Would you help a helpless woman in need, Anon Babble?

You wouldn't sit there and watch like a beta bitch, right?

She voted for it

nah. if i saw a woman about to get rape i would walk away.

I would 100% watch a dumb woman get rekt in public. There is a nonzero percent chance the second I step in that she would tell the cops that her "bf" dindu nuffin and that I'm a mean racist. Never involve yourself in someone else's problems.

I remember reading if you're getting raped, you're supposed to tell "Fire! Fire!" because no one will show up to help if you say "Rape! Rape!"
keep that in mind Anon Babblebros incase you're ever getting blasted in the ass by some stranger in an alley

Is she sleeping with me?
Or related to me?

Absolutely based, not my fucking problem what so ever.

no? why would i give a fuck about women? they have always treated me as garbage for not being chad.

western women are getting exactly that the shallow creatures deserve.

Women are not sentient.

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Since I'm a sadist and a psychopath I would have to watch for a bit to make sure that the altercation was severe enough that when I killed the attacker a jury would have reasonable cause to find me innocent of wrong doing. At which point if I had a weapon on me I would intervene with extreme pleasure knowing I get to end a human life without being held responsible.

But that's sort of the difficulty in modern times because you never really know the circumstances or if the dead perpetrator is going to get the sympathy card and you risk getting thrown in jail yourself or having your reputation ruined.

Be a simp

get stabbed by nigger

No thanks

No. Shes a stranger that called you a privileged white male as she walked by you, then a wild crackhead appeared and attacked her and she asked you to help her. What would you do?

Do I know the woman in any capacity? If the answer is no, I do nothing. If yes, I intervene.

Pull out my phone and scream worldstar

Remember the time I asked you out and you rejected me?
well, God works in mysterious ways.

Realistically he's probably made a judgement call
Thief is likely much bigger and is armed
He doesn't want to be stabbed for some random women

People calling this guy out online would likely get stabbed or shot and bleed out

Unless you actually know how to disarm someone confidently then I wouldn't fuck around and find out

After Chauvin and the dude from the NYC subway, no one is helping anyone ever again.

If we shield women from the effects of their own votes we'll just get more of similar votes.

now THATS how an actual controlled opposition account looks like

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This is someone's daughter. Think about the principle of reciprocity.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
If your daughter was being robbed by a nigger, you'd want someone to intervene.

About 15 years ago yes that was a faggot, now? Fuck no women will always detail you, so unless you record everything don't get involved

Not my problem.

If she wants my protection she will need to be a pure tradwife stay at home mom who sexes me up often and takes care of my family.

Random strangers are invisible to me. I don't give a fuck about any of you.

stronk wimmens are equal to men

It comes down to this
Me stabbed
Or missing handbag

If I can't rule out a weapon then I'm not helping

It's just things, give it up. It isn't worth a life you silly woman. Check your privilege.

When my sister was thinking of moving to Chicago I did my due diligence and told her that some areas in Chicago are considered war zones for very obvious reasons.

No, I’d sit there like a chad

Okay but what if I don't care about anyone of that and just want to be able to hurt/kill the attacker because it would be socially acceptable in that context to do so? My pleasure from causing other people pain is more important than some dumb bitch getting robbed. But I am willing to act in a pro social way as long as I can be reasonably sure I won't face consequences for doing so.

My dad went to jail because he intervened with a guy beating the shit out of his wife in public. The wife stayed loyal to her man and the two pressed charges for him folding the husband

I will never stick my neck out for anyone in this life.

You're right, I would help the man

If she's not your wife, sister or mother then walk away. If the nigger decides to attack you next then put two in the chest and one in the head.

just hand over the money

and your home keys

and your pin number

you don't want to get stabbed bro

lets just live in peace

it's the manliest move, anon

Yeah that's why it's always good to watch and wait and figure out the context. Or wait until he straight up kills her and then intervene so there are zero witnesses to speak against you.

Any woman without felonies can legally carry a gun to protect herself anywhere that's worth a damn. If not even the cops have a legal obligation to protect the bitch, why would I be obligated?
You get what you vote for. She should have voted for grrl powpow power and not niggers.

Now fuck off

no sex = no rescue

holy based

I thought women can defend themselves and that they are strong and independent and need no help from men

I wouldnt let my daughter be in a place where niggers are present.
Think about what youre saying.
Women should be accompanied by a chaperone in public at all times. It helps prevent them from being retarted.

lol nobody here has sex

das rite nigguh

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But I don't have a daughter to fix me breakfast in the morning.

imagine living in a country where an ambulance costs five thousand dollars but you're a pussy for not putting your body in danger

But I didn't see a helpless woman get attacked this morning

What was the verdict in the clear cut defense of others case in New York? If anything other than not guilty, you can't expect it here.
Society can't keep telling men not to defend others then wonder why it's not happening

This. There's no telling if this is a lovers spat or something crazy because women all fuck niggers now so their degree of relationship is unknown, unlike in the past when you knew it was the jig in the wrong. Nowadays she'll look like she's getting robbed but will be sucking his dick later that night.

so, i've 'helped' bitches three times. seriously, though, i was not trying to 'help' them, i just saw a golden opportunity to bash the fuck out of a motherfucker and not get in trouble for it. couldn't give a fuck less about the dumb bitches.

Daily reminder you arrested, prosecuted and jailed the chad who tried to help.
So no.
Eat your own consequences faggot.
Women have equal rights, dontcha know.
Men are not your servants.
You don't like nice guys anyway.

Try to help

Get arrested and sued

Or worse, get killed in the process

Something something she voted for this.

Nice try, but I don't leave my house. You're all shapeshifting lizards anyway; not my problem.

That requires us to have families and a home to live in faggot.
You're the one who didn't reciprocate.
Fucking entitlement behaviour.

There are many reasons to never help a woman


If the perpetrator is black, the courts will charge you instead of him

Most women like being attacked. It's like their heckin rape novels that they shlick to

No reward. She'll just go about her business like you don't exist

Would you help a helpless woman in need, Anon Babble?

No actually as soon as I saw a crime happening I'd leave the area immediately. No I wouldn't help her either fuck that.

We no longer live in a high trust society
I didnt vote for this
I never asked for this
Its not my fucking problem
Im also like 6'4 so I guarantee the second I go in on the guy the GF is gonna freak and call the police on me
Even if not, chances are I'd land a good punch and maybe do more damage than I intend and now I've just killed some faggot over a dumb roastie who probably deserves to get punched

she would never suck my dick so not my problem

I would look around for someone filming then smile and wave at the camera.

Captain Save-A-Hoe here
I will actively defend every maiden's honor in a public display of chivalry. That poor damsel could have been interrupted while watching tiktok or getting iced coffee. She needs to be defended by an upstanding citizen like me instead of taking self-defense into her own hands
Such a sweet little butter blossom will assuredly reward me with the chance to ask her hand in a courting ceremony

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thanks for the advice i usually just yell: “fuck this bussy daddy”


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Mods are fags

Beta male for not entering into a physical confrontation with a stranger with no one strong around to protect you

Do people not realize that this has inherent risk or something? It's not even about the knife or whatever, that's a big part of it but there's much bigger risk in this.

You're basically standing there and you can fight someone or you can not fight someone, but you're in a suburb with a useless woman. The police will take 10 minutes to arrive minimum, if she thinks of calling them. Nobody around. One lucky hit and the guy can put you on the ground and stomp your head or steal your shit.

It just doesn't make sense, it literally only makes sense if you see other men around who might be able to back you up in the event you lose. Every fight involves some physical risk, and a fight with no one around to help you is 100 times riskier. An empty street and you want me to fight a criminal to protect you? Sorry, not my problem.

This is also why you don't help anyone in a subway, because 99% of the time everyone else will just sit and stare no matter what happens. It's not about being arrested, it's about dying or being severely injured because physica confrontation has innate risks. There is less risk in the woman getting her purse stolen and the nigger leaving.

why did they let their daughter out of the house