Can't unsee it now

Grow up.

buy an ad


Uniroincally yes.

Watch the video.


you might become a Christian

Christ.png - 1024x1024, 2.16M

Attention whores grow to love attention and do strange things when the attention fades.

of course it's real you idiot
Christ is king

mfw I find a Jesus funko shroud

Jesus kinda cute ngl

he's trying to makeup for killing millions of people with his "advice"

still listening to that boomer retard


Kikes seething





Damn based. Thanks for sharing anon
Christ is King

Covid grandpa is braching out? Incredible choice of target demographic.

the guy isn't even a medical doctor. if people listened to anything he said, they got what they deserved.

The holy body bag of jesus is REAL! Ok? Now what?


its not just that its authentic, but its also proof of the resurrection.
The image was produced by a very short flash of high-intensity light radiation, which couldnt have been forged. In fact we dont even have the technology to replicate it to this day

all the medical doctors told you to get it though?

Jesus was a jew?

God resurrected himself, wtf this changes everything, I was already convinced after the "created the entire universe" thing but WOW THE SHEET THO YOWZA!!!

Lmfao the resurrection itself destroys your whole theology of "he sacrificed for us"
Sacrifice entails loss, he has infinite lives so he didn't sacrifice a damn thing
Sacrifice is ME taking two minutes of MY day to explain this to YOUR dumb ass, and you're welcome

you don't know shit about textures, right?
if this thing was covering someone's body how do you think the sweatprint MUST look like?

why does he have 2 noses?

Christ is King

dumb pajeet

yea king of the jews

The King of Kings.
The Alpha and the Omega
The Life, The Truth & The Way



dumb pajeet x2

Idol worship

Why the fuck is this COVID-jew-grandpa talking about jesus?

That is what kikes call it as they dance around bull statues drinking the blood of Christian children.

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It cannot be real because Jesus had realistically not long hair.

dumb pajeet x3


Not an argument

im not having an argument with a pajeet go worship cow dung or smth neocanadian scum

The Bible. The Bible says it's shameful for men to have long hair. The earliest depictions of Jesus show him as bald or with short hair.

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The Bible says it's shameful for men to have long hair.

What verse?
You think Christ would care about an obscure mention or rule of appearance? This is the same man who says

it is not what goes in you that defiles you, it is what comes out of your mouth that defiles you

The NT intentionally refrains from mentioning Christ's physical appearance for a reason. Christ's physical characteristics are mentioned in third party sources.

I am a christian and have no interest in this sort of bullshit, I don't need proof to know what the heart knows

All the days of the vow of his separation there shall no razor come upon his head: until the days be fulfilled, in the which he separateth himself unto the LORD, he shall be holy, and shall let the locks of the hair of his head grow.

Numbers 6 and Samson have entered the chat

nice try kike. Jesus was White man, as described by Pontius Pilate. We have first hand descriptions of him being White, seethe.

what is the video about? dont wanna watch 48 minutes before knowing what theyre gonna talk about. Ive already watched 5 minutes and I have no clue what the fuck he's babbling about.

Ive already watched 5 minutes and I have no clue what the fuck he's babbling about

Not beating the stereotypes here, mexibro

Once faith is found that's all that you need. These sort of relics or artifacts have no sway on faith.


muh vax well starting to dry out

moves onto religion

still nobody sees the obvious grift

The IQ of you retards has to be <75 lmfaooo

I'm an old fag I've been here since 2020

Based retard

Lmao you niggers are pathetic

remove Steven Seagal,
he's technically not a jew,
and I personally don't believe that he's a sexual predator,
I know why he's on the list and it's not the case


Reminder that the barbaric Catholics stole the shroud from Constantinople during the 4th Crusade.

deadly virus 2020

Covid was already traversing China during the latter half of 2019.

Those verses pertain to Nazarites, of which Jesus was not

Jesus when asked if He is King of the jews:

Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

there's no arguing for it
"science" can't possibly put together any evidence for the shroud being anything but a forgery, because if it's not a forgery, then Jesus isn't a forgery. And if Jesus isn't a forgery, you have problems. Then science won't get any more funding to do brain scans to understand happiness or morality.

This shit is faker than a woman’s orgasm.

the claim was:

The Bible says it's shameful for men to have long hair.

which it does not

and what's salvation compared to funding?
would rather wage in hell than NEET in heaven

Sacrifice entails loss, he has infinite lives so he didn't sacrifice a damn thing

But Jesus DID die. In his death we have forgiveness, and in his resurrection we have life. If Jesus was not resurrected, we would not have an eternal life to look forward to, and his death would not mean anything, since we would still die if we believed on him.

you can't stop lying, right?

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What verse?

Paul talks about it when he mentions head coverings in church. 1 Corinthians if I'm not mistaken.

Likely blood that was staining the hair on the top of his head.

Deboonked, even Vatican doesn't believe in this nonsense.

Was this before or after he raped a youth in the Garden at 4am?

GREEK TRANSLATION blocks your Hebrew lie human trafficking LEISTES asses.

Paul mentions "nature" here because long hair can make a man look effeminate. Which is why almost all Israelites had long beards. Also, read about Nazarites, a commandment from God that Nazarites could not shave their head. Example: Samson. Remember Samson and Delilah? These were people who gave their life to serving God.


2 verses later...

But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God.

you seem pretty contentious anon


The New Testament was written in Koine Greek...

damn Christ was Southern European ?

The Galatians (Ancient Greek: Γαλάται, romanized: Galátai; Latin: Galatae, Galati, Gallograeci; Greek: Γαλάτες, romanized: Galátes, lit.'Gauls') were a Celtic people dwelling in Galatia, a region of central Anatolia surrounding present-day Ankara, during the Hellenistic period.[1] They spoke the Galatian language, which was closely related to Gaulish, a contemporary Celtic language spoken in Gaul.[2][3]
The Galatians were descended from Celts who had invaded Greece in the 3rd century BC. The original settlers of Galatia came through Thrace under the leadership of Leogarios and Leonnorios c. 278 BC. They consisted mainly of three Gaulish tribes, the Tectosages, the Trocmii, and the Tolistobogii, but there were also other minor tribes. In 25 BC, Galatia became a province of the Roman Empire, with Ankara (Ancyra) as its capital.

In the 1st century AD, many Galatians were Christianized by Paul the Apostle's missionary activities. The Epistle to the Galatians by Paul the Apostle is addressed to Galatian Christian communities in Galatia and is preserved in the New Testament.


The chief proof, however, of the existence of Jews in Galatia is the fact that St. Paul sent thither a general epistle known as the "Epistle to the Galatians." There is a strong disagreement among scholars as regards the parts of Galatia where these correspondents of St. Paul lived.


Jesus Christ is Lord

"The western extremities of Judæa towards Casius are occupied by Idumæans(Edomites), and by the lake [Sirbonis], The Idumæans (Edomites) are Nabatæans (Caananite-Mixed Race), when driven from their country by sedition, they passed over to the Judaeans (The Kingdom of Judahites/Israelites), and adopted their customs.

-Strabo, Geography 16.2.34 (23 AD)

They [Edomites] killed Hyrcanus four years later and then they kicked out all the Judahites from the Temple.

-Josephus (Antiquities XV, 6, 1)

Instead of being primarily the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel, present-day Jewish populations are, finds Elhaik, primarily the children of a Turkish people who lived in what is now Russia, north of Georgia, east of Ukraine. This civilization, the Khazars, converted from tribal religions to Judaism between the 7th and 9th centuries.


I know thy tribulation and thy poverty, but thou art rich: and thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

[Apocalypse (Revelation) 2:9]

he's trying to makeup for killing millions of people with his "advice"

I wanted to shit-talk the moron but you beat me to it rather adequately. Bless your deeds anon.