Why is every millenial a fucking daydrinker now?

Why is every millenial a fucking daydrinker now?

Jewish Allowance from their Sodomite Currency Counterfeiting isn't high enough nor am I getting my fair share of it.

Working is a sign of humiliation for the Reptillian Polyergus and labor, goods and services is not where the buying power behind money bursts into existence to be delimited by a talmudconfetti written on disappearing ink.

I would suck her finger

First thing I do when I wake up is tie off a pint of liquor, maybe a few beers. Helps take the edge off.

At least I am not Hungarian.

Working is a sign of humiliation

Never a truer statement about Jews

Seltzers like claws are refreshing anytime of the day and superior to plain water

Ze VVest has fallen...

because reality is unplayable garbage now

Because we are trapped between the boomer world and the zoomer world.

To anyone who drinks alcohol all the time. I spent my 20s drinking often and ended up getting cancer that we think was due to all the fucking boozing. No one talks about this shit how alcohol causes cancers, but it could catch up to you in your 30s. I no longer drink and life sucks ass now but I'm alive. Cheers faggots.

how much did you drink?


fuck off kike, alcohol-chan is my only friend

I've had 2 draught beers in the last 2.5 years. Late 30s millenial.

fuck you thats why

to numb the pain that we can never go back to the golden years of 1995-2005


Gestures everywhere

I wish I liked alcohol

It just makes me sick, tired and depressed
(Especially beer. Had liquor at least tastes good)

I would suck your cock while she sucks your finger.

Last time i had a drink was in the summer.
I detest islam but even a broken clock is somewhat right twice a day: Alcohol should not be consumed habitually nor ever in great quantity.

Breakfast, day, and night drinking back to back is great. When you first get into it it makes everything so much better, especially if you can carry it well, it doesn't make you sloppy, you and keep your hygiene well maintained so nobody at work can tell. It's a brilliant state of being.

But all it takes is 5-7 days to get chemically addicted and then if you stop you enter withdrawals which are pure hell. They often go on for 2-3 days so you have to wait for the weekend to go through it but even then there's a chance you'll cave and drink again just to stop the withdrawal then you're back at square one because you can't call in sick again. Sucks man.

Because all their 90's-early 00's video game fantasies and harry potter dreams have been crushed by reality

I drink at least 15 seltzers every day of my life

So glad I quit drinking.
I'm so happy I wake up each morning with zero possibility of a hangover. Fuck I love rest so much.

Alcohol reduces blood pressure.

This is the equivalent of a digital methhead tranqzombie rambling as he walks down the street

Anon Babble is starting to feel more and more artificial as time goes by, I don't know if it's me getting old or if it's the dozen or so discords that just pull on this place day and night. Every board made fun of zoomers, the gayest generation in history, day and night, and then one day it was like someone flipped a switch and it was wall to wall threads that were all the same shit, "something something LE MILLENIALS!" and always blaming them for some gay shit they saw on reddit or some gay shit written by somebody born in the 60s. I don't know, feels botted.

You do realize that hangovers are a skill issue?

don't drink unclean alcohol

drink enough water alongside your alcohol


Goodbye hangovers.
Although you may still feel worn out if you drank too much. Just don't do that.

daydrinker? you mean alcoholic or what's the difference?

it's just that zoomies and boomies started to browse, especially since '16
boomies hated us to begin with, thats why they destroyed everything for us, and zoomies see us as similar to boomies

drunken DRIVA yeah

Covid lockdowns.

If they shut down liquor stores & kept open gyms i coulda got Anon Babble but instead i turned to day drinking : (

Because the board is 90% angry 30 year old virgin men so complaining about “millenials” gets a million hate replies

Because its a sad place.

It's literally how we always were. Its just polish culture spreading worldwide

There's some of that, but this is way more recent than the_donald election tourism though, it's a sudden and drastic shift on every catalog, all at once, sometime around the summer.

She was a drunk driver
he was a school shooter
can I make it any more obvious

I was always a guy who liked a drink and drank a lot and often, but I was never hooked until COVID lockdowns when I was 34. Since then I've cycled between months of sobriety, relapse, becoming totally addicted, then having to go through horrific withdrawal.

Those lockdowns really fucked me somehow. I had a handle on it my whole adult life until then and I've never been able to drink sensibly since then.

Used to drink all day, liver didn't like that very much. Stopped. Now smoke pot all day, lungs aren't very happy. Probably have to stop that soon too.

I quit in 2019 right before the coof psyop began, mainly because I learned that alcohol has calories and it was literally impossible for me to keep drinking AND lose weight without straight up not eating anything but alcohol. Been sober 100% ever since.

Anyway being drunk every day is great. Makes the world way more tolerable, easier to regulate emotions (feeling bored/sad/upset/angry? Just have a drink or 5, you'll feel better soon).


we always were, pretty much everybody i grew up with was drinking at 11yo
Most of them quit drinking by the time they were 21

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hot, are you a cute girl (male)?

To be fair the boomers posting here are a kind of dropout, too, not normal boomers.

9 years old image

Damn, I hope grandma is still doing alright.
Overall it's not too surprising that some boomers would wake up once they became pensioners and were forced to reevaluate their life and situation.
Easy to not think about anything working every day for 45 years.

grandma.jpg - 528x960, 37.55K

I just make my wife cook me something really spicy and drink like 3 litters after getting shitfaced, then I go to sleep

Millenials should be a thriving generation but the greediness and short sightedness of previous generations have massively screwed them over. They are basically drinking away their feelings.

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Nigger I can promise you a shit load of millennials have been day drinkers for a long time.

I don't drink anymore but my old friend group and every millennial I know day drank on the regular ten years ago.