Hohols HATE him! Learn how he makes them seethe with this ONE WEIRD TRICK

I demand a skinny Russian hot wife or will start WW3

another zigger thread

She was fucked while she was waiting

Go back krosky



did you suck off an african today ivan?


Дeмбeль, oнa дoждaлacь!

and if he keeps going to war she will cheat on him and he will be killed. stay home and he will be fine

Is that his daughter? Hot.


All women are used up fuckholes

move faggot, jesus.

Get impregnated by Chad

Suddenly want sex when hubby gets home so he thinks it's his

Oldest trick in the roastie handbook.

This. By many cocks for a long time. But she will suck his dick and give him lots of wet sex during that night. 3 days later she would revert back to the monster that she is.

Chris chan has a wifey and you dont

When I was visiting Sorrento I spoke to an italian guy who spoke some Russian, he said it's from his wife who he met during a music festival in Crimea before the invasion.
Europeans can get this level of Russian pussy just by having an EU passport. No need to risk your life in a pointless war.

looks like AI video not real

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Death to all jewish terrorists, you will be expelled from the Stollen Land and be judged for your crimes.

Worth it desu

You're mad because your flag is ugly

This video is in reverse, this is actually a tearful goodbye before he left to participate in Putins full scale war of aggression, sadly he did not return

Die in a halal fire you jewish terrorist baby killer.

How do you know if a fire is halal or not?


Only a mutt could think about nigger
dicks after watching a loving white couple

Don't want one

that goes for every country ..

russian flag

nothing but demoralization posts

Checks out.

memeflag nafotroon first thought is gay nigger sex

I don't get it. Why is anyone supposed to be mad at this?

Before getting my dick wet the first time I got mad watching stuff like this

very powerful thighs there.



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mfw I will never have a woman who cares this much about me

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enlist and you will get the same strength

sexhavers have to show off their sexhaveness

this is why i support NO PUSSY NO WAR

pepe brick.gif - 715x436, 2.37M

Black baby in her belly

That's how the military works, indeed.

she looks like she was fucking those BBC Africans they imported shortly before this was filmed

A woman will never wrap her legs around any of you incels like this

probably by a churka too.

nice guard


He gets demoralized every day he walks into work.




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Haha good thing sandniggers can't make their own weapons then

I mean he is right your flag is ugly

What an inconsiderate bitch. She's making the armyfag hold all her bodyweight. He's probably exhausted from all the gay sex he had while serving his country.

yeah, happened in the U.S. army too. saw tons of it when I got back from Afghanistan, made me so happy I wasn't married or dating.

I have slept with well over fifty women. I wouldn't say they were all 8s or 9s but it's really not that difficult. If you never leave the house it's going to be a problem. A lot of people are moving off the apps and into IRL.

Ummm, I think I need to tell you something


When I was visiting Sorrento I spoke to an italian guy who spoke some Russian,

Can confirm.
Russian girls for whatever reason just jump on Italian men. Have acquaintance of mine married Italian via male bride and emmigrated, dated for like a month. And he is a manlet (though she is gnome).

Looks like the weird trick worked LMAO


Hohols HATE him! Learn how he makes them seethe with this ONE WEIRD TRICK

kek, and I know EXACTLY why!^


its the ukraine version

Wtf is this AI slop ?


Impressive, very impressive.
Now let's see ukraine home coming soldiers.
Oh wait.. KEK

That's actually a rare thing, you think it's common because it's so shocking that it's a commonly told story. You never hear of the faithful women because it's not a shocking story. Basically jews push propaganda through the news and government statistics and if you believe it then you're fucking retarded. Stop falling for jewish lies. Stop pushing jewish lies. Stop being jewish.

This. Women are angels who happily stay celibate when their bfs are away for years

Women are human, some are good and some are bad.

This is cope. You were deployed and have doubts.

Women are human

Get a load of this cuckold simp.

My sister's husband did and she never cheated on him. Stop pushing jewish lies, stop trying to divide European men and women. Die in a fire kike.

I don’t know anything about that. But I know cope when I see it and you’re coping hard.

he fell for the jewish propaganda

Pathetic. You probably also say shit like "she voted for it" when little European girls get groomed by invading shitskins brought in by jews. You are the kind of subhuman Hitler warned about.

I know a jew when I see one and you're very jewish. Keep pushing jewish division propaganda.

kys simp

Subhuman scum.

She did that only to post it on her social media, i know womans

she never cheated on him

uh-huh, she tell you that herself?

Eglin base glowies are in overdrive lately.
Did Putin kinzhal another nafotroon base?

Here it comes

let me tell you about your sister goyim

Not happening kike, you can go ahead and fuck off now. Send in the next jew when you leave.

fuck off jew

sorry brah only if you have foreskin

She was sucking Tyrone and mahmood's dick right before she started kissing him btw

this guy knows womans, I trust him

I deployed to Iraq from Germany. 7 months later, when I got back to Germany at 2:00 AM, I was loaded onto a bus brought back to base and dropped off at the supply depot. Not a fucking sole around, I thought to myself...no one will ever give a shit.

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And he was fucking and sucking on the battlefield, so it all cancels out

Gee, that wasn't staged. there just happened to someone there to film her and her alone.
She needs to act like a woman, not a child.

butthurt holol fag

You've never been in the military.


more jew propaganda about the most jewish wars ever fought





Demobilized and getting to see family

Only when 200! Even the 300 get sent back

Somebody post that trad blonde Russian FEMALE I don't have HER saved on my computer

ancora tu, la spetzna non si è ancora stancata dei tuoi pompini senz'anima?