I’m becoming assistant manager but I have a pushover personality...

I’m becoming assistant manager but I have a pushover personality. I am also surrounded by radical leftists that don’t like that I said “diversity hire”

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Diversity Hire? The fuck you say white boy?

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Diversity hire

Do you not realise how problematic that is?! Say it again, Chud. I dare you.

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Don't talk to them about anything but the business.
Keep your head down, work and you will outshine them.
They may lie and try to tear you down but Let your work shoe through.
I've worked my way up to assistant manager multiple times and made the mistake of trying to be friends with these coworkers.

Hehe I hope that work environment was worth it. Imagine being a ceo and even sort of Racists. You'd get fired so fast for saying you're pro life in today's climate. I'm glad I'm just a grunt who works for a union. I can't get fired and I'm lazy as fuck. Shit pay and hours though. You take the good with the bad. Only pay 400 in rent....but live with the folks. Yin and yang


Good advice.
i second that motion.

pushover personality

bad times ahead for you

diversity hire

it depends on the context in which you said it.
you can get even the most rabid leftist to agree with talking points that are diametrically opposed to their supposed beliefs
I got this cashier's number when I was picking up some snacks and made a light complaint about the prices.
She said "Prices are supposed to go down now that half the country got what they wanted"
I said "not this half" and paraphrased Richard Spencer and she was definitely diggin' it.

I wish I had a job

fire them

diversity hires are literally part of their business, retard.
Ask the retards what they want you to call the diversity hires or just call them DEI hires.

diversity hires are literally part of their business, retard.

And they are also niggers but I doubt you go to work calling them that you autistic faggot.

Diversity hire is the official word, retard.
Leftists are just eating themselves because it now has a negative connotation.

Give clear instructions.
Follow up to ensure your instructions are followed.
If your instructions are not followed write the individual up in accordance with company policy.
Write the retards up until they start doing what you say or HR let's you fire their stupid ass.

-Old Boomer Manager

Tell me you've never had a job without telling me.

HR will not take your side.

Shut the fuck up and work instead of causing drama to prove a point at work only you care about.

either grow a set or put in your two weeks pussy

nice, post your texts with her now

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Every day, as you walk through the door, remind yourself that they are not your friends. That doesn't mean be cruel or demean them, but you can't joke around with them. Keep them at arms length, and above all, do not fall into the trap of doing favors for them or taking favors from them.


Let your work show through.

In my experience, things don't work this way.
In a company, you have to be as loud as possible about how much work you're putting in, you have to brag about it daily to your boss "hey, yesterday I've done this and that, and I left the office later than usual to achieve all of this work before I went home", you have to pretend to be busy at all times, even though you're actually not doing shit.
Those people are the type that gets raises and promotions, while people like me who just keep their head down, put their work in and hope to be noticed are considered as low effort workers at best, or lazy ones at worst. As such, in my previous company I didn't get a raise even though I was by far the best worker in my team, but I was also the one who bragged the less about it, so I had to tell them to go fuck themselves and resign.
Meanwhile, colleagues who worked less than me, kept complaining everyday about how they have too much work and they can't take it anymore. They kept asking meetings with the manager to complain about how much work they have. As they are mostly women, they sometimes cry in front of everyone, and they ultimately got their raises while not doing shit, as I was the one doing most of the work.
I can't work in a company anymore, I can't work as a wagie anymore, I just don't have the personality that allows me to get noticed.

I never said not to claim credit for your work and know that at most jobs you have to take pictures and post them in the group chat to prove it.
All I said was the coworkers are not your friends and and are trying to bait you into a reason to get you fired for outshining them.

The boss isn't your friend either.
Talking politics at work is as bad of an ideal as fucking a coworker.

plebbit spacing

You just did the same thing.
WTF anon

Nobody is making the argument that that's is not what's its called.
I'm telling you right now to your face it's the same as to normies as you calling them jews.
No matter how crazy it sounds.

You're not going to work to argue with them about words and you won't change normies.

You just did the same thing.

No retard I separated the link to the Oxford dictionaries definition of diversity hire from the question so that you retard can clearly tell its a link and where it begins.

Nobody is making the argument that that's is not what's its called.

You literally said just that. OP can not get in trouble for saying diversity hire when they are literally called that.

I'm telling you right now to your face it's the same as to normies as you calling them jews.

No the sanctioned term for loxist jews is "evil huewhite man" and they have company documents that spell out diversity quotas.
Unless you can demonstrate that they have made up a new term to call diversity hires that remains the the only term they can use.

You're not going to work to argue with them

Shut the fuck up, nigger and answer the question already.

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No retard I separated the link to the Oxford dictionaries definition of diversity hire from the question so that you retard can clearly tell its a link and where it begins.

You mean like making a paragraph?
Plebbet spacing is a cop out and you're not in charge of any business and no post you make can change not only cooperate culture or change how the coworkers can use anything you say including calling a spade a spade to turn you into HR to drag you down because they don't like you.

I have some serious doubts you act this at work.
You're talking shit

Allow me to offer some great advice that's greatly benefited me in my career, free of charge, because I'm in a good mood this morning. One effective team management strategy I’ve found, after decades of experience managing hundreds of employees, is 'Conflict-Aversion Facilitation.' What this means is that, as an effective manager, the key is to project authority by initially offering a pushback to any resistance or requests. However, the goal is ultimately to meet their requests every single time. In doing so, you position yourself as a facilitator of their success. Offering thoughtful accommodations consistently strengthens trust and drives long-term team engagement.

Look at you squirm to avoid answering the question.
You have no idea what you are talking about and I doubt you ever even had a job.

You should always strive to remove leftists at work. Even if you have to do unethical shit to get them fired.

You would repeat the exact things I already said to you like a parrot?


I love how you are just barely self aware enough to know that your answer wont hold up to the slightest amount of scrutiny.
You cant answer the question because you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.

I'm really sorry you didn't like that when I answered I told you that I agreed with you that a jew is called a jew but when you call them that they use it against you.
Truly a crime on par with the holocaust.

Lmao you are so pathetic.
You cant say what the politically correct term for diversity hire is because it literally is the politically correct term that hr and all the rest of corporate have to use.
Its literally that or DEI hire.

Being a push over in any position of authority is asking for destruction. You need to become an asshole anon and not give a fuck about the faggots you work with.

But I did that in all of the comments I made to you but the whole point of the thread was coworkers taking offence to it and fucking you over you shit loving bastard.

You better make me a ME 262 right now you autistic geraman or GTFO.

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But I did that in all of the comments I made

This entire time you are just shifting goalposts.
Some retard taking offence will get slapped with the corporate memo saying exactly that and the same question you have been avoiding this entire time.
If you dont like being called a diversity hire why dont you come up with or point to another accepted euphemism for quota hire?

You better make me

Lmao try to make me and get shanked, nigger.

I'm unemployed and have diarrhea

Simply apply the don't-care and not-my-job rule.

Why wasn't X completed

Shanquia is not capable of doing that task

Then coach her

Do it this way, Shaniqua

Fuck all y'all

I will now refer you to my superior

clock out go home

Lmao try to make me and get shanked, nigger.

It's not like you could build one.

This entire time you are just shifting goalposts.

Every post was me saying the same thing to you and you repeating yourself with childish insults.
You can feel free to prove me wrong on both.

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You can feel free to prove me wrong on both.

Last (you) because (((you))) are obviously just phishing for replies out of loneliness.

I’m becoming assistant manager but I have a pushover personality.

Be promoted

not even actual manager, but 'assistant' manager

More responsibility, so more work

same pay

pushover personality

I got some bad news

You have as many replies as I do but you say that.
Ok woman

every reply kvetching sophistry

no (you) 4 (((you)))

That's a reply dipshit.
You said you wouldn't but you did.
Your word means nothing.

That was dumb. Now all of the leftists/retards will be waiting to stick a knife in your back. They're not stable and anyone who took offense knows that you consider them an idiot. Keep your yapper shut and that INCLUDES private Teams conversations.

I'd update your resume and make it so you can make a lateral move elsewhere if things go South
Other than that just look into assertiveness training since you recognise you have a problem
Up to you if this is a career or something to do with the day job but don't let them use guilt or take advantage of you to skip sick days, pester you on your days off or take advantage of you in general because when its time to let people go and they pick you they'll be sure to remind you they're not your friend
I don't know if you're the fry cook or accountant for a big bank but in this job climate you should always be ready in case something happens
Nothing worse than being afraid at work to say no because that's all you have going for you
"Just get another job XD" If retards are steering the ship are you really going to stay while it sinks? The system favours them, not you. Get a back up plan because if everything goes wrong the only person getting you out of there is yourself

I build houses sometimes roads, have also done waste management and food service.

Driver at the plant drives the recycling truck, did two tours as infantry, one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.

His wife is a registered nurse and he says he "doesn't have to worry about money" because his wife is a nurse and he gets a check from the VA.

Is just a guy with a buzz cut and a big beard, ballcap, 30 something. Short and lanky, not a big guy. Stockpiles ARs and thermal scopes. Actually saw combat in two wars but you would never guess.

Can confirm I did exactly what you described and over exaggerate how busy I am constantly and always look stressed and pissed so people leave me alone and are afraid to ask for me to do stuff. Anyways the dude that taught me was a turbo autist that did 5x the amount of work as me he was promoted quick but they fucked him over when he wanted to change teams because he was being worked to death. I took his spot, got promoted to his position and so literally 75% less work than him which is still far too much in this gay consulting industry but whatever. You have to be good looking or charismatic to pull this off unfortunately. I almost feel guilty with how little I do these days but there were times where I was putting in serious effort
And the boss man was a constant faggot so that guilt is extremely fleeting.