Whats the point when youre a childless man?

Whats the point when youre a childless man?

I work with men in their 40s and 50s that dont have children.

These men are average looking, normally dressed, make a decent income, drive a normal car. Are they mentally ill? I cant grasp what drives a 52yo childless man to wake up and go about his day knowing he has no legacy, no children to care for, be proud of, no real cross to carry. What compels a childless man to wake up when he knows he’s a genetic deadend?

Mmen today would rather live meaningless lives on the internet instead of actually living in the real world. What effect will this lost time have once realization sets in that they are never going to get it back? Sitting behind a screen indoors all day dependent on others is not being a renegade and refusing to play the game. You will never procreate which is the whole biological point of life and no amount of “I’m not breeding more cattle for them” will rationalize this.

Videogames, cartoons, and toys are not replacements for a life of purpose, meaningful work, and loving wife and children. Ersatz living through video games, parasocial relationships online, mindless pixel distractions etc is hell. You are just killing time and when you’re 40 you’ll look back at your wasted youth with shame and dread. The amount of time of being a NEET could’ve been you saving and investing all your money for 10-15 even 20 years.

Im going to give you a hint about waiting on a job in the future. You are in a race against time. Ageism is real in the job market. The longer you wait to get a job, the harder it is going to be to get one. Lets say you get a degree at 35, who is going to hire you for an entry level position when youre competing against people who finished their degrees at 22-26? The ageism would be fair because why waste your time with someone who makes it clear that they arent prioritizing their life? If you cant manage your own life, why would I want you managing any aspect of my company?

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what the monkey doin

never thought I'd watch a monkey eat its own cum but here we are

muh genes

that's you in the webm, retarded monkey.

You have no higher purpose because you are a slave. You have the mentality of a beta male, seeking to be useful to be a master, and when you lack a master you experience horrific dread and terror.

You are a bitch.
You are a subhuman.

It's because the average person is raised to expect it. The family life, mortgage, car, etc.
I'm married to a 9/10 unvaccinated Holocaust denier.

reminds me of that jeet masturbating in england to some restaurant foid

We're absolutely fucked
Mind control is real
The CIA spent the last 75 years researching frequencies and fungi in order to make sure there will never be an insurrection.
I don't want my children being forced to hack away at their own limbs torturing themselves to death for some sick elite's enjoyment

Literally no different than an a Jeet.

biological point of life

a phantom

I'm 40 and childless too. At this age you can't turn things around, there are no decent women left. I couldn't really get one even a decade ago. Why would I get a whore that will ruin my life and parasite on me along with some other dude's spawn? Nope, I will just ride it out alone, I have a decent satisfying life. Fix your fucking societies before you start blaming me, none of the previous generations had it this bad in terms of women.

I have a nice job and a wife
Now what?

I'm a 34 year old virgin with a great income but below average looks. If you aren't handsome now, you will never have kids or a wife let alone a girlfriend. I've tried everything besides fat chick's and hookers.

My handsome buddy doesn't even have to put in effort. Guys like me are meant to be alone for life

loving wife

well, we didn't find one. that's it.

6 siblings, staring down the barrel of 50, never married. I have dated three women in my life who were intelligent enough for me to see them as more than pets. Two of them dumped me, I should have married the third even though she was in her 40s already. My sibs have all married and produced offspring. I don't know why I'm the dead end. If not for the nieces and nephews, I would be thinking more about an heroing, but I also have church. God must have something better planned for me.

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a life of purpose, meaningful work

Good luck.

God must have something better planned for me.

The grandest cope imaginable

alright I'm officially a christian. I sure as hell didn't evolve from that.

Your blurb just kind of runs in nonsensical circles. You start with your story that you work with childless men in their 40's and 50's then turn your story into some attack on the NEET life. Why not keep your focus on what went wrong so all these good working men have no wives or kids?

He watched too much sissy porn

he puts in effort in the gym. which you don't.

2 siblings (older sisters), 43 yo.
My early experiences with women were meh to bad, completely dropped out of hte dating scene. modern dating feels so fake and pointless.
I have a job and decent enuogh income, but I honestly fee llittle hope in the future. Not for me, for the entire mankind.

lust inducing image

irrelevant time wasting essay

What compels a childless man to wake up when he knows he’s a genetic deadend?

t. I need the family court over my head to wake up and go to work

why do you post this crap 5 times a day

You posted this exact thread yesterday you faggot fucking loser

no real cross to carry

oh fuck, it's a christcuck pasta
ffs I should have known
abandoning thread

Incels really think this

I go to the gym way more often than any of my handsome friends, most of whom don’t go at all

Honestly, having kids and raising them is as much a part of the human experience as walking. Parenthood is one of those core parts of your life, like being a child or going through high school. Most people have the instincts dormant within them to care for their children. I find it incredibly sad that so many people choose to forgo this next stage of their lives and let all those parental instincts go to waste so they can simply sit around and… watch YouTube? Complain in the internet?

Modern times are amazing - having offspring is treated like some difficult choice, and in most cases a burden. People treat it like it’s not a fundamental part of us, no less essential than breathing or using our hands.

it's because suicide is a straight ticket to hades

You thought this was clever but it was actually retarded

Your possessions and wife belongs to me

I don’t get it either.
I had my first kid in my late 20’s and I still feel like I should have started sooner.

Meanwhile most of my coworkers are late 30’s - 40’s “older” millennials and are either single or in a permanent BF-GF relationship with an increasingly unstable woman and no kids.

Here's the red (or black?) pill. Your actions have no real consequences, you don't decide shit about your life. If the universe wants you to have a girlfriend or wife then you will have, if not, then you won't. You can try to cope any way you want and you can roam the streets, bars and dating apps for hundreds of hours without ever finding anyone to even say "hi" to, if the universe has decided that you should rather be alone. And if it one day decides otherwise, then you will easily meet your girl.

I struggle to find a woman. I give off offputting anxious energy. I sperg out. For some of us, this was never an option.

Big floppy monkey dick

You think I haven't had these thoughts?
I've been married twice but modern society taught them to be faithless disloyal whores, loaded them up on drugs both legal and illegal and they got all their ideas about post marriage betrayal from the first iphones I bought for them in the first case, the second was too far gone already.

Men men men have no thought to the future

You think this was maybe the case with the epidemic of single moms out there too? You think my first was thinking of her future when she listened to some simp orbiter and ended up on the streets after he wrung the last of my prescription drugs out of her to sell on the street, which is where she ended up, starving?

You blame video games like a clueless boomer or whore yourself but that's exactly what social media has turned actual relationships into for women. You are right about investing and I have a good amount of wealth and property since I keep working instead of being a neet after narrowly dodging a second divorce raping of my wallet.

It's not that I choose to live a meaningless life, it's that they gave me no choice. In fact I get mistaken for being in mid thirties by young women but I know they have nothing to offer but a bit of gold digging before stabbing me in the back again.
Women as an investment are like lighting your time, wealth, and health on fire.

What compels a childless man to wake up when he knows he’s a genetic deadend?

I have every gene a woman wants, but I have other family members that are still worth helping, unlike most single women these days.

I hope all the leftism was worth it.

didn't know there were such old posters here

again with this stupid pasta...fuck you

Did the monkie eat his own cum because he was hungry and it's a good source of protein or is he just a degenerate, attention seeking whore?

Anon Babble isn't a naughty kids' secret treehouse club anymore
t. 51


Are you childless too?

look up the Beautiful Ones.

Unless you literally married a virgin, (which you didn't) you are a cuck who is satisfied with scraps and you will perpetuate this system onto future generations, who will just have to "deal with" the fact basically every single romantic prospect once you enter your late teens has had dozens of partners and has 20 different strains of HPV in their vagina. The reason women are acting like sluts and courts divorce rape men, is because simps like you are still buying into it. If someone serves up a literal steaming shit and you are still buying it, don't expect them to change business strategy and start offering your Michelin meals instead.

I work with men in their 40s and 50s that dont have children.

Clear sign that they are fuckups.
t. mid 50's. Married nearly 30 yrs, couple of [grown] kids. Every bloke I know is married (albeit might be their 2nd) of steady gf. Mostly kids, most like me their kids are grown (muh 1st grandkid is a few yrs old).
I'd put those childless, relationshipless blokes in the same box as the cool wine aunt types - there's a reason they are single.

Spite for the system...
Its the only thing that keeps me going.

yes, and never married
not an incel and not a poorfag, though

Does that mean you have to be a virgin as well?

me and my gf went on a date a few weeks a go and the next day at work me and my colleague talked about it, dating and relationships etc

i have a 45 year old colleague who's a bit overweight but he's working on it, and he's a decent guy. a bit weird humor but that's not so bad. if he wanted he could probably find someone. when we talked about dating i asked him if he was looking for someone, and he basically just said it was a too late for him, without saying it out loud. not sure if he's dated anyone in the past. i know plenty of guys who's found someone in their 30s and 40s.

i have another colleague in his early 30s and i don't think he's ever had a girl. he's fairly shy but nothing he can't work on. but with him too i feel like he isn't going to bother. i kind of feel like taking them out and get them to socialize some more after work and in the weekends, because they're both stuck in their apartments all day after work. today we all have a day off and i had planned to ask they they wanted to do something but i decided against it for some reason. maybe i will ask them tomorrow at work.

the women at work are pretty much all more social and fun than the men i work with, it's really sad 2bh

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Hey monkey, quit stealing my moves!

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that study is often quoted here but it was flawed
the rats needed more space
even with an abundance of food, they were too cramped
tl,dr: freedom

8 billion people. That's a minimum estimate. I don't much care to be around anyone of them for more than 15 minutes. Pretty much hate the nosy, noisy, bossy ones the most.
OP can fuck off somewhere else with it's opinion. It thinks it's barging into incel territory to set others straight and that's insulting to the trolls that made this place. Eat a bag of dicks OP.

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No, although it would certainly be preferable that most men weren't trying to stick their dick in everything with a pulse. Maybe if they had a monogamous relationship early on. See how it fits together? Beside women largely don't care about men being virgins. And even if they did. I don't really give a shit about what women wants.

41 yo virgin here, I have a job, a car, a house. I do that to take care of myself, to not be a burden. Now I a helping my parents, maybe I'll move back with them in 5-10 years to be available to them in their old age.

So she fucks someone else & she's the biggest harlot ever but it's ok for you to stick your dick in anything that comes along?

inb4 microchimerism

Why are all you chuddy incels such hypocrites?

Take care of yourself, of your parents and family, that's a good life.

I used to want kids, but I see the future being increasingly hellish, and I don't want to force anyone into it.

Match group stole your dreams, you just don't know who did it

I've steadily become a fixture of my community and am exercising a fair amount of influence over not only my peers, but their children as well.

You have to shape the future any way you can, that's what being a man is. That you wring your hands so in the OP goes to show you don't really understand that yourself.

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this is one of those things incels understand wrong
either willfully or because they're retards
tl,dr: they think it be like it do, but it don't

In this boat currently, marriage didn't work out and ex has and controls our kid, it's ridiculous

Lucky though that I have a 28 y/o gf who's cute and doesn't have any prior marriages or another guy's kids.

Time moves real fast guys, make sure you don't squander your 20s and early 30s on women who are hard to get along with and on extended adolescence

8 billion people???

800m - 1.2 billions humans

7-8 billion bipedal fauna

Anon, you have a problem with counting 'humans'

Lmao. I exact same phrase saying you shouldn't stick your dick in everything, and that is the one you choose as a strawman. Is your reading comprehension poor, or are you just this desperate to cope about your partner being used goods, who has had her vagina soaked in other mens cum, more times that you can count? Most of your male ancestors didn't live like this, you know.

make sure you don't squander your 20s and early 30s on women who are hard to get along with and on extended adolescence

In my 30s. Too late. I am a manchild.

incels really think this

No, we really, really don't. We're constantly debunking this "go to le gym and shower" normgroid "advice"

I'm 35 now, gonna be 36 next month. More than half of my friends from highschool don't have children still. Men and women. I have kids now, so I'm doing my part, it's just kinda fucked up how few people I know with children.


Nah. We just live lifes. Some are minimalists, there are dudes whose "life" is gambling and the three weeks in thailand. There are dudes who have specific hobbies ranging from learning to play various instruments, play games, learn languages etc. It is a slow life. Not great, but also not bad. Why do we do it? Because we can, other reasons maybe you have seen your brother, uncle, father, gramps get "raped" by divorce court, maybe you missed your mark and it is too late to get in to the crazy dating sceen you have now. Some guys don't like drama, just want sex. There are dudes who live in rural areas, where there are no women etc. But the common denominator is the fact that we can live without wife+kids.

Your purpose is only to better yourself. Nothing else matters. Lots of times a family helps with that and other times it does not. Honestly, there are to many people now so not having kids is admirable. To anyone that reads this fuck the demorilization shills. Find what makes you happy and never look back.

You have not because you ask not anon.

none of the previous generations had it this bad in terms of women.

The WW2 Germans were selling their asses on the streets to survive not trying to kill their own families

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You're not alone in this; I feel the same way.

I stand politically incorrected.
Well played.

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future being increasingly hellish

Don't you know that's just an alt-right conspiracy theory

Is your reading comprehension poor,

brother, uncle, father,

divorces my in my family:
my brother
my two paternal uncles
my maternal uncle
my father
then my father got stuck in loveless marriage to my unfaithful mother (she cheated on him once, briefly and long ago but it rekt the marriage forever)
I got enough evidence, tyvm

lol m8 its over. There will be no cavalry riding in. There will be no turn-around. We've seen the peak of western civilization and it was amazing. The late 1990s before 9-11, before the dotcom bubble burst, before the smartphone but after the internet and the browser. That was the peak of western culture, music, movies, tech was good with no real bad to it, no warm, no terrorism, life was great. It was better than great, it was peak. Look at the women, feel the vibes.

It's just a slide now into dystopia, the dystopia is already hear, its not yet evenly distributed (to paraphrase WMG).

Women are brainwashed trash. The government hates you, or is at best ambivalent to your fate, your employer will replace you with a mexican, or boatnigger, or anyone, just as soon as is convenient. Women despise most men. Check the dating market.

I'm late 40s now. Wealthy. Fit. Own several houses. Am highly educated. I'm just going to sit back and relax in my comfortable property, on my ample lands, and watch the hell unfold in 8K UHD and surround sound. It's over.

What are you getting at? That I didn't read you cuck story? Cause unfourtunetly for me, I actually did.

What about a nice virgin 18 year old mail order bride you can mold to be the perfect wife?

I have a friend like that. Everyone moved on w life but him. Now all he does all day is work & do at home care for his dying mother.

I fear he's gonna kill himself soon. He's so down & out, but he did it to himself.

its really sad 2bh

yea im sure theyre missing out so much not chasing after used up walled 30+ hags that are ready to settle down

but he did it to himself

Probably not. Our choices don't matter much and we practically have no free will because the sim is so overbearing. But it's of course understandable to want to believe you did it all yourself when life has been good to you in recent times. Been there.

My dad, technically my step dad, adopted me when I was 6 or 7 years old. Never knew my real father. He had been married twice before meeting my mom and already had one son who he rarely sees because the other side of the family prevents it. My parents met online when my mother was trying to come to the states. My dad had already came and offered to help. My mom came, got married, and then he adopted me. After we moved to the states my parents had my sister. Fast forward 14 years and she committed suicide without much of an explanation. It really fucked us all up. My dad felt like he failed because he no longer had offspring of his own in the states. About 3 months after my sister passed my own child was born. I was about 22 at the time. 3 years later my child’s mom got bored and left. I love my daughter and spend more time with her than her mother does but at this point I wish it never happened. Better to not have kids now imo because these modern day women sacrifice their families for a false sense of happiness and complicate their children’s lives. Would love to have a few more kids but I don’t even get excited thinking about women anymore. The last 4 girls I’ve slept with I could barely even get hard. My T levels are high I’ve had them checked. I think it’s something psychological. I feel broken by everything. I’m sure these 40/50 year olds with no kids probably feel the same way. I just keep pushing forward for my daughter at this point. I don’t have any other reason to keep going aside from whatever momentum I’ve built up.

Im going to give you a hint about waiting on a job in the future. You are in a race against time. Ageism is real in the job market. The longer you wait to get a job, the harder it is going to be to get one

Carlife completely mogs that idea, you make about the same as you would if you had a higher paying job and were stuck paying rent
I bought a little rent0id home and now I'm going back to buy some land

Nah, this one def did. He's expected every women to be his mommy, he cucks to them yet he's picky AF, is extremely anal about his things & the places they go (which means kids are out), etc. Plus EVERYBODY has to hear about how shit his life is, so no one wants to talk to him at all anymore cause its the same crap every time & we all have bigger fish to fry.

Us all trying to change his course over the years has been futile, so we all just stopped. Now chickens are coming to roost & he's off the deep end. Sad to witness.

You will be fortunate in the coming years to not have children: bad times are ahead and I think celibacy will be a blessing in disguise vs seeing your offspring suffer in a decaying world. Live for your extended family, parents and church.
Observing how my mother and two sisters behaved growing up has played a role in me resisting marriage or commitment. All were difficult and unpleasant and held to a different standard- never faced consequences for bad behavior. My parents marriage only worked because my dad is 100% passive and patient to a fault. No one outside the family can put up with my mother.

you can mold to be the perfect wife?

if you bring her over to the West, she'll become a feminist whore full of muh rights

My reason is that I'm a targeted individual and I have to take daily hot Epsom salt baths and drink potassium iodide.
This is too much for Anon Babblechuds to accept, let alone a f*moid

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Overpopulation is no joke losers.

Sorry, everyone around me got married and divorced after 3-5 years and they are all miserable now.

Brit anon has it all figured out. I am grateful that I was old enough to enjoy childhood in the late 90s

Videogames, cartoons, and toys are not replacements for a life of purpose, meaningful work, and loving wife and children.

No, they are better by far.


My purpose is self fulfillment.

Meaningful work.

My work only has meaning in that it pays for my leisure.

Loving wife.

Got one, regret it more often than I don't.
She is perfect, supportive and beautiful. But I prefer video games and books to human interaction, only took the marriage pill because it seemed like the right thing to do.


Probably still going to have them, plan is next year. Still more excited aboud KCD2.

probably end up just killing myself.

Obongo basically signed away our freedoms and privacy
What kind of life is one with zero privacy?

I'm 54, and I agree. My longest relationship was 10 years ,and ended when she decided she loved opiates more. I was 6'3", and getting shorter now at 6'2", but I make over $200k doing system integrations remotely from a white rural area. I outright own 45+ acres, own rental properties, over a mill in retirement, stack of silver and gold, tons of guns and a dillon reloader, offroad toys and overlander vehicles.

Life is good, and doesn't need women. First off, find Jesus. Next, find out what brings you a sense of accomplishment, and peace. I am watching wild turkeys pillage my free range chickens food this AM, munching on some venison jerky I made. I went to a buddies and grilled ribeyes from a local farm last night, and we did some tinkering on dirtbikes. I'm doing Thanksgiving with some neighbors that are like family. I'm going to visit my nephews over Xmas and spoil the shit out of them. I volunteer at local dinners and fund raisers, and am well respected in the community.

Don't let your value be assigned by the fickle nature of women, and the degenerate nature of our judaised society.

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Oh yeah i love demoralization, keep posting black pills, nigger

Killing as many niggers as possible

the whole biological point of life

what about legacy

Legacy is a sham and so is biological imperative. You think they never asked anyone out? Do you think they are virgins? If they did why aren’t you blaming the women? How come it’s always the fault of the person who simultaneously has no agency in the matter. Your “legacy” is in for a world of hell and instead you’re here larping on a Cambodian buttplug factory board.

Shit man, I'm 34 and if I'm able to turn out like you that will be best case scenario. I'm on a similar course, although I am way more introverted and isolated. A couple friends I occasionally see and my parents. Don't really talk to anyone else. Remote work is not an option in my case. Godspeed brother, you are an inspiration to us all.

Do you exercise lad?
I have pretty much been working out all the time since I'm nearing my 30s. I think I just felt a bit of an energy dip and it scared me so I started religiously taking care of myself.
The fact that my brother wants to spend so much time playing Elden Ring and WoW is a bit annoying to me specially since I just got a dog too.
I just want to play Melee to get a test boost and then scran some pushups and gamedev.
If I had a gf I'd shag her and make her take care of the dog/bing chillings

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no children to care for, be proud of, no real cross to carry

That's the best part. Less worries to have, less problems.

You can never be proud of your children because they are not yours. They are property of the state.
You are just a dumb ass breeder wjo produce living sentiemt flesh to be used, abused, exploited , even crippled or killed by the ruling class of the state in their wars.

You are an idiot if do that. Idiotic sadist.

Having kids , a hairs is only justified if your are rich and you have something worth it to give it to them. So that your wealth does?not go in vain to waste when yoi die. Otherwise it is idiotic.


He doesn't care. He endorses our suffering just to elevate his name. Make no mistake, the inhabitants of Hell are not your friends either and wish for your destruction.

this monkey is better than me, at least he's being a degenerate outside

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God is shounen, he's within us and takes on these challenges to test us so we can increase our spiritual strength.
The more you take the more you can pnt out.

They laugh at you when you figure out that your kids hate you/are not yours in reality, because some chad was first when you were at work.

I feel sorry for people having sick kids, they have kid but it's even worse dead end. Or for a example gay kid.


I'm 40 and childless


What compels a childless man to wake up when he knows he’s a genetic deadend?

A lot of times I consider the court eunuchs of former eras - many of whom amassed serious power and wealth. That's basically what I am at this point. "Family men" have so much on the line and so much they have to pay attention to. Guys who don't have nearly unlimited free time in comparison.

I'm lucky that I've been able to take opportunities within my job and get a lot of headway, but it has never - ever - been easy. A big part of how I've been able to deal with it and the stress though is that I never had wife / kids stressing me at home or pulling me in 99 different directions.

The only reward in the end is just material possessions and money. Trust me that I have deeply regretted my scenario many times in the last twenty years, but like others have said: Lol, when you're fucking 40, there is nothing that can be done anymore. Not unless you wanted to become a Sexpat or scoop up some SEA village girl or something. Any fertile white chick in her 20s is off-limits according to all social mores.

All that remains is what you make in this life. I wrote about 50 songs in the last 4 years (started during Covid). I'm scheduled to publish my first book in 2025. They won't make me immortal and they're no substitute for children. They are however, my ideas pushed forward in time. My (actual) memes, morals, thoughts, etc. Past that is death.

I almost died in 2016 and tl;dr - I can tell you with 100% certainty that God is real and so is eternity (I don't presume to pick a religion). Both are wildly beyond the comprehension of anyone on this planet. Comforting to know there is something after - something absolutely constant and true past our stupid monkey-world.

Well, if you're an introvert and like reading and nature, and like animals, my life seems pretty good. I can see how extroverts might chafe at my lifestyle now, but I used to be pretty social, I bounced at local clubs and bars from the mid-90s until 2005, and knew a lot of people. In 2020, I moved rural in early feb, because I saw all the Wuhan lies, and thought it was bad, and then realized it was all fake by March 2020.

These days, I work on my land, I cut wood for firewood, clear brush and maintain my fields. I used to grow a garden with the ex, but now I just rototill and fertilize it to keep it for the future. I grab fruit from the pear or apple trees, raspberries and blackberries from the bushes. I raise free range chickens for eggs, and put 18 cornish meat hens into the freezer for the winter. My doe permit was used two weeks ago, and the venison is tender. At any point, I can go out and shoot a turkey, breast it out, cut the breasts into tenders, and marinate those in my own maple syrup. Dust with some pancake flour, fry in lard/tallow, and enjoy the bounty of my own land.

I help neighbors, I've rescued stuck cars and tractors. I store some hay and a 30' hay elevator for a local farmer. I rototill neighbors gardens. I helped shear some sheep this year, and next we're doing the same for some coastal island sheep. I volunteer for the local sewing circle, who puts on dinners and fund raising events. I've been improving my farm welding skills, and have helped fix a few implements.

Notice how none of this revolves around women?