Kys groyper. Wifejak is just men laughing about silly things their wives do. It's not that deep.
daughterjak is the real meme, that's why they do all the talking.
op is indeed a complete fucking faggot who will never reproduce (here's why that's a GOOD thing)
you're gay. you're a gay man
it's men who need to use a cartoon character to fill the void in their dead marriage
wifejak is cringe most of the time but nick is a faggot and groypers are mostly brown and incel rejects
total wojak death
get better material, shitskin
Oh shucks I just LOVE my WIFE!
The pushback on wifejak is why Trump won. There's a breed of cuckold blackpiller who will actively fly into a tantrum if everyone isn't as miserable as they are. They want you to hate white people, and they actively fight to convince you that white people and white women are awful.
But we won. Their opinions don't matter. We broke their teeth. Trump won and that's it. Period. You're never coming back from this.
Now die for jews.
nice guys don't reproduce
Your complete histrionics around it make no sense. You just come across as very jealous of men with wives and families.
you come off as a nice guy faggot
why don't you go air your grievances with your loving friends and family in real life, oh wait...
go outside, most dads are nice guys who aren't ugly
those "silly things" are just mostly bitching. This meme would work for a whoselome grandma who bakes the cookies, but it's just the basic bitch shit women say because they are dumb, not because they love their husbands or kids.
Most dads have only 1 child, which means they don't really reproduce, they shrink 2 times with each generation.
The hatred for wife and daughter jaks is some of the worst incel projection I’ve ever seen.
Incel Jannies are banning people who post them. God forbid there be anything outside Twitter/Reddit screencap threads and BBC porn
lol seething twitterfag
Because you look at a shitpost depicting a drawing of a woman getting shot by a fucking Wehrmacht soldier wojak and you find it necessary to type out a reply to support the drawing of said non-existent woman and tell us how silly and cute this forced conservatard meme is actually.
Fucking retard kill yourself.
hate your women goy
Holy fucking cringe GO BACK
You first faggot
those "silly things" are just mostly bitching.
This. For the love of God, this.
This comic is literally about you and you are TOO STUPID to grasp it. You have zero introspection and you aren’t wanted!
Epic burn brownoid
I'm gonna tap it
nothing but a bunch of larpers
Who the fuck has a wife, even an ugly feminist one like wifejak? Are boomers posting these memes or something?
Same based jews I mean dudes who posted about putting people in crystals two weeks ago
Lots of people (even some on this board) have wives dumbshit.
70% of young men don't even have a gf today. What retard fantasy realm do you live in, boomerfaggot?
Wifejak is for fawning beta males who get no pussy. Hating Wifejak is for angry incels who get no pussy.
There are unironically faggot retards itt that call themselves groypers but wifejak is the problem though….
70% of young men don't even have a gf today
That doesn’t sound very true to me. To your second point I live in reality and I think you need to leave your house more dude.
Nick Fuentes, the FBI glonigger faggot running a gayop cult, is an assmuncher and was sodomized by the dwarven freak called Destiny.
Fuck off.
Some fuckers here gleefully post about "Total Wife Death" and then wonder why women see incels as threatening and want nothing to do with incels.
Look in the mirror, idiots. Yes, today's women have problems but "men" like you are even worse. It's time to grow up and get some maturity and reason.
Based. Zoomer memes are fucking cringe.
It's time to grow up and get some maturity and reason.
Never. Fuck off.
Mooooom moooom dads trying to kill you again
Is there a wifejak version of pic related
letting msm demoralize you
Again the anger is disproportionate
Ur some indian guy paid per post
Hi Pajeet.
I'd settle down with her and eat that maw any day.
can someone explain what this expression is? was this wojak made by some faceblind autist or something?
I don’t think so. Quick find a picture of your mother and start tracing.
fucking idiot tourist
Reality is pretty demoralizing, faggot roastbeef. Again: who the fuck has a wife today? Almost 70% of young men don't even have a gf, almost no one has a wife... even an ugly and annoying one like the one you're forcing memes of. No one here can relate to this shit about your boomer wife's quirk chungusry.
men laughing about silly things their wives do
It's not funny and it's not true either, this is not how marriage is for men in the 21st century. It reeks of female/jewish subversion again trying to castrate men on the right. Women have no place in politics and they are boring, they need to shut the fuck up.
Also, you don't have a wife. If you do, and you want to score social points with your wife here, then post her tits first.
She's angry she can't continue reading her book about being forcefully impregnated against her will by ugly old rich men but doesn't want to upset her daughter by overtly acting angry at her
board of mentally ill autistic loners, otherwise they wouldn't be here
That's how you know wifejak/daughterjak are astroturfed and/or trollposts, it's completely contrary to the culture of the website. The only board that even claims to have women on it is Anon Babble, and I don't think I need to tell you why...
Imagine being so pathetic you base your entire depressing worldview around a general social survey published in the Washington Toilet Paper. Sounds like you’re making excuses for why you’re rotting away in the basement.
Reddit GOLD?? For ME?????
hypergamous roastbeef globohomo isn't real
No one is going to be gaslit by this bullshit, you dumb slag. Post your tits or get the fuck out.
bit too obvious with your crying on this one, rabbi.
I don’t have a wife but let me tell you about marriage
Why are incels like this
Most young men are incels, retard whore.
The internet isn’t real faggot. That’s the point.
Well I have a wife and I can tell you I have at least 15 plans to murder her and at least 11 of them I'd get away with no problem
uses the term incel as an insult
wanna know how i know you're not from here?
tourist bitch.
No that’s just what you tell yourself to cope with the fact that you’re falling behind in life
can someone explain what this expression is?
Smug malice. If a girl says / does something just to hurt you, and she knows she will, that's what she'll look like.
a positive meme
You mean an unfunny meme that's artificially boosted in popularity because narcissistic women with no personality "feel seen." It's not a meme. It's an offering of neutered obsequiousness.
I said post your tits if you want anyone to take you seriously, you ugly blown-out herpes ridden communal hole.
None of us are married. Most have negative, if any, romantic experiences with women
huh no that's bullshit i have a loving wife and
I don't care. Go to Barstool Sports or Daily Wire or any other place that caters to normies. Or expect ridicule and TWD, your choice.
I can’t think of another word to describe it. If it talks like an poster and acts like an poster..
Holy shit I almost spit out my coffee laughing
you have reading comprehension problems
majority of young people are utterly unhappy and will unable to have normal lives
do you think that zoology books are writen by animals?
p-p-please be a woman
Hate to disappoint but it’s looking like mommy will once again be the only woman you interact with that.
Shut up faggot
I heckin love my wife
Quiet, female.
In my age bracket, out of every guy I went to university with... I know one guy who's married. A single guy. Bitches come into this thread and demand everyone pretend like it's not happening. Fucking slags.
Post your tits, slut.
thinks is totally different to Anon Babble
you FUCKING retard tourist get out we're literally all incels here.
even the ones with wives and kids, incels at heart.
Jews really love you brainbroken retards you have 0 sense of reality, self, or family.
KEK I love how bootyblasted you jews are over the simple IDEA of a family and a based kid. Guess what? Its reality, you pissed off tons of the youth of this whole planet being complete kikes.
Have fun!
we're all awful and hate ourselves
kek good try jew. A lot of people on here are in their 40s now and have had families they have been working on for years. Cope *AND* seethe. Hope this helps!
source: Washington post survey
You’re basing your life around a fucking poll bro
Zoologists aren’t writing their books based off of internet research lmaooo
this picture was drawn by a woman and is supposed to be her self portrait wojak
my parents had 7 kids and none of us have had any kids of our own yet lol and my oldest brother is almost 40.
ID: Hag
Holy shit I think that's my cousin bros
groypers are so untalented they have to rely on AI to “meme”
everyone who hurts my feelings must be a woman
Kek... post your tits, you dumb bitch.
"lmaoo" kek.
we're all awful and hate ourselves
We are tho. Where did you even come from? How did you find this site? Has someone posted the meme about women and dudebros invading niche male-only spaces? Because that's what's happening.
you wish they were trollposts. this is a literally glownigger psyop because we'll be needing to die for israel in the near future and getting wifed up with some skank and then getting white feathered is the best way of achieving that
you FUCKING retard tourist get out we're literally all incels here.
Wrong but also go back to Anon Babble
This is a very kiked post. National Socialist wojak killing a White woman, a red head no less?
Nice try, rabbi
fuck you boomer, you don't belong on this domain.
The only people who hate wifejak are unlovable feminist dogs and untouchable dysgenic incels.
Guess which you are, OP.
Keep tapping the sign.
I'm just a hard working man in my 40s with a wife and kids that's why I spend all day on Anon Babble running defense for cringe twitter memes
Boomer humour is "I hate my wife" retard
get the fuck out of my board faggot
I get you’re already out of arguments but seriously what went so wrong that you based your entire worldview around a washpo survey
men laughing with women instead of at
1. you're jewish
2. or a femoid
3. see 1 if 2.
did you see that anon who had a full lowercase name the other day? That shit was rare as fuck.
you having a based kid is women invading male only spaces
You have a good day, pay attention to who hates this meme and why and you'll get a good idea what jews are really mad about.
They loathe the idea of good people who see through the bullshit having a family and raising them to fight the world order.
noooo you have to worship muh women
You should probably be on Facebook or Instagram.
Kek... there is no man in the history of humanity who has ever typed out "lmaooo" ... you bitches aren't just cringe and unfunny gaslighting whores... you're so dumb you're not even able to cover it up for a couple of posts straight.
you fucks keep forcing it, it's officially a leftist meme. It's that cringe. "Omg put women in memes too they need equality and haven't quite ruined everything just yet ."
Your board is Anon Babble unironically because you being a touchless loveshy, while sad, is not political.
Fuck off, ID: Hag. No one is going to simp for feminists here, no matter how much you post your cringe forced memes.
I'm not remotely hard working and I hate jews and want to kill niggers. I've been here longer than you tourist tranny faggots that act like having a family is some negative thing. The idea that you have to hate yourself and your own kind to be here is some true well poisoning jewish bullshit.
No, it's not newfaggot. It's all they talk about niggerfaggot.
Based, I fucking hate women.
simp for feminists here
Not even one bit of any of my posts has anything to do with feminists you fucking brainbroken jew.
The meme is having a based kid what in the fuck does that have to do with feminism?
This anon gets it.
You sound very buckbroken lmao
I don't have any based kid or any ugly annoying red headed feminist wife. Kill yourself, Hag.
r9k is just Anon Babble after hours, you fucking retard. It is your board. Go back there.
Fucking muppet. How are you defending an astroturf this blatant? Glowies and kikes have realized they're dangerously close "get expelled" stage of the kike cycle, and they're scrambling to keep hold of power. Whites are the only ethnicity who aren't fixed to enact TKD at this point, so they're psyopping disenfranchied whites to have kids and make more taxpayers.
It's coming, they can't stop it. They overplayed their hand, there's no shutting it down.
Bitch just can't help herself.
forcing it
I didn't say anything about worshipping women, rabbi, let alone force any meme.
Alas, only kikes stuff dead White women in our faces, so it's not tough to discern, especially when you swarm like a school of piranas
Nobody believes you, go back to your jewish twitter clique
Well obviously not, you're a jew. You breed by raping innocents. No one thinks someone like you would ever have anything resembling a family. Your "people" are demonic bug creatures.
that's because men could beat their wives back then (not that they did, but they could, which makes all the difference in the world for relationships)
hating women is based
we should all be 30 year old incels jacking it to tranny porn like Nick to own the Jews
Imagine thinking this would work on anyone with an IQ that clears 3 digits
bla bla bla bla bla
Your yeast infection smells like rotting garbage and you will die alone surrounded by empty box wine cartons. Your cats will eat your herpes ridden corpse.
meme is having a based kid that shits on jews and the world order
y-you're defending the jews!
kek you niggers really can't keep your shit straight at this point.
I'm legitimately glad you kikes are this bootyblasted about this. I know it bothers you greatly the idea of anyone here raising kids against your shithole order.
You have it ass-backwards you dumb retarded tranny faggot. We all want families and kids, but unlike pussy-whipped emasculated neutered girldads (gay) like you, we understand the woman problem. Wifejak is a retarded attempt, probably by Daily Wire, to whitewash the fact that women have completely ignored at worst, or actively harmed at best, most guys on this website. Pretending married life with a woman will be some comfy happy thing is lying to people. Are you invested in bridal companies? Jewelers? I guess anyone invested in consumer goods has a financial interest in getting men to hook up with SHITTY EVIL NARCISSISTIC GREEDY CONSOOMER modern women who know nothing but eating away at mens' value. But you wouldn't know that, your "muh based wife" ate the last of your sanity years ago. I bet you even go on dates to restaurants. Fucking pathetic man, imagine wanting others to go through that.
kek you jews are way too fucking obvious and need to go back to your discord.
This shilling operation didn't work. Most actual people on here can see right through it with the 300 posts a day crying about an image.
ID: Hag is here to set everything straight and shame the incels into line with her feminine shaming tactics
Listen to Hag, or you won't get sex, incels!
No newfag it’s where all the mentally ill blackpill trannies like you belong now go there.
Lmao bruh what??
Ok, Hag.
Oh now its your jew masters at the daily wire who made it? KEK I love how you try to adjust on the fly like ANYONE here buys it.
Guess what jews? White are having kids, and the kids are based, and you will NEVER be able to rape them.
SEETHE about it.
Better make 5 more threads!
everyone who hurts my feelings is a woman
That’s the only take away from your posts
25 pbtid
kek we all know the only way you get sex is from your jew masters raping your faggot ass.
agreed but nevertheless I will still not die for Israel under any circumstances
in fact at this point even if all of feminism, wokeism, niggardry, jewish horeshit, degeneracy and tyranny was totally revoked I would still refuse to die for Israel, even if we installed a full on NatSoc regime in America I would STILL refuse to go and die for (((US interests))) in the Middle East.
p-p-please stop responding
Sorry fag I’ll gleefully btfo you to the bump limit
only argument is shaming
listen to me or you don't get sex
unironically types out "lmaoooo"
You're obviously a woman. That cat is out of the bag, you ugly slag.
Cool story, Hag.
Whites are having kids
Jews will never be able to rape them
True but only because the Jews are going to be raped and killed by the same brownoids alongside those same children of yours yt
everyone who hurts my feelings is a woman
there’s multiple woman here right now bullying me
Amazing. He just keeps doing it
imagine getting that butthurt over someone saying "lmao"
I see the wifejack campaign is important to you, boomer. How much money did you donate to Israel this week?
Nope, don’t think I will. I will however continue to hate browns, Jews, and chinks.
It’s evident “the sign” and the groyper OP a were made by the seething dying remains of the globalist hydra. Good riddance.
Your complete histrionics around it make no sense
you have 28 fucking posts in this thread bro
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
it's gay to love women
Sorry fag I'll gleefully seethe hard until bump limit
by all means, make yourself comfortable retard
keep seething maybe your masters will throw you some cum today!
SeeThere’s nothing wrong with bullying hysterical fags in fact it’s actually good for them.
You know, sex feels good and all that. But it's a risk every time. Maybe you knock her up and she takes half your paycheck for the rest of your life, maybe she accuses you of rape and you get locked up for the rest of your life. Having sex is like doing heroin except you end up with less problems in life doing heroin.
Your balls are in your wife's purse.
thinks a board full of incels raised by BPD single moms can be gaslit
Top kek. Post your hideous saggers.
I wonder why women can ONLY make sex oriented insults? Like, getting sex from the wrong people, not getting sex... the only SINGLE insult women are capable of producing in their tiny, retard brains.
Can you answer why you are like this, Hag?
you're a jeet
Projecting. Your son's and daughters will take the BBC. Not because of a race war. Just because you are a weak individual.
Good job.
hey man. what's gonna happen to you? you know your just the male version of the childless wine aunt, right? time is ticking for you too. are you just coping or are you really this pissed off about people not hating all women?
What do glow niggers gain by promoting a wholesome, pro family meme like wifejak?
Why would I need to insult you? I'm hoping you get a reward for all this work you've done for the jews across multiple threads today!
Why do you have to reduce everything to women bullshit? You're... not trying to be a woman are you, ((("anon")))
You're not a tranny right?
I’ve never talked to a woman in real life but let me tell you about women and marriage
Mommy issues confirmed interesting
Literal kike post
Wow literal jews and their brown golems.
If you don't go and submit to the ROASTIE menace you will be just like me! A lonely cat lady wine aunt ROASTIE childless sadsack
Women are so predictable.
Don't mind the shills, just troll them some and let them get worked up.
Their masters are REALLY mad at the idea of white people having children that aren't controlled by them from birth.
you see, based on my bespoke headcanon....
Nothing it just makes prolific homosexual Nick Fuentes and his gay suicide cult feel angry and inferior
y-you're a jew you're a jew you're actually the jew!!!!!!!
You realize it's a glowie tactic to respond with "WELL ACTUALLY YOU'RE THE (x)" right? You're not fooling anyone, you greasy spook cunt. Give me an email if you're hiring though, I could use the money.
Post your tits and I might give you a serious answer.
Wifejak is just heckin wholesome chungus!!
based real man in the chat
Still projecting
Calm down and stop projecting your misery onto me hag. I'm fulfilled in life
Fair point, but still... no one here has a wife or can relate in any way to having some feminist redhead be annoying in their living room or whatever this faggot shit is supposed to be.
200 comments arguing about a cartoon character
lol, Anon Babble really focuses on the important issues
who are all the young women dating
men like me are dating multiple women, and they're all OK with it. ask me anything, fags
Childfree cope lmao you do sound like wine aunt
Leave zoomers alone. The men in their lives failed them by not smacking the blue hairs who taught and raised them around enough.
Women on the other hand. You can blame them all day for their failures.
Test two
kek thats great that you're so mad at the idea of whites having kids that you jews don't control. I hope it bothers you and your masters.
Thousands of posts at this point across 10s of threads. Most of them about how this is a "forced meme" and is so awful. Jews *really* don't like daughterjak. They hate the idea of it even.
I'm pretty sure what everyone's arguing about are the normgroid simps that will need to be put into concentration camps
This expression is why little boys beat up little girls, and why roasties traumatize little boys into thinking they are in the wrong, whole fenale gender is organised around breaking the spirits of little boys so they grow to be cuckolds.
no one here has a wife or
Keep telling yourself that groyper
Now they're responding in tandem. Hags, pls.
I'm a man with a family. im just asking you to not cope and seethe for 1 minute. any introspection or nah? mgtow are just turbo roasties who can't get laid.
Calm down hag you're getting upset again
Why do you hate the truth about ww2 so much? Curious.
white families need to be put in concentration camps
Straight from the groypers maw
I'm a man with a family. im just asking you to not cope and seethe for 1 minute
1 pbtip
Proxy rotation time at crystal cafe!
Lmao see
I've been posting jew infographics on this board since before you hit the wall and chad stopped replying to you in tinder, yeasthole.
haha yeah your just a low value male who couldn't form a real relationships if you tried. keep seething. your actually winning, big guy. I still love my wife and your still alone on Anon Babble--being a total winner.
I'm a man
LMAO mashing X over here.
X to doubt
X to doubt
X to doubt
Hey bro I found a video of you bro
why would any reasonable political movement just allow jewish goycattle to roam free? if you wanna be a slave, you're gonna be a slave for us instead of them.
That’s crazy what have you achieved in real life during that same time period?
genuine question jewling:
Do you have any intent to raise a family or help your own family be better in any way? Do you actually care about the species or removing subhuman jews from this planet or anything? Or do you just hate yourself so bad you'll suck their cock the rest of your miserable existence?
Why do you think I'm giving you a hard time right now?
if you wanna be a slave, you're gonna be a slave for us instead of them.
Test 3
You seething over all the posts in this thread is hardly the win you think it is. Go ahead, try to control the narrative kike.
your just a low value male
And you're cheap hole. Just like all the other holes. No value whatsoever to anyone beyond your hole. No one cares what you say, no one cares what you think. The only thing anyone cares about is your herpes ridden hole.
Can you post your tits, Hag? If you do I might consider giving you a serious answer.
KWAB hahaha
you sound mad and triggered
first day on shill duty?
Based sign tapper. Trump isn’t even in office yet and the globohomo shills are pretending everything is magical.
You seem upset. Why can't you accept that women are LOW QUALITY
Rare good move by the jannies moving the thread of women whining about how it's not their fault they're garbage and pretending to be family men to the shitpost board. Its where everything women have to say belong fr capless
Thats what I thought, you're an angry little jewling working for jews who could give a single fuck about white people or families. Thanks for confirming. Your posts already did I just wanted you to actually say it.
The woman lashes out when her trickery fails to find footing
Begone hag. There's nothing for you here.
Jannies shoulda sweeped this bitch straight into Anon Babble but there was too much truth in here about women and their false ways so we had to keep it alive for posterity sake. To show the deranged ROASTIE acting out
Cunnyjack is pretty much the only good thing to come out of this, I will be AI-genning some shit at some point.
Imagine making such a shit forced meme that you get threads to bump limit of anons saying it's not funny, so what you do is make 10 more threads of you posting the shit meme so you can see another 300 anons tell you it's not funny.
They won't need to. Only retards and glowies are pushing this forced, synthetic jak. Give it a month, maybe less, and you'll only see it on other boards.
What's happenin on this board? In 4stats it has 1141% of activity (yes I dont browse this board)
I hate all wojak variants, but this one is causing so much incel groyper rage that I like it