Garlic and vampires

what exactly is it about garlic that makes the vampires so scared?
should one make sure to consume as much garlic as possible as an european?

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1. Antibiotic
2. Strong smell, animals hate it

there are no vampires faggot.

how new here are u? we all know what vampires are an analogy for

Yes there are, my girlfriend’s one of them.

Its kills toxoplasma on lymphs which is the origin of communi... pardone, vampirism

Garlic kills (((parasites))). If your butthole is itchy or you're gay, eat a lot of garlic

and having light shined on them (discovery that they're a jew) kills them

bottom right picture

holy moly what the actual fuak thats a demon!!

blocks your path

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Garlic extract and garlic tablets were found to be effective in the treatment of murine Toxoplasmosis

Garlic is healthy for humans. Not for demons.

ask a kike why no garlic & what it does to one of their many diseases

Ignoring your cringe analogy, garlic is good for you. Children and idiots were told that garlic wards off evil to trick them into eating it. Same reason we lie to children and idiots about religion, so that we can gaslight them into doing what is good for them.

garlic is very good for you and especially allicin, the compound produced by exposure of smashed garlic to oxygen. so if you really want to get the benefits, you take a raw clove, smash it and let it sit for 15 minutes or so and then eat it. it's not super pleasant but it's great to do when you feel yourself starting to get sick

you can also put garlic in honey for extra magic powers

if you read vampires as a metaphor for forces stealing our vitality and draining our life energy, garlic is a potent counterweapon to those forces

t. greek who reeks like garlic

cringe analogy

nice try, vampire

links on allicin

stay healthy anons! fuck a flu shot, just eat garlic and turmeric and ginger and citrus and green tea and honey and chili peppers and get sunlight and skip a meal or two every once in a while and remember to maintain a connection with God through regular prayer.

eh, im not sure about that one, a lot of those old tales, like grimms fairytales were about morality,It's like saying Hansel and Gretal was about not eating candy and not the fact that the witch was luring them in with short term pleasures

vampires/witches are just codewords for jews

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notice the jew star he is wearing

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Queen Elizabeth famously avoided garlic like the plague. I wonder if it's actually detrimental to health. I personally consume it a lot since (((the literature))) says that it helps with blood circulation and shit. Any experts in the house?

he has a long crooked nose

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She's an actress you chud.

I'm more interested in ((frankenstein))

Scientist with jewy name defies God

creates golem

golem runs amok

golem kills creator

Mary Shelley was based, and Byron wrote the precursor for Dracula at the same get-together. It was basically a chud Anon Babble party.

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So vampirism is a parasite? Kinda makes sense.

pretty cool looking back at these and their clear messages

the compound produced by exposure of smashed garlic to oxygen. so if you really want to get the benefits, you take a raw clove, smash it and let it sit for 15 minutes or so and then eat it. it's not super pleasant but it's great to do when you feel yourself starting to get sick

is it fine to chop it up finely after letting it sit? so it becomes smaller pieces i can eat with my food

garlic is vampire psyop
not only garlic has anticoagulating properties, weakening blood clotting mechanism that's a problem for them, you're basically seasoning yourself
t. vampire pro

I gotta see if jews hate garlic

listen to this guy talk about a music manager trying to sign him. hes literally saying as the black guy stalled on signing, the manager got more and more agitated over the phone and eventually his voice turned into an Imp like demon screech "sign the deal sign the deal!!!"

vampire aren't real , can we stop talking about things that don't exist and concentrate ourselves on the ZOG, they are the real issue not vampires

link with timestamp, listen to the imitation of the voice. sounds like an imp from world of warcraft.

Things a Transilvanian would say

I'm serious, and even if they were real the zog would still be the main problem

there is nothing left to discuss when it comes to jews.
zero reason to trust them, zero reason to ever listen to them, zero reason to ever coexist with them.
nothing more to say.
