Reminder that Amerisharts live like this
Reminder that Amerisharts live like this
Greetings shopkeep, give me one of your finest ales.
It's called pop
lmao that's humiliating
There's security tags on meat at every store and I get stopped for my receipt every time I buy ground beef at asda
Pipe down retard
shitskin thieves
Checks out
That's only in places filled with niggers. The stores where I live have products sitting on the OUTSIDE that you need to bring in to pay. Less niggers = better living. Btw mudslimes are niggers too. Got that Achmed?
I am convinced that all this shit in California is being done to drop property prices across the state to allow certain (((people))) to purchase the majority of the land on the cheap
what shithole do you live in? never seen that in my life
Might as well be it's own country.
you're probably brown from birmingham or something. please stay there
I get stopped for my receipt every time
Sucks to be brown.
Oy Mate you av a loicense for dat der joke?
Get fucked redcoat Paki
to stop niggers of course
getting stopped
guarantee he is brown
Yeah, but everybody is too scared to say it.
i’m in san diego and seeing a shopkeeper or store security battling/arguing with a nigger thief trying to steal from their store is a weekly occurrence. can’t wait to leave this shithole.
Well the niggers live like this.
Same. And it's not even some middle of nowhere redneck stinkhole. There are lots of stores with shit sitting outside.
wait for old lady to open door
take out a mountain dew and drink it right in front of her
The thefts will continue until prices drop
This is what "civilization" looks like when niggers and muds exist.
If we build space colonies, we will have to ethnically refuse them entry because they'll end up looting the wiring in the habitation or something.
It's not different anywhere else. I'm in NYC and the problem is even worse here.
Communism failed
Commiefornia at its finest
Probably leaving the space colonists without their food supply.
The closest corner store to me put a padlock on their ice cream freezer last year. Rest of the store is still open though
I guess the international students really like Ben and Jerry's
dollar tree and walmart needs to be next.
Fucking nIggers caused all this. those porch monkeys do nothing but make life harder on workers.
it doesn't have to be like this
Don't blame walmart for this.
Race war when?
I'm serious. We would have to actually forbid certain races from reaching space because the climate is too unforgiving for their usual shine activities. They would have to be kept on Earth because they would be a danger to everyone else. This is what happens when you take people living in the stone age and drop a scifi civilization on top of them that's 60,000 years more advanced than their own people came up with. They don't understand or appreciate it, so they destroy it whenever they can.
You do NOT want people like that in orbit, in sealed vacuum environments. They'll have to be kept on the planet and never be allowed to leave. I'm adamant about this to the point I think there should be mandatory IQ tests to even be allowed on "space tourism" flights. Tyrone must not be allowed to spread.
Don't forget we have an abomination system called "catch and release"
And also get leftoids to move and pollute other states.
Ok nigger
this is why I shoot blacks every February.
I wouldn't shop there if the things I wanted were locked like this.
They stop you at the state border and ask questions. So yes
Their real estate prices aren't going anywhere but up, this shit is just a humiliation ritual to demoralize and remind the people of how powerless they are
That’s not America OP
Californians live like this
Fixed for you. Now show us your shitposting loicense
Reminder that Amerisharts live like this
Only American liberals in major cities live like this.
Racism doesn't exist because some old guys said 'I don't like how those people look'. It's learned, it's pattern recognition. That? That's the result of pattern recognition. Recognizing American niggers are thieves and having to put obstructions to deter it. You Europeans just cannot understand how awful they are and think racism towards niggers is overblown. It's not enough, it's never enough. Their presence in anything adversely affects that activity or event. Where there are things that were once good or interesting, there was a nigger who ruined it.
He's gotta cope some how
The things Americans will do to tolerate black people.
How does this even prevent shoplifting. You think the employee is gonna remember every item you took when you get to the checkout after doing the same for five other customers?
Europeans don't understand why Americans own so many guns. It's because of blacks, who commit absurd amounts of crime. No one owns a Glock to hunt deer or to "protect their freedom". It's because they're afraid of being carjacked.
Reminder that jews rape kids
I live like this in the Midwest.
Why even have an open shopping floor, then?
Just make the entire store a warehouse and order-fulfillment only.
Oh, NO! Without free roaming, customers may not make impulse purchases!
Get fucked, corporate scum.
I'm done with subsiding niggers through higher prices on everything.
Reminder that Amerisharts live like this
Still preferable with 2A than the shithole Britain has become. Been there last year....boy its worse than I thought...Stayed with my sister and her british husband in Newcastle, their neightbours are chinese and pajeets on both sides. Barely any white people anywhere and you can't even own a gun.
The CHP ain't no joke.
Ukniggers don't understand
niggers caused this with their endless crime spree and flash mob bullshit
This year I have been "randomly selected" at self checkout for control 2 times, by the same weird autistic brownoid while every time I'm there, there's always a nigger being "randomly selected".
Kek. Is it easier to buy a gun or fenty than it is to buy soft drink?
you and everyone else that says pop sounds like a fucking nigger baby
Where one is ruled by Jews freedom becomes an empty dream.
The only similar country is South Africa. Really makes you think
California does not equal America
But one wouldn't expect a bong that still bends the knee TO A FUCKING KING in 2024, to really understand much of shit, on account of how fucking retarded they are
You're retarded, soda is from nigger areas
The UK is an open-air prison. I went there one time and there is just this nervous tension everywhere, like being in a police state. Everyone pretends to be happy but it's a façade, and you can see it in their beady britbong eyes they are constantly in a state of fear. The only time this changes is when they're drunk and their guard is lowered.
This is actually the worst part about living in a highly nigged area. You, yourself, an honest white man, will be treated like a nigger because all of the default policies at every establishment must be tailored for their no-trust society. You, just like those animals, will be forced to prepay for a dollar drink before it is taken out of the locked case for you. You will be forced to interact with the cashier from behind a layer of bullet proof glass. You will, by default and as a matter of survival for these businesses, be treated like you have no money, morals, useful skills or dignity.
At this point, wouldn't it make more sense to have a separate app where you place your order, workers inside get your order together, you go up to the pick-up door and pay and they hand you your order? Eliminates the need to lock shit up if the public isn't invited in.
If I said
London does not equal America
You would rightly laugh in my face, faggot
monarchy is bad
Better than democracy
this because of niggers
Do you not feel pathetic comparing yourself all day? You have an obvious inferiority complex.
No you can't come here stay there
Im from midwest an the problem is uncommon here. Its your high desity welfare hubs that are the issue.
Do you call milk “moo juice” or something equally retarded as well?
As if lil Holt or Brad won't do some dumb ass "hahaha duuuuude check THIS out!" Jackass type stunt in outer space for YouTube clicks.
Stores don't give a fuck about your mom walking up to the self-checkout with five items and only scanning four
These lockdown measures are because of homeless drug addicts filling a backpack with 30 cans of monster and then running out
That's the sad thing. Everything is descending into ruins, and we're left, stupefied, knowing that things could be better but they're just not.
We all feel like we could be rich, safe, reasonable, and healthy. We feel as though our leaders could be wise and logical. We have this sense that we could all work together, be brothers.
But instead we're all just powerless from top to bottom watching the world crumble, realizing that no amount of feeble will could possibly do anything to change it. You're a britbong and I fucking hate you, you probably hate me, but we're both just the same, unable to do anything to save ourselves, let alone help each other.
The one thing I'll agree with the communists on is that our societies definitely are broken. There's some kind of systemic rot, right down in the core. That's why this is a uniform degradation that spans the entire planet.
should we knock out shoplifters and give them to the cops?
no dat rayciss i have a better idea...
That, and all the unemployed niggers in cities on welfare.
I'm not White, I'm half White but yes. I visited my cousins in California a few years ago and we got a craving for popeyes late. The only place open was some area in LA. We waited for 45 minutes in the drive through line, some guys almost got into a fight because one guy tried to cut in front of him. About 70% of the people in the cars and on the street were niggers. When we finally got to the drive through window it was bullet proof glass and a bullet proof contraption like a drawer where you put your cash / card and then once you pay they put the food in the drawer and you can grab it. It made me sick, I don't understand how people can live like that. If I lived there with my family I would sell everything, take out loans, and move somewhere safer. I'd be applying to jobs elsewhere daily. Then again, niggers are not people.
This is how it used to be
id rather take a beating and break some toes
How will niggers riot?
Niggers recorded this, they should be arrested or shot by the store owner, its cause of niggers this is happening in the first place.
They live like this because of basketball-americans, who ruin everything.
Even in London, I saw electronic tags on fucking milk and cheese at my local shop. I wonder what demographic brought about this change?
Time to load up then. Asians gonna be shootings niggers this year.
I would probably never leave my big house in the suburbs if I were american.
The only thing missing in the suburbs is a bodega and a pub every 4 streets.
fucking disgusting
I agree with the brits on almost everything except this and humour
Why not just put everything into vending machines at this point?
no soda without a prescription
that shit will kill you
have you read the ingredients list
To be honest I'm surprised it doesn't just blame White people.
I love Demconomics
Young Bloods are stealing stores? If it's under 1000 dolars we won't arrest them, besides yall complaing about the youth never leaving home anyway.
methheads are dying in the streets? Give them 800 dolars to heat up the market
only in liberal commieland
soft drink
I would realize I stopped for a drink in a ghetto and get the fuck out of the area
Watch commie faggots blame "capitalist greed" instead of their precious niggers driving everyone out of business by acting like uncivilized animals
This is because of niggers
I've never seen this in my life
living in California/Jew York
The most I've seen is certain cosmetics being locked up, it's always half a shelf worth of random shit that apparently a certain race loves to steal.
I have never stolen anything from a store in my life
Its a soda you fucking inbred niggers
You are describing nigger influenced whites
It's a long way to Tipperary
Fizzy drink
Wtf are you talking about that's not even comparable you stupid nigger
Go watch the op again
Black hands.>California
GTFO nigger
As a child of an olicargh, why would you. two liter Xoxa Xola probably costs 20 cents
nigger area
kneel down and face away from me
trying niggers non-existent patience fumbling with keys
prey drive kicks in
This is going to get White workers killed. It's literally asking to be executed.
TBF, this is mainly because of niggers and mass groups of them stealing and destroying stores. Then nigs whine about "food deserts" and they can't just buy shit anymore.
The screws to the locks are completely visible and accessible, why would a thief need a special key when they can just use standard Phillips head screwdrivers to unlock them?
lol the locks at the bottom are some wagie humiliation ritual
Proof that nigs are demons and should not be allowed in public places.
It cost more to install those locks than that whole store is worth. And on top of that they need to hire extra staff to run around opening everything for everyone, one door at a time. Every single store in California would have shut down by now except that the corporations that own them are willing to lose tons of money on every store to avoid being called racist by the traitor media. It's a clown world bubble that, once it pops, will result in mass riots and actual starvation deaths requiring FEMA to start feeding niggers like farm animals.
It't not like this in most states here in America. California has an extremely terrible theft issue going on. The laws in California allow for petty theft and other forms of stealing because it's only a small Misdemeanor and the laws regarding stealing are very lenient. It's encouraging organized retail theft, where criminals can steal large quantities of goods without facing severe consequences.
In Florida for example retail theft is a third degree Felony. People don't take that shit lightly in Florida. There are homeowners and store managers that have firearms and will report you on the spot if they even suspect you're stealing. DeSantis made it a point to bring thugs like that off the street and behind bars. And it's not just a small misdemeanor like it is in California. Florida wants to discourage any and all behavior regarding theft and I applaud Florida for that.
At least we have dentistry. Post teeth bongscum
There's a video some spic from Miami Gardens made when he moved to my hometown where he's amazed that the mechanic downtown leaves racks of tires outside of the shop all night.
OMG! This is such a nice area.
You couldn't do this back in Miami Gardens, all of it would be stolen immediately!
I'm going to tell all my family back in Miami Gardens how nice it is here and how affordable everything is.
Then a few months later he started posting videos complaining that the town is racist and doesn't have enough stuff for Hispanics. Fucker either can't see or doesn't want to see the connection.
Which shithole do you reside in? Never seen any of that in tescos, sainsburys, asda or lidl. Even most clothes aren't tagged unless they're like £30 or more.
All places are forced to close due to theft enterprising poojeets will start opening stores in nigger areas where all the merchandise is locked up and everything is twice as expensive as stores in white areas. As usual free market solves the problem.
Ok retard. You do realize california is pretty much a different country right?
No one's even bothered to mark the keys and locks
Just treading water until they close. Clearly no one gives a fuck. How ridiculous.
Only inbred hillbillies call it pop. Only inbred hillbillies drink it enough to nickname it. I drink water.
Vending machines would get destroyed.
Jew-addled beaners
every time
plenty of bobs in stock
all out fo vagene
Little to do with the price, and everything to do with legalized theft and niggers.
they need to hire extra staff to run around opening everything for everyone
lol no they don't do that
you will wait 10 minutes to get your tube of toothpaste
EU plates.
I live in [Fuck off we're full] and this isn't a problem
I live in a city that's 95% beaner as of the last census and the only thing they lock up is the deodorant. Kinda random tbqh
Wow! The vibrant culture!!!!
Oops, those dirty brown hands can't steal it!!
usa americans secretly love their humiliation rituals
Who the fuck asked you? You know that's a lie, you Indian invader.
Don't forget the stores have to raise prices to pay for all this security. It's not like Progressive Plexiglass is free.
The theft is just an illusion. It costs more to have all the tracking and devices in place. The real purpose is this is the first step to rationing and eventually intentional starvation.
California repealed the law that was leading to it not being punished I think, so maybe it will improve. I'm not holding my breath though.
California has the worst living standards of all places I have been into.
You have to literally step over drug addicts lying on the pavements, yes literally. Instant coffee and other basic things closed. You want to buy something, you have to press a button, sometimes nobody comes for 10 minutes.
That state needs a dictator to clean things up. 10 lashes for shoplifting would solve the issue in 1 month.
That state needs a dictator to clean things up. 10 lashes for shoplifting would solve the issue in 1 month.
They'd all pack their shit and move to the next most cucked state.
why do mutts hate the fastman?
It's called pop
even in muttland northerners are better people.
So problem solved.
To be fair I wanted to kick her skull in on the 3rd attempt
I don't like slaves of any race
It's not the niggers who are to blame. It's the white faggots who won't let us have TND. They are the ones who need to be dealt with.
I'm more offended by the placement of the locks. Why at the bottom? So a worker has to squat down every time a customer wants something? That can't be good for the knees.
shitting up one state at a time is solving the problem
It's not the niggers who are to blame. It's the white faggots who won't let us have TND. They are the ones who need to be dealt with.
I say, commit genocide today
It's a litre-a-cola
Nogs finalyl realising actions have consequences, oh wait they still haven't realised.
A lot of those locks are goofy. You can pbly unscrew it but can't remove it unless the door is already open
Not at all. It's just spreading their shitty society to other states. Especially Red states.
Exactly, we need Chinese or at least North Korean intervention there. The asian diaspora suffers in commiefornia, and those federal fuckers in DC give 0 fucks. So someone has to clean up.
yeah they've been lining their pockets by flooding the markets with illegals then getting the government to fund services for those illegals, which they profit from. total bastardization of supply & demand.
I need only see that it is all locked up to know that this store is in a high density nigger zone.
It will be 2-3 years until the store closes.
There is a reason niggers claim to live in food deserts.
No company will operate for very long in places where niggers run rampant and do not get punished for their thievery and monkeyshines.
Gazirani sok
British flag
it's called coke.
Based, fuck off to Riverdale you faggot dipshits.
asian diaspora suffers in commiefornia
They can always go back . What drives a people 5000 miles away to come here?
They have never got the dogs out even once for muslims.
It's called a carbonated soft drink
Nah, I say clean slate and start over. You don't just "go back". And the US government is too preoccupied with telling ng Russians how to fix their problems, so someone has to step in.
Think before you speak, islamophobe
it's called coke.
But what kind
Only the yuppies. Out in the country away from niggers it’s nice.
Midwest chads rise up
I assume you meant to say
London does not equal England
And that is certainly true.
Reminder that californians live like this
fixed that.
california too, just rural parts
Niggers filmed this.
Aluminum makes more sense. It's a white metal and was highly valuable back in the 1800/1900s, so having a name similar to Platinum fits.
Well, they voted for that, so....
Smart to force the convenience store employee to turn their back to a group of violent blacks with a full keyring in their hands. Now they can get sucker punched in the back of head, keys stolen, all the sodas taken, nobody to defend the register or the exit.
I've never seen a locked up product in my life
My finest ales are too strong for you, traveler.
this is why the stores closed down or left
no, you are the reason the stores closed tyreesha
what a great business model
Vid states it's made in cali
probably a high nigger and/or spic amount area
a shop where hair dye is probably locked too
rEmInDeR ThAt aMeRiShArTs LiVe lIkE ThIs
Get fucked bongloid and show a single huge british city that's still majority white.
It the UK, they catch it from both sides. The constant tension is from their ever increasing variety of mystery meat neighbors who hate them on one side and the overbearing police state with too many laws on the other.
One time, in high school I was walking home drunk and there was a whole selection of bicycles just sitting outside the store unlocked bc it was an all white high trust town.
I rode one home, but I brought it back in the morning, just a far walk lads
I waited 900 seconds to make this post
or a short bus to brampton
Here’s the thing about America’s status as a superpower: it’s not because it has the best people. Americans are fat and retarded slobs; most of them are poor and on drugs. They are chronic masturbators. And some, I assume, are good people.
America is controlled by women and psychotic Jews. They don’t produce anything other than soap operas, porno, dangerous chemicals, and human misery.
California is not America.
I literally don't understand how this is sustainable. I hope all the niggers starve to death in their self inflicted food deserts
lol yes it's different literally everywhere that isn't a democrat hellscape
Cali is not America
but the brown parts of the UK (which are a minority) are the UK
busted. those are EU license plates, dicknuts.
we have that in central FL as well, on the space coast. Lots of ppl w/ too many ... mangos let's say ... they put them out on the honor system and make a small profit to cover the plant food you need to get good mangos. It just works.
Niggers just ruin . . . like . . . everything, and the jews allow it.
To be fair. I visited a small corner shop yesterday and had to leave my driving license for the clerk so he would open the beer fridge.
No room on the sides of the door frames for aftermarket deadbolts because when these coolers were built they didn’t envision the dystopia of big city life in 2024.
It's called a freshie in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
my family fled miami gardens when they noticed there were bars being installed on all the surrounding businesses. we moved to the space coast. lily white becuase kikes and niggers are afraid of actually WORKING on large space engineering projects. Now I live around a bunch of young white families working for Elon.
God Bless My Based Father-In-Law. May the Lord Keep Him.
How are you enjoying your free trial of judeo-capitalism?
the only thing they lock up is the deodorant.
when we had an influx of indios like that, all that went behind lock and key was the baby formula.
Learn geography retard the republic of Niggersppiclandistan or colloquially known as California is Mexico's now just like the 1/2 the south
typical nigger behavior
and that bike lost half it's value because you sat your nigger ass on it
This is why we need high capacity weapons and change the laws so it’s okay to shoot them when the misbehave.
This subhuman behaviour is synonymous with extremely low trust societies, not even niggers in Africa have this.
The asian diaspora suffers in commiefornia
The ONLY asians worth even half of a squirt of piss are the nips and even they are a buncha beady eye'd bug brain underhanded sociopaths with no empathy. Every other beady eye'd bug is dumber than them.
Don't believe me? Go fucking hangout with them for fucks sake. Put the fucking anime down and live on planet Earth. Nips HATE wypipo for the nukes and every other bug is even worse.
Here we have a convenience store with no clerk. You have to face scan to get in the door.
Get MAID, sukdeep
just go back to the old system
person walks in
what do you want? we'll get it for you
shiiiiieeeeet i jus wanted to look at stuff
Looks like Bongistan
it's goy shlop
stop stealing shit nigger
Jackass spawned from skater culture which itself spawned from surfer culture. Jackass hold my beer behaviour is white.
That's California. They aren't normal Americans.
Nips HATE wypipo for the nukes
I had an old Jap thank me for the nukes when I lived there, ニッガ-
Not where I live
Niggers deserve this
should we be mad at the niggers or mad at the people that stopped us from dealing with the niggers?
TLDR when do we hang know better faggots?
my guess is, Niggers ?
clearly a Anon Babble thread
gets moved to Anon Babble
now clean it up, for free. faggot.