You can deny the holocaust on here but if you talk about the Earth being flat there is a 95% chance of your thread being deleted.
Flat Earth
it is not political nigga
I wish. Nobody likes retards and you fucking niggers take the cake.
It should be 100% and come with a permanent ban.
Flat Earthers arent real. It's a psyop to delegitimize literally everything it touches, probably Young Earth/Anti-Evolution is the most adjacent Redpill it tries to poison.
we have to honor ancient wisdom and non-white knowledge, chud
nooo not like that
It is political because if it's flat then God must be real and that changes the dynamics.
t. Kike
God hates kikes though.
imagine falling for this like a fucking moron
Falling for what? At least I don't blindly believe in (((science))) without question.
uh oh globetards
what i want to know is why cant i find videos of flat earthers flying to the edge? like ONE SINGLE VIDEO
"they" dont allow it
what does that even mean? are you intercepted by fighter jets? then there should be videos of that
what does that even mean? are you intercepted by fighter jets?
Yes. It's guarded by 57 countries.
then there should be videos of that
Okay rabbi.
The rabbis of the Talmud believed that the world was flat, and that the sun revolved around the Earth every day.
The view of the talmudic rabbis is contrasted with that of the contemporary Greek astronomers. While the rabbis of the Talmud argued about the size of the flat Earth, the Greeks had determined the Earth to be a sphere, had calculated its circumference and had moved on to consider other questions.
just go back and upload a video to youtube after you've been blown up in mid-air
this is truly the most retard take, considering nazis used flat earth tech that britain rejected and they successfully used it to destroy warehouses in the middle of the night flying completely dark for 500+ miles
anyone who says flat earth is in any way "jewy" is a total detractor / a total retard with only surface level knowledge, or a jew themselves. who even uses a nazi flag? the jews are the reason everyone is deceived. to use the nazi flag but to be brainwashed by jews about the globe and shown cartoons about dinosaurs is hilarious. you trust albert jewsteins theory of relativity which he stole (very jewish of him) from the patent office and is used as the backbone of all outer space related "proof". you would have to be a total RETARD to not know that masons run america and our education/scientific/military/government institutions are all controlled by jews who brainwash us to keep us docile cattle
But not everyone and their grandma can get on a voyage to Antarctica (the ice rim). Do you have any fucking idea how cold it is, how dangerous, or how expensive? You can't just take 2 days PTO and go check it out.
And yes, there is at least one video of a boat getting intercepted by the military.
It's a fact you can't freely and independently explore Antarctica. Curious they won't let anyone do this. It's as if it would prove Flat Earth or something.
nazis used flat earth tech
No, you're just being a lying jew
you can't freely and independently explore Antarctica
And we have another lying jew
you from 2008? livestreams are a thing. if flat earth was real there would be reuploaded livestreams of peole getting shot down
it is not political nigga
NASA is a massive jewish money laundering scheme.
What are you talking about? The Nazis used line-of-sight VHF radar to guide bombers -- and it worked. The Brits didn't expect it, because "muh globe earth". Who was correct? The Nazis.
It's a fact you can't freely and independently explore Antarctica. Curious they won't let anyone do this. It's as if it would prove Flat Earth or something.
but that's wrong, you fucking retard
it is not political nigga
SpaceX is massive jewish laundering scheme. It is subsidized by the People.
you dont know anything and you are just following logic. nobody is allowed beyond the 60th south parallel because of the antartic ice treaty, nobody is allowed beyond the 55th north parallel because of the NWS which is a set of virtual tripwires across canada, greenland, etc. any country in the north. THE MILITARY IS CONSTANTLY SCANNING FOR PLANES/BOATS to intercept. there IS video of people being intercepted and told to turn around by the way, here is one at 14 minutes
go to 14:00
if you're an intellectually honest person you should be able to respect this take: nobody can show you the edge because no human is allowed to freely travel the earth. we are forced to accept that NASA and the governments of the world are telling us the truth at face value, without being able to verify ourselves. DO YOU TRUST THE GOVERNMENT?
you probably dont even know what a parallel is in regards to maps. you cant go beyond these red lines. there is literally a box around all of us where the governments say "you cant explore here".
if i invited you over to my house but you're not allowed in the upstairs or the basement, can you say you've explored my house fully? what if i said "trust me bro, here's a pic of whats upstairs". is that good proof for you that you can say with confidence that you've fully explored my house?
Watch the video instead of staying a niggerbrained flat earth retard
Fuck you, globe shill.
I'm a Traditional Catholic, not a fucking Jew.
Please, I invite you to post all the evils of the Jews all day long. They rape kids you know. And that's just the start of how evil they are.
following logic
my god you said the quiet part out loud. you dont like it when people use *gasp* LOGIC
Sorry, "muh diffraction" isn't going to work.
VHF is line-of-sight.
I'm an Extra-class Ham radio operator.
Go look at the Extra test, recover after fainting, and get back to me. You're probably too low-IQ to pass such a test.
dont give a fuck about your little basedboy with his faggy dog here is proof for anyone who isnt a retarded globe shill who wants to know more:
>you can't freely and independently explore Antartica
And we have another lying jew
if you genuinely think we can freely, privately explore antartica without a guided tour YOU are the lying kike, you are just straight up lying
look at the retarded process it takes, you need an EPA, you can get shut down for any reason, you are just straight up lying
and yet many of them stick around for hours and hours, reaching limit. there are several on Anon Babble right now. and its not really the subject which gets your shit moved to Anon Babble or whatever, its that flat earth niggers post the same stuff every single time and are the most dishonest and retarded posters on the internet, and everyone is sick of their shit.
Explain Operation fishbowl and starfish
you probably dont even know what a parallel is in regards to maps
Very ironic, considering the meaning of "parallel" would completely disappear if the Earth wasn't a globe.
Are you going to kill yourself when the two flat earth faggots concede there's a 24 hour sun in Antarctica a month from now?
As for that video
man with Irish name
globe in background
Uh, no.
I have an Irish last name myself, but I must say: Irish americans are the fucking WORST. They are SUCH sellouts, SUCH normies, such vax-taking bluepilled faggots. I want to change my last name to something African just so I don't have to be associated with those dumb fucks.
have you looked into all those guys who use a long yagi to transmit in one direction, and use another to pick it up coming back to them from the opposite direction?
radio ops are not allowed to think the earth is flat.
yes.. logically people think "planes exist. planes can fly. people can take a plane and just fly it and prove the shape of the earth!" this makes logical sense until you realize the restrictions imposed. NO NORTH TO SOUTH NAVIGATION HAS EVER BEEN ATTEMPTED!! we supposedly live on a globe but NOBODY has flown in one direction and "looped around the other side". east to west navigation is possible on a flat plane. you can walk around your desk in one direction and wind up where you started. people dont realize that the airspaces are HEAVILY monitored and nobody is allowed to freely explore earth. you have to take the governments word for it. why would you?
do you trust the government ?
no because i guarantee that earth is flat and i couldnt care less about a 24h apparent sun, the only "proof" you have of a globe is the way toilets flush and ancient egyptians with 2 sticks LOL. you are sitting here talking about hypotheticals that dont exist, look at what an emotional faggy feminine response you are having to someone who is telling others to question the government
the chaney model is the least like the rest from the perspective of color palate
there would be reuploaded live streams of people getting shot down. cant take you seriously
i couldnt care less about a 24h apparent sun
Because you can't explain it using flat earth shit. But then again, the list of things flat earth can't explain is endless anyway.
95% chance of your thread being deleted
Fed pysops are not politics.
the moon is flat too, and all the other planets too durp.
Why not ask Anon Babble about this? Surely they will consider your evidence
10 April 1946
Finally, I must I think mention an objection to pasteurization which I put into the serious category though some of your Lordships may feel it hardly merits this treatment. I refer to that type of person who knows from personal experience and observation that the earth is flat and not round, and who say such things as: "What nature produces is good enough for me, so better not tamper with it; it might be dangerous; I like my milk raw."
first of all flat earth videos are the most censored on the internet and constantly deprioritized, second of all flat earthers dont trust the governmnent and are not fucking retarded. why dont YOU go suicide to get some epic video so you can prove that the government is evil? i would not ever bother to do that, why dont YOU spend $50,000 to get a plane and just fly in a random direction until they kill you? thats such retarded logic. stick to what makes sense
The flat earth truth is heavily censored on Anon Babble , worse than reddit or anything else. The mods there are turboglowniggers.
Anon Babble as well
They only fly here for a while because of the high traffic, but they get pruned as well.
you're so full of bad information and lies that i can't think its not deliberate
deprioritized =/= unattainable. there would be at least 1 single video
Not only that but if you were live-streaming it's possible they could block your signal.
there are generally at least a couple threads on Anon Babble which are flat earth subjects. theres one now about 'no photos of antarctica'. flerfs are constantly posting vaguely disguised threads. always.
It's funny how flat earth retards need all kinds of circumstantial bullshit to "prove" their retarded theory.
You know you need to prove the earth is round? A pair of eyes and a view of the sky. That's all it takes.
Because you're annoying spamming faggots who should legitimately be hunted down, imprisoned, and executed.
there are generally at least a couple threads on Anon Babble which are flat earth subjects. theres one now about 'no photos of antarctica'. flerfs are constantly posting vaguely disguised threads. always.
wow why dont you attack my post with any specificity so i can show you what a total retard you are, instead of making vague shitty claims like "ur wrong lol.. so wrong bro.. U Are so.... totally... wrong" and leaving it at that?
flat earthers aren't worth any effort
go kill yourself
flat earthers aren't worth any effort
Why are you in this thread then?
How many of these had access to satellites or equivalent technology?
Daily reminder that "flat earth" is a really shitty CIA psyop meant to associate conspiracy-discussing spaces like Anon Babble with nonsensical bullshit in order to throw people off.
you dont care about the truth so i know its entirely pointless to address your many mistakes and lies. anything i might show you will be casually dismissed as being fake without the slightest concern for proving that it is fake.
you're a shill, or a troll, or just mentally ill. if anyone else would like to see how terribly dishonest all your claims are they can easily search the answers.
Here's a hint
and now the busy flerf liars vanish only to post yet another thread shortly. they dont care about anything apart from making sure their shit is constantly in the catalogue. they dont want discussion, they just want to be visible.