So are Jews pushing degeneracy to make more coomers or are they ‘removing sexy women’ from vidya to spite coomers?
So are Jews pushing degeneracy to make more coomers or are they ‘removing sexy women’ from vidya to spite coomers?
No matter what occurs under the sun, it's the Jews.
That outfit looks retarded
Theyre just handing the decision-making power to butch dykes in some cases, and pushing porn in childrens media
Stop posting ecelebs
The game itself sucks, and I couldn't care less if it was sexy or ugly because that's the biggest issue with it
That outfit looks retarded
I'm almost certain it was made by AI.
They're getting real lazy.
To answer your question, it's always what will hurt white people the most kikes will weaponize.
The Jewish mantra is always "make it gay and lame".
Asians are just Jews with extra steps.
That's why they put a kid in the coomer game to do Korean """humor""" moments
That's why the company that made this game got rich making a shameless pedo gacha
They're not human
It's just coomers.
Stop posting ecelebs
Based and actually red pilled. Reject the matrix.
video games with sexy non-brown women
thats awesome.
jews are pushing ugliness, so if you see a pretty-non brown girl, its not the jews.
who is this guy and why do i care
every single time Anon Babble makes me see him he's whining about pixels
Jews promote ugliness, not attractiveness
It’s like the opposite of support
Boobs are really not much different than bags of sand.
sex has always 'sold'. its been used in product marketing forever.
really soft, warm, comfy bags of sand.
How does that correspond with all the beautiful women being pushed by modelling agencies, on OF and in porn? Almost as if this is a nonsensical narrative.
lucky fella
jews exclusively promote only ugliness, even in porn.
modern porn is unwatchable, fat tattood bitches with nose cow piercings.
jews are so retarded they are killing porn with their degeneracy.
Grummz fucked up. They didn't get the message, because it was still censored and altered from the physical 1.0 release. Modders will try to restore Hard R and original vanilla 1.0 uncucked costumes, sure, but that's not official.
No one’s stopping you from googling ‘big tits and ass’.
Daddy doesn't love Tifa, daddy loves tiffas.
and the results are ugly bitches with tattoos and piercings.
The game itself sucks
Gitgud, cocksucking loser.
there was def some shift around covid times. maybe a bit before. all the slim hot sluts with big tits suddenly stopped doing drugs and go real fat and disgusting for some reason. skylar vox is a prime example. but many more too.
no wonder onlyfans and other "non-mainstream" porn shit is getting super popular
Officially her husband, IRL
I can see you don't know shit about the adult industry, stay in your lane
Who designed this shit?
I installed skyrim with so many sex mods, i spent days doing it, when i ended i stopped playing a week later X)
pants heavily
pounds table repeatedly
smashes own head with hammer
get off this site
Explain this meme please, seen this mong's face spammed in every stellar blade thread
Nows not the time to be a fictosexual devotee
He will most likely be involved in the next big games censorship as a resistence force against it. People are rallying behind him because he keeps talking about how vidya censorship has gotten. Expect him to be an online leader for the new alt right.
Cause Mommy wanted to abort you.
Koreans are just horny, sexually repressed gooks. They're no different from japs.
No I do beilive the Japanese have terrible fashion sense.
The outfits they create are never practical and just showy and nonsensical
they do it to push legalizing pedophilia and incest
it's training them to be perky
I never had this bitch in my party, otherwise I'd be stroking and denying instead of playing the game
guys watch out we got a porn expert over here.
beautiful women being pushed by modelling agencies and porn
Kek, yeah niggers are really beautiful especially those 280 pound hogs or trans skeletons. Like the jaguar commercial, right?
shlomo, kys quietly
They need to learn how to draw first and foremost.
Based and hornypilled
Is that not how you wear a belt?
I don't give a fuck what the christcucks say, attraction to attractive adult women isn't degeneracy, clothed or otherwise.
Jews are shunning males with normal sex drives while simultaneously pushing for faggotry/troon/fur shit or whatever else.
No contradiction there.
retarded namefag, retarded opinion
rikku was the better girl
I am a Anon Babble triple crown recipient. Not just a "namefag" nor was it retarded. But do you want to know what is retarded? People who can't draw or do a conclusive finish. Until the japs hire me or Johnny Ace as finish guys they're going to to continue to falter. Mods: time this nigga out for 48 hours for treason. Order up.
Trans and merging of sexes is satanic.
It's both.
Real women:
Propagandize them into being sluts
They devalue themselves with their disgusting behaviour
They don't want to be mothers, thinking it is demeaning
Men do not desire relationships with these women
Some of these women make porn, which men consume creating more coomers
The institution of marriage erodes and society along with it
Fictional women:
Does not exist, sexualizing them harms nobody
Replacement for actual porn, which degrades real women
This is unacceptable, the Jewish subversion does not work if real women are able to maintain their dignity
Call fictional characters that a sexualized "misogynist", that they "pander to the male gaze" and demand it be banned
With no alternative men gravitate back to porn, back to the degradation of real women
The institution of marriage continues to degrade and society along with it
Now fuck off kike.
Holy based
The female worship doesn’t hurt the jews. They invented porn. They’re happy to have you watch faggot porn or bear sex, and emasculating “straight” sex, because the goal is masculinity of the goyim suppressed.
So the people that think they’re “winning” with coomer material are idiots.
it is, as always, both.
you're incredibly retarded and highly annoying and your "vtuber" bullshit sucks gigantic donkey balls, nigger
Jews are fine with sexual degeneracy and censorship in equal measure. what they hate and want to prevent you from experiencing is objective beauty. you can have a beautiful character but she has to be naked so the lowest common denominator can envision the profane. far better to make up bullshit like "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and relativize everything so "there's beauty in everything and everyone" and otherwise pretend to make it commonplace, which it just fucking isn't and never has been.
you're incredibly retarded
I'm an accomplished author and
and highly annoying
Maybe to incels like you.
and your "vtuber" bullshit sucks gigantic donkey balls, nigger
Listen, me and my wife worked really hard on the character design and I'm a one man operation. I don't think you've seen any of my content to make such assumptions but that is going to change because you're going to be seeing a lot more of me and my gimmick in 2025 so you and your incel buddies can hopefully donate to pay my living as well as buying my merch.
Mods: 2 week this bozo for complete nonsense. Order up.
shameless pedo gacha
You're a special kind of retard, retard.
It's a fucking hag game with giant tits and asses everywhere.
Another brainless ignorant idiot talking about shit he has no clue about.
You people could fight for the freedom of speech of some important message but instead you spend your time and effort on titties... go figure. Wasn't Subverse enough for you?
Based post. Should be a copypasta and spammed in every incel thread on this dying board.
This unironically.
The goyim are insensible to how much commercial media is currently ai..
are Jews pushing degeneracy to make more coomers or are they ‘removing sexy women’ from vidya to spite coomers?
The jews are pushing the trannies and clamping down on the sexy women to make your children gay.
The latest "anti gooner" push is targeting anything but the troons, they want to remove the eroticism from society so that the the troons will become sexy by elemination.
Hot women = gooner
fat brown faggots = stunning and brave
troons = look at me i am the woman now
Your children will grow up in an environment where the gay porn is the only porn.
seconding this
How does the word indigo manage to end up under magenta on these things when it's the color of blue jeans?
ugly cunt with a nigger body
also, how the fuck did magenta wind up in between blue and purple instead of between purple and red. what the FUCK happened here?
what about tiffoles?
They had control of you as children by being able to shape your culture with brands. Tarnishing those brands later on is an act of provocation. It's an explicit attempt at destroying something you love, knowing you base your identity on it in some way, even tangenitally through meme culture or whatever they believe things to be.
When they gonna do their nikke collab?
I mean it's delusional to think all women in the industry are ugly unless you're asexual or into something else. Sounds like you're visiting terrible websites
They hate the game and now after the controversy try to memory hole their hate for it.
So are Jews pushing degeneracy
or are they ‘removing sexy women’ from vidya to spite coomers?
What they are doing to video games is degenerate. Literally degenerating them (making their quality lower with unappealing garbage).
Sexy women of a hypersexualized nature were put in games by jews. Even lara croft, who had big tits, was completely asexual in the games before Underworld. No slutty antics, just an archeologist with knockers.
Good choice, too bad they made that abysmal second game that sluttified her.
That’s the art of grifting
It's literally just a schizo spammer, that's it
without porn in my vidya, I will turn gay!
This game isn't normal vidya that people play or care about besides the coomer aspect. Sexy women still aren't in new AAA games. To answer your question, they're doing both, but they aren't removing sexy women to "spite coomers," they're doing it to change the man-woman dynamic and it worked.
WE WON!!!!!!!!
Boobs are really not much different than bags of sand.
really soft, warm, comfy bags of sand.
You two have never touched breasts before if you think it feels like a bag of sand.
Unironly this ROFL
Jews are cucked forced to remove fun and fanservice because their witch roasties are insecure as fuck
No fun allowed. Only gooning. It's like here. You know how the most insufferable threads remain for days, and are posted every day and never deleted, but then any thread where fun and conversation is happening gets immediately removed.
No fun allowed.
that speck in the upper right dot in the glasses
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
based beyond belief
who is this guy and why do i care
that about sums up every thread i see on here, why do I come to this board
all these fags ITT that are pro-censorship whenever it's something other than the right to say 'nigger' on the internet
you're all gay as fuck and I hope if you have any children they transition and then 42%
link one reply itt that's "pro-censorship"
All women in the industry are ugly for the same reason most modern women are uglier nlthese days, excessive use. They have had the youthful attractiveness fucked outnof them. Aged whores are not as attractive as feminine maidens and never will be. It's one of the main reasons porn is ugly, the other being the man involved in pornography not being the viewer. This reality will not change.
Jews dont control the vidya industry so how dare they step on jews terf.
why don't they just make a porn game? seriously does anyone play this for the gameplay?
If you have nothing nice to say you shouldn't say anything at all.
Can't be sold in stores. You know. ESRB.
You are physically addicted to images of another man's penis.
fuck capitalism (coomeralism)