosexual marriage

kek, the eternal cuckservative strike again, dont forget to voote even harder next time when nothing change

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It's supposed to be private. Marriage and all the inneworkings of that, the feelings, the nature of the relationship etc. and I'll use the term holy to describe marriage as an ideal, as an institution, is a private matter that shouldn't be advertised on social media.

I don't know why such empty tweets deserve so much attention though, like what even is a 'wifeguy'? A man who has a happy marriage and tells stories about his wife? Waste of time talking about this.

p-p-please stay home next time


If memory serves that's the inventor of 9gag, Mark Zuckerberg.

You don't get a wife when you enlist. You don't get to own land, and you barely get paid. Not worth.

Try being an ugly nigger with a five inch cock. Women don't love that.

and neither should faggotry and faggot lifestyle yet that isnt being told to be kept private and is forced on everyone in all aspects of life. yet somehow a heterosexual couple in life and the normal of society aka 98% of the world population needs to keep their normal natural life secret? get the fuck outta here with that tard logic.

well, I wasn't thinking of homosex couples existing in my scenario but you have a point. 'wifeposting' or whatever is meh, being a faggot is way worse, obviously