What's a forced meme, daddy?

This is the gayest shit, conservative Twitter is so gay. They’re all a bunch of zionist cocksuckers too.


What's a forced meme, daddy?

I wouldn't know, son.

This is the gayest shit, conservative Twitter is so gay.

Imagine knowing what some twitter shit is. Kys.

I appreciate you.

It’s where this meme is coming from nigger
All the MIGA Zionist cocksuckers tried to bring it over to Anon Babble

No, this one is from Eglin and 8200

Well ... an example would be a meme that is used to shame men who have concerns ... despite the fact that a lot of us know how badly women and the legal system can destroy boys and men because we've experienced it first-hand.

It's literally just a wholesome meme that isn't even trying to be anything. How the hell does it get literal retard cockmonglers mad as hell?

You are Indian

It's the hags from crystal cafe again.

What's so wholesome about it? And when did "wholesome" become something to aim for in forced memes anyways.

Females are worthless pieces of shit, stop drooling over them like retards, stop making fucking memes of them.

You have to understand r/incels is gone now, so they needed someplace where a boring, forced, stale meme would literally cause them to cry tears of anger on their keyboard

Dying for israel IS wholesome, chud.

There's literally nothing you can do as a father now to discourage your daughter from becoming a whore. Anything you try and teach her to help her be 'more than a whore' is just something she can use to make herself a more marketable whore now.

teach her math/science if she's smart

becomes a 'tutorial' youtuber

whores out

teach her carpentry/any other trade type hobby

gets extra attention online for being wowww le hammer tomboy

whores out

teach her to become good at literally any sport

lmao-never-had-a-chance tier

even golf is full of instawhores now

literal olympians are OF whores now

ex-olympians are doing triple penetration gangbang porn

one of her siblings/friends becomes famous for any reason (including ewhoring)

she'll become a pornwhore from jealousy, then probably convince her mother to join in too

many such cases, sad!

be le epic trad survivalist prepper father and teach your daughter to camp and fish and cut trees and shit

she'll start an 'omg gurl camping in the wild' channel and inevitably whore out

again, many such cases

cut both her legs off

social media attention will inevitably progress to whoring out

be unlucky enough that she happens to be taller than six feet

translates to more social media attention which inevitably leads to whoring out

the number of 'tall girls' whoring out compared to their proportion of the population is absurd, like 50/50

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Fuck you leaf glownigger

What do you have against incels, you dumb niggerfaggot?

Nothing is more damaging to ones ego than turning a mirror to them.

When we grew up anon...

Romania flag

Based Count Dracula

Sounds like a beta male problems


Where's the porn already?

every organic meme is forced in some way

No it's not, retard bingbong.

What's so wholesome about it

It's literally just a wife commenting about irrelevant shit and being annoying but cute. Do you literally think the 1st original wojak was a psyop too or something?

How the hell is wifejak dying for Israel?

Where the fuck do you all literal mentally ill retards come from?

You will come to accept it, just like the fatty whorejak. Eglin makes all the best maymays these days.

It's literally just a wife commenting about irrelevant shit and being annoying but cute.

Yes, it's a feminist being annoying. I don't get it.

Even if she isn't a whore and instead just a loyal wife with a bodycount of 1 by the time of her death. Even THEN you are a cuck. You used to read her stories and give her affction only for her to spit on a dick and put her hand on a dick full of saliva

Everything on Anon Babble

Wojak is a krautchan meme from 2010. It has absolutely nothing to do with this forced spam.

It’s where this meme is coming from nigger

Yes and the fact that you know it is the part I'm ridiculing, retard.

How the hell is that feminist? Are you projecting or something? Again, the meme is nothing more but just an observation and reaction on everyday wife interactions, nothing more. How the hell did this bother retards here more when we had le Dark le Brandon on spam mode just last year.

You do realize wifejak is just another variant of wojak right? You do know wojak is also forcefully spammed here according to retard prime spic streamer logic right?

yes it is, dumb nord

I'm just not going to like a forced meme because that mexinigger faggot hates it.
What the fuck is that logic?!

dont act like baby hitler the first one, there is a lot of other failed forced memes namely miga

voote harder and take your boosters

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I am still not even sure what this demented meme is supposed to mean. Is it some loli shit?

the last really eventful meme to even overthrow pepe is chudjak
he talks to your soul

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Again, the meme is nothing more but just an observation and reaction on everyday wife interactions, nothing more.

The fuck are you talking about? 70% of young men, this boards main demographic, aren't even in any relationships... much less having even an ugly feminist wife.

How is this relatable for anyone, are you boomers or something? Also, women should shut the fuck up, they have nothing intelligent to say, ever.

You're mad people know it's from there and don't accept your koshervative memes.

poos make the list too as somehow they all discovered Anon Babble at the same time... unlike jews no one can save poos from Anon Babble meming poos into nuclear holocaust that would have no mourners
all i am saying jews really have competitors in the most disgusting type whether they engineered it or not but its funny as shit that that the jeets worship them in a sweet irony

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miggers must start to hate this annoying bitch three folds for being forced in the same month as miga won which just goes to show how no one gives a fuck about vooting anymore

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What? All five of them? It’s not exactly a whirlwind of activity.

You don't know what words mean. Forced means a few people are posting it despite knowing it's shit hoping it catches on. Not forced means people genuinely like it and shared it and it caught on.

Three hags on VPNs can do a lot.

This, even the "far" right is just a group of grifters

dont worry its temp spam i can judge this shit
even miggers are bored

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Why's my name show on rule 34, daddy?

I love women so much it's unreal


Anon Babble hate women equally to jews fyi

inb4 white knight

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You are a cuckold worshipping the creature that humiliates you for being against importing indians everyday.

And what a punchable face aswell.

I missed it, bros, was it a good one?

It reminds me of being in high school, and how when one weird outcast kid found 30 seconds of fame by saying something that a few kids laughed at in class. Then he never fucking stops and it's all you ever hear him say until the end of the school year.

hey I said the thing again! isn't it funny?

it's that thing again! aren't I funny?

ayoooooo it's that thing again! remember the first time i said that thing and everybody laughed?

hey i just said that thing again!


Hawk tuah is the biggest one I’ve seen this year.

only for her to spit on a dick and put her hand on a dick full of saliva

holy shit that's disgusting.

You misspelled fuckable.

Oh its when jews get mad at the idea of whites having kids and a family that are based so they cry about it on a basketweaving symposium for days. Then they post thread after thread crying about it, way more than the threads laughing about the meme.

Imagine the damage that retarded meme did, now there will be tons of girls spitting on dudes because they think that's what they want. If a girl spit on me i'd ghost her, that shit is disgusting. I don't know where they got the idea that throwing up and slobbering everywhere is hot, that shit smells and it's gross. I want the girl to make little mouse noises at the most and just sit there and do nothing. Porn has ruined women.

The fuck are you talking about? 70% of young men, this boards main demographic, aren't even in any relationships

And? 0.00001% of people here are mass shooters and yet that doesn't stop retards here from accepting chudjak as "literally me". It's a meme you dip, nothing more.

I can understand being angry unfathomably at MIGA and neocons but being retardedly angry at some fucking family meme is bizzare.

retards here from accepting chudjak as "literally me".

The fuck are you talking about... no one does that, is this your first day here or something? Fucking hell.

thats the problem migger, they wont until they're 27-33

Anon Babble likes to roleplay as normies the most of everything else
who likes women when the average is incel

Thats how you know its 100% artificial anger and jews sperging out.


Like I get people on here who are heavily anti women who might see it as some bullshit but there is nothing wrong with having a family and them having similar ideals to you. Its what "we" should be striving for.
Some of the people on here actually have made families and find this shit funny since it can be identified with. The reaction to it outside of some people just mad because a woman is in it is so artificial its hilarious.
The only real attempt at a counter is "JEWS WANT YOU TO HAVE WHITE KIDS TO KILL THEM" which is some hilarious cope. No they want you to take care of trayvondarius' nigger offspring, not have your own.

Thats how you know its 100% artificial anger and jews sperging out.


Like I get people on here who are heavily anti women who might see it as some bullshit but there is nothing wrong with having a family and them having similar ideals to you. Its what "we" should be striving for.

Some of the people on here actually have made families and find this shit funny since it can be identified with. The reaction to it outside of some people just mad because a woman is in it is so artificial its hilarious.

The only real attempt at a counter is "JEWS WANT YOU TO HAVE WHITE KIDS TO KILL THEM" which is some hilarious cope. No they want you to take care of trayvondarius' nigger offspring, not have your own.

go self improope faggot

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memefags on discord 'pwning 4chinz' lol. i have been demoralized!!!! no wait, im immune!

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kek I love how mad you jews are about this.
Not everyone here hates themselves and their families. Most of us hate (((you))).

The fuck are you talking about... no one does that

Fuck sake, congrats on admitting that you're a newfag. meme by their very core are made to be spammed and "forced". This 1 is just a another variant of it and it's not even malicious or anything.

I don't even go to Discord you imbecile.

who gives a fuck in 2 weeks you'll be supporting something else that will solve everything because you're an avg retard
its unwinnable talking to you

i bet you'd even tell yourself that you found this meme annoying since the start when your imaginary frens stop spamming it

meme by their very core are made to be spammed and "forced".

Go back to plebbit or twatter or wherever it is you come from, pls.

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kek I genuinely love how mad you jews are about this. It makes me smile.

Here's the score.
It was a random wholesome meme on Twitter. Nothing to do with jews or shills.
This accidentally showed the incel losers that they hate what a funny loving situation would be if they had a family. Now they're mad that they gave out hope so they're trying anything to go back on it.

That's all.
The other half of it is obviously UUUUOOOOHHHH ToT

I really get why some on here would be mad about it just because its a woman and a kid and they are happy. However, the daughterjak saying based shit is one of the funnier things I've seen come out of here in a minute. Its infinitely useable.
Kids are based and say some pretty smart shit when you raise them right. They don't have the preconceived notions we do ingrained in us.
The idea of kids without mind control terrifies jews.

Kill yourself, pedo.

You heard it kiddos, your racist frog meme has been superceded by a gender friendly woman, you can't stop progress.

Its not a 'force meme', married men love their wives and online weirdos hate normies.

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Idiot. You put the fren next to the daughterjak and have them playing lego and talking about financial reform.

I'm very glad jannies are mad about this.