In Breda, Netherlands, redhead festival occurred from 2005 to 2018

In Breda, Netherlands, redhead festival occurred from 2005 to 2018.

Due to being possibly offensive to minorities and promoting racism, the festival stopped being organized in 2019.


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Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.

Due to being possibly offensive to minorities and promoting racism, the festival stopped being organized in 2019.

Liar, it is still active;


That one's got nigger blood in it.

Imagine the fragrance

Based anon and based festival

based. I notice that they still, pathologically, had to throw some tranny shit in there

Like amber and musk

Maybe they allow in non-red-heads now, which would effectively mean the festival no longer exists.

I'm tired of pretending that White people aren't the supreme race.

It's a troll retards there's a new one scheduled

Man that sucks, I wanted to go one day so I could blend into a crowd for the first time in my life

Black woman in a red dyed horsehair weave to win Netherlands top redhead at festival.

they got all black churches but you don’t even get one festival white man

Why gingers race mix a lot? This guy is married to a black woman and their kids are still white. I heard one of them is a ginger.

You are right...

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Even spotted a nigger.

they are so ungrounded in any real ethnic tradition, only some borrowed kikery like celebrating kikes born in feeding troughs and kikes nailed to trees

festival for Whties

I wonder why jews would stop such a thing.

Breda had a BLM march, btw. So it's obvious even the smallest Dutch cities are pro-black, pro-LGBT, pro-immigration and pro-destruction of native society.

My ex went to one of those, pic related.
She and her twin were not red heads.
They are Russians, with naturally strait black hair, and size zero tits.
It was such a disappointment.

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that's the result of jews pushing redhead/nigger porn
so fucknig tiresome

he doesn't look like his father at all, wait a minute....

I'd say they are making mutts at the same rate as any other group of whites

I’ve had sex with 6 women in my life, but 3 of them were redheads. I live in a city that’s 60% negro. Assuming the city is 40% white people, what are the odds? It’s got to be in the billions.

that’s a mulatto with brown hair mr ian miles chang

3 of them were redheads

you have good taste

How am I supposed to find my porcelain skinned red-head waifu now?

What do redheads smell like

redheads with blue or green eyes


redheads with brown eye

Fuck no, they are demonic spawns of satan

What else do you expect from women? Easiest to brainwash

Hello fellow whites.

Shills are so mad at these red head threads.
At this rate we will mine enough salt to pay for an army before trump even takes office.

brown hair

I'm not Chinese you dumbass. Pic related is a half Syrian half Palestinian girl on Tiktok.

their kids are still white

the staggering level and detail I which our people are persecuted in their own homelands beggars belief

I've only ever fucked a redhead.

Because some women are very aggressive around gingers. Women will almost always be passive in approaching men and signal. With gingers there is a subset of women who turn into a nigger on the nyc street seeing a bitch with a bubble butt when they see one they like.

jews religiously believe that they must genocide all redheads
"Esau" which they believe was the arch nemesis of their ancestor is described as a redhead
"Edom" which is a word they use to refer to their modern day enemies, literally means "red" in hebrew

Adam means ruddy / red.

that's a mongrel/abomination with a bit of Euro genes, obviously

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All whites need to be killed. Your presence is offensive to the rest of the planet.

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If that is a red head than apparently iv been a redhead my whole life that is not really a proper redhead by aussie standards..

Pureblood aborigines can have actual mc1r redhair.

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nigga I didn't say the retarded crackpot shit they believe makes sense but this is actually what religious jews believe and write about and teach in their synagogues look up cjbbooks

imagine the smell

King David was a redhead...

You have one big problem tho, everybody fucking hates you, from the kikes you persecuted, to the blacks you enslaved, to the Asians you bombed, to the Arabs you instigated, to the natives you made homeless to the Mexicans you stole from, to the Russians you bullied.
You should be grateful we aren't ganging all upon you and hunting you to extinction and no matter what you say think or believe just by sheer numbers we can fucking do it
Your table fucking sucks and if we're going to manage society through hate all the fucking fingers point straight at you.

You need to shut the fuck up and just back the fuck or you'll get smack the fuck out

Inb4 muh guns

You'll do fucking nothing

And the genes still are Euro genes. There's ONE single melanesian scum sub human archaic shitskin tribe that supposedly has it's own red haired gene variant. Light features are from the north of the world. maybe these retarded throw back sub humans here
have it too.

society wants you to think niggers and shitskins could ever be as equally beautiful as this

I have found this to be true as well. I have what you could think of as the opposite of autism, something like a hypersensitivity to people.

Redheads with dark pits for eyes are generally evil people. Sometimes they have light brown eyes, in these cases if there is a black ring around the outside of their iris they are still evil, but if they do not have this and it is just light brown then they are OK.

You will also notice the black ring effect in other white people now that I have mentioned it, with lighter eye colors like green, hazel and blue. You can see it in this photo of Steve Huffman, who is friends with Gishlaine Maxwell, Jewish, has eaten human flesh and is also in charge of Reddit and bears much of the responsibility for the 2020 BLM/Antifa terrorist riots.

Even some old traditional beliefs from places like South Asia line up with this. I have had a couple (fresh off boat) Philippine people mention to me that they can tell I am not a bad person because my "eyes are clear." There are little tidbits of wisdom related to this phenomenon scattered all over the world.

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not reading all that you stupid nigger

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ook hier

top zozzle

It's behavior. Niggers are bad because of their behavior, not the color of their skin.

Some say that niggers behave the way they do because of racism. They say that if white people were an oppressed racial minority, we would be the niggers. But in actuality, niggers are niggers everywhere, even in Africa.


Despite making up less than 1% of the population, Uganda's Indian community is estimated to be contributing up to 65% of the country's total tax revenue. Ugandan businessman Sudhir Ruparelia, who is of Indian origin, is the country's richest man, with his net worth standing at approximately US$1.2 billion in 2019.

Idi Amin expelled all Indians in 1972. They have since returned, and despite being a racially oppressed minority, they have become tremendously wealthy compared to the indigenous population.

Aborigines of Australia have a set of genes and haplotypes which hint towards a out of Australia expansion of Europeans rather than a out of Africa model.
20% of the men have K2a haplotypes which outside of them in has been found only in Upper Paleolithic remains from western Siberia and the Balkans.

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That's what happens to my redhead friend. Black and brown women are so sexually aggressive towards him (to be fair he's a tall good looking Chad)

Do you realize that crusaders raped the shit out of arab hoes? They left their genetic if in their cunts. You absolute retard. Fair features arose for a reason, and the reason has to do with the traits being advantageous FAR from the intense sunlight of the more equatorially proximate areas. They are advantageous for living where the sunlight is not intense, far from the equator. Picrel. Shitskins run into all kinds of physiological problems when they go north, picrel.

wow nigger, that is a lot of made up lies and stupid nigger garbage you typed up there.

Do you realize that crusaders raped the shit out of arab hoes?

Do you realise that from the bronze age to the 700s ad the people who lived there looked like Europeans not swarthoids?

Judas Eschariot is famously redheaded and he was there 2000 years ago...

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more on the advantages of the fair features while living in the north. Now, think of all of the stupid muslim woman who are shitskins, and who couldn't even properly synthesize vit D even IF their skin was exposed, in the north lands, who totally cover their skin. They are giving birth to a race of skitzo shitskins.

You won't do shit.

Now you are just rambling like a retard.
The prophet Muhamed was a red head that is the reason he started dyinging his beard with henna in his old age.
Gingers and blondes were there before the current idumeans.
Here is a photo of the living descendant by patrilineal line to the prophet muhammed notice anything?...

Yeah I know. I didn't want to give the whole history of the region. The Aryans were all over that area well BC. The were all of the way to persia, ect. picrel

100% agree. And don't forget that even their own women hate them lol. Whites are so rotten to the core, that even their own women publicly humiliate them, reject them, and fully endorse anti-White ideology and politics.

I would commit planetary genocide if you let me
I'd kill 80% of the """people""" eating this poor husk of a world
You're just too weak and moralistic to let me do my job
You pretend you want a genocide, but you would puke on the ground if you saw one
And that's why you're losing
Because you need me but you can't admit it

on the contrary, the ginger whites are the most dangerous variant. Cannot say the same for you redheaded ronald mcdonald looking kikes. You will never oppress a single one of us, waste your life trying though. Honk that nose for me, curly.

possibly offensive to minorities

Since when are redheads NOT minorities? Most of the world has shit colored skin, black hair and black eyes. Redheads are unique and minorities in and of themselves, clearly. Stop using jewspeak

R1a phenotype plus recesive ginger genes. Now you want to check the phenotypes of actual hebrews vs jews, you will find something striking.



It is a reverse code against racism.

got to laugh how the trannies are fake gingers just to feel included. Fucken Queers.

You are too few in numbers. You will never find the courage to stand up and do anything.

actual hebrews

R1a-M417 and R1b-M269 from the 12th bc emanating from Mount Ararat in all directions.

every other race just has black or brown hair, black or brown eyes, black or brown skin

Horrifying honestly

both have fetal alcohol syndrome, look it up if you are not familiar so you can have a more fulfilling future.

You live in a Biblical end times world. I presented myself as a Nazi on here to sell you the idea of Nazism starting back in 2015. I am God, bro. God's direct servant. Trump is the Antichrist

The coming of the [Antichrist, the lawless] one is through the activity of Satan, [attended] with great power [all kinds of counterfeit miracles] and [deceptive] signs and false wonders [all of them lies], and by unlimited seduction to evil and with all the deception of wickedness for those who are perishing, because they did not welcome the love of the truth [of the gospel] so as to be saved [they were spiritually blind, and rejected the truth that would have saved them]. Because of this God will send upon them a misleading influence, [an activity of error and deception] so they will believe the lie, in order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe the truth [about their sin, and the need for salvation through Christ], but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness.

Keep tapping on keyboards at home and arguing for the sake of your ego.

You are too few in numbers.


Oh no no not like this molochsisters!

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Shlomo stfu damnn

I could have you killed in less than 24 hours
Do you want to see if I'm lying

I have done more in my life than 100 typical blue gum african gorilla niggers. Probably do more in a day at work than most do in a year.

You really have no idea how drastic the difference is. I am replacing entire teams of stinky cubicle pajeets with AI currently, but even in blue collar jobs, they do not hire anyone but whites for the really difficult and high paying stuff.

I'll do all kinds of shit that you are too fucking stupid to do today, and continue to do so long after you die of HIV or drug overdose or another nigger murdering you, or suicide if you are a tranny niggerpenisposter. lol.

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What do redheads smell like

they smell like period and they have a propensity to only want to fuck when they're having them. I avoid them, not my species. Redheaded people in general are always woke retards, I find them spiritually weak.

Might makes right. We say how things are done in this world and there ain't nothing you can do about it because you are not strong enough to have a say.

Just try it. We will crush you whites in open street warfare right now. If you wait two more decades you will be so few in numbers we will just toy with your ass, you will be so insignificant.

this is a tranny rat kike. go take your hormone pills mr. bitchtits

Lmao you fucking spinless kike

One free miracle if you kill this chink
And one for each of your family members
Just end him efficiently

We will crush you whites in open street warfare right now.

I bash every Jew I see and I pulled my knife on an irate drugged out nigger earlier tonight. Not even kidding. Jews have no control here, on the street or even at the Bank anymore. It's all crumbling and we are all laughing. The Offline coversations being had would keep you awake at night if you knew how our families and friends were turning out. I'd wish you luck but I'd be lying, I hope you die screaming in pain. Then we can have world Peace with the "Niggers" you push on us.

i solved the mystery

its not a nigger its a pajeet

Due to being possibly offensive to minorities

What? Aren't redheads minorities?

What's your physical street address?

Wow ain't you le heckin radical Internet poster, with image folders and memes ready at hand. I'm sure whites will win the war for the West from their keyboard at home in the dark room your sitting in.

its not a nigger its a pajeet

I wager it's just a Jew promoting division. One thing is certain, he aint one of us and he hates himself for it.

I'm sure whites will win the war for the West from their keyboard at home in the dark room your sitting in.

We already have. Our memes and infographics have radicalized the world. Thanks for noticing.

OP is lying. it was called off temporarily from covid but its back.
OP is a liar he is making shit up on Anon Babble for ragebait. he's a lying loser.
OP is a lying loser making shit up on Anon Babble.
OP lied.

OP is a lying cocksucker.
OP is a fucking lying piece of shit.
OP is a subhuman ragebaiting liar.
OP should be fucking banned for lying.
The jannies are fuckign subhuman trash that don't ban people for ragebait because they're faggots.
OP's mother sucks cocks in hell for lying.

Wow man you totally changed the situation outside. Now whites have won the war, with your genius posting.
Nah, Australia is gonna be taken away from Anglo fucks like you, whether you like it or not. Immigrants are stronger, they are more adept at biological conquest and they are coming for you. Whites will be marginalized, pushed out and eventually hunted to extinction. There isn't a single plot of land on this planet that actually belongs to you. In the end it will be taken from you.

with image folders and memes

Unfortunately for you, I do more than just that
We're in every city in the world at this point
If I said the right thing the entire grid would turn off
And when it came back on this world would be an abotouir
That would take less than 10 hours

OP should livestream his suicide for being a lying faggot on Anon Babble.
The jannies should commit suicide for allowing lying and fake bullshit to be posted on Anon Babble.
OP is a lying faggot.

Yea yea whatever cracker. Just remember, you will never find the Bravery to step outside and challenge us. America doesn't belong to the whites.
I hope OP's parents die in his arms and he is left alone and miserable in the world.
I hope he watches his mother die slowly of cancer.
OP is a lying faggot ragebait farmer who should be killed in public. He should be beaten to death with tire irons and have his jaw ripped from his head.
He's a lying subhuman faggot making up bullshit to spam on Anon Babble.

Immigrants are stronger,

You missed the part where I pulled a knife on the nigger tonight. Immigrants come here, get bashed shitless and leave after a bad experience. Think I am making it up? Come here and find out. I don't care if anyone comes here as long as they are not 1.) Jewish 2.) Indian 3.) African - they're the only people who arent welcome. Everyone else is fine by me because they also hate the above mentioned..

you just gave me a reason to visit Breda

white women in country with almost no blacks

protesting for blm shit after something that happened half a world away

what causes this?

you will never

you will not

you you you

Whites will conquer whatever they face in time, history repeats mate. Look at your history, it aint very kind is it. What have your people ever faced but constant criticism and defeat? What nation doesn't want to see you get nuked? Name 2. Because your own nation doesnt count.

OP should be forced to watch his family be hung from lamp posts in front of him.
He should then have each of his fingers broken for lying on Anon Babble.
OP should then have his head slowly sawed off with a rusted hand saw and forced to repeat how sorry he is for lying on Anon Babble.
His body should be set on fire and turned into ashes and flushed down the fucking toilet.
I hope OP is violently murdered in real life for lying and making ragebait up.
I hope OP is killed and his murder is broadcasted for public amusement.

ook in the dooker?
let's get the ookin' party started

Pogroming kikes into the dirt and getting rid of non-Whites is the only path to White survival.

"About 1–2% of the world's population has red hair, which is the rarest natural hair color. This is roughly 70–140 million people."

chatgpt "The total number of Black and Brown people worldwide is approximately 3.9 billion."

I don't get how this minority thing works.

Good, gingers should never be celebrated

With black eyebrows?

OP is a lying mongrel dog and should be slowly lowered into a vat of burning acid. His skin should burn off slowly, and he should be forced to repent and apologize for making a bullshit, fake thread on Anon Babble.
OP should then be frozen when the acid consumes his legs, while his parents are shot in the head in front of him. People should take turns hitting OP with pieces of wood like a pinata while he is laughed at and mocked and people take turns urinating on the corpses of his parents.

I don't get how this minority thing works.

oh you get it, you get it good. It's racist indeed, by their rules. White Power, White Privelege, open hatred at our existence? Makes one feel kind of... IMPORTANT. They don't know how to break us. They just tickle our egos and call us supreme and privileged all the time. I guess we must be. Silly Jews.

would count every freckle, errywhere

my ralative was in one 2024 in Holland, so seems to be fake news

Should be a red fox, goes with thread theme.

"The global population of White people is estimated to be around 1.1 to 1.2 billion. "

"The global population of Asians is estimated to be around 4.7 billion. "

Biggest lie ever told is that diversity is about minorities.

1 white is worth 50 asians in battle.

OP should be waterboarded every single day for a year, while he is forced to watch his parents starve to death on a live feed in a his 10m2 prison cell without any windows. His parents will die and he will hear them screaming and begging for their lives. When they finally die OP should be dragged out and forced to eat part of their corpses, every time he refuses he is to be waterboarded again and again until he complies. Fuck OP for fucking lying on Anon Babble, I hope he gets paralyzed from the neck down and his entire family gets an incurable disease and he is left alone and miserable in the world.

Yeah mate its more a deep auburn.

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shithole island filled with garbage and criminals

Now be lsf during but

can confirm abbo-anon ive seen plenty of blue eyed light haired black abbos. Theyre weird af, and not to be trusted any differently from the standard abbo.

Much better. I believe in your ideals, just figured I'd give you more to work with.

just by sheer numbers we can fucking do it

Just imagine what these White guys could have accomplished if they didn't have to worry about the rest of the White world's disapproval. Now take it one step further and imagine what they could do if the rest of the Whites actively supported them with the same funding we give Ukraine.

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You've even got a tribe of ruddy people in Papua. Prone to being cross-eyed.

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the west is so fucking doomed

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they're all your relatives so the odds are high

Prone to being cross-eyed.

Because they are albinos?

The Kitsune woman is the epitome of female dominance and femininity.
Let's start by looking at her body. Her body is thick. Her comforting appearance makes her presence known without her even needing to point herself out. She is fluffy, as a result of her high levels of affection. This gives her the appearance of health and strength. She is then covered by her white fur and red hair. This white fur and red hair reminds us of her comfiness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the freezing cold of the north, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The white fur reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The Kitsune woman's demeanor is one of desire. She is confident, affectionate, and can be supremely empathic. Her behavior strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of females.
The summit of expression of her femininity on her body is her tails. The Kitsune tails are largest of all the races. As the tails are the ultimate symbol of womanhood, this alone would suffice to make the Kitsune woman the most feminine of women. These large tails can fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to ensnare the entirety of his body. Their length ensures that when they embrace a man, he will know only her warmth.
In total, the Kitsune woman expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When she fucks, she unleashes the entirety of her lusts and desires upon her partner without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the Kitsune woman is the epitome of femininity.

yeah, a puerto rican girl with some Euro genes from a slave master, long ago. 'puerto ricans' are just MEGA mutts. Search youtube for 'puerto rican DNA test results'. They have 10, 20, 30, regions on their results. Some of the biggest mutts on earth.

and WHY would it need 80% killed ? Because zou are sick in the head ?
Theres infinite resources on this planet its just that we are wastefull
we need better education and equal opportunity for every country

Doesn't have anything to do with hair color, it has everything to do with him being sheltered and mentally weak. The female he's with mind fucked him and used the fact he lost his mother to do it. She has even publicly said things like, "I'll never leave you like your mother did."

Almost everyone fails to appreciate how evil some women are.

Theres infinite resources on this planet

no, there are not
the whole world can't live like the US or Western Europe
hell, the whole world can't even live like Serbia
that's why there is competition

we are wastefull

equal opportunity for every country

you want to take my steak and give it to a nigger
communists like you get pic related

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black woman

meghan is half-mutt herself tho. or may be even a quarter

Lmao satan trips
Even if you killed every white in the world you would still be black.
I would personally rather be dead than black but you do you.

A redhead festival is stupid festival to have and the people there would all either be idiots or annoying douchebags

Would marry bottom left one.