/smg/ - Stock Market General

V-shaped recovery brought to you by giantess edition

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Previously on /smg/

Bros is WW3 starting bullish or bearish for the world economy? I don't want any more wars...

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Fuck Mexicans and niggers and jews

I took a big loss this morning, but almost everything else I've bought today went up bigly on the same day, but I can't sell because I'm out of settled cash and the trades obviously haven't settled.
This shit had better stay green, or I'll go full Occupy Wall Street tomorrow.

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I would prefer my giant girlfriend to walk around barefoot

Boring market general

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There will be no ww3 stop being such a fucking pussy

Markets today

you know, it's very suspicious that it was The Jew who reported this...
I have been torrenting and seeding for many years without any VPN and I have never had to deal with something like that. The Jew had said before that he never torrents stuff, then he does it one time and BOOM "Woe is me, the big companies are going to rape me!"
Almost like he's trying to scaremonger other anons not to torrent... very jewish hmmm...

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Obtuse V this time around.

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I hope not, those biden admin fuckers want to send nukes to Ukraine.......

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Buy Gamestop stock

My girlfriend says I have the softest feet

Gamestop is a $3 fair value stock, please stop shilling your garbage in /smg/ and go back to biz meme fag


Finally get to play Stalker 2

Waited years for it

Its just ok....

Video game markets are bearish right now

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The only video game I've played since 2015 is civ 5

in 15 min it will be above 5993 again

fair value

OK, be honest. Who's holding WRBY?

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i like women


Made for paizuri.

The only vidya I've played since 2001 was Mahjong and 2048 that comes with Gnome.

Looks like an escalator. I'm in.

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I'm up 95% on LUNR. I moved them to my non-meme account.



Pretty sure cash on hand =~ $14/share

Should I get some BGS calls for Thanksgiving, or is it too late for that?

I'm seeing a nasty trendline break and right shoulder on a pattern ending around GLD 218-222.

Their revenue is decreasing year over year, physical media is dying, gaming is dying in general just look at posts like and video games are dead

back into the 68s

back into the 68s

back into the 68s

Get some LW for mashed potatoes.

Idk about any of that.
I'm just saying divide the cash on hand by outstanding shares

Made another 10% today, almost back to breaking even.
My trick so far has been doing a little charting then buying slightly ITM calls/puts. I exit positions around +- 20%.

what a shit crab market today

chicken Cordeau blue for lunch.

Smg irrationally hates gme because we were talking about it for all of 2020 and missed our moon tickets therefore its going bankrupt. Boboism is a mental illness

ramen for me


I'm not retarded, I can make my own mashed potatoes.

Because growing girls are awesome

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kick ass, BLESSED.
how have you decided between a call and a put for a given STOOK or ETF and which side of ITM to the STRIKE to you go with?

I had
with a little bit of GRAVY (a lot really tho).

I believe the second half of that sentence.

buffet dumped another 25% apple at all time highs

Everyone knows this markets going to V aggressively at close. I've already taken my longs.
What's the hold up? Only a couple hours left.

I have pretty much exclusively been trading SPY.

Notice the skin color


Excuse me fren, crabs have shells, not skin

is that you CHWY anon?


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Why are billionaires dumping so much shit lately? Feels more active than usual...

All Alzheimer's research is a plagiarized deadend

This flows through to Alzheimer's scamcos

What a shocker.

They are coping because America is at ATH's but they know Jack shit about non American companies

Apple is a dissapointment lately. They failed to deliver on VR and car. It's also late to the AI party.

You can do better.

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Announcing they are moving t9 intel chips in 2026 was pretty funny

I love going on stocktwits on days like this to read all the schizo cope.

Someone posted it there. I hope it's real kek

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Bro I've been making mashed up popatos for my extended family's thanksgiving celebration for years. I'll give you my recipe.

1-5lb bag of red bliss popatoes
1 bulb of garlic
1 big can of college inn chicken broth
1 stick of butter
half a thing of cream cheese
heavy cream
1 bunch of scallions
salt and white pepper

So you wash and half ass peel the potatoes because it doesn't even fucking matter if there are a few skins in the potatoes, you just want to get rid of the vast majority of them.

Cut all the potatoes into cubes, and boil them in the chicken broth, if the chicken broth doesn't cover the popatos, just add water until everything is covered.

Peel the garlic and throw all the cloves in with the potatoes, and cook everything until the potatoes are soft and cooked.

Then you strain them, and put them back into the pot. Add the butter and cream cheese. Mash everything and add splashes of cream until it's as smooth as you want it. Add salt and white pepper to taste, then fold in your chopped up scallions. This recipe can be made non-kosher by adding a little bacon fat at the end if you want to keep the jews out of your popatos.

Here's my recipe
1 bag of instant mashed potatoes
add some hot water

Thank you, this is the most useful post I've ever seen you make.

Enjoy your microplastics.

could have retired with VT and earned a million dollars in dividends alone


Micropenis stock trading

I don't understand the joke

Your recipe sucks. I bet it can't even be adjusted to keep the kikes out of your popatoes.


Has to be a trust fund. No way you get 71 million with that kind of risk management.

currently they rely on TSMC's cutting edge chips. They literally get the first batch of 2nm technology. Intel is more than a decade behind that.

And they want to swap to intel in 2 years lol

I'm actually impressed, i didn't belive either half of your sentence, I figured gookfu handled all the cooking

Gamblers fallacy. The only retards that can get that much to risk are too retarded to sell before they get there. People that will literally never sell

Kek did Tim apple fall for the Taiwan fud?

A lot of people are. Even Warren buffet is convinced there will be war any day now and keeps missing out on gains

Is OKLO a shitcoin?

I'm making scalloped potatoes this year instead of mashed. I just am, that's all.

Maybe this person got to $71m by doing stupid shit. Although if I had that much money I wouldn't even play stock market anymore.

Yes, same as SMR. And nuclear shitcoin season is getting long in the tooth.

If they're only in SAVA shares, they probably only got there through risky shares (or options on TSLA or NVDA or something). Starting at, generously, $1m, that means they earned a 72x without getting shrekt. No way.

Yeah, dunno. Maybe it's a trust-fund baby who got lucky multiple times in a row. Kinda like a more successful version of pic related.


you need to spend more money on defense, eurocucks!


russia invades Europe


Europoors are sheep and trump their Shepard

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CLF tranny. He made a good money on this trade and then lost all of it playing options on SPY

I still remember the Germans laughing at Trump when he warned them that they were too dependent on Russian gas

Alright.. we’re pooling our shekels together to buy a small european soccer team. I’ll find us the little Mexicans, Japs and ngubu’s.

Although if I had that much money I wouldn't even play stock market anymore.

I would my lifetime goal is 9 figures.

It really feels divine when greedy fucks can't balance into index funds

Oh man, I didn't know he got facedoxxed. Didn't his dad work there or something? Or did he pick it just as a random steel company?

facedoxxed? He was shilling his twitch stream constantly in /smg/

yolo the entire 71M on 0dte

Christ, what a retard.

This is why I won't share my twitch stream with you guys, or even say what game I play

Kek, I'd forgotten all about this dumbass


in 2021

Dude could have put it in SPY and had $2,000,000

he wouldn't have made that much money on CLF call in the first place if he didn't have an overblown ego. He held this shit through some huge dips. Imagine how confident he must have become afterwards. He probably thought it's impossible for him to lose.

Not mashed with gravy ?

I've actually been accumulateding CLF since Trump's victory.

Nuclear stocks taking a pounding.

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He's probably having a ham because his family isn't a bunch of kikes.

Faggot needed to be humbled. I work my ass off saving money and sissiphusing myself up the fucking mountain paycheck by paycheck. That fat fuck got what I'm trying to get by my 50s and pissed it away out of greed

Buffet is getting rid of his wordly posessions and donating to charity, people usually do this for peace of mind when they are very old.


Imagine of that dude just got 60% VT and 40% IUSB like a fucking beast before he dies

Maybe LRCX

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Unironically, steel might be the right play. CLF produces mostly HRC though from what I remember, and auto industry is not so hot nowadays. I'd buy NUE if I had to choose.

Just trying something different this year. I'll have plenty of gravy with my turkey and stuffing though

reminder folks, this is STILL president joe's stock market and i'm STILL ridin' with the madlad

he will going all in on berkshire stock. liquidate everything then pump his company to infinity

elon should hook him up with some neuralink to keep this bull market going

chicken cordon blue was 3/10 wouldn't buy again.

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What else are they going to use to make the barbed wire for the concentrated deportation camps?

You make the scalloped potatoes when you're serving ham and don't have the drippings for a gravy retard.

I don't think they will be that huge. I expect a very quick rotation in those camps. If anything, I would invest in CAT. I mean, something has to dig all those mass graves right?
Trump could of course try to cremate them, but I don't think it's possible to burn 2m bodies within 4 years, even if all of the USA crematoriums were used.

CLF is the only US coompany that makes the specific type of steel required to make electrical grid transformer casings.

got to $100 a month in divys

This is kinda cozy

Who the fuck eats ham for thanksgiving?

Using tractors to dig the mass graves when you have millions of idle Mexicans

This is why nobody takes Poland seriously.

europe is likely imminently doomed. oh well, the stock market will carry on as usual anyways.

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stock like tsla, pltr, nvda, mstr goes up a lot because it's in a bull phase


I get 70 dollars a month from 20,000 dollars in a money market account.

I never met a mexican, I thought they are made up

Unamerican pieces of shit, like Kathy Hochul.

Mexican's are mostly fine especially if you don't get involved with them.

I remember hating him because he was fudding PLTR for his muh steel and got a cult of people who thought CLF would go to infinity.


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Generic positive message

Hyper entitled

The american woman.

That's terrible, damn

dem arms

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my frozen pizza futures took a real beating in the power outage

It's 4.5% apy.

i liked the part where the chud punched the sheboon in the face

$10,000 emergency fund gets me about $40

$14,000 USB gets me that last $60

Meant iusb

I think i'm gonna buy a lil

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Reminder that you can get divvies every single day

Nice movement by the guy.

I know but there's some cozy about owning literally every bonds in America
Except municipal
Fuck states bonds. I'd invest in India and Egypt before I buy bonds from fucking California lol

Remember the daily "divvies are your fren" and "if you need a bit of cash, simply sell some stock" posts. Wonder what happened to those anons.

Reddit just found out about SIGA

Dividend anons are retarded. I love dividends. But I just bogle and own them all.

Probably died of regret together with KO boomer.

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I bought the top today for Robinhood. Dude who said to buy puts at open was right today. But I bought calls :(

Who was KO again

They're probably all taking the Monkey Pox medicine because they've been having gay sex and infecting each other with the virus.

no clue who exactly, he never migrated here with us. He might have died of heart attack after PARA turning out to be a value trap.

some guy that bragged about how he was going to retire early working a government job making $22/hr.

I still chuckle when I remember laughing Korean anon. The fact that he's rotting in a jail cell in Thailand is fucking hilarious

I wonder what kind of person you have to be to post on post purge Anon Babble /smg/.


How did it go today?!?!
How did it go over the weekend!?!?

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A shitcoin fan who thinks "this one's it".


Even investing like a dumbass could have gotten you 9% in gains over the past month, plus over 20% annualized dividend return

I went from -2000 to +900 and finished at + 150

Squeezing for the sake of squeezing or are those clades doing a lil sum sum?

MAIN keeps on climbing and GOOG investors finally remembered that this globohomo behemoth is actually worth something.

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+1.68%, sold today and will buy back in on the next good red day so I don't miss out on the Santa rally
Indian, I reckon

Up 0.37% for the day

gamestop bags

ate some MCD over the weekend

Mostly meme stock fags and pajeet shitcoin scammers
Which is really funny considering they have some weird conspiracy that the poos are out to end game stop

I still don't get that one
How the FUCK is it already 3pm

I think I should just stick to buy and holding

This is par for the course. It's a really easy pump and dump each earnings call

up $4k
down 16lbs
dont have to drink every night anymore

feeling good bros


Why do you care so much, faggot?

YPF 3 year chart

i regret not putting more in the things that were basically guaranteed to go up. now im looking at almost 30% green for a pathetic amount...

I hate seeing anons lose gains to inflation because they're not bullish enough

Like 0.3% on active trades.

Sold: HTCR (too slow), PDYN (stop), SRRK (profit taking)

Mostly crypto, index puts, and fintech dampening gains today. Roundtripping on PDYN was particularly niggerlicious though.

The Schiff has sailed.

Nothing wrong sticking to SPY + paper trading while you figure things out.

What do you think went wrong? Bad entries, no stops, too little diversification?

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Needs smaller boobs

They and VIST combine the magic of Argentina with the schizo nature of oil and gas.

captcha: WARP

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Seras is renowned for big boobs. In this age of anti-boob hate, I remain steadfast.

did GME report today?


The weekend sucked the weather was shit. The weather is still shit. We went from normal autumn cool to get fucked 100% winter record snowfall and cold as well. Absolute slap in the face I was not prepared at all. Last year it didn't get like this until mid January. Also in middle age now I can't tolerate cold weather as well. When I was younger it was no problem. I was invincible. I laughed at -30 C. Now? -10 C and no sun I want to quit my job and move south already.

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Ty anon. I'm on mobile and that website hates the Brave browser.
Also no twitter on my phone.

It's next week. The stock always pumps leading up to the earnings report and then either collapses or slowly dumps for the next month. Rinse and repeat for the baggies




Same day as Chewy. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Also in middle age now I can't tolerate cold weather as well

Same, this is some kind of bullshit. In past I could go out in a t-shirt when it was this cold outside. Now I sit in socks and warm clothes indoors.

Oh shit a US Navy anti-submarine aircraft just flew over my house!

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I prefer my quantum computing scamcos to be halfway legitimate, like IONQ, thank you very much.

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What stocks can I buy in Atlantis

God I fucking hate gamestop, /smg/ used to have standards

chart says their 99.8% down from ath?

Blindly putting too much money on one wild guess
Probably due to overconfidence, I've had a series of small victories and I figured I could win more with bigger bets. Bad idea


They usually fuck off until earnings calls. The company is beyond fucked. They couldn't be profitable even after closing an assload of their worst stores. Last earnings call they announced that they were another round of stores and even more than last time. They have no guidance going forward

You'll love the honkiest of all clown world price spikes to ~$120 then.

Out of respect for those quads, I'll say ships and submarine stocks: BWXT, HII, AUTLF, and mayber GD.

All they have to do is dillute redd*t retards every other earnings to stay afloat. They are basically donating money to ((((Cohen))))

I kind of miss the anon who posted these. I hope they are doing well these days.

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Yeah, sizing can be tricky. A few axioms that have helped me are: there's always another play, there's no such thing as a sure thing (remember SAVE?), and that even Soros' "bet as much as you can, you undersized pussy" approach only ever translated into him risking like 20% of the port.

The market owes me sex but it's fun by faggots

I need TSLA to go back down to like 270 please
can you guys stop buying until then

They've diluted an absurd amount. Something like 25%

You can do worse than coomermaxxing with PLBY, RICK, and VSCO. Mix in GRND, COVCF, and PLCE too while you're at it.

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But uh...they're selling repackaged physical copies of retro games now or something

What was he arguing? Just buy and sell div stocks based on div dates?

what do you guys think of my cheese toast?

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And the price hasn't fucking tanked, it's complete bullshit!

He never argued he just shilled his general

yep, literally free money

Looks cute anon
ah yes, i member now. I lurked during covid but wasn't investing yet so it was less consistent.

Looks good, I like the plate it's served on too.

It's perfect

checked and pls share recipe

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Would eat
I made a grilled cheese sammie last night with some sharp cheddar and a little bit of leftover ribeye I sliced up

To be clear, that was a coomermaxxing ETF. If you want to niggermaxx, that's things like CXW, GEO, SIG, EZPW, FCFS, BF.B, LVMHF, and, of course, UONE.

All I know is this shit here.

i used multigrain bread from 85c Bakery (i can't eat american grocery store bread) and then it's just some sharp cheddar that i sliced off the block
toast your bread, then on the least-done side arrange the cheese nicely for coverage. broil in the oven until the cheese has melted sufficiently
sounds bomb! love leftover beef sandos
also i don't know if anyone remembers but i'm also turkey sandwichanon

Hmm, oven actually makes lots of sense. I always pan fry with pancetta and cheese. It comes out tasty, but cheese is always fried solid in the process.

You only made one? Comfy looking plate.

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it's over

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It's in stealth mode

You only made one?

yeah the cheese is very rich and i would be sick if i had more. it's a good brekkie or lunch with a cup of black coffee. also the bread is like $5 for 8 slices so i like to ration it out

Comfy looking plate.

thanks we've had them since the 80s

Use this as your filter

smg|stock market general

SCOOPS sabootaged them.

i would be sick if i had more.

My nigga getting sick from eating two slices of bread with cheese..

Good recommendation, they're still alive it seems

-Byzantines in 450 AD

ROST chads stay winning

i somehow started getting more expensive food after all these crazy gains. its no wonder poors are fat when all their stuff has corn slop in it to make up for a lack of good ingredients

the early millennial must've been psyopped out of so much gains by movies like Fight Club and Office Space.

In 1999, when SPY was at like 150 (this was considered a bubble, lmao) and median home price in California was $211,000, Office Space was telling millennials to quit their tech jobs to go touch grass and work construction.

Hope this didn't actually happen to anyone

yes. yes I did.

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Do stock options gradually lose value throughout the day or only at the end?

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that's just pee

KSS randomly mailed me $25 in Kohl's Cash with a note from the CEO basically begging for my business a couple of months ago. Not something a healthy company does I would guess. I did get a couple of pairs of sweatpants with the cash, though.

That's what they get for being GAY and believing they can gender jump.

The oldest Millennials didn't graduate college until 2003. Most of us just ate shit starting out in the great recession job market.

You're thinking of Gen X. They were the Fight Club/Office Space/Falling Down/Clerks crowd.

Theta decay of options is constant, like your own inexorable march towards death.

Adjusted for trading hours of course.



have your firewalls breached

drop 0.04 poo sent then go up 0.8 poo sent AH


With anime it can be whatever you want it to be!

Oh shit, it's OKTA all over again isn't it?

TSLA down 25 bucks today

Does God hate me?

Put lasers on a nigga 50’s when it’s game time, you’d think its Dame time, put them Blazers on a nigga.

Tech jobs and basically anything in the office is dead anyway. I was told a position was 'entry level' but they actually wanted displaced boomers with 30 years of experience.

he keeps anime pictures of a BBC in his computer

Already up 42% on this v shaped recovery. Bought it because I’ve owned supermicro mobos and they’re good lol

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Women owe me sex

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millennials were in middle school jerking it to christina aguilera in 1999 m8

Nvidia owes me VRAM.

these are the people giving you financial advice on /smg/

Hey anons, just found another $2k to add to my broker.
Any suggestions?

tech jobs in california were absolutely fucking decimated when the dot com bubble burst.
I’ve heard stories of people living in RVs or becoming homeless because they were some kind of liberal arts major that knew HTML or some shit.

it’s probably a much more extreme version of what happened in 2022 — there were shitloads of bootcampers at the start of the year, and by the end it was hard for new grads to actually find any jobs
senior engineers that got laid off in 2022 could find jobs after a fair amount of effort, but it was still usually with a step down in pay as opposed to getting dumped all the way down to entry level roles

senior engineers that got laid off in 2022 could find jobs after a fair amount of effort, but it was still usually with a step down in pay as opposed to getting dumped all the way down to entry level roles

Yeah like I said "30 years of experience".

Makes you wonder how this will progress with the advent of everything AI.


that sounded fucking brutal, dude
there was probably multiple guys with that much experience competing for those roles
anybody mid-level or entry-level probably just got fucking washed out

thoughts on IBM?

"it follows btc!"

btc is actually much lower than it was when MSTR was 392 last time

aren't you not allowed to speak about that stuff?

Seems a bit risky, even if it probably will do ok.

BA is fine, too.

Is it finally time to buy Bond etfs?

he bought bonds

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it would be impossible for them to be in sync. stock and crypto markets are two completely unrelated systems

not yet moneypenny


Women owe me sex


not really.
I forget the exact way the terminology works, but chatGPT is currently “complementary” not “supplementary”
as in, it may speed up your workers but it can’t outright replace them.
anybody that’s actually worked with that shit knows it can just pop a feature into your standard 100,000 line project with 12 dependencies on foreign proprietary services.
it can help you sort and filter the output from it though, as long as you check that it properly understood you

TGT is good if you want something with little risk.

I'm seriously asking I have no idea how that shit works.

SAVA bros, what happened???

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i dont know i just wanted to talk in a funny sean connery voice

Remi and his wife deserve to be convicted in a court and executed for their crimes.

the alzheimer's pill...worked? or maybe it didn't. I'm not sure.

the alzheimer's pill work. ed

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They forgot to go up haha.

Turns out their drug was fake and gay

Everyone lied and the drug doesn't work. It was all a scam for money. The shorts also scammed the stock when they didn't know if it worked or not. So scammers on all sides. And to top it all off it made it to a phase 3 drug trial showing that even scam drugs can make it that far.


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I'm pretty sure the drug worked. I feel a lot better actually.

I'm pretty sure the drug worked. I feel a lot better.

Choose file


Never change, smg

thanks for the template

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oexploitable.png - 1291x961, 840.59K

Now this is the kind of fun we couldn't have back on Anon Babble

If TLT gets just the tip above 93, it might push all the way to 95.50.

I was indifferent to bunny girls until I played Night of Revenge. That game gave me fetishes I didn't think I had.

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Stared at black cock long enough to make this

What does /smg/ think about yieldmax ETFs?

How does this differ from a money market fund in terms of end effect?

original artist is AIPotions I'm sure he'd get a kick out of this

trading meme stocks headed by ubertards

god I hate you fucking niggers who do TA on an etf like this. YOU ARE RETARDED NIGGER!


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he keeps any kind of pictures on his computer

men only want one things and it is disgusting

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it's gonna miss. hobo maxxing and temu maxxing is the current meta.

way ahead of you anon

missing spade nipple coverings to really push it over the edge

Anon wouldn't know what the fuck I'm talking about if I said /ZB 118'20 or /UB 125'30. But guess what? The same rules apply.

You dumb coon.

Anyone start a position for Chewy earnings next week? I haven't bought in yet.

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Musk doesn't own Uber yet.

/smg/ hates anything that could potentially make you money.


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It's up to you whether you enjoy the security blanket of money regularly sent your way or instead it bothers you that they Jew you out of several percentage points in total return.

That would 10 kg of gold and a share of BRK.A or that word for when time stands still but things are flowing in perpetual motion.

I've thought about SnP divvy etfs but exxonmobil during a dip seems like better opportunity.

i already owned stocks in middle school and i never cared much for movies so the psyop didn't work.

I gotta ask, what do you mean by it? Why Elvis pointing up?

Which etf did you buy?

I bought TMF last week.



whats the deal with brk a shares


oh dam, I never thought of trying out yahoo’s search before

Its a piece of paper that´s worth over 700k

he doesn't get PAID in WMT gift cards for searching

Most of us are

I can tell by the constant amount of GAY shit and obvious NIGGERS.



I know that he is not a NIGGER or a FAGGOT even if he is GAY because he is a BASED provider of consistent ALPHA and HELPFOOL advice.

early bake