When there's fierce reaction against a meme, it means it's working.
The psyop is the reaction. It is damage control.
Anon Babble and Pussentes can cry all you want, women hatred is dead, Trump won and you are going to keep losing.
And no, you won't do shit.
When there's fierce reaction against a meme, it means it's working
I want to go back in time and kill the person who made the first 'jak.
I really don't mind the meme. Idk what you niggers are tripping about.
no country on earth holds women to any amount of accountability
in fact, we have no RECORD of this in history
men with their monopoly on violence would have DEFINITELY thought of this
So one of 2 things:
men had time for landing on the moon and old world architecture because women were held accountable
the real blackpill is that feminist aliens already control everything and always have
It's a great fucking meme
My wife is almost a fucking carbon copy of the wifejak and it's brought endless entertainment to me lol.
She's been reading these threads seething about it too lmao.
women hatred is dead
I agree, I have reached the next stage.
They don't exist anymore
Women hatred is dead
It's so dead you have to announce it. Look, I'm just not gonna simp, I'm not gonna prooovide, I'm not going to give women money, and a cartoon won't change that. Get rid of no default divorce, get women out of education, and I'll consider it.
Twas Wojak himself
Afraid to say he already killed himself long ago
You would just end up eating my ass.
Don't make me tap the book.
Winston figures out why ingsoc's only real authentic task is to erase history and prevent knowledge. It's because preventing life from growing is the waterfountain of its money power. All behaviors unrelated to the destruction of proletariat, all behaviors unrelated to the destruction of the use of labor between people must be scrambled out of existence. All other useless activity are praised and rewarded by the Klan with farts in a digital jar that you must accept as a method of clearing debt, or a legalmember of the party will cave your head in with a 13 pound wrench until your apology and compliance is beyond all shadow of doubt
Link to the Book inside a Book that Winston is reading:
Post a timestamped picture of her. You won't - you'll make some lame excuse, because she doesn't exist.
i need a qrd / know your meme
I want to MARRY wifejak
women hatred is dead
Based on what?
Incredible! are you telling me they're yet again trying to push feminism? The real subversion that keeps men subdued? I would never have believed it! And the "right" is pushing it?? Good thing Jews would never ever infiltrate and control right wing movements while claiming to hate jews. It must be organic!
Daughterjak is fine. However, wifejak has a resting bitch face and requires major corrections.
To be honest the reaction is not wholly incomprehensible, the "playing dolls with 'jaks" problem reached critical levels with this maymay and it's so cringe
Just looks like another female wojak variant. Someone tell me why this is a big deal.
We have Trad, Stacey, that one short haired ex leftist one that is always with the big lez version of chud, mommy, and the fat one in plapjak memes right off the top of my head.
Remember to roundhouse kick a woman by the end of this week anons.
women hatred is dead
thats not it. women deserve 10,000x more hatred. but thats wifejak. wifejak, you are honor bound to love. right wing men understand to hate all women for being utterly irredeemable garbage and also to love wifejak with their whole life
women hatred is dead
Imagine thinking memes from a shitty website could overshadow real life experiences and biology.
Glowies are absolutely retarded r they dont care as long as they are getting paid.
2024 wojacks are looking mid, ngl
I don't abuse my property. I actually cherish and take care of my property
You had me until the end. Nah, wifejak is a used up whore just like the rest of them.
Anon Babble and Pussentes can cry all you want
That faggot Fuentes is not Anon Babble
women hatred is dead
Hating women is as old as time and will never be dead.
You groypers losing your shit over a wojak recolour? It's pathetic as is this Cointel Thread
Mom, Daddy won't let me see bixnood superstar in concern he's ruining my life, tell him to stop being a bad daddy and be a good one from now on.
U are...3 steps behind...
I agree idk if groypers are mentally retarded or malevolent or both but shilling against love, marriage, parenthood especially is a horrible strategy. I was indifferent about them before and now I hate them.
This. Women just want attention, negative or positive. So their fantasies always revolve around themselves and men obsessing over them. But the real patriarchy looks nothing like handmaid's tale (women getting raped by the richest, most powerful men in society. Oh, no!). Real patriarchy involves women being neither seen nor heard. They are relegated to obscurity in private life, that absolute worst fear of women.
ur a faggit
forced meme like that the kid drawn hitler, fly into a building and bring your real friens next time
yet another wojak variation
memes are dead
what was it
did we ever get any explanation?
The left got complete and total control over politics, media, academia from 2014-2024, and the most the glowies will offer men is a drawing of a used up whore. I don't know why I expected more from them.
Every non fed can see what you're doing.
Yep. Wifejak is based.
Based ascended Chud.
These a.i. bots pretending to have a real conversion are getting pretty good.
when you marry her, you have certain duties, since wifejak is presented as your wife, you cant say well i didnt marry her because shes total garbage. wifejak is a hypothetical woman who you already married and a test of how you would treat a woman if you got that far
I like women they are soft and smell nice
Modern memes are gay AF tho
Jesus mgtow incels couldn't be bigger caricatures of themselves if they tried. im sorry you hate women but
I love my wife
you unlovable caustic little fag
feds want you to get married and have babies
don’t fall for it
That’s what I meant by you being mentally retarded or malevolent.
Whatever meme comes out, my women hatred will be unscathed, even if im the only hater left.
If Zogbots wanted to do a good job changing the mind of the chud for WW3 instead of pretending most people in here have mental retardation they should have a honest approach and make some deals like turning a blind eye for rape and honor killing.
Not gonna prooovide for a used up whore. >Changes the subject
Called it.
They need white people. The biggest fed of them all, e*on musk, is shilling for it.
To any oldfags: notice the rapid fire timing of these replies.
As long as women are natural psychos and prostitutes You will never be alone.
Turning a blind eye to rape
Not gonna enough. End no fault divorce, remove women from education, remove women from the job market, and I'll consider it.
Thread is moving so fast no one will notice me checking your digits
They are all faggots that's why they hate women. Everyone that is straight already left
everyone who thinks I’m a gay little retard is a bot
Groypers are the newest iteration of shartblue shills
They need goyblood against Russia, this is an opportunity to destroy the nigger worshipping west.
Still straight. Still supporting accountability for women. Still don't like your forced meme. Seethe.
wifejak has a resting bitch face
It's perfect. Not a single speech bubble, neither.
I don't hate women because the only reason why women are bad is because men dropped the ball with society.
Women never fought a war for independence.
Never had a revolt.
Never overpowered men once.
All of this nu-world morality is enforced by men.
A tale as old as time
women hatred is dead
Does this brand of delusion come before or after you chop your dick off?
There is literally nothing on this earth that could make me hate those wretched goblins less.
So you’re claiming white genocide isn’t real then? Nice fucking try faggot.
dont procreate to own the Jews
Back to r/antinatalism you embarrassing fucking RETARD
Hey love, why do I make them sooo mad lol
You're the one who's seething at a wojak
I don't hate women, women hate me.
Yeah. The fact that she is a modern, bitchy looking cunt with the fucking wing eyeliner feminist bitch nonsense gives it right away as inorganic. Incels to not fantasize about bitchy and naggy feminists who look like they want to gut you.
The girl in the meme is literally an aggressive mimic and they don't get it. Children are too pure to be defiled by dipshit glowies so yeah daughterjak is a whatever mouthpiece for justifying your actions to future generations.
When there's fierce reaction against a meme, it means it's working.
Bullshit. Any asshole with an army of bots or friends could push any narrative with that logic. Nypa, faggot
mai waifu
holy shit, is that real?
The strategy changed from social genocide to actual genocide. They want white men drafted and or contributing to society.
I don't like forced memes. Why does that bother you so much?
not having white babies will prevent WWIII
We only need license to permanently get rid of women whom failed to fix themselves.
Coal burners must be shot on the spot period.
All non-virgins aren't worth it.
What women hatred? You mean female hatred of men right? Nobody here even says “I hate women” they say “I sure wish women were datable and not turbo-whore libshits”
No white people = no competent people fighting on your side. They need white men interested in the system. Niggers are a terrible army, same with spics, same with pajeets.
True, it makes all the right people seethe.
If you don't like daughterjak especially you literally don't belong here and should kill yourself.
It's completely fucking over for you. No need to drag it out for yourself or family, just take the nearest off ramp and end it
if you have babies you’ll be drafted
if you have babies you’ll have to contribute to society
stay an incel jacking to to tranny porn like me to own the Jews
That forsnt make any sense You are a stupid glownigger I curse you and your entire miserable family keep watchinh BLACKED.
genocide yourselves to own the Jews
do NOT pass your genes on
do NOT make white babies
do NOT have anything worth living for
Nick is wiping the floor with this forced meme right now.
If you have babies you have something to fight for. If you have babies you'll have to contribute to society. Don't like tranny porn, and as far as my plan goes? I'm draft proof, I'll be impregnating as many women as possible and let the surviving vets raise my autistic kids.
Since when did winged eyeliner become a feminist thing
Does this sound like someone who's against white children? Hmm?
women hatred is dead
This is cringey shit. Everyone loses the plot here with the criticism of females because multiple things are being criticized at once. From their dating habits to their voting preferences, they're just being criticized.
It was never some unified, inorganic, directed thing. We're just safe to criticize females here. Fucking tourists newfaggots read too much into it. Complaining about feminism magically turns into a jewish plot to not have babies with Anon Babble.
nu/pol/ needs to regain the plot here and stop projecting irrational fantasies onto WHY these discussions happen here.
How can a meme be working that no one knows what it's about?
It's not forced you, something you dont like does not mean forced
This forced meme is a good thing the departure of Homeland Security outed themselves.
So, Feminist aliens literally refusing to kick the smallest sliver of the tiniest dignity down to human men, then? I am not even being sarcastic anymore.
If you have babies you have something to fight for
and here’s why that’s a bad thing
You are such a kike it’s unreal
What is it that he said that has you raging at him so hard?
kek of course having children and being in a committed relationship with a white woman makes nick seethe
Is Not and it doesnt make any sense is straight up a retarded fallacy.
"I drink water"
This son of my bitch
I don’t even think you’re white and you’re shilling against families so yes you are anti-white and anti-white children, rabbi.
nick is a homosexual
It's obviously a psyop. It gives impressionable young men (teenagers) a rational sounding excuse to do what they want to do, anyways. Jerk off to porn and play video games.
Are you upset all over the abortion thing from twitter that nick posted?
The psyop is the reaction.
Jews are a bit too mad at the idea of white people having based kids.
It's not explicity- it is just a very fucking aggressive look. It actually accentuates how clearly their eyes want to control you.
I really hope Iran nukes Tel Avid
Appears overnight
With tons of shills using tactics straight out of a COINTELPRO handbook anytime you criticize it
Always in batches too, glowies try to gishgallop and overwhelm you to consensus crack
Yeah it's forced
How is anything I said kikeish? What, do you pump and dump like a nigger?
What's the fallacy? Where did I say not to have kids?
Okay, let's both take pictures of our arms. I bet I'm whiter than you.
inb4 anon has an excuse
Based, me too
She looks exactly like my ex who used to watch me post here and would call out “Pepe” any time she saw a frog post
Me too and guess what I’m still having children no matter what
contribute to society
Thanks for explaining the purpose of the psyop faggot.
Still not serving your gynocentric s()yciety!
not procreating
These are two entirely different things
she looks totally innocent and not horrible and bitchy!
You're not even trying anymore
Uhuh, you're not schizo at all
she sounds like a keeper. qrd anon?
Glowies are unable to endorse political candidates. Therefore, I encourage you to vote for kamala harris in the next election. What's your next tactic now that you can't call me a glownigger?
Based non contributor.
Yeesh you reek of being paid to be here nigger. At least try harder to blend in
The fallacy is this shills parroting the same shit whenever anyone says anything he repeats the same stupid shit over and over again miss quoting everyone
Not having white kids is based
it's working
Yeah it’s definitely a weird meme. Wifejak kinda shows me how many of the feminist people here have miserable, ugly, hateful, evil wives, and that these fellas think that it’s normal.
Glowies are unable to endorse political candidates.
Holy fuck this kid is literally 14
i hate woman
Misquoting someone
I constructed a syllogism without quotes. You're misquoting me.
Oh yeah, I notice the glowies don't have any approved pro-glowjak memes yet.
Please endorse a political candidate then. And denounce the talmud while you're at it.
I’m being completely serious, if it makes you feel any better ive posted sporadically for years about how she cheated on me while i was working ot to buy a ring for her
So you’re official position is that not having white children is “based”?
this. it really looks like a bunch of the roasties/liberals upset about the election have coordinated on this exact topic to stop any and all criticism on the matter. likely under some jew's discord, idk.
It feels super forced and it’s unfunny. It reminds me of the putin monke meme, which was possibly the dumbest, blandest, and most unfunny meme that the US military ever produced.
Clowns never ever use sharp angles or points in their makeup because "it scares the children"
It scares children because it is aggressive and predatory. Imagine the mindset of a being who feigns powerlessness but applies this shit directly to the eyes. Psycho-fucking-pathic
You are bald, LOL you should kill yourself
I endorse RFK, I denounce the Talmud, and I think you’re a fucking faggot dude.
Yeah it's forced
This is the entirety of your argument, though
it's forced
It's kind of loved. I genuinely love it. (You) just don't like the thought of having to get off the internet, socialize, put yourself out there, etc... To do what you know is right. Fuck it, though. It's your life, anon, but instead of preaching anti-natalism just live out your philosophy by killing yourself.
She was a drunk whore who cheated on me and dropped off the face of the earth
Not gonna prooovide for a used up whore
yeah, if a used up whore wanted to be a sister in Christ i could use a maid, but im not going to marry her. but thats irrelevant. wifejak is already your wife. if you cant say i love you to a hypothetical wife youre not actually in this for love. this is proof that gaypers are atheists
So you’re official position is that not having white children is “based”?
Based and very true
Faggots really hate this meme, especially Anon Babble faggots that for YEARS have been shilling against the idea that good wife material females exist out there as a way to get desperate lonely men to become fags themselves and join their misery. This meme is like throwing holy water at a demon. It hurts them like mad which is why they lash out desperately.
This is just like an unfunny reversal of the many feminist-lady memes that have come out over the years. Like the fat lady screaming in the theater, or the one on the sidewalk, etc. I think that this meme lacks a photo because no example of a guy doing this actually exists
Wojack didn't do this shit man. He was just a guy who had some feels.
It was when soijack showed up that things went to shit.
That's nice. I don't care about the opinions of women. Thanks for sharing!
The entirety of the argument
The fact that you criticize it and shills pop out of the woodworks is suspicious. The fact that they reply in batches (like you and just did) is more suspicious. That the only memes of glowjak are against her, is the final nail in the coffin of this shitty meme.
Find a different way to incentivize men.
Nope. I won't give non-virgins the time of day. Not worth it.
There is no wife material out there.
This is just like an unfunny reversal of the many feminist-lady memes that have come out over the years. Like the fat lady screaming in the theater, or the one on the sidewalk, etc. I think that this meme lacks a photo because no example of a guy doing this actually exists
Yeah it does. The one poster in the thread freaking out about having white babies gives me roastie vibes