Is being a committed and loving husband to your lawfully wedded female wife considered a homosexual act in your country

Is being a committed and loving husband to your lawfully wedded female wife considered a homosexual act in your country

kek, legit love that nigga

didn't that guy get anally rammed by a catboy and then tried to pretend it never happened?
I suspect it might just be a bit of protection on his part

He has also told his followers that it is gay to exercise at the gym lol

go to someone's house

trespass on their property

get maced

play victim

I don't get it.

Chuds when I was a kid

"You need to respect women, especially your family and the woman you're with. Otherwise you're no better than a deadbeat nigger"

Chuds today

"It's gay to be married. I hate women!"

order food delivery

shoot the delivery guy for trespassing and take the food for this NAP violation

”keep the change ya filthy animal”

God I wish I lived in freedom land too.


tracking someone down to harass them over political disagreements and breaking into their house uninvited is exactly the same as delivering pizza!

okie dokie

Normal people usually, like, ask "who's there" and don't sperg out with a pepper spray

She rang the doorbell. How is that breaking into their home?

To be fair, he was doxed over the sorta-rape-threat tweet just before that so he probably was shit scared

This guy flip flopped on trump after he won the election and pretended he did it on purpose

the groypers are the saddest bunch on the right


Hasn’t he been using his real name on the internet since forever?

sex with women


sex with men and storing gay porn on your computer

not gay

She rang the doorbell

according to her own version of the story, and even if she did purposefully going to someone's house for the explocit purpose of harassment remains illegal and immoral
just because you don't like the cunt doesn't make doxxing suddenly ok

Well you can't expect two idiots embroiled in a culture war to have tact or treat each other with dignity.

Well they posted his address, so there is a difference unless there is some open-source government database where you can find where someone lives just by their name that I don't know about
Still a pussy move on his part, tho

He’s right. I’d rather be a bachelor incel my whole life than be completely pussywhipped by some mid bitch like most normies I know. The ideal is of course to be chad, but barring that it’s better to be an incel than a normgroid bossed around by your wife all day

He's right thoughever.

Maybe things are different in freedom land but here you can literally just look up in the phone book to find someone’s address.

fuentes is never right. he just says the edgiest shit that goes against the grain at any given time. he has no spine

proof is how he opened the door and pepper sprayed a fat libtard woman. why not just open the door with the camera out for free content

It's fake and you're a fag for pretending. Healthy men just want to spreed their seed as much as possible. Women love it but it never represents what a healthy man should be. Wife guys just fell for some psyops at some points and never let go (romanticism being the biggest of them).

You can literally see the doorbell in the screenshot. And the video is online so you can watch it yourself. I agree with doxxing not being okay, but neither is sperging out and macing someone at your door. Both are regarded.



what is this zoomer word

Zoomer men would rather stay at home and listen to a manlet say shit like this than go out and have sex lol.

It’s zoomerspeak for husband.

Hes still right thoughever.

wifeguy back then is GOOD

wifeguy today is BAD

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i won lol

Imagine listening to a guy literally named Fuentes saying that the country should stop taking in more Latinos.

I’m getting more and more convinced that present day right wingers are controlled opposition.

I think it's more that the chuds you see here are such pathetic soyboys that they say and think shit like this as cope.

Well every "far right" victory leads to... no changes
So yeah

It’s like when our anti-immigration party were in government last time; we had record high immigration from third world countries.


Dude if someone who hates you found your address online and then went to your home, you can easily take that as a threat and mace them

Saw a video of him the other day. That guy is fruity as fuck.

Who even watches this guy?
People who can't find where to talk to a autistic incels online?

Zoomers, mostly

But what for?

To feel better about themselves for not having a gf, I assume.

What's sad is that he has a nice face, so if he wasn't an incel loser, he'd probably have a nice gf by now. May such cases...

He’s most likely gay tho.


why are people like this? here in Sweden your adress and income is public knowledge anyone can look at

we used to have phone books

why is a pushing 30 virgin manlet talking about who's gay when he's obviously one? hmm maybe that's why

nick has never been wrong on anything. so if you think he's wrong, i'm afraid the call is coming from inside the house

Mexican white nationalists mostly

Wow he made a joke. Lets make a news article about it

>go to someone's house

>trespass on their property

that's not how it works retard

You are an enormous homo for making this post and he looks like a beaner

You can't trust no one, even grandmas are packing heat

These right wing e-celebs are all cringe. Fuentes and BAP are psychopathic degenerates. The trad guys are cringe too but in another way.

This but unironically.

This dude is 26.

Leftists’ M.O. is playing victim for everything.

Trump has appointed a mega-Zionist administration as well as a foreigner and a Pajeet who intend to make Americans beg for their jobs while they receive billions in tax subsidies.

Nick was right.

I'm divorced now I am a scumbag I know

I've heard like 3 things about this guy and I see it makes foids and retards seethe so I like him

thanks for linking a reddit post, that was very informative, you are giving yourself a lot of credibility, keep up the good work

>"You need to respect women, especially your family and the woman you're with. Otherwise you're no better than a deadbeat nigger"


>"It's gay to be married. I hate women!"


Extremely uncommon Fuentes W

It is though

the difference is economic dependence vs getting court raped on divorce

americans are retarded

she got what she deserved

This giy is a fed and receives paychecks from democrats.
He has the exact same talking points as richard spencer and baseless bitching

Lmao he is not right.

but duh zionist

This is a foreign policy stance literally all american politicians have in praxis, needless to mention the Turkish asset pretends jews operate from israel, not from new york.
He is simply presenting fake Arguments againt fake premises.
He also pearl clutches about every single conservative figure loyalty when he used to hang arround with Brown muslim pedophiles tha molested white children and promote multiculturalism (eg: suleiman ahmed).
He is a grifter

He's right.
Tons of men marry the first woman that looks their way and become lifelong submissive simps for her regardless of how she treats him or what he gains from it.
They live lives like a retarded form of chivalry, where their mediocre bitch wife is a princess, and they're a knight in shining armor who has to save her and do what she orders.

So much this

This man seems incredibly based. Love from kazakh.

Wifeguy doesn't mean a normal man with a wife. It means a man whose entire identity is about his wife and who spends his life in service of her.
The classic 50s era husband-and-wife relationship wasn't defined by that. If anything a modern criticism is that they were rather loveless on the husband's side. And generally the husbands neglected the needs of their wives beyond putting food on the table.

Based chuds of today

t. truecel


being a kid in 2016

They like to gloss over she posted publicly online about how her visit had malicious intent and pretend she was there as part of the girl scouts

Am I supposed to disagee with him.

You simply cannot disregard the context, this came right after a ton of people spread his address online, the fact that it was or wasn't easily available is irrelevant, under the pretense of making him pay for what he said right after Trump won, considering the death threats, the climate in America and the amount of very radicalized individuals, Fuentes being one of them, it's understandable that he was seriously scared he was gonna get attacked the moment he got out of the house by some schizo.
I too agree that he shouldn't have done that though, in the sense that if he was seriously scared for his life he shouldn't have never opened the door in the first place.
He should've threatened to call the police if they don't leave but I can't discount his justified fear and she just got maced after all, not shot.


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Fuck redpillers and masculinity larpers.

When you marry someone you are not supossed to pay onlyfans whores



Im talking about fakecel """chuds""" that hate women until they are on twitter spouting views that very slightly resemble theirs and hold a gun which is the most prominent fakecel in this board

there are barely any of that kind here, that's far more prevalent among the underage unvirgin wannabe chudlets on Anon Babble. on Anon Babble you get mostly either complete normalfag sexhavers (who will insist they are lonely and incels but also exhibit normalfag views on w*men) or truecels like me who unrepentantly hate w*men in all their forms, very little in between.

So many people here who have never even had girlfriends - let alone married - just spouting gibberish. Every normal and/or attractive white couple in the “25-35” age range I know, including neighbors, family, and friends - the husband is a “wife guy” ofc. Women won’t get into long term relationships with you or marry you if you aren’t. But considering you spend 24 hours with them, it kind of comes naturally anyway.

Heterosexuality isn’t gay btw. Sounds like cope.

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nick fuentes be like

M-MASAKA what is this? this...blood lust...this「malicious intent」i can sense it through the door

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I am sexhaver

listen to my opinion

how about you go suck on your wife's boyfriend's dick, fakecel scum?

Hating women is tranny jelly behaviour and probably internalized desire to get an axewound (hence why many truecels transition)
I just hate women that are not racist enough

is this the most alpha poster in the history of Anon Babble?
science says yes

If some weirdo tracks down your house and goes out of their way to find you then you have every right to defend yourself
It's like the trannys here who show up at Rowling's house, they're not there to talk to her about HP

Soience, maybe.

both are acceptable


Nick is right. There are too many betabuxxx deluxe guys out there.

How does anyone take this rat-faced little manlet fag seriously

I've noticed this phenomenon happening with chud beliefs in general. It went from "Blacks are bad because they're impulsive, violent, and disrespectful" to "Actually it's based and chad to be impulsive, violent and disrespectful"

Thats true and hyperborean though


If your wife has a ""based"" worldview she is ran through. Virgins don't know about any of this crap.

This guy is definitely a closet fag

Bitchy anti-violence behaviour is the waspy ass social construction that led to the normalization of troons and allowed negroes to take advantage of a high trust society
You cant have the later without homogeneity.
Otherwise low trust groups will take advantage of it

It is a situational inmune response

jesus christ she looks REVOLTING
the only thing he did wrong was not ending her pathetic life


he should have smashed her empty skull into dust

Fuentes is funny, I just wish he hadn't sucked so much muslim dick to own the jews.

Sure man, make your money and gymaxx until silicon pumped used up woman settles down with you instend of marrying your highschool sweetheart

nick the spic is a gay fed

Oh, you and aren't? How ironic.

those libtards had the opportunity to shout "your address, my choice" but they wasted it

bro us men are natural born WARRIORS. Just 1 wife? GAY AS I LIKE TO SAY

Why do pudgy faced gremlins like him always say things like this? There's definitely a caste of warrior chads but he's not one of them

more like the only women who would have a "based" worldview are subprime whores looking for a less saturated market to peddle their goods at a massively inflated rate. the alt-lite e-thot is a phenomenon as old as time, they're a product of the exact same incentive structure that produces gamer girls and that old timey trope of a mid whore destroying a nerdy circle of friends.

You worded it perfectly. Not to mention attention whores on Anon Babble Anon Babble, Anon Babble and Anon Babble having a whole ass army of simps despite being like 6/10

Why wouldnt women be racist lmfao

People forgot Lauren Southern...

women are incapable of having opinions of their own, they are not truly sentient. a woman merely picks the group she wishes to parasite off of, the opinions come with the territory.

Women can't feel racism like men. They just voice whatever their husband wishes to hear until they're sick of them or their liberal friends are within hearing range

I have not forgotten lora bet-shimeon, I have always despised her for the exact reasons stated in the post.

Jewish women seem pretty racist to me

Seems like a skill issue on your part

I have been with a girl whose older brother and father are completely conspiracy believing chuds. She took narrative from them

Jewish women in the USA date like 90% goyim

They also shot palestinians in the head ans sabotage other races for the tribe

Those are literally all men. The same Israeli IDF girls taking photos with captured palis will also be railed by uncut cocks on their monthly Thailand trip

Truth nuke, I have a friend who is engaged to a "trad wife", and it's all an act.

Just looked up r9k for the first time in years. Women general, gay general and bbc threads on the catalog. Nice.

It's different in burgerstan, which is why nobody knows what happened with

Son of dob


He's in the wrong

I have been with a girl

so she is a whore. so much for muh "trad" women
they are whatever their social circle wants them to be. in any case, behind the smoke and mirrors they are all whores.


he is in the right. start shit get hit.

found one of these pathetic worms
truthnuclear holocaust

whoops, reverse the mentions in the first answer
so fvcking real...

Not a problem at all. Big difference between simps and betas who manage to secure a monogamous relationship.

Nick is the king of the internet

Outside of Anon Babble being a grown man who doesn't talk to women, lives at home and has never touched a pussy makes you gay.

It's never enough for these kinds of guys

the way nick manages to troll the reddit-right Anon Babblethe_donald types on twitter and this board is fucking incredible

total wifeguy death btw

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