Have you noticed petite, innocent-looking women are more debauched than those super-hot ones?

Have you noticed petite, innocent-looking women are more debauched than those super-hot ones?

yes i did

also because intelligence is hot and most intelligence women are not being whore

is this woman supposed to be one of those

why is everyone fawning over this whore, she not hot at all..

Those faucets are awfully large aren't they... she must be in the men's room.

Fuck off

Bitch looks like Gilbert Gottfried.

4'8 women like Bobert and Meloni are always turbo slutts. Whole chub 5'8 women are always very quiet and reserved. See based Tulsi

whos this

I wish she looked at me like that while I worshipped her feet. And drank her pee.

Yes, and it is sexy as fuck

Adriana.jpg - 853x1280, 137.88K

I'd just be happy with a lower mid-tier wife.

Barb.jpg - 520x781, 101.97K

I just want to salivate all over her feet while they're in my mouth and my tiny SWC is begging to be touched (but she won't touch it out of disgust).

Your best bet is actually getting an uneducated rural farm girl from Central/South America or China.
Too dumb to know they can leave you. Too traditional to love you unconditionally.

"I'm half Indian! and half... fucken white..."

Quiet ordinary looking girls are the biggest sluts, they give it to any guy that feeds them attention

Oh, well, I haven't noticed that because I'm not a virgin, manlet sized large whores are definitely crazier at fucking, but of course guys want to fuck 4'8" ones more because they look like children. I didn't know she was so short. Yeah small ones are more dirty and act like children but suck at fucking in my experience.

no ive not noticed that im an old virgin who never interreacts with women

I am a manlet and I have never dated a woman shorter than 5'7"

I cant stand women my height or shorter, I need to feel equal to them and need to pound a 5'9" slampig

Vagina Monologues haircut


but suck at fucking in my experience

if the sex is bad and you're in the room, it's your fault

I hate this pic so fucking bad. I would tell that stupid cunt to go wash her fucking stank feet in the shower, not the fucking sink. I would drag her by her fucking hair and throw her cunt ass into the shower and turn the water on as cold as it would get and make her sit in it for at least an hour and then drag her by her hair outside and tell her to air dry. Fucking disgusting cunts should never wash their dirty ass feet in the sink.


that thing


Get some standards you fucking gaybo

How does a man get to 40 without ever having squirted a load in an unprotected pussy?

How does a man get to 40 without ever having squirted a load in an unprotected pussy?

These aren't the same times we grew up in, Pops. Things are way different.

Dats funny

most intelligence women are not being whore


she's not called 'Lauren Boobert' for nothin'....

For me it’s the other way around. I’d like to clean her dirty feet with my mouth.

Mids get more dick and they get more deranged by pounding top tier bros never to learn they are mids. It is easy.

Enjoy the back problems, you dumb fucking whore lmao


because any time she meets a man he proposes to her and she just wants sex

id love to bang her

she's fucking crazy

found the op of pic rel kek

Petite women are the worst and most spiteful anon. Trust me, they are so full of hate because of how small they are that they will shit on your life and are quite often cheating giga whores.

Man's gotta measure up for a tall woman.

They're compensating for their passive sex appeal.

Tall women are the best in contrast to little whores. Tall women are overlooked and because of it they are very grateful to find a man and are loving and loyal since they dont have an inferiority complex like hobbit cunts. Tall women are the best.

Ugly fat chicks are depraved. You ever befriend one? Those bitches will suck the cum out of total stranger's dicks and let randos cum inside of them. Stacies are unironically less slutty than uggos because Stacies are picky and just fuck Chad. 7-8/10s are the best because they don't feel confident enough to fuck Chad, and they're too good looking to be a cum dumpster.

In addition, short women only produce manlets for sons.

Lauren Boebert


She's a massive slut kek


I dint know if i like what I'm seeing. Kind of gross. Her and the situation

Same bro

Yup, my brother married a tiny woman and I'll admit she's actually very pretty but my nephews are manlettes and it's not worth it. They already spout manlette cope to me too, shit's sad.

She'd be repulsed by you two unfuckable losers like most women kek. Quit posting here like we are your friends who are interested in sad facts about you women.


Boebert is such a dirty whore. I love her.

Why are you projecting