Fuck your gay meme

Fuck your gay meme

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based gay zesty pepe

why does he look like a fag

Lol, it makes you tranny faggots seethe, so I like it.

groypers are closeted fags who worship a jew

This memetic war is like girls playing dolls in the playground and then boys come and start kicking shit and acting edgy

think its the slender curved shape and the sassy black woman finger wave. but somehow i knew immediately when looking at him, i knew, that pepe a fag

You will breed. You will raise a happy and healthy white family.

A gayper drew it

she's literally made a commitment to one man how is she a "whore"

let's not pretend frogniggers were any better

loving your wife is gay

this is the moment you fags proved forever that youre not right wing

You wouldn't get it, simp

groypers arent white LMAO

This whole wifejack thing has convinced me that entire movement is a massad glow nigger operation

/thread and based

Seething faggot, lmao.

Just figuring that out now?

Groyper needs to be banned, that nigga is too smug. I feel like throwing my phone against the wall everytime I see him


Total Forced Meme Death.

Everyone I don't like supports fed fuentes

Yeah this is straight from nick
I actually watch his stuff kek
I agree with some of his takes but hes clearly a closeted fag

Unironically thinking everyone you don't like is a fed fuentes simp

You are ignoring the fact that a lot of us are nervous about marriage and family life for a reason. A lot of women do indeed betray men. A lot of the time, when there is a legal dispute between a man and a woman, the cops and the courtroom judges side with the woman unfairly. Kids are expensive and they often turn against Dad for shitty reasons. Some of us have observed all of this from and distance and some of us have experienced it all first-hand.
Let me guess. You are desperate for white people to have more white babies? So ... you view white men as just a source of white skin and nothing more? What about our struggles as individuals? People like you are dismissing the very real concerns of white men just because you hate brown people THAT much.

you seem to be seething sir
is there anything i can do for your rage?

Do my posts seem like someone raging?



You are a gay faggot who will die alone

I just don't understand the boomerglownigger that thinks a meme will make 60% of zoomers stop abstaining from sex.

You are desperate for white people to have more white babies?

No, I don't give a fuck. In fact most of you probably shouldn't reproduce. I do however find it amusing that you (as you just admitted) live your life in fear of failure then seethe at others who do not.

... except that in this case it's grown men "playing with dolls" while saying "Ignore all of your troubled experiences with women! Ignore the warnings that older MGTOW guys have given you! Ignore your very real concerns! Just make white babies to change the demographic statistics already!"


Somebody give me the qrd on this wifejack shit? I missed it.

Wasn't Nick saying only a month ago that you all need to get married and have kids? Can you people stay consistent on anything besides israel/jews? But then you're not even that consistent on that either because you all love Laura Loomer. Just getting more retarded by the day. You don't have to agree with everything Nick says.

This, dolljaks suck shit

It was literally drawn by that Tik tok groyper nigger

Literal demonic meme


I have never seen a single video by nick fuentes. Not a single clip besides him pepper spraying some woman. He didn't get in trouble in Jan 6 so he's a fed. All I need to know.

live your life in fear of failure

do you consider avoiding a casino, whose odds are stacked against you 99%, a choice made out of fear? or is it simply a wise move to not blow what you have on a clearly rigged game?

history teaches us that society collapses shortly after the point where men refuse to participate until women capitulate. i mean, people usually die in the chaos, but they always come around. so i'll wait it out.

kike memes are always yucky.

you need to up your estrogen there sisterman, you're getting pretty aggro.

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Bullshit. Why are you dickriding so hard for hi then?

I call him a fed and say I refuse to watch him

"Why are you dickriding him?"

Why are you so obsessed with pol liking this meme?

You will raise a happy and healthy white family.

Are you sure about that? I know what women are like dude. When I was 8 years old, my mother left my biological father and she took me and my sister with her. I spent most of my childhood living with just women because I didn't move in with my stepfather and stepbrother until I was 16. Women are annoying and full of shit and women will violently attack boys and the boys aren't allowed to fight back because "muh violence against women!" Also, I went to university and I had a girlfriend in my twenties but the university was full of consent "Men are bad! Women are good!" bullshit and my girlfriend would spew that shit too and then she abandoned me.
... and I'm not the only one. The internet is full of men who have a similar life story. Why SHOULD men just trust women? Why SHOULD men start a family? What could go wrong? EVERYTHING could go wrong!
... and we're supposed to ignore all of this just because of racial demographic charts? Piss off.

You're both faggots. Plain and simple. I don't care about the pathetic cope you'll type up in reply to this post. Just know that I know for a fact you are cock lusting, poopdick having, cum drinking faggots.

Because groypers are women hating faggots.

inb4 some seething homo says I'm simping

Nope. If you feel hatred at the sight of a wojak variant that represents the nuclear family you are a homosexual. So called "incels" don't hate women, they would gladly start a family if given the chance. "groypers" are mostly feds but some of them are just faggots that worship nick fuentes, a proven homosexual that hates women because they get the attention from straight men which faggots desire (but will never get).

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she's literally made a commitment to one man

... but will she stick with that commitment?


ok nigger. Anon Babble doesn't like this meme. Or the wifejak meme. They are both forced. But the anti wifejak shit comes from groypers mostly because Nick's grift is to convince young guys that having a family is cringe and gay despite pretending to be pro white

post bobs


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We are mad about the implicit misandry that is being promoted by these cartoon women you twat.

The future is now, old man

anyone I don't like is a fed fuentes supporter

For the third time: i have literally never watched him and I refuse to do so. What's your next excuse?

loving your wife is gay

I will admit that this is taking things a little far ... but men have genuine worries and concerns that need to be properly addressed.

I didn't even reply to that part of your post you fucking nigger spastic

Why SHOULD men just trust women?

They shouldn't. All women should be screamed at, beaten and raped.

Why SHOULD men start a family?

To secure the future of our race. Don't treat women as anything else than breeding and nursing machines.

fuck off kike, you glow

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Wow, someone's snippy! Bad day at the office, glowie?

This pepu has no penis


clearly rigged game?

You make your own odds at the game of life. And, no, I am not afraid to take risks to get what I want. Basically you are saying you are afraid of failure, you believe you will fail, so you don't try. What you don't realize is you will not save yourself from pain or heartache by doing nothing. Pain and suffering are parts of life. You will experience them regardless of how well or bad you live your life.

The funny part about you guys being afraid of wives, is you always make it about money. "What if she takes my money?" Lol, marriage is a death pact. You literally say "till death do we part." A successful marriage ends in death. If you haven't experienced it yet, trust me the death of someone you love is much worse than losing some money.

Yeah, life is a gamble, and we all lose in the end. You being too afraid to do what you want in life will not spare you in the end. You've just swallowed the jew black pill and don't know how to shit it out.

the meme that exposed Anon Babble posters as the cock lusting faggots they are

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there's no such thing as bad publicity, the fuentes shills and the anti-fuentes shills are all marketing shills for fuentes. they're jumping out of nowhere, unsolicited, offtopic, random, and talking about fuentes, doesn't matter if its bad or good.
that's how marketing works now.

I typically ignore them, you have to think of that as ad content.
its like a pop-up ad.

Adhering to a very strict definition of whiteness.

Piss off Captain Kangaroo.
Let me guess. You probably think that I'm not really white because I'm part Russian and some of my Russian ancestors were Turkic? Whatever. You can kiss my "Mongol" ass.

based and based

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You came into the thread defending fuentes even though "you think he's a fed", didn't know the OP image was drawn by a groyper and then try to derail replies by greentexting the same irrelevant bullshit. Your stupidity makes you groyper fags so easy to spot

posts a pic of the good old days before the system was rigged against men

What you you implying? Dipshit. The legal system is rigged against middle class and lower class males nowadays. That's why so many young men are hesitating.

Where did I defend him? Link to the post. I challenge you.

Marriage is a scam. A nonexistent legal fiction. The only thing marriage guarantees is that you will be on the hook to give this person shit. She doesn’t have to do anything. She can leave you at anytime for any reason and you’re still on the hook for your end of the deal. Men provide all the work and money, women reap all the rewards. This would be fine as long as women still upheld their traditional end of the bargain, which was simply to not leave you and to not fuck other people. That’s literally all women were expected to do. Since women no longer have to do that, what is even the point of marriage? You gain literally nothing. Even worse, women are in fact paid by the state to divorce you. Why would any woman stay with any man when she can just leave the man, still get half his shit, still take half his money, AND get gibs, AND get another boyfriend who also supports her.

a bloo bloo bloo

"You need to ignore the misandry in the system or else you are a FAGGOT!"

You remind me of a high school bully. I suspect that you still have the mental age of one.

Based MRA Latino

Everyone I don't like supports fed fuentes

Deflecting from the fact the anti wifejak stuff is obviously being spammed by groypers is defending him, retard

but I called him FED FUENTES!!


why would any woman stay with me when she could just leave me???

Idk anon, do you provide nothing of value? Are you unlovable? Is it too much to imagine that a female would actually WANT to be with you?

You remind me of the scared weak faggots who got bullied. I bet you still have the same mentality. Life is a big mean bully to you.

Women don’t want to be with anyone, they just want free shit from simps. That’s why back in the day they had zero rights and were forced to stay married and couldn’t divorce without 100% proof that the husband was a complete loser or nutcase. Marriage is dead until feminism is completely reversed