Looks reddit tbqh.
Pic related is the good stuff.
braphog whiskey
ahh yes, jew juice
i don't always drink poison, but when i do, it's island dirt water, stay thirsty my friends
someone asks you what you're drinking
can't say name of whisky without sounding shitfaced
It looks like a nice single malt scotch honestly leave the man be I don't even drink and you're being a dick
You're just supposed to say "whiskey" and then when someone asks what kind you vomit on their feet.
The only correct answer.
my favorite inbred island goat fucking dirt water is lagavulin, but i don't drink anymore, and it's probably gone the way of suntory by now, meaning plebbitors found it and the prices skyrocketed
Im drinking water because I’m not a godless degenerate
ON one hand, barley-derived alcoholic drinks are very White. on the other hand, kikes DO basically own all the companies that make them.
Fucking great start OP. Cheers.
I was going to buy this and then I saw that here its 200$ and in scotland it sells for 50$
The last time I drank the love eggs disappeared and have not been found to this day. This were 10 year ago.
I defy anyone to identify anything more cringe inducing than Scotch and Cigar faggots.
this anon has worn a tailcoat
I'm drinking lime tanqueray and coke zero
I bet I'm enjoying mine at least as much as you're enjoying yours
Craft Beer tasters. it all tastes like SHIT.
enjoy your fish jizz
Drinking some Don Julio Reposado
How is the 12 year? I'm not paying 250 leaves for the 18.
Enjoying a raw milk protein shake. Cheers
I defy anyone to identify anything more cringe inducing than Scotch and Cigar faggots.
Coke Zero
You're drinking dinosaur piss.
If it's not Scottish, it's CRAP!!!!
This looks kino.
Wouldn't have expected that out of an Irishman
no anon, that's mountain dew
love eggs
Wine snobs
They won't do blind tastings anymore because they kept ranking cheap garbage above luxury wines
Dried Fruit, Sherry, Toffee and Spicy Notes
the fuck is this effete (real definition) bullshit?
is this a Burger trend?
are they selling whisky or perfum?
Mead is the master race alcohol. Then wine. Liquor is for alcoholics, i know cause i was one.
lol glen alchie
All the Islay stuff has save for Ardbeg, which is ok if you want to get drunk on Scotch and not pay out the nose.
Beer snobs still do, but I can't imagine the prestige level is the same so they don't have to worry about burning some kike's scam vintage.
I'm drinking lime tanqueray and coke zero
Does the colour of your dress match your drink?
cancer > diabetes
no but it matches my underwear
no but it matches my underwear
slightly unexpected, but only because we thought you'd be skipping panties and airing out that yeast-infected vag
(((Scotch))) quality went downhill as well as doubling in price
the cheapest glen livet used to be $20 and come gift wrapped inside of a gift box
first the box became cardboard, now its not wrapped at all and the box falls apart taking it off the shelf and it costs $46
ah the liquid jew, enjoy your pacifier.
I'm an old married dude, you can't embarrass me
I lost my pride before your balls dropped you little niglet
fuck I'm getting drunk off a bottle of this at Christmas, haven't had any since camping this summer
get the sherry cask or quarter cask
A year ago I completely stopped drinking alcohol after having kratom drink. I'm not addicted to this stuff and regularly take a few weeks off kratom, but somehow it basically cured my alcohol addiction and I haven't craved a drink of liquor since November 2023