Why am I attracted to the roasties with high bodycount?
Why am I attracted to the roasties with high bodycount?
Low self-esteem, probably due to low test
dibs on second from right. Also op, it's because they're sluty and easy. What's not to like? Wouldn't date or marry but definitely go get you some slam pigs.
I don’t
No self worth or respect.
Adress your desperation.
I wrote her off for the tenth time today
And practiced all the things I would say
But she came over I lost my nerve
I took her back and made her dessert
Now I know I'm being used
That's okay man 'cause I like the abuse
Now I know she's playing with me
That's okay 'cause I've got no self-esteem
Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah
We make plans to go out at night
I wait 'til 2 then I turn out the light
This rejection's got me so low
If she keeps it up I just might tell her so
Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah
When she's saying, oh that she wants only me
Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends
When she's saying, oh that I'm like a disease
Then I wonder how much more I can spend
Well I guess I should stick up for myself
But I really think it's better this way
The more you suffer
The more it shows you really care, right? Yeah
Now I'll relay this little bit
Happens more than I'd like to admit
Late at night, she knocks on my door
Drunk again and looking to score
Now I know I should say no but
It's kind of hard when she's ready to go
I may be dumb but I'm not a dweeb
I'm just a sucker with no self-esteem
Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah, yeah
When she's saying, oh that she want's only me
Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends
When she's saying, oh that I'm like a disease
Then I wonder how much more I can spend
Well I guess I should stick up for myself
But I really think it's better this way
The more you suffer
The more it shows you really care
Yeah yeah yeah
Mothers of Anon Babble club
would them all with no ragrets
Fuck you Shoresy
High t
If they have sex, it means they're fertile according to our insticts.
Because roasties with a high body count tend to get preganant. So if you knock her up, you'll have daughters who are sluts and who will get pregnant as well.
just imagine the smell
Probably for the same reason that people tend to travel on well worn roads.
All, just like the rest of this incel board,
Fuck off with that third from the left shit, it's all and you know it.
I don't know maybe because you're a fuck or something.
virgin here. i don't really understand how doggie is supposed to work. do you need to have a big dick because otherwise the vagina looks like it's way back. i mean your dick needs to be long enough to cover the space of you ass to get to the pussy. no?
that's my harem assuming the position.
They are well taken care of
3 hots and a cot for each.
Lesser predators evolve a taste for leftovers as a survival strategy.
5 > 2 > 3 > 1 >>>>>> 4
Because they're sluts, and sluts are hot.
They are made to be pumped, not married. Don't let Anon Babblecels warp your perception - sluts are in fact sexually appealing. Do not conflate sex appeal with love or some gay feelings of attachment to a whore.
the eagle eats its prey
but the vulture eats the eagle
Stick to black ass nigger
2 and 5
for the same reason all the other guys were i guess
really that mysterious?
Some men are intimated by good women, so if you have low self esteem it can make you feel more comfortable with a busted out roastie. However this only applies till you get a confidence boost, then you'll try get something worth having.
2nd from left has a body count in the thousands, including the photographer right after this photo.
Because you haven’t learned your own value. You give in to your desires but still have good in you. You target roasties because, they’re already damaged, you’ve justified it in your mind to both satisfy your urges but not in a way that hurts innocents.
Go to church, my friend. You are worth it.
you're conflating their sluttyness with their reproductive prowess.
It's normal to want to fuck someone that will give you off spring
Why is a proper BMI so hard to achieve for these heifers?
good to cuddle
know how to cook real food
look good in sundresses
capable of bearing my child without complications
big tits and ass
nookie squeezes the hog like a deranged chimpanzee
don't have to worry about catty friends
no silver spoon
Inb4 can't lift. hit the gym, a wehraboo hit the gym, did you?
Im under six feet tall
I wish I had A10 eyes
Don't talk to females
Just jerk off and cry
Chads screw here daily
Just like a whore
All women are evil
They so fucking evil
But Im a chud
Im an incel
What are they doing here?
Billion must die
circumcised us all
the jews have control
I want a perfect jawline
I want an Aryan soul
They don't want you to notice
When they are around
No fucking foreskin
I wish had a foreskin
But Im a chud
Im an incel
What are they doing here?
Billions must die (oh oh oh)
I wanna post some gems, but Im only finding coal
So fucking over
It is so over
Cuz Im a Chud
I am incel
What are they doing here
The west has fallen
The west has fallen
we're all attracted to women like our mother
You know the drill
2nd from the right
I’d risk it all for a chance
Please 9
because you are a nigger faggot with aids and cant get anything better.
Do you like degrading bitches, making them feel like they are shit on your boot? Well, that's why. Cause roasts are the ones who mostly accept this sick shit. I know cause I have the same weakness. But I'm sane enough not to date these degraded whores.
I don't want any, but I'll roll to see which one I'll say no thanks to.
dem sum nice asses for YC
looking up to daddy their first love
Because you're a coping beta simp. Old sluts are all you have available so you've convinced yourself that you love it
You are demoralized.
Porn brain syndrome
Yehud got your brain
Why do incels constantly make threads about their preferences in women when you can’t even talk to them? You closeted fags need to go back to Anon Babble.
Because ur a croat so ur used to us fucking your women.
...its real stink
drill needs recharged
Take aim, boys
lmao, wuss, just type that shit straight in.
Just say porn brain or gooner brain retard. Adding syndrome is not needed.
second from left knows she's the best of the bunch so she shows pussy
yeah. if I were to hit any of them, it's the confident one
men are coomers and women are whores so men are more likely to be noticed by high bodycount whores, and once a coomer is noticed he can't help himself than accept to be an orbiter to the whore who acknowledged his existence.
ponder the emanation
let's do this
Funny enough, back in those days loser meant you are getting laid without respect. How much the world has changed.
I considered myself a loser since I only lost my virginity at 19. Kek.
Because these whores know how to fuck
Why do I care how a woman fucks when Im doing most of the work? Oh right, a lot of you are fat low T fags who dont even have the physical might to fuck a woman with dominance so you want her to cowgirl you everytime.
Digits shall be my next lay
you’re a cuck
some men are just naturally low T/submissive
don't worry a war usually filters your genes
white woman ”asses”
gives me the ick
phillipino flag
some men are just naturally low T/submissive
lack of self awareness is funny
Because they put out. They have accessible pussies. That knowledge can make a woman more appealing.
Correct and alpha pilled. The pack leader always goes for the young fit prime poon
Incorrect beta fag. Your low T makes you go for whatever old plap whore shows up and you don't even care if you end up raising chads son. Your genes are R selected and you wil always be an orbiter.
Why the fuck aren't braphog farms real ;_;
why am I attracted to women?
not particularly excited about any of them but rollin