Why is this so funny?

Why is this so funny?


because we all knew a loser who went that route

Cause you are a faggot.

Stop posting this shit it's too real

The mattress on the floor
The terrible lighting
No windows
The basic white girl poster on the wall
The fact that theres a mirror at eye level
The dirty clothes on the floor

Why is this so funny?

the appearance of being true or real.

Because so many anons can relate to it. In my darkest of hours, I have harpooned a whale. I didn’t even get post nut clarity, I got pre nut clarity when I was overwhelmed by a stench wave that words cannot describe. Even freshly showered the pungent aroma still basted in her folds. This meme crystallized the experience perfectly.

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Pretty much me.
Ok looking guy, shy, introverted.enough money, own appartment.
Basically stayed 5 years with a girl because I was just stuck.
Then fucked a girl from the office because I was alone.
Then other girl.
Probably I'll fuck the girl that sells groceries near to my appartment because she's the only girl I have contact with now.
It's sad, but it's real. Even a fat cow can land a nice guy if they are lucky.

Fat chicks are like pigeons, they’ll take whatever they can get because they don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

Cause it's true

is he ok?

because the state of Western society is absurd

It's better than nothing. I currently have nothing and I'd probably plap a fatty if the opportunity arose. Just keep in your head that there are people with trannies that they actually call their girlfriend. Being outright gay is significantly less pathetic than that. But above both of those, I'd go whale hunting.

Just look at them, don't you find it funny? It represents the bottom of the social and possibly genetic barrel.

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Fucking a fat woman is probably worse than having gay sex. I don't know how people do it.

because fatty

Not really, depends on the type of girl.
I never fucked a hamplanet, but yes VERY fat girl.
If the girls has huge tits unironically will have more guys trying to fuck her than a good looking girl (just because she looks/is easy).
I remember I used to fuck a maid (again, I have very little contact with people), but guys literally would just start talking to her on the street.

Incels made the Chad meme. Incels were always firing back over being made fun of for not having sex by pointing out the low-quality sex the sex-havers settle for so they can simply not be virgins,

It's funny in the same vein. It's funny making fun of men who act pathetic hoping the bare minimum is better than none. None is better and incels aren't worse off.

it's hilarious. I think in my case it's because my ex turned into that at one point so it's relatable

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only to zoomers i guess.


It's not better than nothing. You should not have sex with anyone you would not like to have children with.

because we've all been there

it’s funny because it’s true

It triggered every flag on Anon Babble. Fucking landwhale is like ritual for Man. Archeilogists unearthed landwhale idols as old as early humans

You’re laughing? A lonely balding 23 year old is losing his virginity to a whale and you’re laughing?

Because white niggers are real. They steal and will blame a black guy. They are niggers, they'll pull the race card even though they are white. Modern day Uncle Tom's. White house niggers, yep they are niggers.
200% nigger even though they are white skinned.

I do appreciate the wholly retarded individual that made plapjak a thing. One of the better jaks out there.

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in any case, he has no problems.I have erectile dysfunction at 30

It's the truth lot of us can relate to
If not for plappers, I'd be hiring hookers

a loser who went that route

It's not how it works however

because it's true

is it true mp4s work now?

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pls write jumpscare alert

A 'loser' will just buy the most beautiful prostitutes there is (most beautiful women in the world and be somewhat happy).

'cause plapjack is love, plapjack is life, simple as

And he will not have to deal with shame or drama... so it's a plus that way to be a 'loser'

I'm not a loser because I plap fatties!

I want to rip your jaw off that nigger skull of yours.

its funny and its hot

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True comedy has a nugget of truth to it. This scenario is true for a lot of guys in the current year and it's unique to this time period because people have never been this fat before.

I'd rather fuck a passing tranny than a fat chick


I fug the most beautiful prostitutes in the world. They look like literal angels. The most beautiful women in the world (better than any magazine women)

Highly recommend you take up exercise. Walking, jogging, hill climbing. They are so good for you. When you start to see your fitness level increase you'll think more highly of yourself and be pickier about whose body fluids and lifestyle you share. You may not believe the girl in my video is telling the truth but they most definitely do exist and "Probably I'll fuck the girl that sells groceries near to my apartment" is the quickest way to find one. Once a girl's about 25, if she has a mind to be deceitful you can bring a whole FBI evidence team into her apartment and wouldn't be able to find a trace of it.

t. old man who's been around, lost two fortunes and made mistakes I hope I can convince at least one other man not to make

It's hilarious because this is my neighbor. Sad thing is if the girl would lose some weight she looks like she'd have a decent donk.

I can't want for some archaeologist to find that in a few thousand years.

Shut the fuck up you queer

would you?
have you?
be honest anon

Y’all fucking disgusting fat chicks then cuz I’m a wrangler and let me tell ya the getting’s been good

if you're going to fuck a fatty this needs to be your goal - to turn her out into a proper person.

Even better when you have 'some' money... because then paying 250 Euros for 1 hour with the most sexy women there is is pocket change

It's funny because these are the people calling others "incel".

Before this meme i thought guys who fucked fat girls always had a fetish or something.
Fucking a fat chick without even liking her body seems grim as fuck

So, that was a one time nightmare from which you shudder or you’ve had a few relapses… that’s what is funny about plapping and plappers: who, or which of you are enjoying it?!? Reminds me of people eating some old ass soggy cereal, burnt toast… no one eats that shit out of choice.

Dont hate the plapjak, If you have high T, you need to fuck some pussy. Landwhales are known easy target, and They are Very submissive, They wont Tell Anyone If you Tell them not to, Thats Why we come here on This anônymous imageboards and talk about it.

Agreed desu so how do I get her to lose weight so I can fuck her without the basedboy neighbor realizing?

They wont Tell Anyone If you Tell them not to

There isn't a woman on planet earth who doesn't talk about your dick with her friends after

I would fuck her skinny

HOLY fuck. I typed in "onions" boy and it changed "onions" to "based" dunno if this post will even come out right

Stop gooning for a few weeks and your dick will work again.

t. old man who's been around, lost two fortunes and made mistakes I hope I can convince at least one other man not to make

post more advice, old man. it is greatly appreciated, no cap.

I am 100% sure everything this guy does is staged ragebait.

lurk moar

Landwhales are lonely, like blue whales. Also If They said they fucked some chad nobody Will believe it.

why is the sauce I put on my chow mein a banned word?

Because you're a gigantic reddit newfaggot who got here 5 minutes ago.

No and no.

is that real?
link to original

welcome, newfren

I mean probably but I prefer to think I have a life

I work in the Arctic for $500.

You don't know shit about fuck faggot. Kys.

Damn son that escalated WAAAAY too quickly. You okay buddy?

This is not a form of niggerspeak im familiar with. Must be a southern dialect

she looked almost exactly like that
I also fucked a big chick once but she was awesome, all muscle and built like a Samoan linebacker

Go back, you don't belong here.

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Reminds me of this old video I made with my ex back in 2008... I was fucking her from behind while holding the camera. The TV was on TBS and right when I cum you can hear the Cellino and Barnes law firm jingle in the background. Makes me kek every time I watch it. I kek in the video too.


And then they cope and seethe when they see these threads lol

Please kill yourself

Why are you still breathing?

i might have no gf, but at least i have my dignity

Please, can you post these two plapjacks:
Whale POV, Hotel reception, black guy behind the desk, white plapjack trying to pay for the number, but his card is declined and he is looking at the camera. And there is a whale reflection in the mirror. Absolutely amazing composition

And the second one, it's inside the art school plapjack posing and a lot of meme-characters are drawing the act, but with their own twists and personalities. Love the idea.

I have to get out more, but I feel like I just lack motivation to do anything.
The sad thing is that I used to weight like 90kg when I was a teen, I got around 70kg (and mantained it for like a decade, with some inbetweens).
I have a stationary bike and weights in my appartment, I do like 40/60 minutes of bike everyday, and lift now and then.
Sadly I'm still skinnyfat.

it aint worth much

I get a lot of pussy. I have a 90 lb Dominican bitch that's obsessed with me. I cum faster fucking the smelly 300lb dumptruck ass that literally plaps when I pound her though. The shame I feel is immense

not to some subhuman roach, no
but to me

I have a fat fetish and I find it funny. A lot of the people on bbw-chan do. I've liked fat chicks since I first remember liking girls. I've fucked girls in rooms exactly like that, but I had a great time doing it and mo regrets. The first few times I felt a little doubt afterwards but I got over it, it was probably just nerves. I legit feel bad for dudes like plapjak that dont enjoy fat chicks but settle for them, it's gotta be hard. Me I'd pick a fatty every time as long as she has a cute face and nice tits, no idea why just how my brain is wired and as someone living in modern America I wouldn't have it any other way.

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Genuine truth? Almost but then the stench hit me like a sledgehammer, I lost my boner and walked out

I can't stop you from holding that opinion and I even recognize your standpoint seems an overwhelmingly reasonable one. But I've known people like the chick in the video and there's something about her little mannerisms and matter-of-factness that rings true with the personality type I've seen IRL. I agree his show is ragebait but, at least in the case of my video, definitely not staged IMO. He's not the only person to plumb the effluvial depths of the broken female mind for profit. Back in the 80's there were already people like Ugly George ( archive.org/details/mctv-3-ugly-george-and-robin-byrd-1980 ) and Howard Stern made millions showing off how depraved normal, every-day looking people could be. The truth of people is so much stranger than fiction, especially when it comes to women.

Sure. I knew him.

Haven't, but would fuck a "big" girl but not morbidly obese.

Your evolutionary fitness is miles better than the dudes that screech about tattoos and niggerasses

why do you keep spamming and talking to yourself with vpns? why haven't you been banned?

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Just high t chads enjoying the plaplife


Holy shiet, Thats supposed to be a once in lifetime experience, turning into fetish or standards of woman's beauty is Just degenerate

It sounds like you're got a decent setup but, for me, the exercise never really paid off until I started running/jogging. Lifting wise, all I ever did was standing overhead military presses, lifting the bar from the ground over my head, pumping it a few times, then lowering it down. If you have shoulders and decent cardio from jogging.....I just wish every man knew how good that feels. I'm old, over 50 and at times I've been as heavy as 255lbs. If I can come back from those kinds of fuckups anybody can and I hope they do. For me, jogging to music I like just a half an hour a day 3-ish days a week is enough to keep me sassy. And I try to eat well, too, no soda or shit like that. Sending good vibes your way for progress on your goals, fren.

This is me.

Got with a girl like this to cope with my oneitis for some tomboy online.

She is obese and has 500 mental illnesses. I don't find her sexy but my dick is broke anyway. The problem is now I love her and she is the only thing keeping me from going NEET. I've had my heart broken so much I can't bear to lose her. She is so loving and there is something about her even though I almost broke up with her at the beginning.

It's been 2 years now. I'm hesitating on moving in with her and I hate thinking back to that tomboy oneitis and how I would married her and bought a house for her without question.

My gf will probably dump me when she finds out I love calling people fags and niggers in vidya voice chat and that I post here. At least I got her to vote for Trump.

I don't disagree that there are people with atrocious outlooks, but that every single time his guests end up having the most abhorrent takes can't be a coincidence. I don't think it's necessarily staged in the sense of scripted, but rather that he interviews these hoes in DMs, and then pays the most contemptible ones to get on his show for clicks, knowing full well in advance what they're gonna say (and how he's gonna retort).

It's a twisted sense of reality
You see, water seeks its own level
This is true of beauty as well

A good looking person deserves a good looking person
The ugly take what they can get

Our world has twisted this as the pornography industry has stolen our women from us
Most of those ditzy low IQ hotties on Pornhub and XNXX should be working regular day jobs where men such as yourself have access to them

Women date within their own social circle - which usually implies economics

Never forget what they've taken from you

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