This is shiftymine, a twitch streamer. She is 100% Italian. I don't know what exactly you would classify her as...

This is shiftymine, a twitch streamer. She is 100% Italian. I don't know what exactly you would classify her as, but there is no way in hell you can look at her and tell me that she's white. I'm 75% Italian from staten island and get mistaken almost all of the time for a muslim. I live in California, and customers at work frequently run up to me speaking in Spanish, assuming I can help them.

How can people still be pushing that Italians are white in the year 2012? Italy is so divorced culturally from the rest of Europe that there's no way in hell you can look me straight in the eyes and tell me that I'm white.

there's no way in hell you can look me straight in the eyes and tell me that I'm white.


she gotta be jewish, these milkers come with a cost.

Who cares? She has nice big tits.

she have nudes yet? she looks like she is about to eat herself out of simp bux.

she isn't remotely white
mega cope. There's not a person on earth that would reincarnate as a shitskin, given the choice, including you, deracinated one.

She looks like a fortune teller.

kinda but she mega blurs her nipples for some reason and I'm pretty sure she has a colostomy bag.


She SHITS into a BAG.


snakkies :3

I wish I was the bag

Both of you are just Siculo-neapolitans. I curse the day that damned and delirious concept of 'it*lians' was invented and spreaded.

Conceptualize the aroma

why? looks like typical med
whites aren't just northerners, nip

you are

You forgot to change your flag, you slanty-eyed dumbass.

italians and spaniards get beaten to death in poland

why is this thread so funny

looks pretty White to me. White is a broad label, no one is saying she looks Scandinavian.

Mediterranean fetaniggers should be put on the same refugee boats they keep trawling back to european soil and be sent to africa where they belong.

well... happens sometimes. But they were mistaken for indians

also this, i thought you live in california?? dnc ricenigger.

She has definately had a nose job and face work. I would reckon to say she is a kike.

There’s a very short POV video of her in missionary position with everything uncensored. You’ll find it if you want to.

Ziza di ragazzione

Why are they blurred nigger?

Italians are just Syrians with less sun exposure

Italians aren't white! I have a tan!

Why do you care so much about race?

she looks like a dumb cunt who belongs in an smelly brothel

i don't want to be a brown person. Whites invented the modern world

if i can see the viens in the honkers, thats white enough for me.

That settles it. Everyone knows whites have pink nipples, she’s white

Why did you change your flag? You're insecure about your race? Stop being such a fag.

in the year 2012

We got ourselves a time traveler.

you're a paid shitposter with a vpn

May i see these bags

Reminder she spent an extended vacation in Dubai for "reasons".

Koreans are basically white too, hello fellow Y T man

She is White

she also has a colostomy bag that she shops out of every picture she takes. so you better be into playing with and smelling shit if you like her.

She’s Mediterranean

She is 100% Italian.

No she is not
She is clearly semitic in origin based on her phenotype

southern italy as a whole is semitic

She is 100% Italian

she's 80% booba, 15% arab and the rest is italian

No, not as a whole
There are plenty of White Italians of Roman/Latin descent even in the South
However yes the South is filled with terroni

will she get bullied in germany?

i seen her IRL and and some dude randoly says to her ''i seen your titties online'' . She was about to cry lol

im pretty sure doing onlyfans is some sort of demonic selling your soul deal.

The "Italian are white" thing was a jewish narrative. They also claim arabs and jews are white, and they aren't.
Thanks for posting op

theres no such thing as 100% because Italians aren't a RACE. Its a COUNTRY that has been invaded a fuck tonne of times. It the ultimate MUTT land.
She appears to be of Arab blood.

I don't give a fuck about this dumb cunt.

Italians are fucking jews. Fuck ratalians

True jews been in Italy mixing for thousands of years

sure you did, bro

My penis, her vagina.

What colour can nipples have besides pink??

Porta Potty?