Wifejak meme is a psyop. There is no controversy. This is a test being done on here. Who knows who or what for, but it's obvious. You're not meant to know what it's all about, you're meant to be confused and feel out of the loop. That is all.
Wifejak meme is a psyop. There is no controversy. This is a test being done on here. Who knows who or what for...
sharty fed psyop, again
forced memes never become a meme
the only exception is millhouse which is not a meme
If jannies delete then they can cry victim, and milk Streissand effect. Ignore it like the trump spam and let the obviousness of it's flow speak for itself.
I read that the real reason will be revealed in
Wifejak is not a meme is a meme now though
It's to test if the right can be watered down into wholesome 1950s-larp cuckservatism
Don't have mean violent opinions that will make your wife upset goyim
I don't think it will work though
Checkmate trannies
It won't because zoomers have been denied pussy and female attention to the point it's become critical.
Not until based Elon tweets it!!!
Reproduction and wanting to have childrens is a psyop
You alright bro?
as I just explained only milhouse which is not a meme is a meme
you can't force it, the more you force it the worse it gets for (((You)))
Your only option now is to spam the board consistently with your not a meme and get the jannies to prune the threads which you can then attempt to use streissand effect to boost its relevancy and reach but because wifejak has no memetic energy it will not spread, it will not be copied, combined, and transformed
you fundamentally do not understand what a meme is which is why you do not understand what I mean when I say milhouse is not a meme is a meme
Its bed time groyper
I just donMt think it’s funny at all. Like the putin monke meme. Seems spammed/forced.
That's because it was made by a team of federal agents
this is your tax dollars at work
Its not funny but seeing gay mexicans like you seethe about it is funny
wives are fucking gay its a fed psyop it just is OK!
Holy shit they're trying to convince you to have sex with women and get married, lucky you guys are addicted to cock, stay strong homos lmfao
just marry the used up roastie whore, anon
just pay your taxes, anon
please anon, become a productive member of society!
please anon, I am begging you to please contribute to society! We need people with IQs above 65 to contribute otherwise the whole system collapses in on itself!
You have that saved as a copypasta
It is tho. Rulers want more slave to fight and die in their war.
Hello 1pbtid fed
Did they change their mind from last year when they didnt want us around, meme flag?
Is "wifejak" what this thing is called? That's fucking gay. I thought it was supposed to be a tranny.
If an anon made it and it was organic she'd not give an ugly feminist vibe.
its a are you heterosexual test. straight men look at wifejak and say honey i love you. gaypers make edits where wifejak is murdered
You can't control people that have nothing to lose.
The only edits being made are the ones at Langley
The sole purpose of fed here is to de-escalate shit and make everybody a good goy.
You're literally doing picrel here
see ya soon honey
gotta go kill brown kids
for international zionism
Its a psyop telling young men to have families ...
A psyop is good when the Church do it.
It's just not a good or funny meme, I've seen ZERO organic anything with it.
Now cunny, that's a meme. Wifejak isn't hot or funny or thought-provoking like cunny is, it doesn't even make people argue. Nobody cares, but we can argue about the age of consent for years here and all threads hit bump limit.
crpyto scam look up wifejak on x
the final circle of hell is explaining to a woman that you cannot keep spending in the manner that your courted her with
OK I've changed my mind on this meme I've seen a single organic version
I was gone from the board for just a few hours and now this meme is suddenly everywhere. QRD?
nice to see a new meme that is so wholesome
every man needs his wifejak
remember to vote for your favorite antisemite of the year polnewscentral.com
see ya soon honey
off to kill the zionist criminals
bombing Christians and occupying our country
any reason you keep asking that so repeatedly? are you collecting anon's reactions?
lol you dont get it
Inb4 this thread has been pruned or deleted
Because I want context and I hate faggots who post threads with no context
prune this
It creates a reason to reply for the other anons forcing this meme and needing a low effort reason to bump.
why is nick fuentes seething over this meme?
Nick stop sucking cocks and come back to reality, we're going to need you to pick all the vegetables after Trump throws all the full blooded, straight Latinos out of the country.
Think you can manage that champ?
Assimilate it and mutate it . Its what this board does best.
damn this really makes e-celeb worshippers seethe
being married is so based and wholesome amirite fellow manosphere redpillers?
oh no....
Isn't a meme if isn't real
didn't ask you to be it will happen anyway remember chudjack from leftypol same shit will happen with this it already is
Mods keep deleting the threads making fun of it while leaving the threads supporting it up.
Just got pruned out of a thread supporting it.
Jan 5, 2024
I knew I've seen wifejak before. It's been around for awhile. Daughterjak is new.
Because I want context
no, why do you keep spamming that exact phrase even when people have answered you?
how do i know that ur not the fed though, who is trying to dispel the notion that feds might be collecting feedback, hence why they ask the QRD so many times in these threads.
that's what this whole thread is about. OP claimed they're doing a test here. hence why you came to distract from the topic, but when certain questions were asked, you say it's just spam. how do i know you're not just a reply spam?
you got caught, fedboy.
Hire a pajeet to do your dirty work. It's what you voted for.
It is, silly NPC
same shit will happen with this it already is
sounds like you really want that to happen.
Ohhh look at my based and redpilled cartoon drawing, don't you want to help a singe mother raise her black kids?
This, the meme is retarded, but all these faggots seething over it is fucking hilarious.
Nobody's reading this troonifesto you insane groomer, goddamn.
the meme is retarded
why are you seething? imagine hating women
Found one
It's just a fucking wojak. We had plapjak spammed for ever and it didn't cause anywhere near this much butthurt. It's not some great new meme, but the fact it makes incels, doomers, and eceleb loving faggots like you seethe uncontrollably makes it a very funny meme.
post tits
duplicate threads of wojak meme stay up
threads mocking it deleted + all board ban issued
psyop confirmed
this stupid thing is stupid
omg you are literally seething!!!!!
Meds nao
Couldn't help but notice how a cute little wifejak managed to deeply perturb the kikes.
Can't have a single scrap of positive wifely imagery for any lurking girlies to latch onto, huh?
The sheer power of media.
Wifejak causes kikes physical pain
oh okay I thought you were countersignaling it specifically and not just shitting on low effort wojaks my bad
Yes, you retarded faggot. Half the catalog is you fucktards having a meltdown over a fucking cartoon wife. It's a new level of pathetic for even you doomer bitches and that is extremely funny.
really? you think the battalion that created smuggies, le 56% mutt meme, and basedjack is also responsible for this very similar low quality mspaint psyop? color me a nigger.
i look like this but my sweaters are nicer
Post nice sweater or larp.
You guys said that about the putin one too when I remarked that it also wasn’t funny
have sex with women and get married
Why does it have to be both things? That’s what outs you as a cop
(((Think tanks))) hate this post
found one
image of a guy saying nothing posted here
You are a complete schizo
nooooo trust us goy this meme started by based white christians that's making you want to have white families and reverse the declining birth rate is actually a psyop that we- I mean - that the j00s came up with! It's totally bad to want a wife and children! You should be a totally based nonsexual fairy fudge packing faggot gaylord like Nick Fuentes instead!!
Dipshit. Denounce the talmud, you won't pussy.
No it isnt. Half the catalog is you telling everybody that we’re angry at you.
I have no idea what's going on with this, but I just assume it's the crystal cafe hags at it again, with their cringe forced memes.
Nobody has told you to stop posting it anon. We’re all just… not laughing at it is all. Can you describe to me what is supposed to be funny about it?
Yeah no I just think you’re mentally Ill pal
What do glowies gain by promoting wholesome, pro family memes?
Jesus that was incomprehensible schizobabble. Are you guys from a mental illness subreddit?
This, simple as. How can feminism be funny? There's nothing funny about feminism, except dunking on it.
What is crystal cafe?
You couldn't be more obviously not from around here, go back
What is specifically pro family about this picture of an angry woman
Have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia?
The female equivalent of Anon Babble
Wifejak isnt feminist you complete retard
mentally Ill
sane people spontaneously capitalize random words mid sentence
Who let this freak stop taking his meds?
You think you want to know, but you don't.
Plapjak was funny?
Women past 30 are worthless.
Have you ever lurked moar, newfag?
It's a girl standing there and she's a normal female.
That's literally it, another faggot simp meme from a bunch of tourists. It's literally just a picture of a female standing there and she's being paid attention to exist.
says he’s seeing capitalized letters
there aren’t any
Take your meds schizo.
Why aren’t her tits huge then? Obv made by a feminist woman. No guy would draw an image of a flat ugly dyke For motivation lmfao.
I just don’t care for it tbqh
stop shitting on my wife
The idea that a wifejak meme is going to get men to marry is pretty cringe. Women are the problem, not men. 80% of men are invisible to women. Pandoras box cannot be closed. Women were not meant to be free.
Wifejack is fine. Not sure what the big deal is. Moreover, it's OLD news on X. /pol is now downstream from X. X > /pol.
Tard wrangler on duty has failed miserably.
the big deal is that we're fucking INFESTED with simps
Twitter is a kosher gayop
cute redhead with long hair
"flat ugly dyke"
You are a turbofaggot who sucks cock and likes it up the butthole
She's not angry. She says stereotypical female things but they are endearing in their naivete. If you hate women you aren't misogynistic enough.
having a wife makes you a simp
You're a kike faggot.
Is the tard wrangler in the room with you right now?
She’s not saying anything and looks angry
Are there any trans models that look like her? Asking for a friend.
go on twatter/X
post my jew infographics
gets instantly and permanently banned
the big deal is that we're fucking INFESTED with simps
2016 really did a number on this place
i dont care how many cartoons they post, im not wedding used goods
It’s Not that. It’s that it’s an unfunny drawin that you’re spamming here, and that you specifically sound and talk like a simp
Taps sign
The surface level destruction of neoliberalism, without removing the root cause, which is private central banking. Remoralized to fight ww3 without reclaiming our own countries.
It's not cute, funny, or interesting. It does make you a simp if you just re-post a picture of a girl over and over.
Yeah grandpa she looks like a bird. I know old timer, it’s the best YOU can do but please don’t make us LOL at you anymore
It’s also boring
Imagine wifing up some slag in current year + 10 or whatever the fuck we're at. Top fucking kek. Pump and dump, never marry until women's rights are repealed.
Remoralized to fight ww3
No one is doing that you fucking retard, and Elon is working with Ron Paul to end the fed
A fun place to fuck with people.
About as good as fucking with people over the vax or being closet simps.
Elon is a glownigger.
all these incels mad
based. we love women!
Yeah I am the angry one lmao
you are a mouthbreathing imbecile
I haven't posted it, shitbrain.
It's a cartoon wife, you massive fucking faggot. It's a stupid ass wojak, and it's making you kike doomer incels seethe. Your reaction to it is what's so funny, and telling. If a cartoon wife makes you butthurt, you're a homosexual. Chop your cock off you dumb bitch. They are the weaker dumber sex and yet they make you weak ass faggots seethe uncontrollably.
Go back to r9k with the other pathetic kike blackpilled faggot fucks.
I haven't posted it, shitbrain.
It's a cartoon wife, you massive fucking faggot. It's a stupid ass wojak, and it's making you kike doomer incels seethe. Your reaction to it is what's so funny, and telling. If a cartoon wife makes you butthurt, you're a homosexual. Chop your cock off you dumb bitch. They are the weaker dumber sex and yet they make you weak ass faggots seethe uncontrollably.
Go back to r9k with the other pathetic kike blackpilled faggot fucks.
Still hasn't posted tits
It's not a "pro-family" meme. Is a smug bitch with her annoying daughter telling (you) what globohomo wants you to do.
Kek, if they end the fed ill join the army. Youre retarded of you think psyops dont exist....
Where's the father? Why is this woman and her niglet talking to me at all?
I'm a real man, sorry
because you have to man up, chvd
be the dad that stepped up
and Elon is working with Ron Paul to end the fed
You really believe that, lmao.
Only a civil war can end any Central Bank in any place in the world now.
Ain't doin' no steppin' up, not my problem!
its just a cartoon bitch? normally you queers would be trying to fuck it...
I think he's just being disingenuous. I don't think anyone denied psychological warfare exists... I have a hard time imagining how stupid people can be though.
Dont attribute to incompetence that which you can attribute to malice/gay ops.
"DAD, Get off the internet and stop arguing so I can be born!"
Be me with three grown kids who keep bugging me for money every friday
Globohomo telling me to have even more kids at 48 yrs old
Sorry fucker, but I've had enough of that shit.
Cartoon wife
It's literally a drawing of a girl standing alone not making any particular expression. Your headcanon doesn't change that it's not funny or interesting.
Girl standing in wheat fields
Drawing of girl with effort put in
Some female wojak just standing there with a blank face that people simp over
Simp-pilled and gay.
It's hilarious that right wingers immediately started fighting each other when Trump won. The hype died instantly and people started fighting over bullshit like this that is even more gay and irrelevant than the election.
someone's gotta charge the eels
I liked Chudjak with the hapa daughters, needs to be a TV show.
Left right wingerz
You need to lurk for 2 years before posting. Anon Babble isnt a right wing board.
Where's the father?
That's the thing, all of the funny iterations of
Based man with his wife
ALWAYS had chud in them or something to at least be somewhat funny and show the man, it's literally just a still picture of a female and now they'll spam it as much as they spammed chud-jack.
That's the point, there is nothing about that stupid cartoon wojak that should turn you into a seething tranny faggot, but here you fucks are losing you dumb incel minds over it. That's the only funny thing about it. You faggots overly homosexual reaction to it.
That is pretty fucking funny.
I just want TKD for Christmas
real rightoidism has never been tried
So it's once again just the chud picture spammed thousands of times, yup, another forced meme.
Only actual Chuds got upset over chudjak. Just like only fat bitches got upset over plapjak. Now the incel faggots are malding over wifejak.
CHUD was an initially jewish/jidf forced meme that became a meme.
alongside that pink haired girl.
so you aren’t right at all.
My hatred for this normie meme is immeasurable
Yes, it's the exact same. Did the chudjak meme upset you? If so you might be a Chud.
you could have had her
if you were a good Christian boy
and didn't mess around with floozies
It worked for 12 years. Why are you still posting
Attempts to answer that with another post.
Just stop. This isn't MAGA central, go to patriot.win or whatever for that...
Wojaks should've been a bannable offense 10 years ago.
It's just sad losers playing dolls with wojaks instead of getting a real wife, it's kinda sad desu
Are we hitting Japan's loneliness number already or what?
schizophrenic non-sequitur
Time for meds.
I have a woman and think this shit is hilarious it is just dumb memes
Wifejak meme is a psyop.
Nah. You're just a homosexual.
I love you anon, I dreamt about people making wifejack memes being mutilated
Fuck normie propaganda
Shitty "meme" kys thanks.
Kill yourself brownoid normie fag
Mom! there is a psyop on Anon Babble!
Mom! I went to look at the psyop on Anon Babble that my friend told me about and they just asked me to post cunny, what does that mean mommy?
And they posted pictures of a crying yellow man, why was the man sad mommy?
I love a good chudjack, the renaissance ones were particularly great.
for this meme to gradually morph into some kind of loli catgirl.
Where we are going we don't need human faces
This, the meme is retarded, but all these faggots seething over it is fucking hilarious.
It's just a fucking wojak. We had plapjak spammed for ever and it didn't cause anywhere near this much butthurt. It's not some great new meme, but the fact it makes incels, doomers, and eceleb loving faggots like you seethe uncontrollably makes it a very funny meme.
Yes, you retarded faggot. Half the catalog is you fucktards having a meltdown over a fucking cartoon wife. It's a new level of pathetic for even you doomer bitches and that is extremely funny.
>having a wife makes you a simp
You're a kike faggot.
I haven't posted it, shitbrain.
It's a cartoon wife, you massive fucking faggot. It's a stupid ass wojak, and it's making you kike doomer incels seethe. Your reaction to it is what's so funny, and telling. If a cartoon wife makes you butthurt, you're a homosexual. Chop your cock off you dumb bitch. They are the weaker dumber sex and yet they make you weak ass faggots seethe uncontrollably.
Go back to r9k with the other pathetic kike blackpilled faggot fucks.
That's the point, there is nothing about that stupid cartoon wojak that should turn you into a seething tranny faggot, but here you fucks are losing you dumb incel minds over it. That's the only funny thing about it. You faggots overly homosexual reaction to it.
That is pretty fucking funny.
Only actual Chuds got upset over chudjak. Just like only fat bitches got upset over plapjak. Now the incel faggots are malding over wifejak.
simp's havin' a melty
why does it say "Sushi" in the corner? and why is there a self with a single row of soya sauce bottles under the "Sushi" sign? seems like an oddly specific, although still very confusing, choice.
Nobody is going to die in your war fed, you failed and your meme is cringe. Can't wait for Pepe memes shitting on her severed head
Lol, look at this seething faggot.
Lmao, you're a pathetic bitch.
What do glowies gain by promoting wholesome, pro family memes?
is it pro family though? she looks kind of angry. like you did something, or said something, wrong. and the daughter looks like she's asking a question(s) emphatically. why is wifejak mad at you? what is daughterjak asking? these are the real questions.
Exactly, female memes should be sexy and not serious the way women themselves should be. It should resemble pulp art from a better era.
they probably didn't even come up with that name, did they? I literally just saw this shit posted with no explanation (and absolutely ZERO fucking humor of any kind) the day after the election.
Pretty sneaky, sis
Obviously psyops exist, retard, but the only really effective ones on Anon Babble are fedjacketing memes that are aligned against the glowies AS PSYOPS. THE OP CALLING WIFEJAK A PSYOP IS THE FUCKING PSYOP. YOU DUMB NIGGER. Its the same with the tap the sign thing - you midwits are the worst people on this board. You think you see one level through something you have discovered the psyop, they're all one level beneath that. Fucking dumb cunts.
Wifejack is fine. Not sure what the big deal is. Moreover, it's OLD news on X. /pol is now downstream from X. X > /pol.
i remember from months ago when it was just her saying innocuous things like "the car's doing that thing again". The daughter is new though, no? and I didn't remember her looking this pissed off. she seem really irritated at her husband, or at something at least.
She's not angry. She says stereotypical female things but they are endearing in their naivete. If you hate women you aren't misogynistic enough.
see my comment above. this is a new wifejak. she isn't saying any silly wifey things, she's standing next to a daughter with her mouth open, looking annoyed. what does THAT part mean? don't just describe PAST wifejak memes, explain THIS one. please. and thank you, we have autism.
You’re going nuts, man, you need help
Tap the sign wasn't forced or a psyop
Oh right, that's why Trump's going to solve both potential world wars before he even takes office?
Face it faggot, sign tapping was either a psyop or some faggot doomer who couldn't see the most obvious win in history coming.
Kek none of the people spamming this meme are right wing
I'm sorry, your faggot seethe is fucking hilarious to me. This is the funniest meme in a long time. Not because it's good, but because it's making you kike doomer faggots rage.
Apparently “wifejak” is now a meme. I don’t know how to respond to it because I know nothing about it. Looks like your typical average cunt. I’ve been married for 15 years. I’ve had 4 kids in that time with my wife.
Get married. Don’t. I really don’t care outside of hoping that some other white men have kids. I’ve already networked with my fellow dads regarding not outright arranged marriages but definitely entering into an agreement to steer things certain ways between our kids as they are coming of age. It won’t be dowries or anything but I won’t be sad to see my sons marry my friend’s daughter’s and I won’t be sad to see my daughter marry one of their sons. It’s just life now.
Are you suggesting it's not desirable for the DoD to increase the morale of white military aged males? That's exactly the sentiment of the sign tap...
And it was prophetic.
It's hilarious that right wingers immediately started fighting each other when Trump won.
Look faggot, this isn't just a wishing well. Posting your faggotty delusions here will not make them manifest in reality.
Meme magic CHOOSES. And it did not choose you.
Just go back. Or lurk for roughly another 4 years before posting.
wifejak is pointless and unfunny in other words it's forced. it's basically
I'm a lonely zoomer who wants a wife. aren't I so relatable?
marriage is a scam. you can have kids without it
Ok schizo
How is being conscripted to ww3 a win? Because the red zionist president isnt the blue zionist president?
Ok faggot
it's not incels or zoomers doing it. it's literally all 40 year old wifecucked millennials who push this slop
Baste. Where can i set my boys up at?
Are you suggesting it's not desirable for the DoD to increase the morale of white military aged males?
It doesnt matter if its desirable or not, they obviously didnt make the choice to back off on the woke shit, they were FORCED off. These gains were not given to us by our enemies, they were the fruits of our fucking labors. The glowies are INCOMPETENT. They do not have the control you think they do. And young white men being re-moralized by our victories doesn't mean we're going to suddenly accept a world war when that's part of what we're fighting against. The whole tap the sign thing is insulting to the intelligence of anyone above midwit tier. We are people with agency not easy manipulated NPCs, or we would have just been believers in the woke shit on the first place.
hey everyone i'm confused are the feds still mad about what happened
Nigger you're agreeing with me, work on reading comprehension.
Its forced... Like that red headed country singer, or putin monkey spam. You can see it in the catalog, way too many threads to not be a coordinated sentiment building operation.
Young white men dont have wives en mass so this is a proxy to message to them from that perspective, i suppose. I don't really understand it yet, if it didn't end up with a white feather I'd be surprised though.
Spider-eye girls won't be a thing within your lifetime
.. or will they?
Take your meds, qtard
forced meme, but it will succeed
Nigger, I am most certainly not agreeing with what you posted. Maybe with what you MEANT, but not what you TYPED.
Work on sentence structure, punctuation and proofreading.
well X where this is coming from is a DoD propaganda site so that is definitely the angle. Daily Wire and all the usual suspect jews are pushing it too
In the coming months zog is going to back off of woke shit. They know white men are checked out and the abysmal recruiting numbers show it. The will put their good goys like joe rogan and elon musk to push back on the culture war. Note they still want you dead they just need you to fight their war first
Was 2020 stolen? Why do you think you can stop DIE funding? With what causal mechanism?
So what if it exactly aligns with thier desires, and they have more claim to the means of achieving outcomes as we do. We did it gosh dangit, be proud of it (and align again with the sign tap).
lmao look at these two retards
new cuntjak
where are the lewds / peepeepoopoo edits
Probably. We don't decide that anymore. But they can't into funny, not-cringe, and that's why they want our cooperation.
Men have declared spiritual jihad on women. This is it anons, the real gender war has begun, not the fake one with countless pronouns that is being shilled everywhere in the media, but the real gender war between man and woman.
Women are about to learn a harsh lesson.
Don't talk to women, don't help them, don't ask them out, don't have dating apps, don't interact with them. If a woman approaches you be nice and respectful but do not flirt or overtly joke, treat them as an equal man and then leave after the reason for the conversation is over. If a girl comes up to you and flirts kindly turn her down, if she asks you out suddenly say no thank you, don't make up a reason she only has agency because of some external reason not because she likes you. Be vague when talking about your life or weekend plans, anything you do or do with them like hooking up will be picked apart and analyzed by her and her online friends. You are a traitor and not helping anyone if you fall for their tricks.
If men can't display a modicum of power over society, this world and women, then I guess they don't hold much power at all.
leave it to us to make their shitty memes funny.
It's like Chud, but instead of reddit this one was probably given to us by glowies
Wifejak is an attempt to normalize fetal alcohol syndrome
now the question is why it is astroturfed by xwitter faggots on blue boards
I think they want us to make it funny because they can't do it themselves. So they need it to make it big for the intent behind it to get to people. I suppose the way to make it funny would be to hijack the meaning and turn it into something completely else.
it took me like five seconds to figure out the "plan"
pol has fallen
something completely else
on it
non-autistic female child
giving enough of a shit about either history or mathematics to disprove the holocaust
Call it a hunch but this shit ain't organic
its made to neg women, thats it. There are better memes that do this, stop bieng a retard. Jews aren't psyoping now since they're busy with hamas.
no you
ill just tap the sign
women totally love you bro
your daughter though bro, think about her bro
eat shit, sign tapped
its meant to corral men, they do not push it on women and it is not a women coded meme
it is not subversive, there is no humoristic edge and to turn it funny you have to be crass and taboo breaking
I’m gay
This is the way.
A private bank that prints money
And then sells it to the government
Why dont we just print it ourselves like we used to?
Seems like the only one seething and losing its mind is you, my semen-gargling friend. Everyone else is just annoyed at the aggressive spam.
its literally a kamala harris ad in meme form
I don't care
some of them did get visibly frustrated when they realized it wasn't going to stick.
You faggots have been malding all night about it. Really, if a cartoon wife upsets you, you're a fucking faggot. Sorry, faggot.
It can be meant to corral the right kind of men, the kind who are capable of being corralled by women
(you) WILL have a trad cuck wedding.
(you) WILL breed with a trad whore(brown)
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
(you) WILL reproduce.
(you) WILL pleas the Demiurge.
I’m still gay though
First time I saw this was on twitter and it was making fun of how women annoy their husbands.
Couldn't find it again but whatever.
What about this is corraling? Is it showing men that having a wife is heartwarming?
wifejack meme is a psyop
no shit dumbass, it's a psyop to piss of trannies and gays.
get fucked, if you're mad about it probably shouldn't be such a faggot.
Do you have to report these neoliberal violations when you document how unsuccessful this was.
copy & pasted 9 times without catching his typo
no it was never about making fun of women, its cuckservative feminism
play vidya
close app and come back to thread
he's still having a mental breakdown
simps are truly pathetic
I'm going to bed but I hope she sees whatever seething reply you leave me
UGH fuck off, gnostics are the worst.
Shouldn't you be killing yourself and not going toward some light or something?
I love BWC and BBC in my gay tight ass.
If a cartoon wife makes you seethe this bad you are either a homosexual, incel, or a kike demoralizer. Funny thing is, this meme has been on here for weeks now. You faggots didn't get butthurt until that spic nick got his panties in a wad over it.
You're doing the right thing by not having a child.
First time I saw this was on twitter and it was making fun of how women annoy their husbands.
Couldn't find it again but whatever.
i talked about this above. This is a new twist on the wifejak meme from months ago. originally it was just the wife saying stereotypically womanish silly things. innocuous enough. this new version has added a little girl (with her mouth open as if she's asking a question or commenting on something) and wifejak looks noticeably upset about something. The people who're aggressively shilling it seem to get upset when anyone either doesn't like it, or ignores them, or even just ask what it's meant to even mean? original wifejak made sense, she said things that all women say. this wifejak says nothing but she looks like she's about to scold you for something. like she's pissed and disappointed. there's also the quizzical daughter. what is she meant to be questioning? why are so many anons so emotionally attached to this nothing meme, reacting so virulently to any criticism of it? seem sus.
A bunch of old hag roasties are using it to try and find husbands but overall it's a positive psyop if it helps white birthrates to go up.
suicide is how you get giga-punished before reincarnation, chud.
thanks, I know.
the neutral, shared/universal experience ones are fine. "I scraped your car tire on the curb at the gym" and "I put all the cardboard boxes in the garage" is funny. the lovey dovey wife simping is forced but the fact that this whole thing is being discussed or debated at all, and that Fuentes zeroed in on it instead of evolving organically proves there's something stupid going on with it. I'm inclined to think if anything, it's the inorganic "I love my wife" shit because I know a lot of married dudes and even though the current generation has almost none of the boomer "I hate my wife/second/third wife" syndrome, every millennial dude I know has no issue acknowledging the problems even with their conservative wife. in other words the blue pill lovey dovey shit is so rare at the moment that it has to be bullshit.
Wifejak isn't the first pretty girl wojak variant to exist. But she is the first pretty girl wojak to implicitly suggest she's a happily married woman.
So either you're a jew kvetching about symbols of monogamy or you're a stingy culture faggot who doesn't even welcome women making cute little variations of his ideas, i.e. a supreme fag.
Spammer made a new thread.
Yeah OP is a faggot and needs to die. This meme is annoying and won't make anyone love women.
cry about it somewhere else, faggot. I love my life and I love God for giving it to me.
I even hope that he makes you less of a faggot and gives you like ONE passion to vent your misery into.
Whenever I suck dick I like to worship it and lick the sweat off the balls
Do you have to report these neoliberal violations when you document how unsuccessful this was.
when i first came into this thread I wasn't sold on this being some kind of op, but seeing so many different anons respond to criticism, or even just questions, in the exact same way, using the exact same words even (as if off a script) has made me think there's something to this. this does not feel organic
it does not it prevents solutions and obfuscates a root cause analysis
a sustainable birthrate requires under 10% female tertiary education
stable marriages require a wagegap in favor of men of 50% in the median
there is no way around this, if you can not agree with this you are my enemy
Alright I'll give you that. Meme has hardly been born and Fuentes is already licking the mung from its face.
Mainstream culture and all its culture grifters may be just too close to organic meme culture these days.
it is indeed a psyop but the subtext is that Islam is actually beginning to gain ground in the west and kikes are scrambling to prevent it from going further.
Kikes, striking out in pain.
if you want to talk about root causes then just say jews man
exterminate them and all problems will disappear
women are livestock
they will follow whoever rules the world
no I'm not being flippant or hyperbolic
I like when the cum from the cock drips down my chin and then I catch it with my tongue YUMMY
right? Like when the fuck have WE ever been the ones to 'execute' a meme we didn't like, therefore 'declaring it dead'?
That's some 'we killed pepe so le heckin CHUDS wouldn't make him a mean nazi!" vibes
Hum.. Men used to go to war to protect their families, not to protect their vydia and coomrags.
Drip drip man cum on my tongue drip drip
tldr, faggot
I bet it's jews
I like how delusional feminists declared Pepe to be literally Hitler.
Best shitstorm reaction ever. They still didn't get over it, and they're still raging against the frog.
I love when a BIG DICK penetrates my asshole and stimulates my man clitoris
Lol, the thread reached bump limit, then a mod moved it. One of the faggots itt is a janny.