Do you cook at home bant?


What are we cooking big guy? Looks very good btw.

no i hate cooking and i only consume microwaveble slop or snacks or takeout

5 nights a week usually
Weekends are for eating out

Unless it's a special occasion

Cleaning up is pretty annoying, but there are recipes almost as simple as microwaving your slop.

5 nights a week

What meals are you cooking?

it all either takes thrice the ingredients or thrice the time or thrice the money to cook so nah i don't want to bother, cooking is a hobby and not something you must actually constantly do in order to survive and not starve in the 21st century

it all either takes thrice the ingredients or thrice the time or thrice the money to cook

how can you be so wrong lol

you're just biased and you will push your pro-cooking agenda no matter what so i don't even want to argue with you, a packet of hotpockets that cost 2 bucks and take 3 minutes to heat up definitely are extremely expensive and take a lot of time and skill to prepare

how often do you eat rye bread?

Want that so badly. Why is it that everyone here seems to be such a good cook..

That Runescape cookbook is $17 right now on Amazon

Potatoes with cheese are in my future

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a packet of hotpockets

That's processed shitty food which are not good for you but you do you bud, no need to argue.

Gibs chocolate cake

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