i mean if anyone deserves to feel narcissistic it’s the man single-handedly making us multiplanetary organisms
Is this ai?
Communists, he's sending men miles above the earth, you're sending them six feet under
Imagine putting a signature on ai generated slip like that. Then posting it in the Internet as if you created something of value
Dick rider
Chill Elon, ee appreciate your work but stay humble
you’re not even american your opinion is irrelevant
The guys a fat fuckin shit
He a Fat Faggot
You know you live in a failed system when a genetic dead end like pic related is allowed to acquire the most resources in the world, nerds shouldn’t have power, gym bros should run the world, we need physically strong midwits in government and running corporations, elections should be decided by how much you can lift
Yes, though it might have been edited/cleaned a bit.
Fucked up chain mail at inner side of elbows.
Fucked up, meaningless details and messed up shape of chest 'decoration'
Fucked up, meaningless details on 'belt buckle plate'
Lots of smaller details that look like bits of weirdly shared somewhat melted metal.
He has to post corny AI images of himself as some fit warrior because he’s a chunky fat dweeb IRL
He's posting this gay AI slop to confirm that he was legit the poster the other day that did the Q&A on here that had thread pictures in the same exact style
I honestly believe Elmo is a CIA actor, used to promote government technologies to the public, so Americans (((are made to feel))) good about capitalism/entrepreneurism/(((usury))).
When he speaks, I never feel like I am listening to the thoughts of a brilliant person.
The US government already did that in the 1960s.
I hope you're the first person on the rocket ship to the desert world
Legit, how long till he kills Trump to have Vance has a more stable puppet?
Holy shit I didn't even notice, absolutely pathetic. Just stated playing around with AI and I can get results like that in like 30 minutes by downloading some models.
He saved crypto
he's dysgenic and autistic
he's dysgenic and autistic
It's interesting how his "autism" developed in the last 10 years....go watch an interview of him in the 1990s....the stuttering act is nowhere to be found.
The moon isn't a planet.
Kind of agree. There's people being narcissists for starring in Hollywood films, I can excuse narcissism from a entrepreneur who created Tesla and is catching reusable rockets. He's had an undeniable impact on society, more than most people of this generation.
He's not autistic, he's a degenerate drug addict.
I can excuse narcissism from a entrepreneur who created Tesla and is catching reusable rockets. He's had an undeniable impact on society,
He had zero to do with the development of any of these things.
what about the narcissisms of the disgusting worthless and dysgenic blue haired retards and karens over the last 10 plus years
cars sound and look like shit because of him
his impact is negative
He didn't create Tesla, anon.
Elon should buy the dating apps
holy based
Autists can't be narcissists
so was it him in the thread a few days ago?
You jew cocksucker, shutup.
He's a tubby little kike, adored by nigger faggot cock gobblers on this board. It's fuckin disgraceful
He's gonna feel real silly when x loses all of its users to bluesky.
Do you want niggers running shit?
Because that's how you get niggers running shit.
punching smart people makes me feel less retarded
Čaba neblázni
Includes Freemason compass and square
What did he mean by this
self described "smart people" get fist first
he bought twitter so he could have millions of ass kissers
lol which planet has he taken us to?
The Holy Roman Empire brought you tree dwelling eurofags into the golden age. If not for the Roman's the eurofags would probably still be tribal retards like the brits, goths, and Germanians. Daily reminder it was Emperor Augustus that made being a degenerates illegal. You pagan faggots just had to ruin everything with your literal orgies in the streets. Just couldn't help yourselves could you
stuttering is not an autism symptom typically
stuttering is not an autism symptom typically
Well, it's something new he has added to his act in the last 10 years.
i think he's on adderall too which could contribute
He has visceral fat around his organs. It’s from eating an American diet. For as rich as he is, doesn’t know that you have to control your insulin sensitivity. This is what causes obesity and type 2 diabetes.
The American food is what changed in the last ten years. It’s continually gotten worse since the 1970s.
he's not going to mars. no one is.
i dont understand why super rich dudes like elon musk dont pay for some rich person body treatments to not have the shape of a cybertruck
same with tim pool and his refusal to fix his hair and teeth
Why dont rightwingers post their actual photos?
Why do tehy need to hide what they look like?
Is it because their dealings with demons are leaving marks?
It’s because modern science is conflicted on these topics, similar to mRNA vaccines. The answer from most “doctors” is GPL1 inhibitors, however a low carb healthy fat diet with intermittent fasting is more effective than GPL1 inhibitors. Once you lose the weight you have to regulate your metabolism via controlling your insulin and insulin sensitivity.
I honestly don’t even know why anyone would actually want to go to mars.
leave everything behind
live in a hole on a dead planet
gravity is lower so your bone structure gets absolutely fucked
die alone
Why not just kill all the pajeets, jews, and niggers in the west? problem solved.
Why did they make the Indian look less brown than he is?
Imagine being mad about that, go jerk off or something fag.
multiplanetary organisms
what other planets have you been to, Ranjeet?
where does spaceX get its funding from?
Is this ai?
Suit up
We're taking Dacia.
30 years too look like that elon even with ur fake hair
that body shape tells me that Elong eats a high fat diet.
He needs to switch to a very low fat diet. eat plenty of starch, fiber, and non fat dairy, along with a daily vitamin. use Aspartame to make food taste better.
The engineers he hired would be making missiles and weapons if it wasnt for him.
the stuttering act is nowhere to be found.
he is a psychopath
and a pretty retarded one actually
but props to him on getting this far
Worse advice ever. Starchy foods lead to increased glucose in the blood, insulin and insulin resistance which causes weight gain and overtime diabetes. Aspartame and any artificial sweeteners have been shown to be worst than sugar in the long run due to encouraging lipogenesis, making the liver fatty which in turn makes you pre-diabetic and puts your metabolism and fat storage mode. Fat doesn’t make you fat, sugar, high fructose corn syrup, refined carbohydrates and starchy vegetables makes you fat. Insulin and high insulin resistance make you fat.
I don’t think anyone should feel narcissistic because that is a really shitty trait to have.
Yeah, I tolerated their narcissism as well and theirs was arguably far worse because it wasn't even based on having achieved anything, just on having the right opinions about CURRENT THING.
Jealous, seething faggots. He's a flawed person like the rest of us, but you guys are clearly blinded by rage if you don't think him putting his money towards these projects had no impact. Like retarded to the point where there's no reason to listen to anything you say because you don't understand the basics of how capital pushes innovation. You're just fucking babies.
a high fat diet causes insulin resistance, misinformed one. The body loves starch and loves glucose. But a high fat diet messes everything up.
You are simply confused or purposely misleading people.
That's typical Elon Musk behavior. Putting his name on things he didn't create.
Not only is he (probably) a crytpo Jew and a pampered born-rich psychopath, a narcissist, and a pedophile, but he's also a Satanist. These people just can't help themselves.
Roads on land
Roads in space
Ketamine and syphilis will do that to you.
Dr. Jason Fung outlines countless peer reviews research that shows refined carbohydrates, sugar, sweeteners, and starchy vegetables makes people become obese. Obesity is a hormonal disease. This has been known for hundreds of years. You’re parroting the U.S. healthcare’s food pyramid from the 1970s. Your advise is how the U.S. went from 1% overweight to 77% overweight in the last 60 years. Your advice is literally the opposite of reality. Worst advice ever.
Further more, fat has the least impact on insulin levels compared to carbohydrates and protein. Dietary fat does not cause a significant rise in blood glucose, and thus it does not trigger a strong insulin response. Additionally, fat is more metabolically stable and does not lead to rapid fluctuations in insulin levels. You’re seriously misinformed.
ITT: bedroom dwelling losers shitting on one of the most remarkable figures of the 21st century who will be remembered for 100s of years while you will be forgotten forever within 2-3 generations, some of you only 1 gen.
bedroom dwelling losers shitting on one of the most remarkable figures of the 21st century
He bought into companies with promising technologies. He has invented nothing himself.
Doesn’t matter. He is where he is, and he’s responsible for achieving that place in society. It doesn’t matter if his parents were old wealth, or have emerald and diamond mines in South Africa.
insulin is a hormone like any other. when the body is clean, it works perfectly. insulin perfectly deals with glucose in the blood.
it is fat that gums up the system. Fat inflames the pancreas, fat poisons the blood via endotoxemia, body fat inflames the body as well because when fat cells become overloaded with fat, they release inflammatory cytokines that attract immune cells.
NASA did whatever he was doing with less technology, he isn't doing shit.
life on mars
Meanwhile we can't even terraform deserts, create new countries here in the ocean. He's a scammer faggot. Good salesman though.
Saturated fat does not equal saturated fat in the blood. Carbohydrates and sugar cause arterial inflammation. In fact, saturated fats have been shown to be heart, healthy, and protective against stroke. Mind you not seed oils, We’re talking grass fed butter, ghee and beef tallow. Cold pressed organic coconut oil and olive oil are also heart healthy. Over consuming carbohydrates and sugar lead to a fatty liver and fatty pancreas, which causes type two diabetes because once the pancreas is fatty, it inactivates beta cells and causes dysfunction. You have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s obvious.
Am I seriously the only right winger whose fucking sick of this guy?
Because if you remind rightwingers they are ruled by nonwhites, they revolt
And doge is made of niggers
Same reason people keep denying that Trump wears orange
Its a very simple emporer has no clothes moment
making us multiplanetary organisms
He has taken hundreds of billions from you faggot retards and they are still only in the "CGI" stage of getting us to Mars let alone the moon again
Colonizing Mars could take tens of thousands of years
He is not going to make us a "multiplanetary" species, you faggots glazing this billionaire Jew this hard really shows how far the right has fallen
Nick was right
Saturated fat is turned into cholesterol. A high fiber diet reduces cholesterol because it inhibits the reabsorption of cholesterol rich bile in the intestine.
To anyone reading this post. This is misinformation and following it will endanger your health. In your gut you know I'm right. His diet advice is lethal.
Grass fed dairy and natural fat intake have the least impact on insulin sensitivity or resistance. Also natural sugars contained and things like dates, figs, cheese and milk have relatively low glycemic loads and are considered healthy. Natural sugars are totally OK because they don’t absorb in your body, the same way refined sugars and other ultra processed foods do. In reality, there’s no empirical scientific agreement on anything you’re saying and it sounds like you’re making it up as you go along.
Trump wears orange because it's part of his brand. Only midwits think they're onto something while pointing this out, but they can't see the forest for the trees. All people like you do is beat up the strawman of an "old country hick hillbilly votin' up that thar white man". Retard.
If you listen to this person, you will end up getting diabetes. This person is shilling for big food, big pharma and wants to keep you sick. Read the “The Obesity code”, “The Diabetes code” and “The Cancer code”, Written by Dr. Jason Fung.
Intermittent fasting in conjunction with a low-carb, healthy fat diet Is the best way to combat obesity and diabetes. I’ve personally seen 70 year-old men that have taken insulin for decades stop taking insulin simply by intermittent fasting in combination with a low carb healthy fat diet. Diabetes is a dietary disease. Obesity is a hormonal disease. US science is half a century behind the curve which is why we have almost 80% of our population overweight.
Its more than what you have ever done Elon
I mean his mom's family were a bunch of jewish Nazi's. What do you expect from people that conspire with the people that want to exterminate your own bloodline?
Ketamine has rotted his brain
"making us multiplanetary organisms"
even though he has yet to send anything to another planet, let alone bringing a human to anywhere outside of Earth's orbit so far
and all the while, he's literally the spearhead on industries and cultural movements planning on scraping out and mining all the easy to get deposits of rare earth minerals (REMs) (that were deposited and formed millions to billions of years ago, and are absolutely 100% nonrenewable (once we take them out of the Earth's crust as ore, that's it, they are gone and done-zo)) all across the Earth, just to prop up his EV company and platforms, that is in every way a worse and more inefficient way to transport things compared to ICE engines, just to make a an extremely short term profit in comparison to the amount of resources it takes to create the batteries, their battery life, and how much of those deposits would need to be mined to completely replace the ICE everywhere.
Oh no someone shit talked my favorite billionaire on the internet and Anon Babble no less
Better get visibly angry and call them losers
That will show them
How does it feel being a faggot who gets offended on behalf of another faggot who doesn't even know your name?
We aren't going to be able to leave this rock, if we keep misappropriating our absolutely nonrenewable natural resources (there is an argument to be made that petroleum reserves are able to replenish themselves on a long enough timescale vs REM deposits that are absolutely gone once their mined out of the ground) to prop up economic scam industries made in the interest of serving scam climate agendas.
Wow, for being such a "forward thinker", it sure is stupid to stirp mine all those easy to access REM deposits in a matter of decades, leaving none behind on the crust's surface in less than a century at the rate that we are finding and exploiting them all over the earth's crust, all for a short sighted profit and to use them to try an replace the ICE that out performs them in every way as way to transport goods and materials over long distances and in remote places.
His grift car company and promoting those types of industries to further the global "green revolution" scam, is literally going to stunt us as a species by having us squandering our REMs on short sighted and inefficient ways to replace something that didn't need to be fixed.
Intermittent fasting in conjunction with a low-carb, healthy fat diet
that is a diet no one can abide by and you know it. Such a diet would cause the max amount of suffering for a person.
A diabetic should eat a very low fat diet, exercise, and take their insulin as needed to deal with the very predictable blood sugar spikes that occure. If they are type 2 diabetic, they will probably be cured because they will lose weight and regain metabolic function.
your advice is whack anyway because a diabetic still needs sugar and your advice would cause their blood sugar to become dangerously low.
Yes it does.
Thats the privileged lifestyle that allows one to succeed as much as he has. His first companies were founded using money his dad gave him (and his brother Kimbal.)
It sucks being poor white dudes getting labeled as "privileged" when its these wierd-sounding-nazi-sympathizers from South Africa that are the entitled ones.
Oh and they're fucking shit up for everyone. All of these immigrant billionaires are assholes and they all have genetic hook-noses.
Again, you were wrong on all accounts. Let’s do an experiment. So you believe that someone with diabetes should take insulin, eat small meals throughout the day, but make sure their calorie restricted, and exercise to ensure weight loss?
Niggers can't lift wtf. Never have I ever seen a nigger in the gym lifting lol the most they do is machines while 10 of their homies sit around talking to their baby mamas on the phone.
He's like the richest fucking man in the world
He's pretty much earned it
All celebrities are glowie assets.
It's a sign of strength. This is digital monument erection.
You seem to be the one who's offended, anon. Did I hit too close to the mark?
there is plenty of second rich generation kids who get millions yet they achieve nothing like Elon did. You may hate him for diferent reasons but hating him for that is pure cope.
fucking things up
so far he freed twitter for far-left tyranny which is win and helped Trump get back, if its not a win idk what is
A diabetic should eat a very low fat diet, exercise, and take their insulin as needed to deal with the very predictable blood sugar spikes that occure. If they are type 2 diabetic, they will probably be cured because they will lose weight and regain metabolic function.
Again, high-far diets don’t cause weight gain. This is the U.S. food lobby’s propaganda from the 1980s, catch up with the rest of us. Insulin forces glucose into the body and cells, removing it from the bloodstream providing the illusion of improvement but actually making the disease worst. This is why a typical type two diabetic requires higher doses of insulin overtime. Excess exercise doesn’t burn visceral fat unless it’s done on an empty stomach while intermittently fasting, so this would never cure a type two diabetics issues with fatty liver and fatty pancreas. It is true, however, that intermittent fasting while taking a drug like insulin can cause hypoglycemia and should be done under the guidance of physician, however once off of insulin these methods can be used to reverse and cure type two diabetes. The reason why you think A low carb healthy fat intermittent fasting diet would be impossible Is because you currently consume sugar or high fructose corn syrup, which bypass society, mechanisms, and cause ravenous hunger. Consuming these refined products trigger you chemically to eat like an animal. This is we make foie gras birds for consumption, we literally feed them carbohydrates, too fatten and their liver. Also worth noting that we can make anyone obese or diabetic by simply giving them insulin shots daily.
Life must be tough for you having to deal with people shitting on Elon Musk
which bypass society, mechanisms, and cause ravenous hunger.
Satiety mechanisms
phone posting power through
Hey that's not Jimmy Carter
When he speaks, I never feel like I am listening to the thoughts of a brilliant person.
newsflash: Elmo is not a genius, and not an engineer. he is an autistic teenager perpetually 15 years old enmeshed in a scifi fantasy world and hooked on psychedelics and inseminating goblinas
yeah, that without it he looks presentable and normal, resembling someone who is from the south
It lacks the distinction the same way a furry with normal colors is ignored in the fur parade
I need to insult you
No need, your existence is an affront tot he world God made and your every thought and action are driven by sin
I shall pray for your salvation
This man spends billions just to troll people. His worldview and ambitions are essentially those of a Anon Babble anon that plays too much vidya. How can you not love this man?
>he's dysgenic and autistic
It's interesting how his "autism" developed in the last 10 years....go watch an interview of him in the 1990s....the stuttering act is nowhere to be found.
stuttering could be a side effect of his drug use
I don't eat high fructose corn syrup. In my original post I advised Elon to use aspartame to sweeten starchy foods. Fructose doesn't raise blood sugar so it does no satiate a person. That is why food industry scientists love adding fructose to everything. Glucose raises blood sugar quickly which leads to rapid satiety.
The most satiating food is the plain baked potato. The plain baked potato also rapidly spikes blood sugar with a GI of 111. I am right. You are wrong.
And the body needs to eat, btw. Sugar entering cells is literally how the body eats.
My god this is the most narcissistic response possible. I bet there’s mommie issues.
>life on mars
Meanwhile we can't even terraform deserts, create new countries here in the ocean. He's a scammer faggot. Good salesman though.
Elmo is jumping to step 5 like any non-engineer salesman, all the OG SciFi masters in the 1950s understood that Geoengineering the home planet was step 1 on the way to being interplanetary, regulating climate with geoengineering would be 1/10th the cost of a mars colony
signing an ai generated image
do promtjeets really?
1. The moon isn't considered a planet
2. There are no bases of any kind on the moon, planting a flag on the moon doesn't make us "multiplanetary organisms"
3. We currently can't even make it back to the moon
Fructose doesn't raise blood sugar so it does no satiate a person.
Consuming high fructose, corn syrup, or refined fructose can result in fatty liver in less than nine weeks. So you can take a healthy human being and feed them high levels of refund fructose and they will become prediabetic in less than nine weeks. It’s arguably worse than consuming foods that lead to increased glucose levels because it can’t be directly metabolized by your muscles and organs and goes directly to the liver to be processed as fat. To be clear fruits with natural sources of fructose are typically fine to consume, however, anything with refined fructose should be avoided. Including high fructose corn syrup.
Glucose raises blood sugar quickly which leads to rapid satiety… The most satiating food is the plain baked potato.
Having glucose spikes, actually leads to food cravings, not satiety. Any type of referring carbohydrate, sugar, sweetener or starchy vegetable leads to increased food cravings. Satiety as a concept means food triggers you to stop eating. You can’t generally overheat broccoli or steak because they trigger your satiety mechanisms. They make you feel full. Refined carbohydrates, sugars, fructose, sweeteners bypass satiety mechanisms which make you ravenous and trigger you to eat like an animal. This is called second stomach phenomenon. This is also why you always have room for dessert. Again, you have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re continuance to rant based on your unfounded opinion makes you seem narcissistic. I’m not posting for you, Posting for learners so this will be my last update, correcting your flawed understanding of nutrition and modern diseases.
Wouldn’t it technically be whom?