Asmongold just called you guys out LOL

Asmongold just called you guys out LOL

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How can you pivot from one race the human race no borders to heckin fight for your national borders bro, nationalism is le heckin based. Truth be told I couldn't give a fuck what happens to this country or any country. It's all one economic zone and I don't give a shit.

I don't care what people with that color of the eyes have to say.

He got dumped by a chink

you guys

we're not chinks, anon.


posting eceleb shit should be a bannable offense

Your country downfell.

Ukraine needs your help.

How I'm supposed to help another country when mine has already fallen?

Some Jew lover that lives in squalor and set his mother in fire


I believe it's some soulless guy who lives in a trash dump and is famous for some reason

calling anyone an incel while looking like blackops2cel's older brother

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Most Western Ukraine supporters are simply braindead NPCs. Unable to think, they oppose the idea of not invading other's country. This has led to the downfall of their own nations, and now they want other countries to suffer because they weren't strong enough to defend their own.

Nice source. Fake and gay.

Everyone in this thread is a retard including me

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and is famous for some reason

He will given hundreds of millions of $$ when it comes time for him to push the draft/military sign-up's for his young viewers

one's country

Kek. Who the fuck believes the Ukraine is a sovereign country talkpoint at this point?

They are traitors to Western interests. Defeating Putin and Westernising Eurasia would restore Western hegemony and improve our quality of life. We need access to the natural resources in that region.

asmongold would never insult his audience like that. Also he's literally king of incels and resents that.

Based and truthpilled
Don’t fight for jews boys

Haha, again he nailed it.
Only RL-losers have Putler sympathies, sorry.

While our kosher globohomo is evil and sucks ... still way better than being ruled by Putlers Russia, XIs China, NKs Kim or a muslim religious state.

Drive to any former "russia allied country and communist friend" .. mostly outside of tourist centers still shitholes, even 40 years after the collapse of Russia lead SU....

I don't listen to celebrities that I could beat the shit out of with one armed tied behind my back.

The only reason the (((west))) is defending Ukraine is because 99% of child trafficking comes there

blackrock asset #5934652 says something

a thread died for this, op is a massive faggot

Did you have to make a fake tweet instead of using any of his actual polarizing takes?

We need

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fuck Jewkraine, call me when the Russians are in Alaska

Fake and gay and fuck you OP for making me go to xtwatter. Faggot.

Every time this cunt says something logical and on point he turns around and says something utterly fucking moronic. What is it with this two-faced fucking retard?


The left still hasn’t learned that calling people incel isn’t gonna make them do what you want them to do

Welcome to Anon Babble Asmond, you're here forever.

who is he as an authoritative figure?

Who. Was she hot

you own nothing in """your""" country, though. just because you born there doesnt mean you must be grateful to billionaires and corrupt politicians who rule over this place.

Is that really him?

We must become all brown and gay because the Soviet Union was poor

*clap* *clap* *clap*

so when is it again you are going, zack?

I think his opinion is wrong

literal genetic dead end calls opposition incels

He can feel free to jump off a.building.

Asmongold just called you guys out LOL

I have more loyalty for 1942 Nazi Germany than my own English/Australian heritage

Western interests

Went out the window when they replaced us with millions upon millions of shitskin barbarians. How do you jew shills speak of ‘the West’ when her people have been replaced, demonized and ostracized?

I hate russia and 'my own country'.

Unable to get women

Strong enough



He is not even a leftist, just your average koshervative

care about latest thing guys


No one has been able to explain why men should defend a country that gives them no women.
They just pose as if it was a self-evident matter and call you names.

I'm 100% for Ukraine being able to defend itself against Russian aggression.
I am 100% against them using my tax dollars to do so.
If that makes me an incel, then so be it.

The amount of people who drink the government coolaid shocks me. The russio Ukranian war was never about saving ukriane. It was the US' immoral opportune that decided to give Ukrainians just enough weapons and money to prolong a war everyone knew they couldn't win just so Ukrainians would kill as many Russians as possible without a single nato troop offered. The fact that people still can't see this when they're admitting it on TV now astounds me

This faggot can't even take care of his own room.

Assmongol, the gay porn star

If the Ukrainians had defended themselves from kikes like Zelensky coming to power, it would've been the US that was bombing and invading them, and for the same reason that the Russians are: for combating nazism.

same bongbro

3 matching Oblisks located in DC, London, Vatican stand in your way

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That’s the same thing for most of us. They’re globohomos.

2 sides of every coin. OTK are basically engaging in sex trafficking. so you know i take what he says with a grain of salt since he relies on chink whores to make his money for his sand nigger friends.
these people use to play video games.

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Why is he projecting?

Negroes refuse the draft

yassss king stick it to the man

Whites refuse the draft


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people with that color of the eyes have to say

So 85% of the world's population?

his name is Ass Mongol anon, he's the cleanest streamer on twitch (haven't bathed in 30 days), he eats food with worms and mold in it and cockroaches crawl over him when he streams
he's the one calling you Incel

asmongold the industry plant says the same things that propagandists have been shilling all along

Wow I'm shocked.

asmongold is a grifter and a brainlet. I wonder if he'd feel the same if he got a draft notice.
bravado is great until you realize ukraine is genociding its male population for no reason at all considering they could never win this war.

No, the downfall of my nation has led me to conclude I ought not defend it
Also so what if Im an incel, this society has rejected me so why should I be expected to die in its name?
Low iq take

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if u dont fight for zog or accept feminist cunt you are weak

people who react to this are dumbasses

Russian supporters

Bro nobody in the west gives a shit and certainly nobody is taking Russia's side in things (unless they REALLY know all the details of shit that went down in Ukraine and even then they're not pro-russia they're mad at the CIA/USA/NATO).

Why the fuck is baldie even posting about this shit?

the sign tapping will continue, sorry

Anon Babble supports Ukrainian troops defending their soil against Russian invaders.
Anon Babble does not support the jew faggot that forced Russias hand.
the world would be a better place if Zelensky got assassinated.

This slimy faggot insulting anybody should be taken as a badge of honor

because he is bought out and probably part of a very elaborate US State Department propaganda operation

either he deleted the tweet or OP is fake

Go volunteer to fight then streaming eceleb nigger trash. Easy to bark from the comfort of your stupid rainbow lights computer.

Can't wait for all the vtubers to parrot his talking points.

when did you realize that OTK is a joke organization that relies on chink whores to take money out of your pocket and put it in their daddies wallets?

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can somebody confirm this
is OP a faggot

He also recently came out and said all the charges and convictions against trump are completely legitimate because theres no way that many people could be lying about Trump. Hes not the most insightful guy when it comes to politics.

A guy who looks like that called incels out. Okay.

Fake twitter screenshots get your OP 10x the traction on nu/pol/ than stating the exact same thing in a normal post, at least until the time everyone starts doing it.

~100 replies for a fake Twitter screencap

You're all a bunch of retarded cum guzzling faggots
fuck nu/pol/

He’s not wrong

War is for cucks. Soldiers wives practically all cheat on them. Guys who stay home are doing the fucking and calling them incels is pure cope.

Your government wants to replace you with cheap foreign labor anyway. Why then should you care if another government wants to replace them?

The real red pill is that everyone in power is the same. Jew, Chinese, Russian, they will all do what they can get away with. Your small town mayor would be a dictator if he had the power.

Doesn't this guy just sit in his room all day every day? He would be an incel if not for his fame. The guy is so healthy, didn't he have a woman over and she revealed how he lives like a pig. Literally food and empty bottles all over his bedroom

Someone has been making threads with fake Asmongold tweets for the past month for some reason. Very strange stuff...

it used to be.

posting eceleb shit should be a bannable offense

No but if you point out the half dozen threads of the gay spic and how its shitting up the board you will get banned.

This is a based take
We should have just said fuck the nukes and beat Russia. Ukraine did the right thing The West just let them down at least if France and Germany sent its immigrants to the front lines it would have been two birds with one stone, the immigrant issue and the Russia issue.


some niggers like (you)s instead of actual discussion
twitter virus is what i call it
apply the herbal treatment

He sold his soul to a media company and does their bidding now. Don't talk from glass homes, Asmond.

I member when he used to say faggot...
Its over

The reason to support Ukraine is to kill the Eastern barbarians that threaten the European heartland.
It is literally that simple, I do not care about the pontificating bullshit from NATO faggotry or Russian cope as to why they cannot retake their own former vassal in 1000 days of high-intensity warfare.

The only retards siding with Russia is those who stand against woke shit, but they don't know Russia it's probably more degen than all of Europe

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We need access to the natural resources in that region

We can simply produce something valuable and trade with the Russians

one's country

Russia is more my country than this nigger infested african shithole.

faggot eceleb charity scammer for ukraine and others stuff

This is a fed meme
Not dying for ZOG

It is pathetic how many people fall for fake shit like this that gets posted everyday

where is he now

just apply herbal treatment bro

Recognizing the reality of the war means you're pro russia

that guy from clouddead

defend your nation incel.

First of all, you called me an incel, second, what's in it for me :)

Brown eyed people are a minority of peoples.
But yes, counting subhumans, as foolish as it is, it might be 90% of primates.
This is fake(i guess) but Yt shilled his short to me, so I watched his Trump inauguration video. He was "orange man bad insane". Chat blasted him.
Then he insta-flipper to "orange man good wow go trump".

He is the most kike golem that i have ever seen. Literally a kike-mimicing. Given that kikes employ mimicry I dont know who is jewing whom.
Worse. She was a golddigger and clout chaser. And she still bailed out lol. I think he didnt even got a handjob out of it. Lolmao
Ukraine is not a nation.
It is jew infested
Is not in Europe
Now fuck off and slurp some foreskins shlomo

asmongold is a fed, what a suprise

Quick patriot defend ukraine

Oops your demographic tree is upside-down and we're going to start a multi-ethnic democracy so that we can mass import browns

Aw geez looks like you just have to sit back and let it happen after getting maimed

Oh well

We do not invade countries that aren't our own and steal their resources. That's anti human behavior.

probably dead or married with kids idk

don't care, didnt read


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i have the right to defend my nation's borders

agreed, now go do it without taking my money

kek didn't this faggot get exposed for being funded and propped up by some jewish production company that also props up other (((influencers))) and (((e-celebs)))?

in any case, the intensification of sign-tapping is clearly making the glownigger apparatus seethe and cope in increasingly strange ways, from trying to say it was the imperial college in UK that came up with sign tapping (???) to pushing the daughterjak forced meme to mobilizing internet faggots to shame (You) into dying for Israel

unfortunately (((they))) blew their load waaaay too soon and now white men are checked out of le heckin ((((((((patriotism)))))))) permanently and the reaction of the vast majority of men to hearing that their biggest cities got vaporized by Russian nukes would be to pop the champagne bottle open

No one “supports” Russia organically?

I'm being presumptuous but... You believe Brahmin should rule over the other castes, and they're not even 5% of the population according to Google.

I saw in another thread where this guy doesn't shower for up to two weeks.

Not incels, just retarded contrarians.

You are scared shitless of those retarded contrarians.

So 85% of the world's population?

too low, closer to 97%


I think the people who are really doing China's work for them are the ones trying to trick or pressure or force the US into sticking its dick into an optional and wholly avoidable hornet's nest. Also I suspect we here in America may effectively be under foreign occupation already and may have been for a while.

literally not my problem

go fight for Dumbass and live stream it

single, yes

incel, lol no

cant get a woman

lol, no.
I just dont want any of the ones that want me.
Mostly africans and asians...
Really, I dont even want a fuck bot.
Can I get a Rosie the Robot though?
Id love to have banter with a wisecracking robot everytime I tell her to do something.

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But when Russia does it its okay? Kill yourself bitch

russia is not at war with my country


Why are all Night Media slaves always using Jewish talking points? What's going on here? He couldn't even beat the Dynasty Warriors Origins demo on easiest difficulty yet thinks we care what he has to say? What a little bitch.

I think most incels realize that it’s humans as a whole are the fucking problem and they’re ready for total extinction of the entire species at this point. I know I am. The sheep that can’t think for themselves like this glorified basement dweller deserve death. I pray most of these fuckers die by choking on nuclear fallout.

Well, you can do whatever you want to do but maybe you shouldn't judge others for the same actions?

No Pussy No Work
No Pussy No Patriotism
A just and right nation would enslave women and turn them into breeding stock, if that isn't done, there is nothing to be patriotic about.
Za Pobedu!

I wouldnt be surprised if Asmongold gets a a check from OnlyFans by helping sell porn for OTK. if not Asmon, then you know the rest of the degenerates, Mizkif, Esfan, Emiru, Extra Emily, and the other pornagraphers that use that website.
I mean Mizkif has been bringing on pornstars on streams for years for a reason. only the stupid people stuck in the box cannot fathom this

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I support Russia because they're right. And every liberal I've seen here or anywhere else who has tried to convince me that they're not right has failed. He would fail too.

Funny coming from an attic dwelling sperg, who would be a perma incel if it wasn't for the millions of dollars he gets from his incel viewers

This war is an unjust war caused by wests aggression provokation.

This is plain as day, and the reason why alot of people are now informed and cannot be patriot nagged to fight the war, they are informed and that'#s a problem for the stupid elite.

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Asmon is a native English speaker he wouldn't write something as akward as that you retarded ESL

Why did he just insult himself and 99% of his viewerbase

He pretty much nailed it , it's especially true for Anglos , their countries are 3rd world shitholes and can't stand to see Europeans living a good life

There is always a paper trail. you should know that they don't want you playing video games, they want you buying OnlyFans porn through twitch.
someone is getting paid to keep porn on the website. and it's not a benefit to (You) the average viewer.
Just look at the porn pipeline

Onlyfans owned and ran by Jews

Linktree owned and ran by Jews

Amouranth, the queen Jew who started this whole Twitch to Onlyfans Pipeline

all the porn on twitch smells of Jewish degeneracy and a lot of streamers are benefitting from this weather you realize it or not.
Funny how they are making it harder and harder to criticize simping and banning antisemitic shit on Twitch. it's almost like they don't want you to realize they are paid porn shills working for evil jew rats hiding in the shadows.


it's stupid not to be pro-Russia. means you're some kinda npc


I ignore you're npc.