I think nice panties are better than strings. Tangas are ok.
if you want to post about your diets just go on pinterest with the rest of the women
how long will i have to baghold MSTU for?
I'm wondering the same thing about SIGA
Bullish for giantess ass smothering
Now that is character acting. Mid 30's no kids save as her Marvel character.
holy fuck buy ALIBABA, that deliveryspeed is insane. It says delivery 8th december, but the package already is at the national deliveryservice. It should arrive at my home tomorrow if there is nothing else to stop it.
Before the tariffs?
It even arrived at the airport of my city only to then go westwards (25-30km) to another city and then to be delivered back.
Nah, I'm just joking. But that deliveryspeed is crazy. 5-6 years ago it took 4-6 weeks for the delivery.
I drank cofveve
I drank cofveve
hope you used a negative press
thats three times now that i started a long position and then the very next day there was a damning short report published about the company. i also had calls open on TSM when trump started shit talking taiwan, and the stock tanked the next day. i also had puts on BA one time and then their plane had like section or some shit blown off midair and it was headline news on the wsj and bloomberg and other business news sites but for whatever reason the stock started pumping. my hated towards jews has never been so intense.
I just breweded mine for in the morning so it will be ready right then.
there better not be any GME baggies in this thread
Yes sure, when lifting a decline press is also healthier for your joints compared to an incline.
why did i read that in Gilbert Gottfried's voice
Holy shit SAVA
Oh it's coming, it's coming.
Not enough to noticeably lower prices, but good enough for LIRP and QE.
Sounds like SOMEONE should just start listening to FREE ALPHA ESCALATOR CHAD every day instead of trying to figure things out for themselves, EH? EH? EH?
It's not even necessary. Villeroy (frenchfaggot) won't shut up about cuts. And Centeno also won't shut up.
ECB Governing Council member Mario Centeno says larger reductions in interest rates can be debated if some of the dangers to the region’s economy come to pass
giant women
cartoon of a little girl
step your game up nigga
I came across and interesting idea from a cute vtuber. She said she will allow two out of three things in a friend/partner: ugly, dumb, or mean. Makes sense in a weird way. Women would rather have a mean dumb but beautiful BF instead of average at two and horrible at the remaining.
it made me take stock of what I have, and I'm not entirely nice (and I include charm in there) I could care less about looks I just slap on a t-shirt and grocery store sunglasses (but I do workout 3 times a week but I'm sure my uncaring towards wardrobe cancels that out) BUT I do consider myself not dumb, but the only way to show that is to be competent at something and/or make a lot of money doing that.
Hence why I only work part time to cover rent, then devote rest of time for study, currently plowing through Principles of Corporate Finance by allen brealey myers edmonds. I've already gone through books on investing and speculation, but realized I never went to the source of it all, the company financing. highly reccommend, they write in a somewhat entertaining style
Just writing this up to pose the same question to y'all. Or to get you to work on one of the 3. I prefer smarts because I know I can make more money off of it, and that could unlock going places where other smart women might be, I could deal with an uggo if she was somewhat nice but wicked smart.
damn knew about that from Skreli but didn't want to plop down 2k for a put option. oh well Skreli will let us know about the next fraud.
CRBPajeet used to shill puts on it over a year ago before the Anon Babble migration. It's been a known scam with big short interest for a long time, but I guess it's finally imploded for good.
Aluhütchen: [aufgesetzt]
Irgendetwas rollt wohl an... und wahrscheinlich eine große Welle Scheiße.
Das heißt natürlich nicht, dass die Indizes nicht noch weiter steigen können, oder werden.
Doch ich vermute das wird alles etwas "zäher," langsamer und "anstrengender" werden.
Vermutung: SPX kann mit etwas "Ach und Krach" die 6000-Marke hinter sich lassen. Darauf noch mal plus 10-12% bis Mitte Q3 '25.
Wenn dem so sei, und das mit den Zinsen plus LIRP/QE auch näherungsweise so laufen wird, dann wird man wohl ab Q2 '25 sehen können, wie hart sich "number go up" erkauft wird. Nix mehr "wie ein warmes Messer durch Butter."
Was nach Mitte Q3 '25 kommt, bleibt abzuwarten.
Erst einmal sehen, ob sich der Weg dorthin auch tatsächlich ähnlich wie skizziert abspielen wird.
its easy to say somethings a scam, its more skillful to say when it'll crash. Skreli called for before the end of the year the past few weeks. Man I was browsing 2 month puts, would made a killing. Never gonna doubt my man again.
Ugly dumb or mean
That's fucking retarded, I don't want any of that shit in a relationship. Also a huge turn off if she does not like the same things I do(video games, gardening, cooking, archery, biology sciences for examples) at all.
video games
A bit demanding
10-12% wäre schon ein wenig krass in Anbetracht der Umstände. Ohne Trump wäre der Markt wahrscheinlich im Abwärtstrend. Es ist einfach nur noch ein Mememarkt.
It is demanding but its for good reason.
Last chick I used to be attracted to admitted that she does not like red meat and fish(I love them), does not like pet dogs or cats(I love animals), hated kids(I'd like to have a family someday) and even said she doesn't like Monty Python(Holy Grail is one of my favorite movies of all time). That was more than enough to kill any interest I had, never compromising with that bullshit.
its more skillful to say when it'll crash
Biotech companies never want to announce their drug doesn't work, so that's sometimes hard to predict unless its a public FDA decision. They can extend trials and pretend things are great. They've been stalling forever, and even done some pump PR shit to raise funds which is why its not trading at zero right now.
But in terms of Skrelis involvement.. plenty of influencers can force stocks to move regardless of fundamentals. Roaring kitty speaks and GME pumps 50% for example. I'd be careful trading this. In one sense it's a skill, but it's also a grift.
You demand that but what do you think will a girl/woman think when she finds out what the hell you are posting here on the daily, kek
All the things you counted aren't really hobbies. And Monthy Python... c'mon man.
I'd only have a problem with my woman not eating meat and fish for health reasons and the influence it has on children. About her taste I don't care.
has to be smart, attractive, kind
has to like videogames
has to like red meat
has to like Monty Python
so you’re looking for a tranny?
Watching the most recent family guy episode. Everything is so unfunny. I still watch Bob’s Burgers, too..
eeeeh, scoops?
try south park?
I can’t do simpsons or family guy anymore
don’t lie, turkroach
you were obviously thinking tranny as well as soon as you saw “must like videogames”
No, I thought "unicorn". There are girls who like that, but they are rare. And then it also boils down to what games.
Bros I've got a huge shit stuck in me for the last few days.
I can still shit but this huge shit is causing me a lot of trouble.
show started in 1999
why are they out of jokes
It's an ecosystem problem, if there was something new that's good they'd give tired old shows the boot
Hell no
Goldman is forecasting .8% CPI for 2025
well martin skreli did write a whole paper about why sava will fail. Dude knows his bio pharma front and back, hate when he talks about it cuz I instantly don't know what he's talking about, but when he gets back to just talking about the market, the dude is understandable and cool.
Scoops, how do I hit up college girls for paid sex? Do I just text them
”How much?”
Or do I butter them up and offer them?
ha ha wow you’re so gorgeous I would pay 150 for a just one night with you ha ha
Or maybe I be really formal and transactional?
hello ma’am I am willing to pay you for sex. Can we work out a deal?
hates kids, animals, and monty python
based! me too! send her my way!
Fuckin hell this is pathetic.
Good morning /smg/
I’m not reading any more of this tonight.. KSS will beat and we’ll be slightly green tomorrow.
Fuckin hell this is pathetic.
Thats rich coming from you
there's a saying, be strict with yourself, but tolerant towards others.
doesn't mean to be a doormat, part of being strict with yourself would be to set a hard boundary that you broadcast well in advance.
you, on the other hand, are strict with others and yourself seems like. its impossible for anyone to rise to your standards when only you fully understand the standards. Seems like you would be better suited with someone with the same energy, not hobbies.
I kinda don't understand when people say they want a GF, but then proceed to list out their own hobbies as if they just want a playmate. I'd rather have her work on her hobbies in the craft room, I lounge in my library kinda relationship.
This is literally me!
red as far as eye can see
not buying the dip
Scoops, how do I hit up college girls for paid sex?
are you using seeking, or just trying to cold call them?
I’ve never tried cold calling, there was usually enough context that it was basically them soliciting me instead
you could try adding “sugar daddy” to your tinder profile if seeking is still too intimidating for you
dewit leaf, I'll put syrup made from your tears on my pancakes in a few weeks
Good morning stock niggers
Wifejak is extremely bearish
vagina spelled backwards is vagina #FunFacts
vagina spelled sideways is 阴道
Give one good reason why are you not in TMF. Protip: You cannot.
any notable small caps on the radar? im still eyeing gevo
Trump promises 25% tariff on everything from Canada and Mexico
This retard is gonna tank the US economy isn't he?
I had you in mind nu-german fren when I built the minifig
I know, I can read cyrillic.
Stagflation minus the inflation
retarded tarrifs all around
probably a bunch of retarded sanctions too
retarded cabinet picks
Both him and Kamala are so retarded that the election was about who gets to ruin America in the most retarded way
every fucking stock i buy dumps and stays at -30% for a year. what should i buy to finally make money?
an MSCI World or S&P500 ETF that takes away your temptation of making retarded stock picking decisions.
there's about to be a wave of traders dumping stocks for tax reasons in December, bound to be a few gems caught up in the dumpage. that's what I'm gonna do anyways. like rummaging through the trash dump for treasure.
also not too late to get in on the smallcap rotation, at the very least buy some russell 2000, smallcap rally is expected to last til end of december. If you want a specific stock, RCAT is looking like it might take a breather before jumping off again, they just got a 79 mil contract from the army to be the sole provider of recon drones, but since drones are designed to crash and be blown up, that number is just the start.
bought NVDA 5 months ago: +5%
meanwhile a btc pyramid scheme pumps +1000%
i'm not retarded, this pozzed market is.
nah hitting the books hard will completely and finally erase all traces of retardation. Your idea will only work temporally. Too many niggas here complain about losing money when they treat this like a hobby, a hobby is meant to gobble money. Put some serious thought into your picks, and you could get results. Read a few dozen books, and your picks and your trading style will reveal itself to you.
just replace retarded stock picking with retarded timing bro
But even the vast majority of professional investment bankers and active fund managers who live and breathe the stock market constantly get outperformed by the S&P500.
What are you talking about? Even someone who bought these ETFs only at ATH would have made a lot of money over the last 10 years. Why would you need timing for a buy and hold strategy?
well that didn't stop my portfolio from making 20% in the last five days. even if every single one hits the new stops I set, I still made at least 5%.
also all those dorks have too many rules on trading and what companies they're even allowed to look at. I heard somewhere that they can't trade a company that is priced under 5 bucks.
So just by having the ability to look at any company you feel like gives you an edge, among many other edges you don't realize you have over those dorks, if you've read stock market wizards every other one of those bros is not that special, they just found their style and ruleset and stuck to it. And on top of that the greatest speculator ever Jesse Livermore was a middle school dropout. Seriously, there is money to be made you just got to start working harder, its not that hard to get an edge on retail traders at the least.
And one last thing: who gives a shit? knowing there's sharks out there in the market only makes me work harder learn more so one day I can eat those sharks. outta here with that "hedgies underperform the market so why try?" mindset. get a better mindset germanbro
My package just arrived. 5 days, noice.
Bruv everything on Aliexpress takes months to get here.
$INTC - Intel Gets Up To $7.9 Billion Award for U.S. Chip-Plant Construction -- WSJ
Intel Award Less Than Expected Because of Separate $3 Billion Defense Grant -- WSJ
INTCel bros... we got too cocky...
kek, but the fucker left it halfway outside of the box. Anybody could have stolen it.
I ate some Brie cheese and now I have very stinky farts.
INTC literally cannot fail. The govt will save it and the CEO has the power of God with him. It's free money. Imagine not buying at $19.
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
They can't fail cause gov and they can't succeed cause old and DIE.
All the subsidies in the world can't save a company that makes shit no one's buying anymore. They'll have to cope by making chips for government contracts.
Mickey Mouse gets a call from his lawyer.
Mickey, I did the research, you cannot just divorce Minnie because she's really silly
I didn't say she was silly! I said she was fucking Goofy!
90% of the planet runs on x86. They slept on their laurels for sure, but they can recover.
futures up 40 points from the bottom at the start of japanese session after tariff announcement drop
well DIGESTED would news outlets now say. Or:
Nothing fuckin matters
INTC literally cannot fail
fuck you. the "INTC literally cannot fail" meme ruined me financially 5 months ago.
reverse side of the coin is how is x86 suppose to capture market share if their old and in decline? risk v is gonna eat their lunch and everybody knows it, just a question of when.
$BBY | Best Buy Q3 25 Earnings
Adj EPS $1.26 (est $1.29)
Rev $9.45B (est $9.63B)
Enterprise Comp Sales -2.9% (est -0.92%)
Sees FY Adj EPS $6.10 to $6.25, Saw $6.10 to $6.35
Sees FY Rev $41.1B to $41.5B, Saw $41.3B to $41.9B
It's over. The recession is in.
impossible my dad bought a cable from them the other day. (who still shops at best buy? amazon is better.)
$KSS | Kohl’s Corporation Q3 24 Earnings
EPS $0.20 (est $0.30)
Rev $3.51B (est $3.85B)
Q3 Comp Sales -9.3% (est -5.19%)
Sees FY Comp Sales -6% To -7%, Saw -3% To -5% (est -4.45%)
Sees FY Net Sales -7% To -8%, Saw -4% To -6%
A little inflation aught to help boost these numbers up...
90% of the planet runs on x86
What a dumb thing to say. Besides AMD eating Intel's lunch, Apple already ditched x86 entirely, their ARM alternative beats what Intel and AMD offer, Microsoft is slowly transitioning to ARM and as if that wasn't enough the RISC-V menace looms, in 10-15 years you'll probably wonder whether to put an ARM or RISC-V chinkshit in your desktop. x86 is obviously on the way out, literally everyone is trying to get rid of it. And you want to buy INTC because they're getting subsidies? lmao literally who's gonna buy Intel chips if they can't even beat AMD + the world is moving away from x86?
Israeli inside will not go away. IDF Spooks and sayanim have spent decades setting up these surveillance nodes.
The company can well stay around forever, but its place in the CPU market, and therefore most of its market cap, is in the hands of the buyers.
and thats not even getting into phones which most people use these days, even those that don't own a traditional computer which all run arm
niggers and jews
I agree.The American government buys more goods than any other single entity in the world. If we can't have a free election do you believe that the handlers occupying this country will allow their idf gadgets to not get procured ?I think not.
However TA makes me think we're going lower. Probably with some market-wide catalyst where we should have had a santa rally.
They already had what you ordered in a storage before you ordered it. Its called dumping.
Why are there two threads?
I was going to say they're not putting Intel CPUs in guided missiles but then I remembered how retarded the defense industry is. Chances are they're using that PCP/104 form factor for everything.
look at the OP for the other one
its a shitposter derailing into twitch streaming drama
muh IDF
Oh I just assumed it was more porn.
Got heemed on it.
Already exited my TGT longs for +6%.
Everything is FOSS running on Linux which will be pretty much immediately ported to anything faster/cheaper.
Client office machines are already moving to ARM. Consumers have switched to just doing everything on their phones because they're retarded consumers.
Intel has no niche.
Selling NVDL and Intel, $35k, what do I buy?
the market should have a half day tomorrow
checked. I remember trying to play tfc on a panasonic tough book in 02-03 timeframe. It was rough. Boomers unironically made tech-age defense industry retarded.
im not gonna make it
Why would you ever buy that when AI are its lunch for dumb kids who can't even do their homework?
Yeah I guess where moving to a point where actual architecture doesn't matter so much anymore.
Btw I just found this. The Intel one is the new flagship desktop CPU, the M4 is on a laptop lmao.
Good morning frens
Giantess gf shoes are gonna have to wait until next week.. Thanks, KSS.
Bitcoin bros..
I knew Kohl's sounded super desperate when they sent me that $25 gift card in the mail, with a note from the CEO essentially begging me to spend money at their stores.
IT seems breddy ok so far fren! Watch out for NIGGERS AND JEWS tho they are everywhere you just never know.
Just as bad holding KOLD again. Glad I boughted only a little bit of KOLD fried. again. I bet it will turn green later tho.
Might trade some STOOKS today.
I don't know.
morning bro
why were the overnight futures so fake and gay?
mornin’ partner
If you hear the doorbell today it's probably him coming to have lunch with you hoping you will buy moar stuff soon. He'll say HEY FREN DID YOU GET THAT GIFT CARD I SENT YOU and you can say oh yeah I got that and he'll say OH GOOD I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW YOU'RE APPRECIATED
Morning fren
What’s the money making play today?
US S&P CoreLogic CS 20-City (M/M) SA Sep: 0.18% (est 0.30%; prev 0.35%; prevR 0.33%)
US FHFA House Price Index (M/M) Sep: 0.7% (est 0.3%; prev 0.3%; prevR 0.4%)
- House Price Purchase Index (Q/Q) Q3: 0.7% (prev 0.9%)
Prices up 4.4% y/y vs 4.4% prior (revised up from 4,2%)
bear party
is there any good stock that isn't overpriced? I feel like a cuck with so much cash but jesus christ I'm not paying for a company that's 30+ P/E
Based. My home will never be cheap again.
Hey, MUMU! Everybody's here. There's BOBO. HEDGIE. Good to see you, JANNY.
You got everything you need? The chef cooked for you special, the dancers will kick your tongue out and your credit is good. Draw chips for everyone in the room so they can play on the house.
I must confess, I only clicked this article because I thought it was talking about the other pantera
Nvda will be up 8%+ today
It's sold off enough
Cap this
I forgot the image because I am nigger man
*Falls $6 in you’re path*
I'll tell him "I sure did, thanks, I used a 30% off coupon as well and paid $2 for two pairs of sweatpants. Mighty white of you fren"
nigger man, nigger cat
then he'll prolly say CHECKED and ask if you want to go get a COSTCO hotdog ON HIM.
knew it! everything is dumping
Alright got a bit of KOLD and SMST let's see how it goes I'll be happy with 4%
Dat V outta nowhere tho
not sure if it will come today. i see the most exchanged list of today is more red than green. a crab or two in there too
Eh looks like I made the wrong move shorting MSTR then
There's like 10 posts I want to reply to ITT. By the time I finish it will be the next thread.
Opened my puts against NVDA on market open. Let’s see what happens.
$84.50 plus tip to renew my vehicle registration
enjoy the losses retard.
I just found a Death Note. What do I do with it?
All I have now is green chip bad. It’s okay.
Look at where NVDA is. Look at where the SPX is. All compared with november 13th. Trash companies are getting pumped in the SPX. For example AAPL
Teach all the trip and namefags a hard lesson
Just boughted a bunch of stuff and it's all already RED except for AIOT HTCR NTLA UONE and WRBY
I'm thinking of longing silver here. Anyone else doing any TA on /SI?
Of course not. Bitcoin is more like a scam.
hey bang anon, did you ever start your new job? haven't seen you post about it since you landed the gig.
nice. investing in cats never disappoints
Walk was a good song.
Not yet, the background check took a while, but just finished. So, I'm waiting on a start date. I doubt I'll her anything this week, so will probably be mid-December or maybe even next year lol
What I am looking at for silver..
damn, sounds like a comfy gov't job once you finally get in though
Nah, it's not like that, gonna be a big corporate job. I think shit's just fucked up this time of year
should i buy the GM dip? seems like its based on fears of mexico tariffs but that probably won't need to be implemented
uh oh someone's short
gme Chad's win again
some anon recommended this stock earlier but it just seems like it's in a bubble driven by short term revenue spikes. Too bad there are no options available for this stock
Is it over?
I respect what bitcoin was trying to do. The USD is toilet paper and something better is needed to save humanity from central banker freaks
it's a low volume holiday week in the US so don't fall for any algo tricks
Why is the market even up with that housing data? Buildign permits is alos down -0,4% mom to 1,41 million. Went up to 1,47mil 2 months ago to dump back to 1,42 and now 1,41
INTC gets its CHIPS Act money
Stock immediately drops
I could have sold this shit yesterday if it wasn't for Fidelity being run by Jews.
What a surprisingly boring morning. Only possible buy alarms on PDYN and QXO. Sold out of SSSS while keeping a close eye on AIRS, NOTV, and U.
Oopsie new house sales
What the FUCK are you doing?
Richmond Fed composite index for November -14 versus -10 estimate
US October new home sales 0.610m vs 0.725m expected
US November consumer confidence 111.7 vs 111.3 expected
We were doing so well, but then, at exactly 16:00 Euro Time, devastating News dropped.
I thought they were going up too...
US New Home Sales Oct: 610K (est 725K; prev 738K)
- New Home Sales (M/M): -17.3% (est -1.8%; prev 4.1%; prev R 7.0%)
- Median Sale Price (USD): 437.3K or +4.7% From Oct 2023 (prev 426.3K or 0.0%)
Oy vey, how very antisemetic of you by those filthy comments goy.
USA New Home Sales (MoM) For October -17.3%; 7% Prior
USA New Home Sales For October 610K Vs 725K Est.; 738K Prior
I've made money swing-trading it before. Plus, I'm posting this from a laptop running on Intel, which I thought was lucky.
black and brown
Is this computer italian?
thats it
im done for the rest of the week
going for my walk/roon at the indoor track now
safe trading frens
bag realty
kek saved
maybe everyone has homes already
Meanwhile RKLB
Well the build quality of new homes seems to be utter crap these days for the most part. I'd rather buy an older home that might need a little fixing up, if you can even find one for a reasonable price these days. I'm guessing that's next to impossible. Glad I'm not in the market for a home.
Good afternoon
thanks anon, you too
Bf should switch to Luce.
if it's a frog, it goes in the folder called "pepe"
the only images where I make a distinction are ones where I need "apu" to make a joke with the filename.
NOW it'll bounce back... surely...
looks like an arbitrary distinction with sole purpose of confusing ADL.
Some of these I've never even seen.
I'd move the Shy Apu under Peepo, and Honkler is definitely a Peepo variant, not a Marv variant.
is amd a good buy bros?
I have to admit, all my frog images are in one giant folder just called "pepe"
How is the market efficient, when it crabs instead of finally doing the fuckin 20-30% dump (or more) and then recover with new energy to new heights?
I have Apu, Pepe, Peepo, Marv, and Honkler folders which have most of the images, but there's a few spread out into other folders when appropriate. Like, I have all of my stock shill Apus and my Apu-talks-to-Jerome Apus in my biz folder. My football and motor racing Apus are in my sp folder. I think there's a few others spread around too, so it's hard for me to get a completely accurate count on my frogs.
Lawrence san...
I lost all of the trenni silver coins shorting the market
now we are wagonless...
fascinating lore
USD is up. Stop trading Direxion trash and use ProShares.
Why is LAC dropping so hard? Is it Trump's threat of tariffs? They have their headquarters in Canada.
The smith-mundt act destroyed our capacity for reason.
Up 10% again today, officially broke even again.
mostly big tech keeping the S&P 500 up
Well that's breddy gud and all but I'm still 4 poo sent down on it. I'm going to look at the ones in the title of that vid that I don't already have. I think I like the drones it seems like a good new meme.
This thread was popping yesterday, did everyone just go to work today? The post rate has gotten highly schizophrenic.
Well sometimes it NIGGERS and sometimes it JEWS
plus there's some DRUGGIES around here
at least until THA DAY OF THE ROOPE
glowie/idf assets averted elsewhere to run counter op for other ops.
Down 10% today, officially going to kms myself again.
You under estimate the sheer number of anons that perish in the crosshairs of this gay market. Their portfolio destoryed, they stop posting forever. /smg/ has probably killed more anons than all other boards combined
Holy fuck PDYN. Too bad I failed to act on my "buy back in, the selloff was fake" alert.
I think most anons in /smg/ own a lot of SOXL even if they won't admit to it. When SOXL is up, threads are lively. When SOXL is down, they are dead.
man i never have the cash when they run discounts...
YEP I just boughted again a little will see if I will buy moar another time. I traded it the other day too thanks to your FREE ALPHA CHADDING. Everyone should pay a lot of attention to you so they will stop being NIGGERS.
The market is damned to stay gay and fake forever
GM -7.55%
of course
It will just get less and less volatile until we arrive to a greece-style price action I think.
Straight V on the Russell.
i was losing all hope yesterday. was thinken of selling all and taking cash out of account.
post some hopium pepes for me
trading shit with WOMAN CEOs
stfu you dumb nigger, you saw the data of today. There is nothing that supports the market going up like this, except for inflation staying above target forever
How the fuck is $BUD still dumping? We're almost down to the tranny dump levels now
nasdaq more like diqsuq
no further questions
Teslas are for faggots
I better not see any of you driving one
no joke i saw a Tesla in the Seattle 'burbs over the weekend with 'CHATGPT' license plate
This, i got heemed pretty hard last year so i wageslaved for 6 mounths to pay for my retarted boboïds choices
you saw the data of today
the only DATA I have seen today is what the STOOKS in my watchlist and holding list are doing and a little bit of a live stream from the RCAT CEO plus some things you NIGGERS AND JEWS have said and that's it. I have a bunch of GREEN positions now too including KOLD. If you think it is FAKE AND GAY then why are you paying attention to "the data"?
One of these days I'm going to make an official /smg/ shitty driver power ranking and TSLA drivers are gonna be up near the top
yeah there was that one faggot from Texas I believe
Í said the market is fake and gay, not the data.
I wonder if that's the same anon that gets all defensive about his cybertruck
I saw one of those in the wild once. At a Whole Foods
Looked absolutely stupid
Well how do you know which one it is then maybe the market is a hetero chad all up in pussy and the data is fake and gay?
I see a couple pretty regularly in and around my neighborhood. Just godawful looking.
Finance bros waking up for two minutes to lower a price target by $0.01, causing it go down 15%.
what the fuck are you holding
muh U be havin a V
its over. cryptos and meme stocks going back to 0
nuke palestine
Buying this OXY dip. What could go wrong?
KOLD finally acting right
i forgot to sell my bitcoins at 99k...
SPX about to be greener than Tech despite Housing and Retail shitting itself
yo this market is broken
Damn I should have bought even more UPRO yesterday, I only bought 100
Let's go VZ don't give up your momentum just yet, I want to see $45
nig vid
Just boughted a little bit of FLNC fried.
It could go down further
Do you like the new VZ race car livery for next season? It's red
80% probability of market being up at least 2.6% into new years. Nothing is going down, you'll just see rotation. DJIA is toppy so the next 1-2 weeks you'll see tech start to rally due to the mcaps. Breadth made an ATH. Record buybacks. Holiday seasonality. Blow off top. Just close your nose and buy good charts.
sure am glad that i all inned AMD yesterday
Boughted and solded ZENA twice today already.
This guy fucks
Do I hold ASTS at $25.04? I've been burnt by this shit before, but I thought it was trending up. Looks like it'll be a slow march either way.
buy good charts.
This is exactly what is happening with SPX, the chart looks like it "should" go up. And that's it.
he bought MSTR at $500
I get banned from all boards for posting an on topic meme in a Ukraine /Russia thread by the trannies
I really didnt
No, that's not the reason.
looks like the end for RCAT and UMAC
Oof. Now I gotta watch this potential bear flag on AMPX even closer.
already solded AMPX shortly ago. ZENA gave two good trades from lots of movement. I guess the RCAT CEO should have dressed a little nicer.
Give me a sell off today so I can just buy back in again..
Jannies abuse their power, you point out the violation. They ban you from all boards.
AIPI paying $1.51/share this month, getting over 30% annualized distribution
And worth even less because its Direxion garbage. ProShares is made by real JEWS so they know how to craft fine financial instruments. Anyone who looks at the longer term charts comparing SOXL with USD will see this perfectly clearly.
summer '25
why the fuck have so many stocks literally doubled their price literally within one month?? god damned robin hood has nearly tripled its price. HOW THE IN FUCK ARE PEOPLE STILL TRADING ON A PLATFORM THAT FUCKED YOU OVER NUMEROUS TIMES FUCKING RETARDED AMERIMUTTS
oh hey they won't let me trade out of my position? let's put another 10k on my hood account
you sound like a coping bear
my robinhood account is up because my investments went up 250% over the past month, not because I put more money in it.
extremely gay bear post.
*blocks your directional trade's path*
They're faggots. No cap frfr.
hurr durr fraud is the best brokerage
haha stock went up 10% and i cant exit!! yes!! haha!!
literal fucking retards you deserve everything coming your way
pump in 5-7
shit the fuck up bitch boi
Robinhood is my favorite brokerage because retarded redditors like you hate them. Go back.
wow, how much money did you lose on your shorts?
hurr why is this person upset that robinhood has defrauded their customers massively on numerous occasions REEEEEEEE FRAUD IS THE ONLY WAY TO PROFIT REEEEEE
for me its homemade chili, strawberry apple juice, and choccy milk
I used to use it exclusively when you could do nice easy spreads and sell strikes just outside of yours. I like tasty trade currently. If I'm not at my computer I default to rabbihood. It still feels familiar. Mobile tasty kinda blows.
have fun not being able to exit out of positions because they deemed the stock to be a "meme" fucking retard
Ooooh, the guy who trademarked the character's not gonna like that!
I didn't even read the numbers, but I can already tell they are bullish.
was it SOXL?
my faith in SOXL as a long-term investment vehicle has been shaken quite a bit.
I was aware it was unlikely to actually be optimal for long-term (which is why I never put a tremendous portion of my portfolio in it), but it had been holding up and closely matching TQQQ and other similar broad market ETFs for so long
I thought the remake kind of sucked. They took out so many fucking episodes and made it shorter...
plus they made lum more accessible to a modern (read: zoomer) audience, which is never a good thing
yes, i gatekeep
Nintendo has announced the closure of the Switch eShop and related online services in China, set to begin on March 31, 2026, with all services ending by May 15, 2026.
This is omega bearish for Nintendo stocks, what the fuck is going on
I've used it to swing-trade successfully in the past, but I didn't anticipate how badly it would drop. I'll hold, but my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
I am aware of rabbihood's track record, vlads niggerdom & kikery, etc. If you use fiat then you have accepted the arrangement the bankers have made when the crypto idumean alexander (hamilton) levine yid when he started the fed bank with our enemies money. You are as complicit, in this fiasco, as I am Sanjay. I just enjoy speculating/goombling.
DXYZ might be worth another stab here.
Damn. They should partner with Twitch.
Trump threatens to take a giant axe to the US economy on day one with tariffs
stocks pump anyway
Absolute clown show of a market.
All the tariff threats mean now is that people should panic buy durable goods and pump up the Christmas rally
Isn't spacex private ? Is this somehow public exposure to a privately traded company ?
But now is still officially Biden's market.
Kek Twitch is already in hot water with antisemitism and advertisers leaving them in droves, I don't think Nintendo wants to touch that shit directly
curry hands posted this
DXYZ has somehow acquired private SpaceX shares
How did they do it? Is it legal? Will those share acquisitions hold up in court?
Why the FUCK would you ask questions like that?
Isn't spacex private ? Is this somehow public exposure to a privately traded company ?
Yes. And yes.
SSSS is something similar. They were good for a pump on news they held Coreweave.
I know jeets are obsessed with poo, but I've still never been able to figure out exactly what's going on in this video
Even funnier that as soon as they just THREATENED to shove a 25% tariff on Mexico, that jewish bitch president already announced that there will not be any more migrant caravans coming to the US border.
Funny how money talks above all else...
Funny how money talks above all else...
Forgot captions.
Nope, just a degenerate gambler.
Well, at least for certain, chosen people.
I think he got stood up by a sexy milf.
Heh I just saw that movie and Goodfellas last week, still pretty good flicks. Hollywood can't seem to make quality content like that anymore...
/smg/ is dead
long live /smg/
I guess no bobs and vagene can do that to a man
and just like that, we're out of images
in my general there is problem
Talk to the janitor Pagliacci. And make sure to tip him 20% of his salary.
But doctor...
Everything looks too expensive [image of a concerned bobo]
That's why Alan Greenspan invented credit cards
Retirement savings accounts with federal contribution matching are being introduced in both houses of Congress. They will offer an alternative to employer match retirement funds, and will pump up mutual funds and index funds
We're going up more