Got released from prison, fill me in

I went to prison in 1991 and got released a couple weeks back, everything seems insanely dystopic now and nobody seems to know or give a shit.

I'm starting to yearn for prison again, this place is such a shithole it's insane. Can someone fill me in politically of everything that's gone on since 1991? I know the Soviets fell, communists invaded Ukraine and war in the middle east against Saddam because he blew up the twin towers however from there I'm pretty much shooting in the dark. Not much news travels in secure units. Also Trump is president now which is crazy.

Roughly, break down the major shit between 1991 and now.

prison.png - 444x442, 338.29K

I'm going to prison soon, any advice to not get raped and killed? Never been in a fight either

Jews won, temporarily at least

JEWQUI.jpg - 7000x2694, 3.9M

The bigger picture is that Atheism has no substance. What you heard about republics, democracy, humanism was just made up on the fly by the revolutionaries to sell to the peasants the idea of the bourgeois revolution against the kings. It's the same revolutionaries who made up ecology.
Democracies, republics and humanism are just an ad, a commercial. Democracies are based on a protestation against monarchies. There is nothing else behind them. democracies are not about giving power to peasants.
And since now kings have accepted losing power, the DNA of democracies that is protestation is compromised. Democracies should not even exist today, there is no king and yet democrats are still in power saying the revolution must go on. Well they are because they know that the peasants love the idea of protestation. So the big idea of the democrats is to make democracies the enemy. This way the democrats are both idolized and vilified by the peasants. It's the democrats who decide what topic will be vilified and what topic will be idolized and presented as ''a revolution''. Its the democrats who decide when protestation will occur and under what form. This way whatever the peasants think about, it will be about democrats, not kings of other form of society.
Ecology is just one hose narrative framework where the peasants can protest while the democrats do nothing about it. Reminder that freedom of speech is a death warrant. The more peasants babble about democrats, the less they will escape the democrats.
The advantage of wokism and ecology over marxism is that even though they were both made up by the democrats, marxism changed the rules too much, ie rules about money. democrats live for money power and sex addiction. They love this shit. You can think of ecology or wokism as an impotent marxism, ie wokism and ecology are ''marxism even more compatible with democracy, ie running a business''.

get ready for the rectal examinations

All the stuff you heard about ESG and CO2 pollution and metrics of pollution (ie CO2 equivalents) are completely manufactured, unorganic, opaque and became a business in itself.

How do they justify this with regulators?

They claim it's a risk that has to be calculated into the interest rates.
The reasoning is typically shit like

look at this area that was devastated by a flood

that only happened because of climate change

companies who aren't environmentally friendly are exposing us to this risk

so therefore, they should pay to compensate for it

right now the E is used as a trojan horse for the S and G. the latter two do not have much of an impact for now, but you can be sure it will be basically exclusively the S once this system has been properly established.

everything is terrible, you're better off in prison

For what?

Just threaten or attack the staff and you'll get locked up in solitary, once you're in solitary request to stay there. You can also ask for solitary or to be put in a more secure wing if you fear for your safety.

Socializing isn't worth it in prison, the people are retarded (generally) and the ones that aren't are the tax criminals and shit like that and they're basically ghosts.

everything is terrible, you're better off in prison

Why is everything terrible?

What do you mean by ghosts?

who's the guy at the bottom?

Also what are the cells like in bongland? How is the food? What did you go in for?

The prison? Your mother's vagina.

they keep to themselves, don't interact with anyone, stay silent and appear for a few months before they're sent off to some low security place or open prison.

I've spent most of my time in solitary so that's all I could gather, if they were being punked out and bitched I didn't see it.

who's the guy at the bottom?

QUIQUI.webm - 500x536, 1.7M

Pinked out? You mean raped? That shit happens outside of USA prisons?

Also what are the cells like in bongland?

Old, brick and livable enough.

How is the food?

Same shit you get in secondary school

What did you go in for?

not saying

Punked*** fucking autocorrect from phonefagging.
How did you wind up here after being out so shortly?

why the fuck is this guy shaking so much? Is he on smack?

You mean raped?

Yea, however people also sometimes trade their ass for shit like drugs, fags etc.

That shit happens outside of USA prisons?

It happens in any place where you have males confined in a sexually repressive environment such as prisons, military, boy's boarding school etc.

It's how Jews react when they get called out for their actions

Jewrattunnel.webm - 314x384, 2.52M

war in the middle east against Saddam because he blew up the twin towers

Even the official story never claimed this, the supposed reason was that he had WMDs (chemical ones we sold him, nuclear ones we pretended he had).
Officially Bin Laden knocked down the towers, unofficially it was Israel, then we invaded the middle east to destroy and disrupt their regional enemies for them because we are a captured nation.

If you want to know why, look no further than Epstein, Maxwell, and Little St. James island.

trade their ass for fags


who's the guy at the bottom?


Falsely accused of assault and battery of a neighbor even though I only leave the house for groceries and work. Only time I ever spoke to her was when she approached me angrily over a property line despute even though I just rented there and I basically told her to fuck off and went inside. Some 48 year old black woman who was always angry. I had no alibi because I live alone so I was fucked and didn't have the money for a good lawyer.

he's shaking because he's jewish?

maybe don't assault people next time

Thanks, I'll probably just ask for solitary for the duration of my sentence. Not a social person and have zero interest in ever interacting with anyone.

I agree with this, once i can't NEET at my mums house i get there on purpose.

Good advice

If you say mean words in the UK you'll go straight back to prison so I suggest you immediately leave this place.


Even the official story never claimed this

everyone said he took down the towers and the president said he was working with osama

the supposed reason was that he had WMDs (chemical ones we sold him, nuclear ones we pretended he had).


If you want to know why, look no further than Epstein, Maxwell, and Little St. James island.

Mate, I've been gone for a while. You've gotta fill me in a little more than that. Epstein who? Maxwell who? St. James who?

I’ve been in prison since ‘91 that’s why I knew to come on Anon Babble Anon Babble

STFU you ridiculous faggot loser

claims to be released from prison after serving 30+ years

knows how to get to /pol and post

needs a "breakdown" of what happened while he was inside

Shitty LARP 2/10.

So you've had no contact with free society for thirty years, predating the common use of the internet and the first thing you do outside is go on Anon Babble to ask for advice? A site that was started in the early 2000s and is notorious for being somewhat obscure and a constant target of misinformative and distractive tactics? I mean I guess it's possible but also retarded and not possible in the slightest.


Don’t go back to prison, buddy of mine says that yearning is a feeling everyone gets once you are free after a long stretch. Ignore it.

Other than that yep the commie fifth column took over the system while you were n jail post Soviet Union collapse


33 years

Child killer

No I mean the guy with the glasses

nice LARP you dumb fag, they have TV and even tablets inside prisons now

Are you a nonce?

How did you wind up here after being out so shortly?

People (mostly women) mentioned this site quite frequently as a terrible place where people say racial slurs, "hate speech" and you can say whatever you want so I naturally gravitated towards here

What did you do OP to get a 33 year sentence? Rob a 33 degree fagmason and beat the shit out of him? By giving him a black eye and shoving a wooden peg up his ass?

no problem mate, if you've got time before you go in make sure to buff up a bit just in case

Sounds like you have it all covered. Cheerio.

You should post on the /brit/ thread in . You'd love it there.

i don't care

Sounds like a good way for the guards to beat the shit out of you.

I even made you a welcome

Saddam or Iraq had nothing to do with world trade center, the USA just wanted to invade the country, they claimed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, which everyone now knows is a lie.
This 20 years long conflict in the middle east, the so-called "global war on terror" created increased mass immigration of Muslims to Europe and the socialist dickheads, Jews and freemason welcome that shit. If you oppose any of it you're a racist nazi. This has lead to a culture war in the west and Trump becoming president is part of that, pushing back on the "woke" agenda, ie worshipping third worlders, faggots, trannys, feminism etc.

It's a meme from some french show, the guest kept talking about "rootless international gangsters" controlling media and blackmailing governments, and the very jewish host kept getting more and more angry as he demanded to know "who?! WHO!!" knowing full well the guest was edging up to saying "the jews".
His jittery reaction is humorous.

everyone said he took down the towers and the president said he was working with osama

Dumb prisoners and uninformed bongs perhaps. Even at the time the rationale to invade Iraq was built on shaky ground, one of the (long-since debunked) claims was that Saddam had uranium enrichment trucks circling the country 24/7 to hide his nuclear program. The only WMDs that the US found after taking the country were 20 year old chemical weapons leftover from the Kuwait invasion (Gulf War 1). Allegedly he bought them from the USA, which is ironic if true.

Epstein, Maxwell, Little St. James

A pedophilia blackmail ring was briefly exposed a few years ago, where a man named Epstein (and his Mossad handler Maxwell) trafficked sex slaves to a private island and flew rich/elites out there to party without laws. Of course everything was filmed and the people who attended were compromised with blackmail material, giving Israel leverage over US lawmakers and business elites. The island was raided and Epstein arrested, then he mysteriously died in his prison cell before seeing trial or naming anybody, also the camera in his cell turned off and his death officially ruled a suicide. Maxwell cut a deal and she's in a cushy low-security prison now. The blackmail ring didn't die, it simply went back underground and still exists today.
Interesting to see which celebrities are fleeing the USA right now btw.

Webm unrelated, it's McAfee's deadman switch being eliminated in the night.

kill yourself you retarded paki before I STFU your mum

what a dumb fucking larp

how did you discover Anon Babble?

Likely a friend or family member showed OP how to use the internet and told him about 4-chan because of normies. Seriously there are some red pilled people who got screwed by the system and further red pilled by black pilled people burden maxing in jail.

You expect us to believe you spent 33 years in jail? What the fuck did you do? Use a rude word towards a POC?

members of staff talked amongst themselves and occasionally new words would enter conversation with "Anon Babble" popping up every so often, moreso towards the later years of my imprisonment, in political discussions about this or that

I didn't know what Anon Babble was necessarily but I deduced it was something political and disliked which attracted my interest, a few weeks before I was let out they assigned me a support worker who's supposed to help me readjust to regular life and I asked her about it and she told me it was a bad website that I should avoid.

Naturally when I left I ended up here after spending time sorting my life out

Tell us moar about WebM plse

The rundown is this:
The dystopian conspiracies of the New World Order have been proven true. Turns out the Illuminati, the Cabal, the Military Industrial Complex, it's all jews, the Nazis were right after all.
Jewish power got so globally entrenched that they got careless and it became obvious. The Internet is now a battleground between authoritarian structures ruled by jews and dissidents factions exposing them.
In 2020 they released a bioweapon and attempted to phase in final total implementation of one world governance.
Currently every political faction is in disarray as the Jewish Question has become mainstream again. Right wing factions are a blend of pro Israel warmongers and jew hating Nazis. Left wing factions are a blend of Palestine supporting Israel hating Muslims and die hard supporters of left wing jewish social engineering. Dissenting opinion is being criminalized worldwide, and WW3 is being floated as a final strategy to prevent anti jew factions from displacing them.

34 years fren. Jesus.
England is fucked, you missed the 90's which were fun, but at least you got some of the late 80s which were funner.
steer clear of tv and the media and get right with God for whatever you did to get that stretch of bird .
you are better off not knowing the rest.

Is fucking Google down or something? Figure out for yourself you dipshit. Nobody's going to spoon feed you anything except maybe Tyrone will let you suck his cock in cell block C.

But yeah the first thing you should probably realize is that you'll go straight back to prison if you say something remotely offensive to anyone who has ever lived. Read 1984? That's basically the law now, they copied it all 1:1.
Also we had solitary confinement out here, too. They called it pandemic lockdowns, so now pretty much everybody is some mentally damaged solitary confinist.
Finally people stopped breeding entirely.

How does nothing sound?

Don’t go back to prison, buddy of mine says that yearning is a feeling everyone gets once you are free after a long stretch. Ignore it.

I will however everything does seem shit, it doesn't seem like an illusion at all and also the price of everything is insanely inflated, a tin of beans is about £1.15 instead of 10p

Also: in the meantime the British did not manage to elect a single competent government.

not a single one

Probably what led to the current state.

what even is a child to you?

Did you seriously not teach yourself anything in prison? God, you're a thick bastard.

fill me in


only for people who have all their good boy stickers and are in an open prison or low tiered unit, if you're in solitary you can get some books and that's about it unless you're privileged in some way

fuck off mate, I already said i'm not saying what I did

the internet wasn't even a thing for regular people back then, stop this larp.
you would not have found this place if this was your first time using the internet.

Supposedly John McAfee obtained sensitive data and created a deadman switch to publish it in the event of his death. He died, and shortly after that Florida apartment building collapsed without warning. Apparently he had an apartment in there, which is where his deadman switch/PC was located.
Take it with a grain of salt though, I didn't research any of this and am just repeating what others have said about it, my details might not be accurate.

BTW hey OP, rockets land themselves now instead of getting thrown away in the ocean, turns out that was stupid the whole time.

33 degree fagmason


and shoving a wooden peg up his ass?

are you gay?


This is actually pretty helpful in giving me things to put into the searching box

is it like here?

Mate, you'd love it. It's full of crims and they'll help you finding out WTF happened the past 33 years. Just don't mention kid stuff

I went to prison in 1991 and got released a couple weeks back

cool story bro. Tell us more about how you even didn't know what the fuck the internet was and in your impotent rage you not only found Anon Babble in those few weeks, but went straight to Anon Babble for shitposting

guards are hired based on their willingness to put in the minimum amount of work to get handed their pay stub at the end of the week, if you threaten one you go away for ages

your recollection is accurate, but you forgot the part where Miami police waited for Mossad to be flown in and go through the rubble kek

Idk much ab the 90’s. But we invaded sadam bc they lied ab him having WMD’s. It was really bc the Jews wanted us to. After that in 01, Mossad and the cia worked together to do 9/11 and we told afganistan they had 24 hours to hand over osama. We invaded on hour 22, we spent almost 2 decades in afganistan, and when we had them beat Biden pulled us out leaving billions in equipment, our dogs and incredible military bases for the taliban. They’re back in control. In 08 we elected Obama and he’s a faggot (his “wife” is a tranny) the girl who told the world that was killed a week or so later. Gay marriage was legalized. A man named Epstine was outed as a MASSIVE sex criminal with videos and evidence of most of our elites on his private island fucking kids. His #2 was gislane Maxwell whose dad was a Mossad opprative who specialized in sexual blackmail. After epstine was caught he was put on suicide watch and coincidentally the guard to his cell went on break, the cameras were down, and his neck fractures were much more consistent with strangulation than hanging. Trump won, they’ve called him every name under the book and for the first time in my life we had a president who wanted to get us out of wars. I can go into more detail

thanks, is it like here though? I like pol so far, the people are very unfiltered and honest

here you go anon
just watch some stuff on youtube or read wikipedia you'll catch up fast

all u need to know
asian women are still top, white women are universally slags now, democrats turned society to shit but they were ousted from power after 16 years of rule, jews are trying to turn all white boys into trannys, OJ died (he didnt do it, but he should have)

also music sucks dick right now, in 90s there was rap and grunge rock, then brit pop for a while, then industrial and electronic, rock stayed alive for a while, in 2000s jpop picked up and white music split into fads like scene, emo, skater, basically there's no rock music anymore, just shitty rap and white women singers

Learn to tattoo, no one messes with tattoo artists in prison.

33 years inside(I don't believe it btw) means you should be a somewhat famous criminal. I spent time inside with one of the uks top coke importers and he only got 25.
how many prostitutes did you strangle?

Some South African child molester named Elon Musk (Diddy linked) has become the richest and most powerful man on earth.

I fucking knew it, you're a nonce.

without warning

there's barriers up to keep people away from the building


your country lost its jollies and is no longer referred to as 'JOLLY OL' ENGRLAND'

Lift weights and be nice. If you dont looke like a prelubed bussy or are an asshole, no one with fuck with you.

nonces don't get 33 years, even the worst of them.

What did you get locked up for? That seems like a really long time.


The Left has become everything they hated in 1991.
Every conspiracy theory is true. Especially the Jews.
Every techno-dystopian vision has come true in some ways.
You are still in prison. Don't say too much.
WWIII has been ramping up for about 10 years.

It's a lot of bullshit that was a news story for a day and then forgotten, probably there because it rhymes.

fyre festival

tiger king

balloon boy

Why not just Kill her

Saddam or Iraq had nothing to do with world trade center, the USA just wanted to invade the country, they claimed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, which everyone now knows is a lie.

Why though? I assume oil because the last time was about oil and some shit about Kuwait

This 20 years long conflict in the middle east, the so-called "global war on terror"

That's retarded, how do you win a war on terror? Terror is an idea, not a group

created increased mass immigration of Muslims to Europe

Nah it was like that before however I can see that things have accelerated a bit. You barely see any blacks anymore, it's all pakis now for some reason.

and the socialist dickheads, Jews and freemason welcome that shit.

Fill me in here, how are all these connected. Jews have lots of money, socialists hate people with money and i don't know anything about freemasons apart from they're all old.

If you oppose any of it you're a racist nazi.

They were saying that back then as well.

This has lead to a culture war in the west and Trump becoming president is part of that, pushing back on the "woke" agenda, ie worshipping third worlders, faggots, trannys, feminism etc.
What is "woke"? People keep saying it however when I ask them what it is they just point to shitty movies and posters

also saddam didnt blow up the twin towers, they pinned it on him as a extra incentive to invade iraq in 2003
offically osama blew it up with a network of other terrroists, but ppl questionied whether it was a falseflag for a long time
it still remains the single most impactful event of the 2000s and 2020s
it lead directly to the US invading middle east and toppeling taliban, then saddam, then there was a insurgency in iraq against the US, taliban retook afghanistan and waited for US to leave, US pretty much got things under control in Iraq then a new islamic organization called ISIS formed which started to take over all of syria and iraq and did some pretty brutal shit, some ppl think they were really the jews, isis eventually got destroyed but not before killing a fuck ton of ppl and destroying alot of ancient artifacts
seems like iraq now is pretty chill though, syria fought a civil war against US proxy AND isis and got most of their stuff back, libya got fucked up by the US and Gadaffi got murdered by insurgents, afghanistan was retaken by the taliban but seems chill now

The worst of them kill the kids after they're done

this shit is so cringe "DONT DROP THE SOAP LOL" as if everyone gets raped in jail. its an issue that happens sure but lots of the guys who take it want it. its not as if everyones getting raped all te time.

fair point.

how are u familiar with Anon Babble and how to post etc if u been locked up since 1991

Resist injustice.
temp sh/dKyGF/incognito-en.pdf

all of europe decided to start mass immigration after much of the muslim refugees in 2000s to replace their workforce which in turn makes the countris more islamic, US was doing this too but so that democrats could get permanent voting base but they got owned by Trump

muzzies were doing tons of terrorism in europe and UK for most of the 2000s as a reaction to war on terror, most of that seemed to stop though a few years back when a mad lad shot up a mosque in NZ and livestreamed it, he killed like 50 muslims there

Dumb prisoners and uninformed bongs perhaps.

the president said saddam was working with osama though? if he was working with osama then it'd make sense saddam played a part in taking down the towers

but ppl questionied whether it was a falseflag for a long time

... after which everyone sane agreed that it was Osama who wrecked the twin towers. Whether or not he had Saudi backing is a more interesting question, until you realize that OBL was literal Saudi aristocracy, and then it becomes a much more mundane statement of, "well, of course he fucking did." Retards then try to make it sound like the Saudi royal family was behind it, but this is dumb because it treats the royal family as a single, cohesive unit rather than the clique'y smattering of fractious competitors that it is

fill me in

Old habits, eh?

welcome to suffering
enjoy your stay

Why is everything terrible?


Worst LARP ever

And I know youre reply with the "I dont know what larp is" excuse

the president said saddam was working with osama though?

That was a lie, nobody was ever held to account for it. George Bush is now a darling of the left wing, as is Dick Cheney (who shot a man while in office, then made the man apologize to him on television)

wutfeld.jpg - 450x368, 34.04K

what flag is that, i've never seen that shit before but I recognize it from somewhere

9/11 was abused to turn your country into a police state and social media behaviourally conditioned everyone to act like agents of the state using their smartphone cameras. Facial recognition is now a thing and your face is on file so be careful you don't commit any crimes. Also, if you see a bloke in a dress you have to pretend he's a woman or you'll be sent back to prison and same goes if you see a woman larping as a man.

retard op murdered someone. not good

uhh based

87867656.jpg - 205x306, 14.63K

I understand that politicians lie however lying about who took down the towers is such a big one that I don't see how anyone could get away with it, the amount of people you'd need to be involved to cover it all up seems implausible

kek (checked)

I assume oil

Well you assumed wrong. 9/11 was the first stage of the final plan to destroy the Middle East and create greater Israel. To do this they needed to take out Iraq first. US is energy independent but creates false scarcity and they never got any oil from Iraq. They just destroyed the country and Killed Saddam Hussein. Now trump and his Zionist death cult is going to finish the job. The Zionists think that if they do this Jesus will return.

Neither bin laden or Saddam Hussein took down the towers. It was US government and Mossad

In the 90s, conspiracy theorists would say Wake Up! They also inclined to the left.
Since then, the oligarchs have changed right wing clothes for left wing, and call compliance Woke! while the right wing is the dissidents factions.
Since you decided to come here, you'd better get caught up on the jews. This is the very mouth and tongue of antisemitic dissidence. If you don't already know they run this dystopian empire, this is the place to get caught up

OP has the same speech pattern as the averge Anon Babble poster

A legit person would have made a reddit post in AMA with time stamp
People here are either retarded or im just very smart in psychology

It’s not covered up. People don’t do cover ups anymore. They are mask off now

Most governments of majority white countries decided it was a good idea to import millions of migrants from third world countries and displace the native population. Can't say that's a bad idea without looking like a racist or xenophobe. Inclusivity has been pushed to an absurd degree to acknowledge even the most ridiculous of people. These threats of being seen as a bad person have kept the average man in check for decades while these countries rapidly declined. Only recently have people started to push against this by electing populist leaders. But of course the entrenched leadership (Jews) are fighting this at every turn.

We know.

The Soviet Union fell but the seeds the sowed conquered the West. They played the long game and won.

Just do your best. Live a good life. You can’t change society.

Not saying what I went in for

Lives in solitary his entire termk

Pedophile confirmed.

Like anon said none of this is covered up, it's all out in the open and has been for a long time.
The government will not hold itself to account and the people cannot hold the government to account either it seems.

I already explained how I found Anon Babble:

and here:

If you've been imprisoned that long you deffo raped and killed a kid, I suggest you rope yourself

Most governments of majority white countries decided it was a good idea to import millions of migrants from third world countries and displace the native population.


It's cool that you've already learned about the internet and navigated immediately to Anon Babble.

Incredible post but he didn’t ask for from 1791

It's cool that you've already learned about the internet

you just type whatever you need in the searching box and stumble around until you find something similar to what you originally were looking for

To keep wages at low levels which increased profits for companies.

Facial recognition is now a thing and your face is on file so be careful you don't commit any crimes.

They took my photo already when I went to prison anyways

Sweaty, google won't direct you here.

if the president lied about the towers and didn't cover it up why aren't there constant marches, protests and so on? People are mongs but they're not that retarded, at some point they'd wake up and smell the bacon

Former prisoners in America and definitely not using the words dystopic, released, insanely, roughly, and maybe Soviets/Communist depending on if they got interested in history back then.

did 6 months total in jail

Coudenhove-Kalergi plan. Look it up.
Basically, the Jews would rather rule a nigger-cattle feedlot than share a pleasant and functional society.
Also, the welfare state is a selective breeding program for the worst retards the world has to offer and this is very much by design.

I believe you were in prison but do you not have any proof you can blur out all the sensitive stuff

The Left has become everything they hated in 1991.

I don't think the USSR was all about trannies

americans are mongs, this has always been true

Maybe he did 34 years in jail for teaching his dog to do a Nazi salute. This is Britain we're talking about here.
Although it is most likely a LARP.

It wasn't. That's part of the point. Stalin would have gulaged the entire modern left, and rightly so.

BTW this thread will now die. Jannies killed it because they are either trannies or glowniggers (alphabet agencies).

great job mods, now the ids are gone

Why did the IDs disappear?

because OP is a child molester

Files are digitized now and I launched various appeals so I have some legal paperwork

what is a child?

why did everything move?

you're here forever

Because it’s been 23 years and we have just been through a global brutal takeover of civil society where they took our jobs away, locked us down, and killed us in hospital and shot us in the streets and put us in concentration camps so they could inject us with poison that changes our DNA and kills us. Australia just had the largest protests in history about what just happened and it made no difference. 95% of the people complied and now they’re dying.

Basically no one gives a fuck about 9/11 anymore because we just had a global 9/11

but it was funny when you had people making monkey noises in those camps, now it's all over. come on, it wasn't that bad

This board is captured by intelligence agencies and any post like yours that is actually interesting is shoved into the back pages

the jannies moved the thread to a different board for no reason*

Fuck you discount Germany

if this place is run by coppers then why do people use it?

it is a honeypot