white woman moment
White woman moment
I'm literally shaking rn.
What white woman?
That's what she gets for asking a doctor they all say to quit smoking too and to eat kale
woomen cant face consequences
its not just women
men also live their whole life and only learn that "Liver" exists when its already failing them and going out of comission
just how "casual" was she
cause my pops is what I would describe as functional alcoholic for a good 15 years now and no liver problems yet, at 65
good one
"social drinker"
What does this mean? Is this just another fancy way to say alcoholic?
by social drinker she means getting black out drunk and leaking semen every weekend.
I guess that kind of damage happens when you never allow your liver to regenerate
That's a dude!
That's what I'd like to know. Are we talking about a glass of wine after work every few days? Or are we talking about several, everyday, and getting pants shitting drunk on the weekends?
Cool wine aunts btfo
social drinker?
She is kinda young to get liver damage by 31 as a SUPPOSED social drinker. Maybe she is a full blown alcoholic though.
I remember my dr asked me how much I drink, I said usually 12. He said that's too many in a week, I said no Doc that's everyday. He just left the room.
Too much of anything is bad for you. Moderation is key.
Probably needed a drink himself
Assuming she's telling the truth, there are other things that are hard on the liver. Tylenol, some types of supplements, etc. You have to be careful about what you combine.
it do be like that
I'm not built to handle this gay world sober.
be alcoholic
call it "social drinking"
Clickbait article
My postman told me not to check my mail everyday, I was shocked to find out why
There is always "girl's night" at some bar, anon
Having 3-4 alcoholic drinks per week is enough to destroy any female liver
She's barely White
Bad genes
Actual White people can drink and have strong livers
I've never heard of anyone having liver problems that's a thing that only happens to the most degenerate alcoholics that drink vodka 24/7
wine auting is dangerous job my uncle was wine auting before he got arrested
At one point I was getting through around 30 drinks per week but it was still “social drinking” cos I was just getting blind drunk once or twice. Didn’t have a great impact on my health
social drinker
And I'm sure, like most modern women, two bottles of wine consumed alone every night of the week while you scroll social media counts as "social drinking."
You might be on to something here, many medications are extremely hard on the liver
I bet she's on some jew medication and blames the alcohol instead of the meds
social drinker
three litters of vodka in weekly basis
I've never drank alcohol in my entire life
Why do npcs feel the need to drink poisons just to stay sane? Why is it necessary for npcs to drink poisons just so they can talk to other people without being awkward?
Social drinker
Sitting at home getting shitfaced errynight while scrolling Twitter and Reddit
What? Its social media
Why are you in a White country?
Oh right, jews, that's why. Pic rel.
It's a way of saying "light drinker, only occasionally with friends" but, like most things people lie about it because accepting that you have a problem is hard.
This board cannot go a nanosecond without a obsession about white women,I wish everyone who makes and participates in these thread cartel torture or worse
Women cant handle alcohol, which is why it was banned for them in ancient times
Probably just a mix of meds and alcohol
She can report to my BBC anytime
yeah calling bullshit, I was a full blown 5th a day alcoholic for like 6 years, quit at 32, liver was clean af on scans.
I'm a literal alcoholic who's been hospitalised for seizures multiple times. I'm older than her and my liver scan this year came back normal. Feels good to have robust genes I guess.
I've looked into it and most people who get liver disease do so after around 10 years of drinking a fifth of liquor every night.
Even taking a few days off drinking weekly negates the risks of liver disease substantiality.
Lady was either full blown alcoholic, or was genetically prone.
clown world keeps delivering. that being said she's a victim. women are like children, they need protection from their husband but nobody is there to protect the feminists.. sad
imagine being a weak genelet. I drank weekly since I was 14 and then for a few years daily and recently stopped and no problems with my liver at all at 32 lmao.
she mixed pain killers like paracetamol with alcohol
they never tell you its that, but its that
This is not a place for smart people. You will not enjoy the discourse here past a certain IQ threshold (~95)
uhm just socially drinking (meaning every other week or so) really doesnt do much, she had to have to drink hard liqor almost everyday or every other day for at least 1 year to really do some damage. Basically the bitch is a alcoholic in denial lol
I drink a 750 of rye every 2 days and have blood results that put your average 20 year old to shame. She must be mixing with something, Id bet asprin and a pile of antidepressants and various pharmaceuticals.
Yeah you shouldn't do that, the effects compound.
Regular medication and regular alcohol simultaneously definitely isn't something one should do
Not gonna read your schizo infographic but yeah, white people need to go. Preferably asap
glory xi jinping
Where are y'all getting these "liver scans" done? Teetotaler now but I spent my early 20s drinking to the point of sickness every night...liver enzymes are constantly slightly elevated but my docs just keep telling me not to worry about it
It's womanese for binge drinking.
I bet she measured her drinking like women measure their body count
add 600% for actual figures
The days off matter a lot. Drinking a shitload on the weekends isn't really as bad for your liver as drinking less everyday. Liver needs time to recoup.
social drinker
Liver damage
As someone who drank a handle of vodka every day for 10 years, I can tell she is lying.
My doctor once gave me some perspective on the liver. It’s one of the most regenerative organs in the body. To get permanent liver damage, you would start seeing signs way before this. That’s why I stopped, actually. I was nearly pre-diabetic and my doctor told me to stop drinking.
To get liver damage, you basically need to drink two handles of liquor per day, every day, for like 2 decades.
Like this shit is really hard to damage, you basically need to deliberately try to kill yourself with alcohol.
Go drink your wine roastie
Should have taken NAC
I think they just mean liver function tests and theyre in ethe bloodwork
to check for scaring I would imagine they're taking x-ray or usg
Why are you in a White country and not in your glorious China?
It's what happens when people don't grow out of the whole "I'm basically invincible" part of their teenage years.
In fact you shouldn't even be here you should be in your own internet behind your firewall