Wow... mutts really chug this shit

Wow... mutts really chug this shit

What an ugly bitch hand


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the thing that i like about these "drinks" is that they're so fucking expensive, I would never buy one even if i wanted to. fuck women, they really are retarded.

I’m a big water enjoyer myself. Love the stuff.

look at those fat fucking claws


Women here are like that. It's fucking retarded. They should just save a step and drink syrup straight from the bottle.
I don't know my coffees beyond "cappuccino" and "coffee" and I'm gonna keep it that way

wow no wonder Starbucks have trouble staying afloat

I had three today

Isn't this shit like 2000 calories? You could live off of two of these a day. Truly mutt science has pioneered us to new frontiers.

wow no wonder Starbucks have trouble staying afloat

But on the brightside, their customers have no trouble staying afloat

Uses oat milk because "I'm trying to watch my weight. Tee hee!"

Loads the drink with hundreds of grams of sugar

Why are women so fucking dumb?

Fat people sink
Are you the brit who called me unfunny and then you do this?

Fat is less dense than water, therefore it floats. I never said you were unfunny before but I might have called you retarded.

A double shot of espresso only cost like $0.21 if you make it at home. The taste is so strong that it doesn't need anything to help it, if you really want to increase the volume just throw some milk with it, maybe a teaspoon of sugar or hershey's syrup. But that's something you shouldn't do every day as the espresso doesn't need help.

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how much money do you have to spend to get those hundred stars?

the normal ones are around $5-8
its like a coffee and milk slushy

Starbucks pisses me off man. I work at a restaurant, right next to a starbucks. There was a tornado coming thru one night, one touching down really close to us, it ended up killing a handful of people. Me and my manager were running around to shut everything down, sirens going off, our wives calling us freaking out, rain literally pounding the windows. And despite all this, and the fact that it was after 9:00 on a damn Tuesday, there was a line wrapped around the star bucks building. I fucking wish I was joking. There were at least 10 cars in that line, in that storm. And really it's just sugar, it's not coffee in any way other than one of the 50 flavorings. It pisses me off. We have an entire cafe at our restaurant and I regularly will order an espresso or a latte from us, because it's fine and I have a discount on it, but the absolute morons I work with will run across traffic to pay $10 for Starbucks instead. It genuinely drives me insane.

I genuinely dont understand buying coffee to go. Buy a coffee at the cafe makes sense since you are paying for the venue and its a social undertaking but otherwise why not just have a coffee machine and buy to go cups for your car?

Unfortunately fat niggers drown when you get them into deep waters. Seen it on LiveLeak.

I can understand getting on at Mcdicks if you are in a hurry, shit's like a dollar plain black, or you can get one of the sweet bastard drinks if you really want it for far cheaper than starbucks, with all that sugar you aren't gonna taste the coffee anyway.

OPs fingers look fatter.

Caramel Frappe with 0 pumps of anything extra at good ole Mickey D’s beats everything at Starbucks.

The social experience they get is showing off the cup to coworkers, passerbys and social media. Media has taught them that having a disposable cup of coffee while doing something else is cool, bonus points if it's branded.

I remember when some anon (I don't remember if he worked at Starbucks) did an experiment and consumed the shittiest thing they could concoct and counted the calories and described the effects.

This is why I don't respect democracy or follow anything elected officials say

house drip here
darkest roast you got

Wife's friend lives in Texas, and all her work colleagues ask her why does she drink water/eat healthy? It tastes like nothing.
And the kindergardens feed their kid chips, cookies, pizza, and sometimes donuts, even if the parents say not to. Oh and they don't heat the food either because they're afraid a kid gets burnt and they get sued. And no utensils because american children should eat like pajeets with their fucking hands.
What the fuck?? And they pretend to worry about trannies to "save the children". Motherfuckers maybe stop poisoning your kids every single day for a start. They'll die of heart issues long before a troon gets their hands on them.

US has shit healthcare

EU is better, higher life expectancy

Meanwhile Americans drink covfefe with half a kilo of sugar like its nothing

Could this have something to do with lower life expectancy ?

caramel syrup

taste so delicious

No shit, fatso.

I truly despise some aspects of american culture.

People underestimate the significance of basic convenience, changing out the coffee filter and pouring in more coffee is inconvenient

So what

There was an obese former nail polish remover huffer at work who drooled constantly and would stumble all over the place since his central nervous system was fucked. Once just for fun I bought him a $2.50 tub of Duncan Hines chocolate icing for Christmas. He went into mega sloppy slurping drool mode and got a spoon out of the company kitchen and ate the entire tub of icing to the horrified disgust of his fellow workers. I laughed.

white women chug this shit for "breakfast" and then Anon Babble wonders why they hit the wall at 22.

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Still healthier than drinking shots at the club/bar

basic convenience

When you've got to the point where cooking a simple meal you might serve to someone else without mortification is beyond most people, the convenience is no longer basic.

not at 5-10 dollar a fuarking cup, thats MENTAL

Why? It probably taste just sweet. There no way you can even taste coffee or oatmilk. I don't drink oatmilk btw but it and almond milk are only two nonmilk that are actually tasty.

those fingernails

Yeah, cause that was the traditional breakfast back in the 1800's

Whats oatmilk?

How the fuck is telling some minimum wage worker your order a "social undertaking"? What the fuck is wrong with you. Do you have a script prepared so you don't fuck it up as well.

God you're a faggot

He means social interaction, with implication it's an enjoyable thing.
Eyeing up the waitress in other words.

I won’t pair with a woman that drinks Starbucks or Dutch bros because I fear the resulting child will be autistic. Sugar and fat causes genetic damage.

I hate people so much.

the implication is that he's at the cafe with someone else. why are non-euros like this?

What is this uniquely American obsession with litre-sized cups of coffee-flavoured milk and syrup?

You unironically can’t buy that shit anywhere in Europe but it’s everywhere in the US

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The long as fuck fake glued on nails (aka nigger claws) alone are an indicator that this woman is a coalburning obese piece of shit.

That's not implied, it's explicitly stated. What's implied is that social interaction is a benefit acquired through payment.
And I'm English. You're speaking my language, cuntflaps.

As you can tell she's a very fat woman

they're dysgenic and lactose intolerant subhumans. Milk, eggs, cheese and meat are the solution to both nutrition and satiety. Instead they just suck syrup that is 15g of sugar a pump.


The whole point is to get caffeine without the taste of coffee.

If you want that, hundreds of fruit flavoured energy drinks are available

I make a whey shake with milk and aspartame and other flavorings and it is thick, rich, and tastes amazing, but has very little fat and very little sugar.

listen here, bucko. it is not explicitly stated that he is there with someone, that is why the aussie thinks the social undertaking is simply placing the order. but no, it is in fact the social interaction with whoever he's there with, as he would probably never go there alone.

How many cafes have you been in with 0 staff? Cafe is staffed. Stick to the pigs, when we need expert advice on bacon we know where to go.

Awesome! Is this the bbw thread?

Behold, the average American woman



awful with money

nigger nails

addicted to social media

No wonder the average woman here looks like a hog. They chug these corn syrup sugar slushies nearly every fucking day.

the point is that the social undertaking he is referring to obviously isn't placing the order, it's meeting up with someone to have a conversation while drinking coffee.

I have a $3000 espresso machine plus a $1000 grinder.
I have no illusion that my coffee is as good as one made by a professional barista.

if I had a coffee at your place, how much would the tiki be?

No, not necessarily. You could just as easily do that in your own kitchen, for one. Some people just like to be around others, including staff and customers. Some have even been known to talk to strangers and meet new people, that tends to be a very short conversation at home.


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That actually reminds me I still haven't received the Tikkie from this weekends cafe meetup, my friend who paid must have forgotten and I should remind him.
Not even joking.

Some have even been known to talk to strangers and meet new people

we don't do that here.

Like I say, stick to the pigs.

Going to a cafe by yourself is weird.
Stop being a weirdo you're making the people with friends feel uncomfortable.

5 splenda

This starbucks shit and waiting in a line in the morning in order to be walking around with a $20 huge cup of coffee is an American exclusive thing.
I have litterally never seen that anywhere else.
There are starbucks here, but the cups are smaller and people typically consume it inside.
Most people don't go to coffee shops but will drink small coffees in bars or restaurants, or at vending machines at work, or at home with their own machines.
This is part of the mutt experience.
Pic related, the kind of coffee white people (ie : Europeans) drink.

No I make everyone feel uncomfortable, it's hilarious. Can't do that at home either.

Been to France

Seen the same standardized starbucks that there is everywhere with the exact same goyslop as everywhere else

there's more niggers in france than in muttmerica

Cope lying faggot

This was my go to drink at Starbucks actually for a while. I would get it with almond milk and no whipped cream (light at best) but I'd also get a large size.

Then the plandemic happened and I wasn't passing that starbucks drive thru everyday thatd take 15 minutes to go there (I'd plan my mornings to make it there in time to not be late to work)

Nowadays I just get a black coffee if I do go, and occasionally one of their flavored waters

based and polderpilled

They didn't eat breakfast in the 1800s. Lunch and maybe dinner or just an early dinner

You've never been to France you absolute nigger.

Imagine being such a fucking cunt you literally can't get a decent espresso machine and spend the time it takes to learn how to make yourself a decent cup of cappuccino or espresso. You're literally a pathetic sack of fucking shit that should be removed from the gene pool and your family killed on the off chance it's defective genetics and not simply abject laziness or just being a cunt.

You have no idea how bad I want to fight you on this, but I can't.
Yes, many many women drink shit like this, and say "Oh my GAWD, I FUCKING love coffee!" when there's only a drop of coffee in it.
Then they wonder why they're fat as a whale and say they don't eat that much.
I WISH this wasn't real, but it's real. There's coffee flavored milkshake stands on every block in America.
Pic related, Dutch Bros is very popular on the west coast and they're never too far away.

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those nails

those pants

that name

that order

Pretty sure she’s a prostitute. Fucking KEK.

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no wonder you're all fat cunts

Dutch Bros is the equivalent of Dunkin.

One time in Texas we ordered Dutch bros and asked for no sugar and the attendant started to malfunction

what?! No sugar?!

uh uh I don't know if we can make it like that

**confirms in ear piece**

okay we can do no sugar but I don't know how it's gonna taste!

it was a very telling moment

free drinks at starbucks have been 300 points for years

just go all in on being a huge fatfuck and drink a milkshake at 9AM at this point

It’s just women that buy these. We have no idea why.

sausage fingers

long ass fake nails



stole your pepe gypsy
whatchu gonna do

Americans will literally order home delivery breakfast. Not even anything fancy, just a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Boggles the mind.

What's that third from bottom?

Very sweet cum 1/2

Muttland is so disgraceful, I feel bad for you muttanons. All the money in the world can't make you people less retarded

Americans living like healthcare is free.

My sister drinks this stuff every day and is dying of esophagitis
All she consooms is this and mexican food
She was diagnosed with barrets esophagus I think too

And if anyone's wondering, she's very skinny

I always find it odd when they are horribly obese and yet so malnutritioned at the same time their hair is falling out and you can see gaps in the scalp.

Just don't drink coffee.

As opposed to driving out somewhere and then waiting 5-10 minutes further?

I just make an Orange Julius at home. They're tasty.

is the USA a cheaper country to build muscle in and for weightmaxxing?

Why not? It's only 100 stars.

Once you have an espresso machine and a blender, you can never really justify buying one of these again.
You just think:

Ugh, I can make 7-10 of those at home for the same price as this one.

Sure, a decent setup will cost you about £500 but it will pay for itself in the short to medium term if you really like these drinks.

No joke I work with a nigger that’s like 5’5 and 300 pounds and drinks 3 of these every day and gets DoorDash twice in every shift.
She bought new shoes the other day and was telling someone that she had to get them because the other ones were “cutting off the circulation in her foot”

I think that’s called type 2 diabetes

Mutts are disgusting pigs

You're a pig yourself. It's pretty funny. Oink Oink nigger.

stainless steel k cup

Keurig 1.0

Freshly ground coffee

Some milk

It's not pretty but it gets the job done.

All Americans are at least 2 of the following 3
Don't bother arguing.

We don't chug it, we nurse it. It's sad. The playground minders at my local elementary are young women who would be super eligible and attractive, except they all outweigh me by 100lbs. They stand around for an hour sipping at these things while schoolkids run around. Some are barely 20, and they're already imprisoned in some fat mess. A lot of it is on their parents, some on pediatricians, some on teachers, food producers, etc. I can't imagine being stuck like that.

Status symbol + trying to fit in with a trend. Women are sheep

A Dunkin opened near me. I got a frozen coffee with no sweet shit added and the thing was so goddamned sweet it made my teeth hurt just drinking it. I threw it out and figured it had to be a fluke but I tried again a few weeks later and it was even worse. I'll just stick to making my own cold brew coffee.

the thing was so goddamned sweet it made my teeth hurt

bro... you need to get your teeth checked

$17 for this sugar vomit? The moka pot I've bought 20 years ago was cheaper than that and it still makes better coffee.

It's not better.

I don't drink coffee

Aren't you guys afraid to talk to people?

Mostly fat women

Truth. I spent 400 bucks on this from Amazon Warehouse. Works great. No, I will not go full coffee fag and spend thousands of dollars to make a marginally better cup of espresso. Also, Chobani makes the best goddamn flavored creamer in existence.

Why do you need creamer you fucking queer

Because coffee tastes like dirt water and he’s in denial about it so he just adds shit to make it less nasty. There is a reason coffee is so popular with fags and women.

I don't know about cheaper, but it's way easier. Our portions are so large, everyone comments on it. It's easy to eat a lot here, so all you have to do is be very physically active and you can bulk up easily. Only other factor is yourself. How much are you willing to eat.

The US is the land of extremes. While Europeans love to shit on fat Americans, most Europeans have a base level of physical fitness because they walk a lot. It might have changed somewhat, but Europe doesn't have as deep of a fitness culture as the US. The US is very car centric, so people also overcompensate. The default fitness in much of Western Europe seems to be more leisurely. It's a byproduct of the lifestyle, whereas in the US people into fitness will workout very intensely.

If 10% of Americans go to the gym regularly, that's over 30 million people. So while you guys love to point at fat Americans, you forget that there's a subset of the population that works out a lot. Deadlifting, doing intense cardio, tons of bodyweight exercises. So the average European doesn't realize they'll get mogged hard by an American who actually works out.

I cut back on running, in favor of the gym, but i would run 10 miles (16 km) every other day for the past year. It's hilarious to me that a European would just arrogantly assume because so many Americans are fat, that they would outpace me. You guys are extremely arrogant and your opinion of us in general is so low that you always assume the worst.

flavoured goyslop bottle


where those really the longest nails you could find you couldn't find anything longer ? How do you type on a keyboard or use your phone.

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I'll let her gargle my cum if you think it will help.

mfw when i realized the blue cloth was her clothes covering her legs and not a table

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oh ffs fucking shoot me... It's the shaniqua clawboard

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(((natural flavors)))

thanks for proving my point

in all fairness I don't think England is in a position to comment regarding food. You use slightly less chemicals you're like goyslop lite lol

how come you all have such pretty countertops :( Am I the only poor person in this country

Because it is a delicious coffee milkshake you lactose intolerant paki cunt.

Look at the dumb burger, he thinks he has any idea about coffee.

You guys are so lucky, we only have timmy's here. Dunkin is the shit. Timmy's makes donuts fresh daily then makes them available for purchase several weeks later.

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show me real coffee. My friend's mom was serbian and she used to call perculated coffee nigger sweat lmao

I don't drink coffee. Makes me queasy.

It's probably mocha oil, dipshit. Considering there are no thickeners, stabilizer,.or anything else in it, the chances of it being anything but mocha oil derived from coffee is pretty low. Thanks for playing though, retard

You sound like a tremendous pussy

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Yes but you’re not understanding no actual movement or effort is involved in driving to the starbucks, just time and money wasted. Such is the life of the lazy American.

Not really. Would rail a pill in my younger years but I doubt my heart could be able to handle it nowadays.

it's a joke holy shit this board lately. here have a gore vid

Have a vid of the rizzler.

no, we don't this shit is for people who want dessert in a cup,

yea because you're a fat out of shape boomer

t. my people eat pig feet encased in jelly as a delicacy

You've never seen me to make such assumptions, but FYI I'm considered in the "victimweight" class according to Anon Babblecels.

I've been considering getting a fancy coffee machine but haven't been able to convince myself to get one.

Hate coffee, but drink it all the time because it's something warm to sip on and I don't like tea

Drink it black. Straight painful black

Don't like garbage from Starbucks or any other fancy coffee place

Do marginally like coffee with cream from my aunt's fancy espresso machine or whatever

Hers is like $4,000, and I'm assuming a decent one that doesn't have all the extra bullshit is at least $500

Can't be assed to make cream every morning in the $15 cream maker thing

I can logically make the assumption if your gut has been mistreated enough to the point where you can't drink coffee because it makes you queasy. either it's genetic or it's because you're tremendously out of shape.

quit shitting up the board worse it already is faggot

I can logically make the assumption

You don't know me or shit, niggerboi. This is an active job, as the job listing states, its like being paid to go to the gym. Mods: file a 48 hour time out for 3x8RZNf3. Order up.

They're drinking deserts as coffee

time out my fat hairy nuts you swarthy gorilla ape nigger, you wouldn't be here attention whoring with your namefag bullshit if your stupid ass "vtuber" show was off the ground you insufferable twat. fuck you and the horse you rode in on. nigger.

Americans are so fucking vile

My vtuber gimmick is mostly for a lark and for you incels to separate your hard earned dollars because I'm kinda tired of working at walmart. If you're tired of seeing me now I'm sorry to tell you that 2025 is going to be the year of the breakroom. Mods: extended this treasonous technoweenie for a two month posting vacation. Order up.

I never go to Starbucks. It looks like when I buy paint at the hardware store.

order up my nuts in your face

Do you flip the tumblers from Starbucks? That Glinda one from Wicked goes for like $80USD.

You can stop committing treason at any time. You're only hurting yourself.

Nobody needs 4000 calories a day except top athletes or bodybuilders. And you especially do not need 4000 calories of refined sugar and fats.

1pbtid offtopic thread and more than 200 Anon Babbletards bumped it.
serious mental retardation.