OTK & Company / Twitch Gossip


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Log anons did miz went active just when emi posted her new Twitter pics?

pretty much yeah

she still hasn't left mizkif247

Emi posted an Insta pic in the new jynx tattoo sleeping with Cheddar so she probably went back home last night to sleep after Miz's stream

see jpg

Then Emi's Insta caption says she watched Arcane last night.

I just watched the finale last night, I’ve been playing Jinx for 10 years (wtf!!!!) and probably wouldn’t be a streamer if she didn’t exist!!

So it seems like Emi went back home after Miz's stream, then watched arcane and snuggled with cheddar.

/b saying she went home and took the cheddar pic last night, but you go to when she arrived at miz's in the vod and she shows the fake tattoo and the part from the insta pic is falling apart there, so she can't have taken that pic after stream yesterday

This has to be bait

Actually sorry I was a little wrong on the timeline I just cross referenced the tattoo and it was peeling when she was on Miz's.

tattoo.jpg - 802x1080, 96.51K

Yeah I caught that too

Brother the rope is your only answer, you are too far gone

I corrected MYSELF I am obviously very open to change.

was taken before she went to miz's stream. It was pealing off by the time she went to his

You are just extremely autistic and gullible

Yeah, look at the black line at the very bottom of the tattoo and compare it to the right picture, the cheddar pic is 100% before she went over

If you look closely to the outline the instagram post doesn't look wear and teared in the outline, when she arrived it looked all messed up, so she took the instagram pic before she went to miz's house

Emi left the channel. About 30 min after miz checked on the cat


Apparently emi and miz both online in wow a minute apart

Damn no stream?

No proof posted yet so don't jump the gun, though without steak & eggs she probably could play a little today before meetings so could be true I guess

Someone in /be said miz was signing the arcade theme song is that true ? (I don't watch tbe whole stream)

Miz title change

Miz title change or his last title wasn't logged on twitchtracker

Miz changed title already

He's been singing it for the past 2 years

he also got TTS with it yesterday

is her bracelet here the one people are saying miz gave her?

Yeah, she literally hasn't appeared anywhere without it in over a month now

Anyone know what brand the purple jumper Miz had on yesterday is ?

teddyfresh, ethan gave him a box of free merch

The bracelet and necklace were bought from the "For her" section, so probably..

If they were bought from that section by anyone else there's no way she would flaunt it in front of him all the time like she has been, not sure how baiters on /b run with that lmao

Should have just looked at the pic here lol clear as day.

am i crazy for thinking this was taken friday night after her stream? tattoos seem super fresh.

it did take her an hour to get to Esfands

who knows if it even was taken at night

i mean it kind of seems like it. shes under her covers.

Mizs purple jumper ?

She used cheap ones for her on stream cosplay

it wasn't because the tattoos were aligned differently on friday. instead of her forearm that cloud was on her bicep. also the tattoos on friday were transparent and looked a lot worse./

bicep.png - 567x692, 419.91K

Maybe yesterday when Miz was doing his sponsor ?

oh then maybe saturday night then.

has miz said anything about emi duo, im not watching?

Good spot

he is right now, said he gets hate playing with emi

Brother it was yesterday after she did her cosplay lmao

What hate is he even talking about? I can understand that last year it was bad with asmons community even sending him death threats over ingame mailing, but this time nothing happened at all except like 5 twitch messages? Either this whole thing is him farming or he sees what he wants to see

The way he's talking, he might be pushing it pretty hard to farm and might actually have wanted to end last night regardless, was getting tilted too but the smirking is kind of going strong today

Mizs purple jumper ?

doesnt this imply that emi left last night?
so miz/emi hung out a while then emi went back home and watched arcane

Was emi's keyboard still there i saw something colored pink when he went fullcam

how did she take this picture? Susge

And he isn't wearing it today, so it could check out. But I also don't really care lol

No, picture could be from last week

look at her pants

its gone

Shes had those nails since she got back from
Japan i think

Grey pants retard

She left the cat cam chat like 30mins after he checked on the cat, she already went home around then

the mousepad

Was that her own keyboard from her setup ?

self timer. phone standing on her lap against her tummy



just said he is going to level with emiru still

Miz leveling with emi again probably he said tho

why is miz's chat funny today? tf happened to the mizkids??

Yeah I'm having a great laugh too

Because the Emi simps got a new cosplay to jerk to so they are chill for now


True the gooners are locked in the phantom zone of twitter for a few days

her last 2 cosplays have shows the side of an ass cheek and now the side of her tit. they are eating

I imagine it just like this but they all have a perpetual kreygasm/stroke face

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id bet someone out there has stitched her pictures together like some sort of sexy Frankenstein to show the most skin possible lol


Thats cooked but so are they so maybe lol

Can log anon make a timeline of miz/emi activity from today?

Insane levels of reassurance, she was literally at his house

I know i just need a timeline

some people just like knowing everything they can bro, it's not about being insecure lol

Not saying it an aggressive manner just think it's funny that even if she was there late night people still think she just went home

I could but I won't because there is no need lol, learn to code if you really want to schzio that much , not hard to make custom vencord addons

no emikif duo today?

Probably not who knows with them though. Also besides that intro rant he seems in a way better mood today

She is probably busy right now but i could see her hopping on later for some hours

maybe later

He did the same during one of the gauntlet streams. Crashed out, then next time they did it he was a simp. Hes just gotta get that shit out of his system

If he's not saying anything she's probably busy, she could be changing those ugly ass nails

For any wow people, is emi online right now? Someone made a good point in the other thread. Wont she be behind if she does not level today?

she's up a level and a half or something like that

it doesnt really matter who is ahead as long as it is not a 5-6 level difference

Gotcha Thanks

he hinted at it a lot. said he will still level with emi but she will be the tank and that he loves playing with her. he also said warrior/warrior duo is good and it will be easy for them to get to 60 this year.

Boring but probably for the best

smart honestly, the rest of otk can just restream it

or Co-stream it

shouldve been this way since the beginning

So its an OTK event with no OTK streamers involved ? Might actually be half decent this year

Willneff is the only OTK streamer involved

idk if Ovilee streams but she is officially part of the org and of course Will. But I agree more professional hosts is a better idea if they're trying to make it a big legitimate event and not just a scuffed OTK prod.

Forgot about Will. The worst part of any serious otk event is always the otk streamers. Like Melee's worst part is Miz hosting it

Like Melee's worst part is Miz hosting it

He can learn, it would use it's identity without miz

The thing they're attempting with tectone in b right now is the saddest shit I've seen

He can learn

he can, but he wont. Put him back on commentary with EE and a pro, then have Will do the in cage shit.

disabled coming to bant for reassurance that the tectone posts are bait

? What?

Emi logged into wow this moment

she's on sardaco's stream

emi on sardacos stream getting coached twitch.tv/sardaco

Anything of substance? Why bring this here?

No it's all retarded, go see for yourself

No just a long dumb post making up quotes and linking clips trying to imply he's talking about miz breaking up with emi when nothing about it implies it then replied to himself a bunch and caught bait on a bunch of guys

I just assume there's a reason why someone would bring that on bant

No reason other than I saw it basically chained like 100 replies in a row about it and it melted my brain a little

How are you still replying to him. There's only ever 1 Irish guy in here and he posts just like ImDisabled. Guy creates fake fights in his mind between miz and emi every night then goes on discord and begs for reassurance that they're still together

You are a legit schizo

She did say yesterday she is going to get coached

He just helped her with her keybinds. She's gone now

Okay probably be on miz later

basically told her what to spec, and rotation.

yeah was actually hoping it'd be more in depth she probably still going to be lost lol

Oh okay

"emi wants to play"


People are gonna call me a simp again but Emi did these quests solo at lvl 19 the other day while Miz is 22 and having 2 healers on him right now.
Haven't seen Miz kite anything yet

So wonder if Emi is gonna level offline now or just log off and play tomorrow

She just messaged miz asking to play

I'm actually not sure if you are an emi simp or just a casual miz hater

emi in his group now

Brother idk what to tell you. I'd say most of us in here like them both and just don't want to do the cringe him vs her thing that happens daily in b.

Most of the time just providing WoW insight since people parrot mizs opinion that she completely sucks

Also good chances that they die in the later rooms of SFK if they don't know how to pull it correctly

The Gestapo is back

I think that title is more deserving for the schizos that watch the cat cam for 24 hours a day

I think its fitting for the german who spends all his time policing comments about Emiru

Damn, the cat cam really left you scarred kek

Quite the opposite as I'm only "defending" her when people are shitting on her when there's no reason to. Meanwhile everyone and their mother is defending Miz even if he messed up

Miz being much more chill with emi today. That's good.

But yea if she's supposed to tank SFK today she's probably gonna die since she doesn't know the dungeon

Is miz gonna be there too?

They're questing right now, later probably

He talked about needing the gym, and I don't know how introspective he usually is so he probably talked to her about his mood yesterday after stream, and how to handle it better going forward with WoW. Might have even spammed offline about not tanking for her after talking to her about how she wants to to be honest, because that would make a lot more sense. It would be weird if they didn't communicate about things like that

And she won a 1handed weapon yesterday, got some tanking macros from sardaco. Kind of looks like they want her to try it now

emi live on alt btw

He said he was nervous for the stream, was the first time they streamed together post fight so I think it’s normal to be a bit on edge, chat was awful, that made things worse

does miz have any macros? lmao

a few, when you see the next on the button in the actionbar

he should also ask sardaco

meant to write *text on the button

Yeah I figured that, think it all played in together and kind of capsized the stream at the end there, I do think they strategized how to make WoW work best for them after though since the fun they were having was getting ruined by dogshit that he hadn't prepped for well enough, for what it's worth it looks like they've already fixed some issues