fuck hominem: you are against me because of you don't get sex, want sex or your penis is too small, you are a loser (don't get sex), you want to rape me
why can women only use that in political debates?
fuck hominem: you are against me because of you don't get sex, want sex or your penis is too small, you are a loser (don't get sex), you want to rape me
why can women only use that in political debates?
Can u summarise this in 1 sentence my attention span is really low and I cbf reading all that
you are indian
wall of text
can't meme
steal "le based" rightoid basic bitch meme
still can't meme and makes wall of text
like clockwork..
JD Vance backing paid Peter Thiel astro turf operation
who is funding you goys? the lord of the rings shit gives it away
a sustainable birthrate requires
It requires MEN to stop being pathetic fucking cuck faggots.
But good luck with that.
Sheldon Adelson
it caught the right people
I don't get the meme, why would he be angry about that?
sorry no, it requires men to outearn women and women to not be parked in a classroom high on hormones during their most fertile years
this is not hard, it is how it was in all of history
the lord of the rings shit gives it away
Go back to wherever you came from
you see the targets in this thread
I'm going in a kebab
Remember that girl they turn into a kebab?
I thought for a long time the west was overproducing and it was only a matter of time before we hit resource shortage. I think about 2.1 births per woman would be optimal. I think we were overpopulated in the 30's but we were lucky that oil came and saved the day.
I think around the 80's or 90's was good, not too many and not too few kids.
Daaaaaddy, start interacting with women so I can be born.
men throw tantrums and drop out of society because women don't have to consign themselves to shitty marriages with an abusive husband
this is the woman's fault according to men
you are against me because of you don't get sex
It's not that, dude. Here, let me translate. What is actually being said is this:
We were having a debate, both sides were giving their views and opinions, and then I realized that I've been talking to a loser this entire time. I am now informing you that I no longer intend to participate in this debate.
It's not a behavior exclusive to women. Think about the last time you realized someone you were talking to on Anon Babble was a jew and you told them you have no interest in continuing to speak to them.
Chads arent sitting on their PC's all day
Incels do and usually get into politics and use it as a tool to get out their frustated anger towards women
Use ur brain retard its obv why women do that.
Lmao. I think I'm going to spam this shit.
Has more potential than chudjak.
What is your pic supposed to convey actually?
Women go for abusive parasites because they are Chads then complain to the rest of us
Αδελφε, you need to be the abusive and demanding Greekoid you were born to be. Women used to be treated worse than in Afghanistan in your country. Grow some balls and beat your women. I've seen your ladies before, hot cunts, they'll probably get wet if you show them you have red hot Med blood flowing through your veins.
Hold on, is she arguing (taking numbers of her ass) that we shouldn't give education to women and pay them less?
In that case I kinda agree with that girl
Because men sometime insult each other by insinuating the other can't attract attention from women, as it requires being physical attractive, having social capital, being intelligent etc. Most women, who are completly vapid, have latched onto this and now thinks spreading your legs for a bunch of men, is the same accomplishment.
erm, choose better men
Okay, I will
NOOOO I'd be one of the good ones!!! I meant choose me!
Okay, I will
most of them never end up chosing men, they end up chosing governments alimony money
now suddenly the government realized that fatherless children and especially boys very often end up being much more trouble than they're worth
W hats that say?
You can have the lowest fertility rate known to man, as long as you are prepared for it. The old people need to be taken care of and the jobs that they occupied previously need to be automated or replaced by more efficient methods.
Only if you open your borders to people with a higher fertility rate than your own does it matter.
i don't have to deal with women bs until well in my 30s or not at all
nobody expects me to do anything anymore
i win
It's female psychology, which is in line with their biology. They know that most of their value comes from their vagina, subconsciously
Another noteworthy observation is they will more often than not use "insecure" as an insult and use it as an argument for disagreement. Because women themselves are insecure, as they are biologically weaker and vulnerable. So they find confident men attractive, as it signals security. To them, the biggest "ick" they have for a man and consequentially the biggest insult they can give to a man (in their vain sex obsessed minds) is "insecure". It is all projection
Because it’s true, a lot of losers on here have never had sex and a lot of politics here are based on that so it’s a fair thing to call out. I personally think a man who has never had sex is equal to a woman and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
insecure energy
Because women themselves are insecure, as they are biologically weaker and vulnerable.
Incels in women have so much in common kek
I actually have a restraining order on my ex (deserved mind you) but only because she drove me to anger.
my 8 year old said a bunch of complicated adult stuff
We're twitter now. Anon Babble is dead.
Yes. Very much
A prime example here. Only women are so bent out of shape about insecurities in others, a man wouldn't use "insecure" as an insult. We all have them to varying degrees. it's a fact of life. But a woman cannot accept insecurity in men. To a woman, insecurity in a man is worthy of intense vitriol and disgust. To a man, it's not something they care much about in women, and may even find endearing. They won't berate other men for unless they are a mangina raised only by women. If you have an opinion or make an observation that isn't flattering, or is inconvenient or disagreeable to all or any women, they will pull out they "insecure" card whether it makes sense or not
Women are inherently insecure. And if a woman is reading this, she will see it as an attack rather than an observation. But it is not an attack when I say this
A woman goes from cradle to grave feeling insecure about how weak they are. About how much smaller they are to men. About their capabilities compared to men. They are always comparing themselves to men. They feel vulnerable just coexisting with men, because they are. They require care while in birth, and require assistance raising their offspring. And so they seek security in men, it is a psychological phenomenon brought on by their weaker biology. They care so much about men's insecurities because of this. As I said, it is projection
If you see people online liberally accusing people of insecurities, you can always tell this way 90% of the time it is a woman. 9% of the time it's going to be a weak/gay man, and 1% of the time it might just be a man who has picked this up from women and thinks they are actually arguing a point with this Ad Hominem
insecure wall didnt read
You are turkish, you look like an indian. You pretty mich are one in the same
It's the woman's fault for creating said men in the first place, yes. They should have kept their subhuman genetics to themselves.
They almost never did have to, actually. Women are just lazy parasites by nature.
The actual problem here is that there are no women anymore. There are phones that walk around and have some creatures that carry them around, but I haven't seen a woman in years.
It's literally always just a phone. The phone is floating around talking and making noise and sending texts. Sometimes it will be taking a picture. Sometimes it will be in a bar or watching a movie. I've seen phones taking hikes on nature trails.