The moon picture contains the map of flat earth. It contains not just the most accurate map of earth but also two missing continents we have ancient maps for.
The moon picture contains the map of flat earth...
I see
ESLs be like
I've looked at these things made by people smarter than me, and I've figured it out!!
flat earth niggers should die. right now.
then you're fucking blind and retarded
The talmud says the earth is flat therefore kikes are obligated to promote it
Hmm I don't see a match. Perhaps you're a schizo?
with this insane projection these maps look kinda similar...
but when we see the rest of the maps and remove all the shit that doesn't make sense, it's the most accurate map ever!
except for all the other naps since the 1800s
they are just retards and/or shills. talmud says both flat and globe really, so quit setting up another easy target for flerfs.
From a young age I knew the moon was a map of earth
I fucking love flat earth
globbies are always so fucking mad
Thank you, rabbi. Very nice.
Moon is a double map. The moon is an xray reflection, (filtered into at/near xray light by thermosphere). So we see the inside of the earth and the surface simultaneously. The craters are the hollow earth.
Mind blown. You're welcome.
get fucked lying cunt
now this is schizo posting
As much as I don't believe a single thing about flat earth, I want it to be real because it would make life interesting
This is the same glownigger that spreads propaganda about the draft and getting the goyim used to the idea of a draft.
Finally Anon Babble is talking about plasma moon YESYESYES YES
the moon has to be plasma otherwise it proves the earth isn't flat. we can't have that! but oh no i looked at it in a telescope and its made out rocks : ( guess it's not flat then oh well.
Not allowed beyond a certain parallel.”
but actually even if it was plasma it would need to be magic plasma that changes its appearance for every angle you look at it to create the illusion that its showing the same face from every angle at the same time.
Perhaps it's a projection of something? a 2D image on the "firmament"? Not a physical object? Stars are regularly seen through the "dark" sections of the moon when it's in crescent phases.
Looks nothing like Earth's continents
Why would the moon be reflecting the land from earth? What about clouds? Take a second to think about it.
The theory is it's captured the image almost like a relief map. Compare it to how an X Ray works to capture the appearance of both the skin and the bones within a section of the body
We go off of official maps. Even normies will admit that "no map is accurate" and maps regularly inflate and deflate the size of places like Australia or Greenland depending on the projection. They have to look like something though. The resemblance that the moon's face has to to the appearance of the continents is very odd.
Why would it be a reflection of the Earth? I mean, what purpose would that serve? What purpose would that serve in God's creation? Just a reference for people living on Earth? I mean it dosen't make sense to me.
it makes sense when you realize they're shills running some psyop raid for over a year now. who don't actually believe what they're saying. then nothing has to be logically consistent with anything. you can easily tell what threads are made by this shill group since they all talk the same, there can't be more then a few of them although i think they do work shift of at least 2 or 3 at a time. sometimes they get weekends off
How many ships and planes do you think the governments have to stop you from going more or less wherever you want? They can't even fight goat herders and they're going to stop some random on a mid sized crab fishing boat from sailing from Tierra Del Fuego southwards?
fuck man this shit really is dumb. and they got me talking about it like a retard. unlike real conspiracies that offer simpler explanations to inscrutable situations, this replaces a simple explanation with inscrutable situations that require intense fuck-withing of the model adding increasingly implausible scenarios to make it all make sense, a lot like geocentric models of the universe and their ridiculous orbits. it is an affront to the divine parsimony of God, and it makes normies think that all conspiracies must be this type of ridiculous (complicating rather than simplifying). pisses me off
line earth is unironically more plausible then flat earth depending on the diameter of the line
Based and Vibes of Cosmos pilled.
that pic is so stupid, it actually disproves the globe theory if anything.
Who says the moon is a sphere? Only globers believe this. Flerfers believe the moon to be flat.
Anyway, if globe theory was correct, and the moon also was a sphere, then how would you explain why always see one side of the moon and never the other?
Plasma moon in this video (timestamp 5h20m):
I kinda doubt it
Something like this?
Or this?
this is the real earth though however