/smg/ - Stock Market General

Fighting the giantess menace one thread at a time

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a lot of nothing

Imagine the jew who made this
I can hear the hand rubbing

he thinks bitcoin bullrun is over

Thank you OP and past OP's for keeping my "Misc smg". That way if anyone forgets the title in the future and they actually bothered to copy the OP it will still allow the thread to be found.

Do people even brawl violently in the consumer pits on black friday anymore?

Vanguard-gentlechads not included

very accurate meme

It still happens for very limited items.

buying things

Funny enough we might be in the error of bonds. US market is giving 5%

Buy TMF fags.

pic related, my TMF trades

I member that video.

I can buy but I don't know when to sell

I'm kind of reaching the end of the road with dumb shit to buy. Have enough decent clothes, got enough amenities for my home, already play the same vidya. Could always use new books but those never really go on seasonal sales. All of the nice crap I really want to get requires more money anyway.
Maybe I'll try to get some canvas print of something to hang above my bed.

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lol upside targets are not really relevant

Resolve to buy less goods and more services.

I bought a starter for my car. Don't think it was on sale. That's what I will be doing with the holiday weekend Installing a damn starter in 30 degree weather.

droopin some moar rn

We deflating....AHHHHHHHHHHH

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Short Mexico and Canada

excellent advice, soaplands are a great service

so now everything is going to collapse and SPX is going back to at least 3000.

aw shit is manifest destiny back on the menu


it's good to know there are celebrities who have also looked at the water left over after boiling some hot dogs and wondered what it tastes like




My (imaginary) Bunker will save me! Right?

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Ok but...

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I cannot take this anymore
I'm saying everything I've said before

How come nobody every tried to win the game by just fucking her brains out?

Just imagine yourself to be Bear Grylls instead and then you can figure out anything anywhere on the fly no matter what.

i wonder how red tomorrow will be

I bought calls today, so blood red.


Yeah if you have no preps or bunker better off just enjoying WW3 and trying to have a little fun before you die. Duct tape instead of MRE's.

I'm not hauling shit.

But as per Jewish tradition, I am investing in the TradingView Black Friday sale: tradingview.com/black-friday/

bear grylls is fake and gay

Well done, anon.

Kinda based ngl

I bought calls today, so blood red.

And here we go...

but don't believe his lies

time to drink my own piss for peak cinema before heading back to the hotel



I have a bunch of BEANS
ur mom is fake but not gay because she is always texting me wanting to ride again but I tell her fuck no we are done ever since she had a kid and I'm not paying child support.

This is why BTC is going down now. She could have saved you

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I wonder if she just randomly stood next to a power cable.

I have a bunch of BEANS

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Why no ones made an h game of it yet is beyond me.

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how much gains do i need to get a gf like that

Ah shee mang muh muhfuckin bertcoin coulda finna be doing a lil sumpin sumpin real pumpin bullshiiiit if we bruthas wognawabong voted for Mamala and shizzzzz nuh fuggin fell out the DAMN coconut tree cuh

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I thought I saw one on F95zone.

BITX nood

My nigga cornering the eggs market.

how are they just allowed to parade around conventions like this and you're not allowed to just gang fuck them right in the aisle

I have a shitload of TUNA too
not to mention other stuff.
I keep it all rotated using the front and replacing the back.

Based bread


holy Gino


Extreme autism detected


TSLA will be sub 300 by end of next week

are we not gonna talk about that AH dip?

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not until tomorrow morning

I did up here:

we're not going to talk about that at all.

MrBeast provides first new look at his new $100m Amazon series

How is this nigga still getting support despite the bad allegations?

Extreme autism detected

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Is all you have to do to make giantess is draw a few pixels on a girls ass or photoshop a city around them?

Leftist love FAGGOTS+.

If this is grooming teen girls on discord tier drama, nobody actually cares.

If this is grooming teen girls on discord tier drama, nobody actually cares.

This. I will say though… it is kinda sad watching p diddy get canceled and arrested for things we all have done…

Glad I sold MSTU and MSTX this morning.

Money talks and bullshit walks.

trump won woke is over.

Damn I'm only $1470 away from a new net worth round number
FYI: probably a top signal

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Were you the guy who said he bought at close on thursday?

All of my stocks are up after hours so I don't care.

I'm gonna buy a bunch of gme and sell before earnings and make a handsome profit just like I did in q4 2020 and basically everyone that's going to screech about it is a newfag redditor that needs to go back.

Do you mean that people who shill GME are redditors or the people who get upset when you buy and sell memestocks are redditors?

I don't think so but I've bought and sold it twice over the last ~week due to the FREE ALPHA CHAD here providing a daily stream of FREE ALPHA so maybe it was him.

Shorted TSLA 100 shares @ $338.26 after hours. Already up over $300 kek.

That sounds sus. So what was the point he told you to buy MSTX and what was the point he told you to sell?

votes are still being counted for house elections

America is cooked

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He doesn't tell me anything I don't ask moar about, he tells the entire general what he's watching and buying and selling and anyone can make of it what they will. I sold because my positions were green and he had nothing to do with that part at all. There's nothing sus about him at all
is what he is.
Are you even here?


getting defensive over a simple question

You're in a cult.

(it's over)

I'm literally here 12 hours a day 7 days a week and I have no idea who you're talking about

musk will likely require all $tsla shorters to be drafted fyi.

You must be looking through an AXON NIGGER EYES DISTORTION FIELD then because he's here every trading day just handing out
and helping anyone who asks.

You type like the NIGGERS and JEWS anon
Is that who you're talking about? He/you makes terrible trades

NIGGERS AND JEWS anon and am talking about someone else and I have been buying his suggestions and selling them green.

She looks like she needs to be milked

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I think the smg on biz is more embarassing

Damn, most of that thread is incomprehensible gibberish. Is that what we look like to outsiders?

I have 2 $325 TSLA puts expiring Friday that I forgot about until market close last Friday. I was down $4k on them. Now they might print lmao.

Why are markets dumping right now? More WW3 escalations?

I still don't understand 'decay' for shit like TQQQ and SOXL. Like I understand that it has no support because it's an etf, but it seems pretty obvious in long bull periods you buy when low and can sell when it's higher, months later. The hysteria about decay should it enter an extended period of bearishness and fail to recover to previous highs doesn't make sense to me. Obviously if you bought TQQQ at 88 in 2021, you'd be fucked in 2022.

At least blockbuster is dead.

we are just gap filling and now we are recovering
don't worry about it
can't be leaving holes in the chart to get in the way of the next leg up

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gap filling aftermarket and overnight

anon, I...

reddit mega bullish on MSTR

It's over. MSTZ to 10 dollars.

No one cares what you "think". Here's a list I have that is largely but not completely made up of his suggestions that I have traded over the last ~week. Maybe seeing the tickers will cause you to see through your NIGGER DISTORTION FIELD and remember
ur mom joined and is constantly begging to be one of my concubines.

you didn't even point out the part where the gap was already filled earlier in the day anyway

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just buying random shit and etfs

I think I will have an early piece of that pumpkin pie I invested in

and selling 96% of it green

against my better judgement I got a key lime pie

where giantess

I’m making apple crumble this year since nobody likes pie. Surf and turf instead of turkey, too.


Bed Bath and Beyond is still around bro, just gotta go to Mexico now if you want to shop there. They can still turn it around.

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I understand forgoing the stuffing, but turkey is a tradition you heathen. You going to eat chinese with the jews at christmas too?

brutal prefrontal cortex mog wew.

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once a year for turkey is too much. never eating it.

remember to think about your waistline this thanksgiving
try one small portion of everything, and no more than one plate

try to phonepost and laptoppost at the same time

on Anon Babble

finally get a captcha after failing 20 times

"posting from your phone has been blocked"

For fuck's sake this website is such a gay totalitarian shithole now.

fuck phone posters
they should permaban anyone with reddit or X cookies too

That's because you don't know the secrets. Like often on mobile the top posting form doesn't work and you have to quick reply.

Damn I just ate two thirds of a whole pumpkin pie

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If it crabs or is not bullish enough it will lose value. They operate with leverage which isn’t free. Like margin or options.

we talkin COST size or kroger size?

KR size

I literally phone post all the time lol. I’m doing it right now.

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Yeah I still don't get exactly what that means. Obviously if you bought the top you would lose value, and being an etf there is no support and no reason for it to ever go back to where you bought. But that should be obvious. Unless they literally start selling your shares from under you to cover their costs.

Got to put in work to practice for gluttony day
I saw a fat girl race up the stairs today and she tripped and ate shit hard at the top step it was hilarious

I would have eaten the whole thing, except I ate the first 1/3 on Saturday
Now I need another pie


thank goodness you weren't behind her or it would have been a real Indian Jones moment

hello /smg/
I spent the day updating an interesting macro indicator from a blogpost 10 years ago

this uses available FRED data to effectively look at what proportion of investor allocations in the broader economy are put towards equities
plot this vs. the subsequent annualized 10yr returns and you get a surprisingly good correlation, especially considering it was posted in 2013
in my recreation I adjusted slightly by accounting for the broader trend of increased weight in equities over time from 401ks, etc.

the simple observation is that when entities are heavy in equities, subsequent returns are poor (overbought)
when everyone is low in equities (oversold), expect better future returns

data suggests entities are overweight in stocks right now (top 9% all time)
and thus it's predicting annualized nominal returns of -0.77% over the next decade

listening to a 2000's rock playlist and remembering i hate 90% of these songs. fuck green day in particular.

i have dutch apple waiting for me after dinner
i picked up some premium vanilla at GO to go with it


MSTZ is going to be wild when bitcoin finally peaks and drops 80%.

for me it's the unabashed frat anthems
shit like bloodhound gang and

So you're saying it'll be a crab decade because people are too heavy into stocks?

gen x,millennials and zoomers btfo

boomers win


Lol imagine being at a workplace with a job like some kind of nigger. I was at an airport going on my 6th vacation of the yeat

the simple observation is that when entities are heavy in equities, subsequent returns are poor (overbought)

when everyone is low in equities (oversold), expect better future returns

is this not just...
i mean you DID say simple but that's breddy much all there is to it isn't it? There's only so much money INVOOSTERS are going to INVOOST before they take profits and wait for the next good DIPARINO to start buying again.

listening to a streamer who has made at least 300k this year fail to pronounce "colostomy" because she barely graduated highschool

2010s chads get in here


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this guy wants to be an american idiot

Rage with the machine bro

Yea its going to be the 1970s again we already figured this out. Eventually stocks will stop pumping but they will never dump

fuck the foo fighters too.

Thanks. I will now shit up Anon Babble more aggressively.


oh no Dave not again!!!

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They killed kurt

Selling some NVDL, what do I buy?

listening to "music" made after 1827

you didn't like "The Pretender"?

I'm eating a caprese salad

merry christmas ya filthy animal

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Caprese Martini

choosing a 10 year timeframe is what makes this just overfitting to past data IMO.

Like we know that stocks did really well from 1980-2000 (two ten year time frames) and the 2001 crash and 2008-2011 downturn were nearly ten years apart as well.
So picking ten year time frames lets you very neatly make a model that tells you
1980 - 1990 good
1991 - 2000 good
2001 - 2010 bad

when we know that's not really what happened, 2001-2010 was bookended by downturns with a massive bullrun in the middle.

Still, this is really interesting, thanks for posting. I'm gonna keep an eye on it.

"Volatility decay" just means that the more volatile an investment is, the lower its compounded return over time is. It's not about leverage specifically, but leverage makes an investment more volatile.

basically, yeah
stocks going nowhere or even slightly down on average for 10 years while inflation says hot seems more likely than a (blow off top) -> crash -> recovery to me

I'm just surprised at how damn accurate it is
beats out other indicators he references in the blogpost like buffet ratio, CAPE, etc.

2 more weeks

i knew there were some zoomzooms in here but how do you not know chris cornell

Ah, ok, so the trick here is that we should be paying close attention to that factor. I understand the basics of the principle because it's more or less common sense but it never occurs to me to track it. But even then I wouldn't have any idea how to know when its reached high water.

wtf is this AH trading? Why the pump at close and later only to dump 40 points and now recover 20?

wtf is this AH trading? Why the pump at close and later only to dump 40 points and now recover 20? Anybody? I was asleep

They are mogging us with their ACHR gains.

It's up 24% today


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Sometimes it NIGGERS
and sometimes it JEWS

oops, sorry, kek didn't realize I posted twice.

I was wondering the same thing, would expect slightly worse
when I get some time I'll try again with 5, 15, and 20 year windows and post results in the off hours
fwiw I'm not a stats wizard or trader myself though, just someone who casually researches macro to balance investments a few times a year

he also sorta touched on fitting alongside inflation considerations in a follow-up post

reddit bearish on tsla because fuck musk >:(

reddit was bullish on mstr but now they're bearish because it dumped a bit

same with nvidia

Damn dude they are the most paper handed bitches I've ever seen.

somehow they are bullish on SMCI, an actual scam

it has a liquid chain

june 2025 10c at .48c

my god, look what jerome has done

The jews.

Pretty sure just last month Goldman forecasted ~0% returns on equities for the next decade as well.

Or, in webm form...

ordered Indian food

Local place I used to go to a lot, haven't for a while due to work

Got Tikka masala, veggie samosa, garlic naan bread, and extra rice

They put fucking cilantro in the chicken curry sauce........

This is bearish, fuck

indian food is disgusting.

We really need a baker to update all of the links. Some are outdated, some don’t work, some aren’t useful.

For no extra pay of course.

They put fucking cilantro in the chicken curry sauce

See now that's just a crime. Jeet needs a visit from the health inspector for that.

I purchased a new tea flavor today. Tetley brand Rooibos with vanilla. That sounded hit or miss when I read the label. I am drinking it now and it's a miss. This is not a good combination. It's not so bad I'm going to stop drinking it or throw out the package. I will drink the rest with a vague sense of disappointment,

You can find lots of indicators which will confirm or refute some thesis on any chosen timeframe. You can find lots of indicators which work for some period and are plainly wrong for some other period. You can always cherrypick indicators which will confirm your thesis.

Indicators are irrelevant data noise and you shouldn't base your investment decisions based on them.

some don’t work

I just tested them (for free). Every single one still works.

gib xochi gf

Because they're facilitating illegal border crossings into America.

ok i prolly shouldnt've eaten all that pumpkin pie

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ordered Indian food

not even once

ya goose

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Chop chop

I kinda get that part, but would it make more sense to make China tariffs 30% instead of 10%? They got way more money than Mexico does...


Why does cilantro taste so bitter and disgusting?

Save some for Thursday you mongrel

30 Seconds to Mars' first album was fire. Everything after was shit.

I'll need to invest in a new pie

My armchair analysis is that its hard to bring jobs in China over to America. They use slave labor to assemble shoes for the west. Too hard to get that business in the states. Mexico however has agriculture and auto plants that could easily be moved across the border.

exhibit 'A' of why conversations about what futures are doing overnight is fucking stupid

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My mom is making a pumpkin pie and an apple brown betty.

my dutch apple investment just paid a modest dividend of one (1) slice and i took an option on a scoop of vanilla

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No you just post >futures
and a random webm. do you not know how the stock market works

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just go up the thread and see the posts asking about why futures are dumping,
but yes I fundamentally agree with you

Indians arrested for doing 'bike taxis' in the middle of fucking New York City


Migrants are not just eating pet cats and dogs, but picking up wildlife like squirrels, ducks and swans at parks to eat them


Illegals are using stolen shopping carts from Home Depot to make bootleg street food vendors


Mass deportations better happen sooner than later cuz this shit's getting ridiculous now

of course - many traditional macro metrics are red hot though
buffet indicator (stocks vs. GDP): +2.15 stdev above trend (top 1.6% all-time)
CAPE: +2.00 (top 2.3%)
mean reversion: +2.01 (top 2.2%)
10yr interest rate comparison: +1.33 (top 9.2%)
longest 10yr-3mo yield inversion ever (now surpassing the great depression)
unemployment crossing the 2yr moving average (sahm rule triggered)
continued retraction of leading economic indicator reports
junk bond spread at prior peaks
housing overvalued (picrel)

there are some I find that are more promising:
margin debt levels as % of market: +0.15 stdev - very normal, not like 00, 08, or 21 at all
household debt payments as % of income is at normal levels

I'm a boglehead for retirement, but most of what I find suggests being conservative with my mid-term investments for a future housing/land purchase
or at the very least, don't expect continued returns like what we've seen lately

They're trying to start WW3 before Trump takes office.

fuck meant for

ww3 is a meme but more importantly the turkey trot rally is in danger.

Two more weeks

wars started when they took office

Short Mexico: EWW

Short hotels: HLT, MAR

Short housing: XLRE idk

Long staffing firms: ZIP, TBI, MAN

Long airlines (we're flying them to Rwanda): UAL, DAL

Long jails: GEO, CXW

and, of course


nickelback is so classic.

i think it was Texas or GA that declared terrorist org status for the migrant gang that the illegal who killed that nursing student was part of
then it came out that he had been sent to GA on a plane paid for by NYC
so basically the NY Dems are committing domestic terrorism and it's time for a civil war

Libtards will cry, American soldiers won't give a shit, Xi's conscripts will tang ping, Putin will walk into Kyiviev, and the dune coons will just overrun Israel. Big whoop.

Nothing. Ever. Happens.

Blessed. I do the same.

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I fucking gagged, what the hell is wrong with China dude

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$tsla mooning in after hours now

$300 on shorts status?

Futures are flat now.

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+0.4 poo sent


Japanese companies are passing on rising labor costs to business customers in the form of higher service prices at the fastest pace in 32 years, according to Bank of Japan data that support the case for raising the benchmark interest rate.


noooo we can't hike, we must wait wage negotiations

People need more money, higher wages, then hike

wages get hiked

inflation also goes up

real wages flat if not negative

didn't hike rates


Yes in 2043 when the markets start recovering from THA GREAT HEEM TO COME.

overnight trading

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no chin and no prefrontal cortex

I think the ISP range ban is actually a 3 day timer on your cookie age
I’m sure I can do some clever tricks to abuse it, but I think I’d honestly just prefer migrating to kiwifarms, lainchan, or dubschan

You know the prefrontal cortex is a meme. Jews also don't have it and look at them. They own it all.

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indicators are irrelevant data noise

"I agree with you but - here are some more indicators which confirm my thesis"



Damn UN and Nato are hellbent on starting a fucking world war to spite Trump. Even Russia was telling south korea not to kill their troops or else...

futures green

this market deserves a nuke

jews only have 40% of power so that the 60% of elites have someone to throw under the bus. It's happened 109 times. The majority of their success is only because they make great scapegoats

No one is going to do shit to the US because the entire world is 100% dependent on MSFT Office365 for literally everything. We have the globe by the balls and it knows it.

Killing Alex was the worst decision of L O S T.

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do you guys think jerome has ev

he definitely has ed

Yes I think he is known as that. I just know him as

We know he has gd because he was spotted at a concert.

Seems more like a warturtle kind of guy

any one indicator can mislead

this is more what I was agreeing to, hence posting a larger number of them to provide more context
including two that disagree with the others
figured as a japanon you'd be very weary of decades with poor performance

plus if macroeconomic data is worthless noise, what do (you) use then anon?
just focus on individual companies?
channel your esoteric animal spirits?

she has those soccer mom knees

Greece has cheaper 10y bond than the US

That's because hardly anyone wants Greek anything. When there is high demand for something the prices go up.

Hopefully just backtesting 200ma before turkey trot

she can prosecute my weiner if you get the cut of my jib.

I'd like to see Garland in undies also, we need to know that our AG can throw a punch like Harvey Dent does in the Dark Knight.


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It was pretty dark for a primetime tv show. Worth it just because of that.

If you followed the most popular macro indicators you would've bought bonds in 2022 and got rekt or stayed out of equities because of inverted curve and miss out on 2-year ongoing bull run.

plus if macroeconomic data is worthless noise, what do (you) use then anon


Tony Sycamore_IG


A few thoughts on Trumps tariff news today - which is contrary to todays sell-off in risk assets.

Trump announced today that he will introduce an additional 10% tariff on Chinese imports, along with 25% tariffs on goods from Canada and Mexico, effective from his first day in office. The move is intended to tackle issues of migration and drug imports into the US.

Leading up to the November election, Trump hinted at potentially raising tariffs on Chinese imports to 60% or higher if he secured re-election.

As it stands, 60% of imports from China are already subject to tariffs, averaging around 17%. In this context, today’s announcement could be interpreted as risk-positive rather than negative. For the following reason.

A 10% increase in tariffs on China would place the average tariff rate at 27%, which is significantly lower than the 60% he threatened during his campaign and well below the consensus of 40%

New cope about Trump not keeping his promises just dropped

Eat Japanese curry like a weaboo almost white man. Maybe chicken cutlet, plus eggs plus cheese and some naan.

That's it
I just took physical delivery on a vanilla bean ice cream futures contract.
1 contract = 5 scoops

I dont feel confident but maybe I'll be profitable this week (had $100 equity last week)

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What are some sites like Yahoo Finance Comments and Reddit where I can laugh at bagholder?

you got lots to learn about 'merica kraut, first off is that politicians breaking their promises are priced in to the equation when we vote for them. We only vote one way or another because we like the direction, not the exact promises. Midwits are the only ones fooled by the promises broken, but thats only the young ones, I suspect older midwits grow wise to politician's overpromise and underdeliver, and just simply choose the better direction, and an overwhelming majority of americans knew that ol' oakland Kam was running on a bed of shattered promises from 4 years ago, can't fool us dumb americans twice.


Jetto Jetto Jettoman
Let's go tobidase oh
Jetto Jetto Jettoman
Chojin Sentai Jettoman!

A very good investment
I recently purchased 1 gallon of special eggnog flavored ice cream shares. They're a cyclical investment, only available in Q4. They are currently in my buy and hold portfolio, but probably not for long

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can't fool us dumb americans twice

george w bush [x2]


cracks open the WMT app

It's one of the KR flavors

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Bobo, are you okay?

It’s hard not to get cookies and cream for very time. Egg nog already tastes like melted ice cream imo. I love it too

Stocktwits is the king. A little schizo but if you’re here you’re fine.




But who am I kidding. We're heading for "technical deflation."
All the stats point to it, yet things you pay for are not getting noticeably cheaper, maybe even more expensive.
But the statistics and data, well, you just gotta trust the science behind those.

my point is, if there can be a "technical recession," there can also be "technical deflation."
like a recession without mass unemployment,
a deflation without price decreases


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Oh dang I won't pay their prices.

There are way too many gacha games. Looking through the games on play store and theres so many.

oh ya like we're gonna boot bush outta office after 9/11, we only knew he was full of shit after the fact. we were high on patriotism long after 9/11, hell if Jeb ran after dubya, he woulda beat obama in a landslide

There's a digital coupon available right now. I already redeemed, sir.

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Jeb's chin disqualified him from ever being president. It's tiny, recessed, and very unpresidential. He may have had a shot if he started mewing in his teenage years, but by the time he was in his 30s it was too late.

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EXPLAINED. How the economy is suffering from "technical deflation" and why companies are raising their prices for goods and services to combat it.

That's what so stupid about people not having voted Harris.
You voted Trump a second time. Did he deliver on his promises in his first term? The wall? Did he drain the swamp? Do his current picks look like there is a draining?

And don't get me wrong. Politics here also is stupid. Scholz as chancellor candidate for the SPD for the next term is like political suicide of the SPD. Absolutely braindamaged. And Merz is shit too. I'd unironically vote for Habeck if I could. Considering the health of the global economy, the relations to china and china's economy, the rate hikes, the efforts to change the german economy and industry, the energy price difference, the german economy IF we go by GDP is still pretty ok. Change cannot be achieved without pain and hardship if the change is inherently aimed at being less destructive (towards the environment).

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This NIGGA fell out of a coconut tree

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"technical recession,"

Well "technical deflation" would be an inflation of -0,1% if we'd go 1:1 comparison.

Oddly enough, jeb is the one drowning in Latina pussy though
Shout out to AOC, my favorite congressional big booty Latina

That's what so stupid about people not having voted Harris.

Harris is a dumb nigger. Simple as.
t. Joe Biden voter

I almost forgot
*the political infighting in that coalition
*the current constitutional blockade to print debt

sucks being 800 iq and you belong nowhere.

GME shill on the right..

He should have known better. That guy is wearing >LoNSDA(P)le

OK checked a few more time windows:
R^2 values:
5YR: 0.362
8YR: 0.615
10YR: 0.768
12YR: 0.821
15YR: 0.737
20YR: 0.527

seems there's a sweetspot in the middle
too short and you get more noise
too long and it's too slow to match the quick changes, flat/overdamped

Picrel the perfect government. I don't accept any protest

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I like p-values more than R^2

Just figured out that all I have to do is get some Great Value vanilla ice cream and Great Value egg nog and mix them.

8-15 years is also kind of too ridiculously long of a timeframe to be all that useful for practical investing strategies

Peter Lynch says 5-7

5-7 years for what?
as a practical investing timeframe?
I guess that’s fair for individual stock picks, given how warren buffett invests
however, the anon was using overall macroeconomic indicators and so much shit changes in 8-15 years

Indians are true ARYAN chads. They fear neither train nor river, kek

cot.png - 744x858, 65.66K

From the context it sounded like he was saying that was his average expected turnaround time on big plays.

5YR: 0.362

8YR: 0.615

That seems suspiciously close to 0.382 and 0.618 golden ratio numbers

hilarious we have a government pretending to tariff our neighboring countries 25% and cut the federal government by 80%. exactly 0% of that will happen. keep buying stocks.

new highs are coming.

I'd rather vote for General Butt Naked than Kamala Harris and half the country feels the same. It's amazing how inept the democrats are

any news reported by women is trivial enough to ignore.


Fuck yeah I'm getting high right now in a public restroom

I'd rather vote for GBN than anyone else on earth.





Why did futures reverse?

Well this explains why you are here all the time but do not even NOOTICE the greatest source of FREE ALPHA here.

NIGGERS buying from JEWS

I don't associate with niggers and jews and since you decided to tripfag with that catchphrase I associate you with niggers and jews

Good I don't associate with DEGENERATE DRUGGIES.

Look at you so out of your gourd on DRUGS you quoted my same post twice. GET HELP. JUST SAY NO TO DRUGS.

nah I think our patriotism and love for the Bushes woulda carried even jeb over the line. Jeb will need the right stars to align like post 9/11 to have a chance