Apophis will trigger cataclismic quakes in April 2029

God of Darkness’ Asteroid Will Pass Extremely Close to Earth in 2029

OSIRIS-APEX, the follow-up to OSIRIS-REx, will study changes to asteroid from its rare close encounter with Earth in April 2029.

A recent study led by Ronald-Louis Ballouz from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory suggests that the asteroid 99942 Apophis may experience tremors—similar to earthquakes—due to Earth’s gravitational pull during its close flyby on April 13, 2029, with simulations indicating significant surface changes.

Apophis, approximately 340 meters in size, will pass within about 32,000 kilometers of Earth, closer than many satellites in orbit.

When Apophis was discovered on June 19, 2004, by Roy Tucker, David Tholen, and Fabrizio Bernardi during the University of Hawaii Asteroid Survey (UHAS), initial calculations indicated that it could approach Earth with a risk of collision, especially during its pass in 2029.


The end is near.

Starship Troopers predicted this. Goodbyes buenos Aires

I'm happy to finally see another anon warning the volk about this threat.


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It won't do shit in 2029, it swings back around and hits us 5 years later.
OSIRIS-APEX is going to attempt a redirect during the 2029 flyby, and a second ESA probe will be following after it for a second attempt if the first fails.
Look into the missions, I'm right.

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DART was the prototype for the redirect attempt btw, now you know why they randomly decided to see if they could alter an asteroid's trajectory with an impactor.

Yes everyone should stay away so I can get up close to the impact zone. I might have to make a deal with the feds to hold onto a probe or something because we live under global totalitarianism and these busybodies will probably try to prevent people from accessing the zone.

Also, if it can trigger quakes, it will create huge tsunamis when it goes above the oceans, if you live in coastal areas, start moving away now.

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in 2026 we will already have a nuked world. This would just end it finally and put us out of the mad max world.

FRIDAY THE 13TH of April 2029
which also happens to be Good Friday that year

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so this is why all the politicians scramble to increase the surface population of plebs while digging themselves survival tunnels into the mountains.
i really, really, really hope this asteroid is going to miss and then all the "elites" (useless entitled parasites) can be just locked into their bunkers until they starve. that would be a happy end.


Easter Sunday 2036 is the date it hits. Godfags will be primed by then to associate the impact with Jesus. From the ashes will rise a Christcuck cult as powerful as the HRE.


Nothingburger. There's less than a 1% chance it hits on 2029 or 2036.

The Double Asteroid Redirect Test (DART)

OSIRIS-APEX, formerly called OSIRIS-REX this spacecraft already sampled asteroid Bennu and delivered the samples to Earth, now it's been retasked for Apophis. The mission profile says they'll be sampling it, but there's no sample collection area left. It'll "crash" instead, as the true purpose is redirecting Apophis.

ESA's backup plan for Apophis.

keep me posted.



so apophis is going to fly right across all the most populous cities in the world, starting at tokio and ending in london. what a cohencidence!

approximately 340 meters in size

I mean... It's not THAT bad.

Hopefully this will be the great reset we all want, not the one the globohomo force feeds us

jewish gravity beams

I fucking knew it

I wonder if more countries start launching crafts into it to divert toward enemy countries. Then those countries launch crafts to knock it back toward the others. And so on. Meanwhile, the vulture companies will set themselves up to extract minerals from the impact site.

Redirection isn't a solid science, when DART hit didymos the trajectory changed by nearly double what they expected after doing the math, I don't believe it'd be possible to do a precision redirect into the Earth without pretty much losing control of what part it's going to strike, about the best you could get is "this hemisphere, probably water" with a wide margin of error.
The smart money is on redirecting it away from us so that on the 2036 pass it misses by far more than the close shave we get in 2029. You can't tell the public you're doing this though, which is why the NASA and ESA missions appear routine without much attention drawn to them.

You're preaching to the choir anon.

I'll just add, Musk (i.e. fed front) and his focus on battery tech and underground tunneling + all the missing money tipped me off during covid. I'm wondering how long astronomers can be silenced/kept in the dark.

Another /poltard/ who failed high school physics.

The Earth is flat and stationary with a dome.
Creators exists and they have been here since the very beginning, which is about 7000 years since the last creation.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Solar Flares are a meme.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship the Demiurge. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.
They make you think there are giant rocks hurtling through the vacuum heading towards our ball earth.
They make you think the sun is about to fart and eject some fake corona.
They make you think the poles are about to take a massive shit.

pass close to earth

Oh no! It's only going to pass by 700000 trillion miles away from earth!! How will we ever survive

Rolling for direct strike on Israel

What if it'sabout to miss us but they're trying to bump it into us?

We had fun

That would be diabolical, and not impossible. You'd need the smallest possible pool of people "in the know" though, every additional person is an extra mouth that might blab. Like the Manhattan project 90% of staff wouldn't know what the effort was for, or might be entirely misled.

An Apophis just flew over my house!

Is this 'Wormwood' from the Bible prophecies in Revelation that kills a third of the fish in the water and all that shit?