You have to be a retard to think this shit is real.
Nukes are fucking fake
thanks for your opinion
Whats blowing up those buildings then?
How can they be fake when the math is real? I would like to know.
Heh, bet this guy also thinks the earth is round too because the math checks out.
math is real
Math is racist and used by the white man to oppress the world
They need the nukes and space to explain the aliens who will stop the nukes and declare Donald Trump God.
Math is racist and used by the JEWS to oppress the world
Looks real to me, have you tried refraining from your semen habit for a while?
and declare Donald Trump God.
this will NEVER happen hes not the fucking antichrist hes not even anti christ, meanwhile the jews are literally anichrist and it is an abomination who chooseth them (isaiah 41) and it was abominations crying about his victory. he was not GRIEVOUSLY WOUNDED in his head, but was nearly GRIEVOUSLY WOUNDED, his recovery was not miraculous and no one marveled at it, the fact he wasnt greviously wounded in the head was miraculous i will give you that. kikes missed, god does not, he doesnt fulfill the role of the antichrist as is layed out in revelation
nukes are unironically fake btw its literally common sense
i understood the theoretical physics behind nukes for most of my adult life when i believed in them, but they simply dont exist and its common sense.
if they did exist the united states would have used the five year "golden period" where we had this weapon and our enemies did not but we knew were rapidly developing the tech to subjicate them if for no other reason than self preservation the fact they did not and instead sat on their hands for five years while our sworn enemies supposedly developed the bomb flies in the face of everything we know about power, self preservation, and human nature.
its fergaloney
Correct, only wormwood will strike.
If you're wondering why this is popping up so much lately this is the latest psyop CIAniggers are using to achieve their ultimate goal of WW3, punishing neo-Tsarist Russia by getting you to go die on the frontlines and eventual mass global depopulation. Latest round of funding must have dropped.
heheheh goyim nukes aren't real for sure, now get in the trench and die for Ukraine!
It worked during the cold war but I think the newer generation doesn't want to keep the facade up and get into a real long meat grinding war with Russia.
I hate this shit.
Nobody thinks nukes are fakes, these faggots are spamming this shit here and have been for years.
I hope they get nuked before anyone, they deserve it and nobody would feel sorry for them, nobody.
Nukes are real but alien beings have made it clear they will intervene and make themselves known if earth enters nuclear war.
nukes are fake
space is fake
the earth is flat
retarded opinions like these are great gauges for how retarded the political opinions on this board are.
saying ____ about [political/economic topic] is equivalent to saying the earth is flat
Nukes are 100% fake.
when they say nukes, they mean boomers.
when they say they'll detonate nukes, they mean they'll release boomers to destroy whatever target they're designated to destroy.
to "decomission nukes" is to kill boomers.
so now you know what the coldwar was really about, it was nations controlling boomers and weaponizing them
i hope you get nuked first
this is also why they started calling anyone that's genz/millenial and older "boomres"
You people say the darndest things.
We need a war. Zoomies too comforable. Draft NOW
Nukes aren’t fake but ICBMs have never delivered a transcontinental payload, ever, and nobody alive knows how they work or if we are maintaining them correctly. Russia definitely has no functional ones, we probably have very few, if any of them ever worked in the first place.
Russia's nukes are fake.
China's nukes are fake.
Israel's nukes are fake.
America's nukes are VERY real.
Um the Earth IS round, OK sweaty? It's just not the round you thought it was.
what is the sun?
Watch Trinity and Beyond in HD and come back.
Because man if a child prodigy can understand it then maybe you live in Judea.
the math says nuclear bombs are 99% INEFFICIENT, but nuclear power with 3% enriched uranium is 99% EFFICIENT
it's clear what nuclear is for and it's not bombs, we have better shit than that already, but the propaganda attached to nuclear is still valuable
people wanna be scared so they can pretend they couldn't do anything when they know damn well they could have and didn't.
it's not
when they calculated the power of the bomb they used the wrong equation
it's just gatekept because maths is hard
Putin not glassing (((dc))) is all the confirmation I need to know for a fact that nukes are fake and gay.
I assume nukes are real but those are miniatures on a movie set.
Project & Reflect glowfag. Sneed
Niggers aren't real either. I've never seen a nigger. They aren't real. You expect me to believe that a few monkey men can do more damage to a country than a bomb?
You expect me to believe that a few monkey men can do more damage to a country than a bomb?
Stop asking such baity questions, they'll bomb you for the third time
hiroshima and nagasaki started rebuilding within a week of the bombs supposedly dropping and are flourishing cities today
instead sat on their hands for five years while our sworn enemies supposedly developed the bomb flies in the face of everything we know about power, self preservation, and human nature.
Well let's see here, at the time:
USA = jewish
USSR = jewish
Yep, there's your answer for why the jews didn't nuke themselves.
It's true, and there's an even worse WMD call the "pajeet", which when deployed is a fate worse than death.
Let's not pretend Little Boy and Fat Man are anywhere near to modern nukes
I had a neat dream the other night.
The crew I'm on was working on a building after the sun had set and the northern lights appeared. We all thought it was pretty neat, but the lights kept getting lower in the sky. Soon they were swirling around us like snow drifts in guess of violet and green. Our boss shouted at us to get off the fucking roof. We took off for the roof hatch, but there was a flash of blinding white light and a blast of wind. I managed to fall to the roof and hang on for a few seconds before waking up.
I hope it's a sign of things to come :)
stalin was not a friend of the jews which is why we fought a cold war with communist russia whilst simultaneously pushing support for communism in the west. i know he was at the helm for the holodomor but it took time to get everything in place. hes now known as a paranoid schizo because when he had his people in place he removed the jew from positions of power. yeltsin let them back in and the kgb once again had to wrest power back from the kikes for the russian people
Let's not pretend Little Boy and Fat Man are anywhere near to modern nukes
is it only modern nukes that kick up dangerous radioactive fallout? how the fuck do we know? we all agreed to stop testing them in 1971, the entire world. kek
if nukes are so real why don't you just build one ot prove it?
you can't?
thought so
Nukes: theyre just fake and gay.
can you explain the equation for all of us here who are bad at math?
They're two (2) that hit one spot, there are now bigger in both quantity and reach and many more will HIT the same target, do you even comprehend this?
And even if you sirvive, what are you left with
They're two (2) that hit one spot
nagasaki and hiroshima are different places you understand that right?
nukes are fake my man. completely made up, both towns started rebuilding within a week or two and showed no increased instances of cancer despite what should have been massively increased risk due to radiated fallout
The world makes more sense after this post, you drew a graphics card.
I have a double PhD in Mathematics and Physics: nukes are real, you fucking idiot.
nagasaki and hiroshima are different places you understand that right?
Yeah, that was my point, also forgot to type "two (2) that hit one spot each"
I'd believe you of it wasn't for the complete insanity of Nippon being a proof of hte devastating effect of just getting nuked once
nothing in japan is explaind by being nuked (because they dont exist) but rather what happens when a nation that just a hundred years ago was in the feudal age, enters the industrial age rapidly and is then destroyed and rebuild by a kike controlled country
there would have been radioactive fallout in hiroshima and nagasaki even with the supposedly smaller nuclear bombs but there isnt really evidence of that and they started rebuilding within a week almost as if they intrinsically understood there would be no risk from radioactive fallout
I have a double PhD in Mathematics and Physics: nukes are real, you fucking idiot.
i have a phd in appealing to authority and i say they are fake.
'Atomic Bomb Hysteria', by Major Alexander P. de Seversky
February 1946 Reader's Digest, pages 121 to 126
Yes, you are correct. Nukes are fake. It’s one of the longest running psyops in the history of humanity, along with NASA/moon landing and “Dinosaurs”. KEK. LMAO.
Of course. Old news. Ive known this for over 10 years.
Get on my level.
Because it's residual radiation, different from initial radiation that nippons dies of, but the residual radiation were only less because both bombs did not detonate at contact, but rather midair
If you haven't realized this yet, pol is being shilled by agents looking to make reasonable discussion impossible here. See the mudflood/flat earth retardation. The mods and jannies are compromised in not deleting that crap or sending it to x or bant.
If you're wondering why this is popping up so much lately this is the latest psyop CIAniggers
Its not a new theory, retard. Anyone who is red pilled has known about this for a long time, way before the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Nukes was a psyop that they came up with to make people afraid of the government. Same thing they did with the covid stuff.
air burst or not fallout would have been kicked up and irradiated to the point of rendering the cities uninhabitable for at least a little while but of course thats not what happened
I am old enough to have known a man who was dropped into hiroshima as an observer by the US govt. Unfortunately nukes are very real.
They were airbursts. the amount of actual radioactive material on site was relatively minimal shortly after the wind distributed it.
Jokes on you, faggot; I'm retarded AND I think nukes are fake.
Deal with it.
nukes just flew over my house
Wew, lad.
hiroshima and nagasaki started rebuilding within a week of the bombs supposedly dropping and are flourishing cities today
These cities were carpet bombed, not nuked. Already been proven with indisputable evidence.
Yes very funny meme. He died of head and neck cancer in the late 90s. I brought him gameboy to play in his final days since his neck was immobilized.
They were airbursts. the amount of actual radioactive material on site was relatively minimal shortly after the wind distributed it.
they are almost always airbursts if that is the case why are nukes frowned upon in the first place? what would stop nations from using these powerful weapons reasoning that so long as we dont allow ground detonations the risk of radioactive fallout is minimal and so their use is appropriate in the theater of war? the truth is the airburst thing is one of a dozen or so copes where kikes had to walk back outlandish claims of what these weapons are capable of, for instance they obviously dont blind people, how many were blinded by the flash at hiroshima for instance? see pic rel
If a rocket can stick something in LEO, I'm pretty sure it can hit the ground just fine.
i know im a doctor too
Shit ton of TNT.
i dont believe you, im literally calling you a liar
I bet you won't go out a day after the initial explotion(s)
Plural, mind you. In thousands, and not one puny ones like yours from way back then.
Whats blowing up those buildings then?
Who even knows if they're real buildings or just miniatures.
I bet you won't go out a day after the initial explotion(s)
i bet i wont either because nuclear explosions literally dont exist, its hollywood
Welcome to Nevada
at the time
If that is the case why don't you go lick the soil of know test sites?
Do it, or you're full of shit and a troll/larper. Faggot.
the government literally admits to incorporating radioactive materials and exploding them with conventional explosions for the early tests they admit it lmao
You know if nukes were real ndia and pakistan would have nuked each other long ago.
I'm about to nuke your ass with my schlong.
ATTACMS are real though. Here's bad ass footage from the ATACMS strike in kursk, from the russian perspective.
true dat. i like how japan was magically able to just clean up and rebuild like nothing happened after the supposed bombings. lol
the concept sure has made a lot of people rich making fear and credulity profitable. ironically Nukes are just cool usages of tons of TNT (ref: Chiam Weizman, zionist inventor of TNT)
film, video, grapics and weaponized propaganda.
Always was and will always be..
They're nothing but MADE FOR TV theatrics, and our grandparents bought into the fear and excepted HA, practically celebrated complete and total slavery to the TV, Radio, Mass Media. simply put: BRAINWASHED!
Tricked into accepting all sorts of rushed, devastating and out right apocalyptic devices, tech and Co.
one could argue: The Happening of happenings already happened..
War of the worlds broadcast should have been a tell of communist infiltration of media to do harm. once they achieved the data needed on how to cheat and trick the human beings ability to react, they could take this data and use it perpetuate further tricks on the general public in order to steal money, grab power, or heck ; just set up a totalitarian , technocratic, invisible, invasive supra-government.
You inherited this burden, but you can get out the plato's cave. You dont have to be such an NPC slave to so-called experts- who on a good day couldn't smell a fart in the wind much less investigate, research, discover or do something for the betterment of mankind?
prove to me once and for all that the International Clique, the satanic human-trafficking Alphabet soup of unelected corrupt bureaucrats, money-grubbing, jet-setting, heretic elite trash just love you. how they deeply enjoy keeping honest accounting of expenditures, and who strive in vigorous, sustainable use of thrift with your slave wages?
THE NPC TRUSTS THE EXPERTS BLINDLY...but doesn't realize this slave-like, blind obedience is actually a signal a low intelligence in a subject, or even an non-existent acumen in anything related to hard science?..
Seems like if they TRULY LOVED science, it would be important to apply the scientific method towards the experts themselves..
Are the experts always right?
and now proceed with your experiment using the scientific method that can be found here :
no?! you don't want to do an legitimate science experiment ?!
Don't feel bad.. No one does.. not even actual scientists.. and most of them were replaced by machines and lowly, money-grubbing, chip-on-their-sholders Jews and Queers anyway..
anyone saying nukes are fake, the earth is flat, or there's fucking aliens in Area 51 are schizo midwits.
The only conspircay thoeries you need to believe are the man never walked on the moon, jesus is fake, and kikes control the US
Nukes are like vaccines, if you ask for proof that they are real/ever did anything beneficial all you get is insults and rhetoric. Its crazy the shit people think is true yet cant even prove it to themselves. Same with the so called moon landings. Appeals to authority and populary
The idea that no terrorist has ever stolen one and set one off is laughable, you people live in a reality informed purely by fake News and movies
isn't it crazy that the same country that became the film and tv center, also had all the other groundbreaking stuff like nukes and moon landings :^)
Stop believing the truth and accept goyslop lies.
No thanks kike.
Why are mods like this?
how long would you should one wait to witness something that isnt real before you decide it isnt real?
Amen :^)
But you're right, this must be kinda like the cold war all over again.
Hiroshimoot cried thinking of the fake nukes
In an alternate timeline they took all the explosives left over in WW2 and created 2 bombs claiming to have split the atom.
To make matters worse they added uranium to it, making it two dirty bombs that just spread uranium powder everywhere so that it would look like a weapon we have never seen before.
People have hinted at it before calling them "Dirty bombs" and said terrorists would use them on populated areas but the true "lie" about atomic bombs is that splitting the attom causes exponential energy release.
Do you realise how much explosives were manufactured in WW2 on production lines and had the allies not infiltrated the Nazi's communication encryption the war would have raged on without a clear winner well into the 60's and 70's.
did I add anything of sense to this thread?