Femboy appreciation thread

femboy appreciation thread
in your country

123.png - 1132x1158, 1.72M

I prefer twinks

femboy or twink is irrelevant
just appreciate the male form

My favorite kind of int thread

yes they are the best!

no one posting femboys

fail thread

They have to work tomorrow or something

Homosexuality is a sin.

I'll post my favorite femboy

you dumb twinks cant do anything right
you need a MAN to do a man's job

Turn away from your sinful ways, God decreed one man and one woman, homosexuality is meant to be overcome like any other sin.

Ok imma leave i need to sleep, I leave you with this angel


if God didnt want me to fuck men, then why did He make them so beautiful? checkmate theists

i just need a man lol

Having the desire and acting upon them are different things, you can still be a virtuous Christian by not acting upon your sinful nature.

oh, nice
thats actually the same view they hold in Islam - this is now a part femboy/twink, part theology thread

i'm an ex-muslim but occasionally I still look up rulings and such on things, keeps me on my toes whenever someone tries to "test" me

you ever got anyone elses' contacts here? i know for a fact some euro posters are actually couples here
also, what do you think of that jamaican guy in the last thread? your type eh?

Post your bussy

NEED to dick down former muslim twink

no I haven't.
and the jamaican? I do like muscular men but I am also fine with skinny guys.
who would want to see that? ;)


not a twink, i'm more of a dad-bod kinda build
i'm only 26 but folks have confused me for 35+ because i just look older lmao

these pics i keep posting are just random Anon Babble anons

shame you guy are just so huge, the country i mean
the couples in Euros literally live in different countries but for them, meeting up is like 1-2 hour drives away

You are all homosexuals

i'm bi, but everytime i say that it triggers some anons out there - they'll start calling me a chaser or something like that
for me, sexuality's a spectrum, some folks lean more one way or the other


I'm NOT a femboy, I have way more muscle definition. You can call me a twink but that's it

nothing wrong with that
pic is an anon from your flag

imagine staring deep into his eyes while both of you are locked in a warm embrace

yeah meet ups would be hard
you aren't a chaser?
does that mean you wouldn't chase me? :p

the lines are so blurry now, fren
but yeah, you dont seem to have the aesthetics of one


through the fields and over the mountains, ana

Yes but if I wanted to I could mog all femboys and even women. Definitely

I do. I saw your butt that other thread and I want to see more

Being gay is gay

Do it kraut


holy thridden

Another quality thread sent to die in Anon Babble

its either outright deleted or moved here, i suppose this is the lesser of two evils :3