shills for zionism while posing as a liberal
how do retards fall for these eceleb charlatans?
shills for zionism while posing as a liberal
how do retards fall for these eceleb charlatans?
inb4 his pajeet fans show up
shills for whatever wikipedia tells him is true
He's not posing as a libshit. Thats what liberals are.
People follow him because he's a lolcow...we're just waiting for soemthing to laugh at
if you look at the history of the jews, you can see that they needed their own homeland. this is true. and it's also zionism
the problem was that their homeland was full of people
maybe they should stop antagonizing the rest of the world and being so anti-nonsemitic chud
licks male asshole while taking a cock in his rectum
how does his son respect him knowing that he swallows cum?
i still have no idea who this guy or nick fuentes are
The only acceptable reply to a Destiny post is SAGE.
He shills for anal sex. I can't hear anything else he says now.
/Thread how could anons NOT troll this pedophiles mystery load gobbler?
most libshits prefer not talking about israel. the only ones actively shilling for israel aside from destiny and his pajeet cult are bots from heavily-moderated news subreddits.
actual liberal/progressives oppose zionism. even neolibs in congress condemn israel once in a blue moon.
now post the ageplay shit
he's the joe rogan for zio-left
hates everything except bombing Palestinian children
Telling the objective truth is shilling for Zionism
The absolute state of Anon Babble
zionism is le bad
what's pols obsession with this beta twink? every time I logon I see this blue haired kike
Everytime I watch this cuban midget his jaw is cackling harder and harder. The aderall got him.
Kikelovers are addicted to sucking COCK.
it's funny you can never refute him.
why? literally why?
you must kill them before they kill you. it's a us vs them situation.
simp for muslims and watch your daughter get abdool'd
It's not adderall. It's just that he has to fight his extreme thirst for cum when speaking. The buttplug is not helping.
Fuck off Sholmi... you Fucking JEW cunts have created an unreasonable situation.HOW DO WE END THIS SHLOMO?
You're just jealous he was balls deep in Lauren. More than once I might add.
you must kill them before they kill you. it's a us vs them situation.
Yes, and you and kikes are the "them"
Jew seizes power
by prostituting himself to the whores and vandals
Is surprised the said whores and vandals want to ransack his 'motherland'.
Lol. LMAO.
Kys Schwartz
Sub-mid then, straight up revolting now
Kys retard
Imagine the smell
kek an accurate representation of destiny’s audience
Another thread about pols favorite methhead
Why did he dye his hair like that?
According to some fake as fuck messages leaked by who knows who
You retards will believe anything
Because hes purple man, pols favorite methhead
Come JEW ..... shlomo COME FAGGOT
jews are more aryan than your turkic ass khabib
It's clearly blue.
his pajeet cult
Why do jeets support him?
Purple sounds more gay
His wife was hotter than LS
Filthy fucking jews DIE DIE DIE
No 1 likes jews
I could make a thousand webms like this abdul Muslim scholars.
islam actually has pedophilia built into sharia
His son doesn't respect him. His son is based as hell and says his dad a cuck.
Old lady, extra roasted due to burning excessive coal, oh yeah those eggs are cooked, and she has one brown (filipino) son to show for the dozens of dicks she's devoured. Now she's desperately penning unhinged screeds that would embarrass a bipolar 16 year old girl. I'm sorry hag, but the guy you're obsessing with just farted out his buttplug and put it in his mouth, you're just not his type.
he got rejected/cucked by both lauren and his now ex wife melina, and then he started abusing drugs to cope
the drugs probably helped with his zionism grift as well because i don’t think anyone can defend israel nonstop for a whole year without abusing drugs
you're just not his type.
Actually she is, he responded with no less cringe screeds, she just wanted him to stop sucking cocks and fucking other women and that wasn't going to work with him.
I can make him straight!
She has a thing for feminized men eh?
bi man doing bi man stuff
this really all you got huh?
because pajeets support israel and hate muslims
It's disgusting, kys faggot.
I have no idea how Zionism can seem like a remotely good and reasonable platitude. It's painful to think about how terribly Jews have treated the rest of the world. So much brutality.
He fucked Lauren southern
this is you
these are the 10s chadstiny had sex with multiple times. i rest my case
he was debating redpillers at the time and wanted to brand himself as the epic blue haired guy who uses facts and logic to own people who oppose open relationships. he would even bring his now ex-wife with him to those debates as an alpha move.
in the same year she leaves him for another man and he gets hooked on drugs
i would kill myself if i was destiny
all of his supporters support his actions.
what else ya go?
It's disgusting, kys faggot.
trump supports gays anon.
hes not deporting anyone and is a jewish puppet.
you will never live in a fag, kike, nigger, tranny, free world except in your head.
just accept that and move on with your life.
he told her he would leave melina to be in a monogamous relationship with her, and she still rejected him. that caused him to have a mental breakdown for a week i think
why is he coping? trump won
shut up incel
Please tell me why this weirdo is still politically relevant.
his parasocial fans shill him everywhere
ultra cucked millennials like destiny think it is hot when their woman wears their balls as earrings. . thats only because theyre much more of a woman than the woman herself.
He said he would think about it. After he fucked her and made her so roleplay.
every time you see one of his stock photos you its one of the mutt spit lickers of his audience that is making the thread
these golems are vr desperate to propagate their cuck father
This guy got humiliated by Jim
she chose her own husband over him and he had a mental breakdown over it.
melina chose her new boyfriend over him.
your e daddy is a pathetic embarrassment
He's an actual classical liberal (you know the guys that made Israel and brought prosperity to the West), not an Americanised pseudo "liberal" that only cares about brown transgender muslims.
It's a good example of how his cult follows his every single view instead of watching him based on their own views. Imaging shilling for Israel as a leftist and have no fall off. I see zero comments arguing about it either. My brother is a leftist and destiny fan, and he's the only political commentator he watches and I swear he has 100% the same exact beliefs as destiny. No original talking points. Takes every stance destiny takes. He denies this, though. While I watch 6-7 different conservative YouTubers and some are anti Israel. I think the reason why people never seem to get upset at his takes is because his fans are originally tuning it for gaming and became political BECAUSE of him, so they follow him through and through and never think for themselves politically. I'm sure it's the only reason he's anti woke, because the gaming community is inherently anti woke.
He's an omnifaggot and so are you.
there are only two kinds of e-celebs actually mentally retarded idiots and sellouts. Cuckstiny is first one for sure.
how do retards fall for these eceleb charlatans?
posts another destiny thread
Kill yourself. No bump.
Actual fucking satanist asshole.
He's actually both
but lets keep bumping the thread anyway
Everyone itt should be killed except me ofc
Probably yeah. Cuckstiny mental breakdowns are funny to watch i though he is going to rope him self or something but i realized that all libtards are mentally unstable and act like woman.
does anyone have the video of his son shooting him with a pellet gun?
Is nobody going to post his phimosis pics?
He's a magnet for the people we most want to humiliate and destroy, and it's been working. He got cucked so hard by Ryan Dawson and Metokur of all people that he had a long-form emotional breakdown and spent years fighting a losing battle in defense of Jewish liberalism.
Now he's a brutalized ruin of a man, a known cuckold whom everyone mocks incessantly and who has been totally humiliated on national television.
is it true this dude ate the cum out his wife’s snatch after other dudes fucked her?
yeah they are incapable of criticizing him and actively memoryhole things that damage his credibility. also like you said they just repeat his exact talking points until they run out of them and start derailing and spamming insults, like their stoic e daddy when he finally gets cornered, or they stop responding, like how their e daddy suddenly leaves the voice call. what’s fascinating is that they still view themselves as independent thinkers and champions of open and honest discussion. it’s peak cognitive dissonance.
their own cuck god destiny goes on interviews talking about how echo chambers are bad and how having political allegiance is bad, when his subreddit is a literal echo chamber moderated by a turbo zionist, and he is the biggest partisan status quo shill on the internet. the guy is a total hypocrite
I had a dream about the second civil war
at the beginning, when it all kicked off, celebrities from both sides of the political spectrum had their houses raided by huge, angry and armed mobs. Celebs were massacred and tossed into a big burning pile that contained thousands of bodies. Their giant mansions were used as fortifications and munition storage.
how likely is this scenario if a civil war does break out?
You know what is crazy? He was actually adopting right wing beliefs and shit when he was with Lauren. Him having huge melt down about the alt right about they can’t be reasoned with and how they should all die lines up with Lauren leaving him.
sounds based
Only Zoomers are shocked that you can be a Dem and support Israel. This is how it was in the 00s as a status quo. Destiny is acting the same as an 00s Democrat.
open relationships
I fucking hate jews so much its unreal. What a shitty thing to normalize in society. I mean Im not a perfect human being but I still want my relationships to be meaningful.
that’s another way of saying he’s a status quo shill with no principles. the thing is he’s not honest about it which makes him another intellectually dishonest faggot eceleb promoting a disguised agenda.
he beat jim so bad he's been dying ever sense.
He’s been taking Ls since the Israel debate with Nick Fuentes
I'm pretty sure the government has something on Destiny. He said in the leaked DMs that he has a fetish for being blackmailed. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that he's being blackmailed by the federal government. You're really telling me that a supposed "free thinker" like Destiny just so happens to agree with every single piece of state propaganda known to man? I don't buy it. He's probably under orders to peddle establishment talking points to his cult followers so information that's even more damaging than what was contained in those DMs doesn't get released.
debate happened in 2016
cancer diagnosis happened in late 2019
Shill a little harder for your midget, he got obliterated
The entire left has become pro establishment because white males became anti establishment. Destiny is just a contrarian faggot. If you argue the moon is made of rock he will almost be able to convince you its made of cheese. Which is good for us because we can literally just give him his talking points with reverse psychology. Every idea that we have that is wholesome and good he will try to do the opposite and argue the opposite. Long term thats good for us and bad for him.
Sam reason retards here fall for Sam Hyde (jewish sodomite grifter)