Janet Yellen just dumped out too.
What's she hiding?

I see pol is still all israeli bot posts with no real users or convos

Thanks for posting this. DESU, I truly wondered if Chutkan would deny this, instead using it as a tool to possibly 'infer' that the Court has its suspicions whether Trump may have used threats of retribution to get this indictment dismissed.
All that said, as BD & BB have been saying, might this mean that 47 will NOT be in prison when the effluence hits the rotory thingy?


I don't give these guys much credence myself.
At this point, with everything falling apart so fast, DJT needs to get in sooner. Don't think he will though. Constitution actually says 1/20 for inaugeration.


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Indeed. I remember when pol had real Americans and real convos. All I see is israeli propaganda nowadays.

It reminds me of watching foxnews.

Everything that made this place popular is gone. It will forever serve as a reminder that if whites allow non whites to have control over them. They will use this control to silence them and erase their identity.

The first thing they do is target our cultural symbols and silence anyone who says whites have a right to exist

This 'poking of the bear' is at a far more diabolical level than media reports. It looks as if NATO etal. is escalating actions & words by the hour to trap Putin into just saying fuggit.
If it's true his new IRBM did in fact vaporize its targets...NATO etal's moves are MaxEvil in every aspect. This is moving well beyond 'War' as we've even imagined. What MAD madness is really operating here?

At this point, with everything falling apart so fast, DJT needs to get in sooner.

I agree; something's got to give. However, I'm personally thinking that good .mil might have no choice but to come out of their shadows to GO WHERE NO MEN HAVE GONE BEFORE in this domestic frontier, and coup the treasonous usurper occupying bastards operating, um, 'from' 1600 etal.
How can you Restore our Republic if NOT taking your oaths seriously?

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Saw this on ZeroHedge earlier.
More worried about whether saber rattling is gonna go truly hot from the Kikes and Ruskis

it's all fake and gay. The people who are buying this charade are too low IQ to realize it.


Long Arm of the Left is losing every case they had to try to gaslight the publik into hating OrangeManBad pre-election.
It was all smoke and mirrors anyway, every single one of them.

I see pol is still all israeli bot posts with no real users or convos

I'll triple check'it

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as BD & BB have been saying, might this mean that 47 will NOT be in prison when the effluence hits the rotory thingy?

You mean the dam breaks on the sewage lagoon? Or the baby diaper bursts open after babies first solid foods?

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All I see is israeli propaganda nowadays.

It reminds me of watching foxnews.

Everything that made this place popular is gone. It will forever serve as a reminder that if whites allow non whites to have control over them. They will use this control to silence them and erase their identity.

Everything that made this place popular is gone. It will forever serve as a reminder that if whites allow non whites to have control over them. They will use this control to silence them and erase their identity.


I don't mean to blow your bubble, but you don't have to be a genius to figure that out.

The first thing they do is target our cultural symbols and silence anyone who says whites have a right to exist

The first thing they do is target our cultural symbols and silence anyone who says whites have a right to exist

If you watch the videos of the MIRV missiles, there are many videos but you gotta catch the right one.
Most of the videos are 15-18 seconds long and replay and shows the individual "missiles" coming down in a laddered fashion and striking the ground. They are moving extremely fast but you can catch some of the "entries" are 3 missiles laddered behind each other, some of the "entries" are 4 missiles laddered behind each other and one or two of them are 5 missiles laddered / staggered beside each other. There is one video that is about 50 second long, it was dead darkness for about the first 15 seconds of it then the missiles start coming down. You gotta watch till the last 5-10 seconds of the 50 second vid and you will see that the last round was not "duds" and it completely lit the whole fookin sky up. I think the first 10 or so "entries" were duds for show and there was one round that were not duds and they made the whole sky white for a split second. If people are saying the part of town was vaporized i think that last round of "woo'pow" that lit the sky up was the only ones that were not duds.
I didnt save it but i did save this funny edit.

Why does this matter at all?

Everybody knows the occupying force in DC was not democratically elected in. Not everybody realizes Joe Biden hasnt been seen since late summer 2021. Not everybody realizes every appearance since early 2020 has been a facial surgery body double or a mask wearer. Not everybody realizes that Joe Biden hasnt stepped into the white house, they have been using sets and CGI and green screens to fake the whole past 4 years of the presidency. EVERYONE sees that the country has been ruined by the past 4 years of the presidency and this shitty ride we have been forced to ride on.
I still remember this webm the morning it was posted here. Facial surgery body double walking on a treadmill in place with green screen. Look at how fast the "pace" is going with how short and few of steps hes taken. I saw this the second it was posted, before it even got to the fuzzy mic thru the hand. Also, it "appears" Bejing Biden just walked out of the oval at 1600 and is headed to Marine1 but that little box office isnt the same one thats at 1600.

inb4source posts source 20 seconds later.

news story we've all seen in the news already


posts the source

"please shower me with praise, please think I am your new Q"


poking the bear

The bear has been shown to be a toothless drunken faggot.
Lol 1000 fucking days.
Nobody is scared of you idiots and this whole bear thing is retarded.
Keep coping shigger

Oh nothing important really.

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Just, you know, a little crime maybe.

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Probably nothing.

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She thinks she can get away. Stupid.
With the possibility of the US being attacked, and all the CoG that will take place, she's safer staying. Now she'll have to dig her own bunker.

Say, anon, any idea why so many certain, important figures seem to be going on a nice, long vacation to non-extradition countries right now?
It's probably a coincidence, right?

erase their identity

Is this why people get bothered when you talk about the Scythians very much online?
I think this is why.

Oh nothing important really.


you know,

a little crime maybe.

Probably nothing.

Maybe Janet flew off with the beautiful Wood Nymph.

any idea why so many certain, important figures seem to be going on a nice, long vacation to non-extradition countries right now?

It's probably a coincidence, right?

back to back masons digits
nicely done
If you will notice some like Ellen Degenerate is going to a pro extradition country. Some are likely headed to non extradition countries but you remember how Tom Hanks and others were dual citizens to Greece i believe. Greece is a pro extradition country. I speculated in another thread these were "puppets" leaving because they parroted that they would if Trump won. This is a psyop to brainwash LeftieLoonies into thinking Trump getting into office was so bad all these "idols" are leaving the country.
I think its all for show, smoke and mirrors, a psyop. I also think if this "movie" we are watching is really real, all those bad actors have already been comped, controlled, and are doing what they are told like "actors" do.

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