This confuses and angers the poo

This is what is considered 'tricky' for Indian IQs.

piece of piss


just for fun then i'm going to apply to work somewhere less retarded

Or W lol

It’s W

a dog jumps on my cock

It's V

t. High IQ individual.

The gray shading is redundant/extraneous, shitty test

Ask me how I know you are African.

the answer is * you cocksucking idiots

Both you retarded chicanos cannot count to 3

I corrected myself saar

high is

either can’t count or recite their ABCs accurately


le W

You're a retarded ESL memeflaggot learn the English alphabet Rajesh.

t. paki

Hindustan times

Send em back

No, its P+7 on the last iteration

W ya bellend

It's an okay question to test for basic pattern recognition. Describing it as "tricky" is a joke though.

Why V? I think it's W or X.

If it's not W am I jeet?


But these “IQ tests” are wo dumb and base don having the right hunch 90% of the time

Upper row
DC -1
GG 0
JK +1
MO +2
SW +3

He just counted the top line. This is how you can tell he's a Jeet - cutting corners.

I've never seen one of these before

wake up

remember there are Indians where I work

day ruined

Top row skips 2 bottom row skips 3

Simple as
Retard you probably study computer science

A to B is 1 step. D to G is two steps. So on. Without writing it down I can't answer if it is X or W because I legitimately cannot do my ABC's without singing them out loud.

It's V
Top down letter difference is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, then 6.
So A - C, the B is in between, 1 letter.
Second row is D - G, so D - E - F - G, 2 letters between D and G.
Then 3 letters, then 4, then 5.
Following that pattern you get 6 in the last row, so P - Q - R - S - T - U - V.

Yeah. I think W


it's w you retarded bong subhuman

Top row skips 2 letters, then the bottom skips 3. Literal children tier pattern recognition. Its W

This. Just this. Im sitting here waiting 900 seconds

Seems the test is how you got to your specific answer. That must be why Indians fail. They got the test, left the room for 5 minutes, then came back with the correct answer. When asked how they figured it out, that's where it all falls apart.

trithemius cipher shift+2
it's w

bingo bongo cuck o mongo

The answer is V

This is like a 117 IQ question, not that difficult but takes a bit of figuring. I was mostly confused by the format of the question. It gives the top, it wants the bottom. As in dont just read it left to right.

yes yes sure sure sure children tier pattern recognition is that why you're taking the time to post here and impress us, cuckboy?


Shut the fuck up gypsy I was the first one to get it

Well probably more like 110. Its clearly designed for advanced placement thus the just for fun, they think it wont be answerable by almost all of them.

Gap of 6. Q R S T U V THEN W.
If you go top down. If you go left right on bottom gap of 3 = W

I can't figure out the diagonal but same shit.

It's designed to catch out lazy ass Indians who do half the work.


Reminds me of the times when I provided the correct answer in a math test and the teacher crossed it out saying "correct but why".

Pull up my pistol, the answer is: don't turn this robbery into a murder.


try level hard with Polish alphabet, including ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ź, ż

No I think it’s W
I could be wrong but I think it’s WH00HP

Formatting obviously implying pairing, it's W.

If the answer is W then it's aimed for people with an IQ of 99, because that's my IQ. I got officially tested. I still came out in top quarter of applicants which was predominantly Jeet and Chinese. Which is worrisome.

With what the vaccinators did to India no need to worry about Pajeet IQs. Pretty clear they're just a mind controlled horde now.

Top row adds 3, bottom row adds 4

Flag checks out.

This is why Trump is going to flush all brown down out of my country.

Yeah you're right
It's a caching issue in human thinking
Number of letters BETWEEN the shown letters
The between is easy to forget while figuring out how many there are, so when you figure out there's 6 letters and you count, you get QRSTUV there you go it's 6, and if you then forget these are BETWEEN the resulting letter will be V, thinking "that's 6", but the correct answer should be W.


This looks like a Poll Tax question.

You can understand what the teachers are trying to do with that but some people have a brain that quickly does the answer for them, almost unconsciously. It seems a shame to destroy that.
I wonder how many natural speed-readers are ruined by schools forcing them to slowly read aloud at the same speed as the rest of the class.

how you figure it depends on your writing system

I wonder how semites would figure it.

The answer is that jews control the world, trump is a jewish puppet and miga supporters deserve to get shot for being so delusional thinking that trump is his own person. He guzzles kike cock like no tomorrow.

Bong posters like this are the biggest pussies on /pol equal to indian posters. They're seething faggots. Hey bongaloid how did the race riots go? That's right... chased away like a little bitch.

W dumbass

Its a linear or exponential algebra question, in this case its linear and the answer is W

just for fun then i'm going to apply to work somewhere less retarded

later faggot, dont let the door hit you on the way out
obstinant attitudes like yours are complete joke, you came to THEM dumbshit. they obviously dont NEED YOU or THEY would have came to YOU

The average for jeets is 76, Pakistanis used to be rated 78 but now it says 80 in recent data. China fakes their data but for Asians as a rule they tend to all clump up towards the average with less exceptionally high intelligence people compared to Whites. Whites have more retards, but also many more geniuses above 135 and 145 IQ. It changes by European country, 100 is roughly the average for Europeans. Ireland is the lowest, and I say that being Irish and much higher IQ than the average. But yea Britain pretty much killed a lot of the most intelligent people who put up any kind of resistance like jews are trying to do to us, so theirs is more like 97. Or 95. Again average is the average and it doesnt paint the full picture. Some White data is fudged by including mixed race mutts and self identified Whites and shit who are retarded and not White. That brings us down. In terms of cranial capacity, English, Scandinavian and Korean people have the largest. Australian aboriginals have the lowest of any human population, brain weight essentially. Nearly a full measuring cup less than Koreans, like if you go look at a measuring cup in the kitchen. Scoop that out of a Koreans brain, now you have the intelligence of Australian Aboriginals.

I was a pretty quick reader. Still am, but back in the day when I was 9 I was reading through whole 300-500 page books in the same time as other kids were reading 50-page children's books.
Even got an accolade for completing the "how to read" avi scoring system 5 years ahead of time when I was 7.

Dead Jews Peeing Gonorrhea Organization

dont be too harsh on him, he's just a socially stunted asberger retard, he really doesn't know any better.

Vewy good sarr.

I speed read or I think they used to call it block read. My teacher explained workings are necessary in group settings simply to rule out cheats. She also said reading word by word or being forced to transcribe is necessary to ensure you aren't missing vital information when it comes to dense texts that contain a lot of information. I honestly think she may have just been lazy and never prepared enough material and getting kids to copy power points is easier than explaining things.


I don’t know what the standards are there, but the standards here do not provide for a correct answer. All the maths standards revolve around understanding and applying the process. So if you’re not showing your work, there’s no way to know if you understand the process and it’s not meeting the standard.

speed reading

I always read the textbooks on the day I got them. Reading aloud I just counted the paragraphs to my place and fucked off until it was my turn to read.


It’s like logic problems that are all the same format.

98% of people can’t pass this test

t. Einstein
He was probably right.

They definitely sabotaged quicker kids.
I remember being forced to keep reading books even though I was completely done with the school part of reading, 2 hours once per week.
Utter tedium and highly demoralising.
After a while they made me go to the class one year older so I could help them learn to read effectively. They assigned me to a nigger. You can guess how well that went.
Once you get to the point where scoring an 8/10 or higher is effortless and requires the bare minimum of paying attention to anything, you stop trying to improve, and unfortunately due to school working the way it does, that doesn't make you fall behind.
By the time you notice where you could've been if you kept trying, it's years too late and you've gotta work to not think that you've fucked yourself over in ignorant sloth.
After all, school isn't designed to push excellence beyond the limit. It's designed to retard you and prevent excellence.
To be excellent and to be outstanding, you've got to stand out from the crowd. Not their goal.

true he might just be an autist or assburger's

I'm White and my state issued IQ test in school said 102. I'm fucking average.

its gotta be "V" its moving "3's to the net position...right?

but A-D is only 2 positions...

W took less than 30 seconds to see the pattern. Is this an IQ test for children coming back from the dentist? It doesn't seem real.

Makes sense. Irish Australian.



It's W, you dumb nigger.

It's V, but the JO is wrong and needs to be removed.

Yeah it's the standard here too, gotta show how you got there because they're not testing the answer, they're testing whether you know the method or not.
When it comes to reading aloud, we don't test or practice that specifically. It's part of other courses where you're asked to just read a paragraph from the book the teacher wants to explain more about.
I always got shat on for speaking the paragraph faster than others could read it.

Well I got skipped a grade because of my reading ability and it was a complete mistake because I'm a fucking abo tier mongoloid at math, and instead of acknowledging that, they just accused me of being lazy. I could see the cotempt in the jeet and chinese eyes.

The top row moves 2 positions the bottom moves 3 you damn retard

It's W

Depends on the alphabet you are using

i got w like this but i'm retarded

Untitled.png - 485x275, 243.96K

This but apply it to anything outside my house and neighborhood because thank fucking god they still haven't moved in nearby

should be W
A->C one letter (B)
D->G two letters (E,F)
and so on
P -> six letters (Q,R,S,T,U,V) -> W

W, man I'm genius whitey cannot compete

It...the bottom row is 4 letter sequences

Distance between letters increase by 1 every column
A-C 1 letter in between
D-G 2 letters in between
G-K 3 letters in between
And so on…..


I wish my school experience was that loose.
Later in middle school when we had to work through workbooks to prepare for the English exam, everyone was taking the whole year to get through them, just as required, no slower or faster.
I asked if I could work on my own pace if it was quicker, and the English teacher we had was based, he let me floor it and gave the tests as needed.
By the time I was done with the workbooks, I had 7 months left before the exam.
With that work ethic and freedom to charge, I could've graduated uni at the age of 14. All that primary school had to do was let me charge at my pace.
But no. "Speed limit's 30, son."

looks like 'W' but I'd consider this a pretty shit puzzle since it has a few red herrings in it

Capital B doesn't need a tail but overall i like your letter formation

subraces are truly lower IQ than whites lmao. it's not even a meme or something negligible in practice. you can tell they're like children from interacting with them too

We stopped doing read aloud here because you wouldn’t want to ruin the slow kids self esteem. And then a couple years ago I was tasked with conducting reading assessments on the students. The number one issue which drug their scores down was the reading aloud portion. Since then I make my students read aloud.

drug their scores down

dont teach them to speak or write like this

pajeet fails his own poo test

You’ve been flushed

I hate questions like this at first I thought it was a scrambled word with a question mark at the end, but the ? was supposed to be solved for, a dark w.
I'm intelligence but reading someones mind how something should be solved is a normie hive mind test not a logical one. Because I have a lot of time to continue writing this comment I will add that I always struggle with simple "puzzles" because I have no clue where to start, a lot of "smart" people are just normies that basically are so normal they know what tests they will get before they even get them, which is not a sign of intelligence but of being a midwit.
For an intellectual mind there's an infinite amount of possibilities which is something a walking calculator could never have thought of.

what kind of gay interview question is this?

hey, we need you to be able to answer phones, but also know easy pattern sequences where you count to four and not some neat pattern like a Fibonacci sequence or something

It's W, but also gay

Dragged? I’m not an English teacher. I don’t give a shit.

'the number one issue dragging their scores down...' would be fine

It’s a poo filter

It's W dear sirs.
You skip 3 letters in the bottom row you basterd bich.
Good morning.

Oh I figured it out. I haven’t had coffee yet.

the portion of the test which lowered their scores the most was…

You could also state it in the positive

the portion of the test which had the least number of high performers was

But that’s gay. I also don’t give a shit.

i literally have no idea.


yes, i was in the special classes in school

you should give that shit

this is why I keep coming back to pol

You sound like all of the boomers pouting because "no one wants to work anymore", while also being the business owner who refuses to pay them more than $17 an hour, pretending as if anyone is capable of taking that job.
It isn't that no one wants to work, you jackass. You're just complaining no one wants to work for you.
This kind of behavior is what I'm talking about. I don't want to work for some retard who makes me play scavenger hunts and brain teasers when they sit in a back room somewhere calculating how little they can pay me to press a few buttons on a machine: something crucial to their business and although not very demanding, something they need help with.
Unfortunately, no, it is not all of us that are so expendable. It's you and your dumb ass business that you can't manage effectively.

I cant figure it out instantly.
That's why i'm on gibs.

Based dignity haver
Stay mad boomer lol. Soon your time will be up and Israel will become glass and you will be forgotten.

hq720_2.jpg - 686x386, 24.95K

I don't want to work

SO don't. Mommy will continue to take care of you and when she dies or throws you out we maintain a giant welfare state to give useless animals like you some hay and a barn if you'll just stay out of the way of the producers.

proletariat 25.jpg - 2880x1800, 435.59K

I'm intelligence but reading someones mind how something should be solved is a normie hive mind test not a logical one.

Most of those types of puzzles aren't easily tested for logical progression with multiple potential theories that need to be disproved. This one was just easy to spot and verify the pattern. No hidden traps, only 2 possible variable false clues were 2lines and 2colors. It's not the random square circle dot dot triangle crap that needs an impressionist art degree.

hertz rent a car: bankrupt

macy's: bankrupt

riven: bankrupt

tgif: bankrupt

red lobster: bankrupt




oopsie doopsie your retarded warded widdle faggoty waggoties can't wun ur depawment :3c

oy vey, better to drop yourself out of the race if you can't keep up with my goodest goys... really though, please get a job, goy


It's Z you zigger

You misunderstand. People like me are extremely productive. Just not for your benefit.

I just want to work so badly, guys!

That's why you're a prole, yes. Have fun working for someone else for scraps like a little slave.

In other words, it expects you to apply normie logic and suppress lateral thinking
Now solve picrel wagie

im not aware that its possible to leave in order that one can come back.

The answer is Nigger

Hinduism is all about having sex with your own sister. Sweet brotherly sisterly love and sex is the best part of Hinduism. You can marry your own sister in Hinduism and cum inside her and impregnate her. Hail Hinduism! Hinduism is all about fucking your own sister and brothers and sisters screaming out in orgasmic bliss together all night long

why is there a donut in column 4?

Hinduism is the best religion since it allows you to marry and have kids with your own sister. Hinduism is brother sister fucking sucking cumming all night long together in amazing orgasm. Hinduism is an amazing religion of sweet brotherly sisterly sexy sex fucking and cumming. Hinduism is the best because brothers and sisters are free to have sex together in this religion

Hinduism is the religion of brother sister sex and fucking, since in Hinduism brothers and sisters can marry and have sex and kids. Hinduism is about love between brother and sister. Hindu men are happy because they get constant sex from their sisters. Hinduism is a beautiful religion of brother sister fucking and sucking and cumming

Nobody is begging you to work, live with mom, game a disability check. Nobody cares.

People like me are extremely productive.

So productive that you need someone else to tell you what to do and offer you no more than 17$ an hour?

Have fun working for someone else

Will do. Thanks!


Nobody has been a slave in North America in over 150 years.

a mid-problem-solving snack and also a trap for fatties.

So productive that you need someone else to tell you what to do

No. That's what I just said.

no one is a slave

Oh I get it. You're a newfag.

It's W
c b a = 1 in between
d ef g = 2 in between
g hij k = 3 in between
j klmn o = 4 in between
m nopqr d = 5 in between
p qrstuv w = 6 in between
you're a dumbass.

Fucking retards. It's an acronym but you only use the gray letters
Do jewish people give oral?

Remember to drink your ovaltine

do people still apply psychometric tests? I thought they were illegal

Thats how I did it

i scrolled past the thumbnail and read "JOOS"

have i had too many internets? should i touch grass?

A B C +2
D E F G +3
G H I J K +4
J K L M N O +5
M N O P Q R S +6
P Q R S T U V W +7

So tell us what you do for work and explain who precisely you feel is a slave right now?

cotton.jpg - 628x314, 154.01K


First row
A-D = BC = 2 letters in between
D-G = EF = 2 letters in between
G-J = HI = 2 letters in between
J-M = KL = 2 letters in between
M-P = NO = 2 letters in between

Second row
C-G = DEF = 3 letters in between
G-K = HIJ = 3 letters in between
K-O = LMN = 3 letters in between
O-S = PQR = 3 letters in between
S-? = TUV = 3 letters in between

Answer: W

please give me ideas

I don't think I'll be helping you. It seems like it would benefit you to figure it out for yourself.

who da slave

(You), by and large.

OP proven right, it's W you dumb jeet.

It's W, dumbass.

W took less than 30 seconds to see the pattern.

he's smarter than people think

I don't think I'll be helping you

You don't need to help me. We all know you're unemployed and unemployable.

(You), by and large.

I don't believe you. Explain why you believe that I am a slave and to whom you think I am enslaved?

masters.jpg - 650x582, 50.53K

Seeing that the rows are colored differently, I think you're supposed to solve vertically, the number of letters between lines increases by one from left to right.


One solution is that the top row is+3
And the bottom row is +4

Another solution to verify correctness
A->C = 1
D->G = 2
G-> = 3
J->O = 4
M->S = 5
P->W = 6

It's definitely W using two different solutions.

This also works depending on how you count it

Are Dogs Gonna Jeet My Pants Changing God Knows Our Sins?

The answer is yes.

t. IQ 138 (very high)

IS THE JEET COOKED CHAT??? ITS W YOU ABSOLUTEL FAGGOT. Ascending value for top down letter differences starting with two. A+2 =C, then for the next letter D+3= G etc... thus P+7 = W. What are they teaching you in Kolkata Primary school Rajesh????

Interesting... I can't find a pattern by looking it vertically though

That's the fastest way to solve it
My guess is in the interview you have like 1min to solve it