Bro I've been making mashed up popatos for my extended family's thanksgiving celebration for years. I'll give you my recipe.
1-5lb bag of red bliss popatoes
1 bulb of garlic
1 big can of college inn chicken broth
1 stick of butter
half a thing of cream cheese
heavy cream
1 bunch of scallions
salt and white pepper
So you wash and half ass peel the potatoes because it doesn't even fucking matter if there are a few skins in the potatoes, you just want to get rid of the vast majority of them.
Cut all the potatoes into cubes, and boil them in the chicken broth, if the chicken broth doesn't cover the popatos, just add water until everything is covered.
Peel the garlic and throw all the cloves in with the potatoes, and cook everything until the potatoes are soft and cooked.
Then you strain them, and put them back into the pot. Add the butter and cream cheese. Mash everything and add splashes of cream until it's as smooth as you want it. Add salt and white pepper to taste, then fold in your chopped up scallions. This recipe can be made non-kosher by adding a little bacon fat at the end if you want to keep the jews out of your popatos.