What exactly is a "quirk chungus" and what makes the guy a manchild?
Where did this meme even come from? What does it mean?
Looks like r*ddit shit.
I've seen it posted on Anon Babble from time to time and it never made sense to me.
snarky avocado dance girl a la penguin of doom hit the wall and it's surreal to watch them feed on their husband's spiritual energy
he is middle aged neckbeard who still cares about star wars.
you made it up just now
I've seen goblin wife's and their "boyfriends/husbands". The guys are way to laid back and are literally doormats. They don't do anything productive and make no initiative in life unless it's to consume product. Goblin wives are likely to cheat in the heat of the moment but get cold feet quickly if you flirt to long
Spot the quirk chungus if you can!
It was initially a parody of webcomics for women. You know, relatable millennial garbage that is always about a quirky wacky woman and her dry, humourless sperg husband. People just started taking the meme as being about real people.
Since this is a retarded meme thread. Someone explain this cringe to me?
I see at least 4 Chungi.
Early millennials made their entire personality around being light-hearted, quirky, unique and goofy at all times. The here was also this sort of “if you try to be attractive, serious or tough you’re trying too hard” mentality.
It’s now just known as S-O-Y but it started as millennial hipster/ironic/nerd culture. Reddit is mostly older millennials also which is why they act the way they do.
Is this real? Are there really couples like this that exist?
Yeah maybe an incel ain't all that bad after all.
i think im dating one of these
wish me luck friends
Soiface is the original quirk chungus. "Haha look how wacky I am and the ridiculous face I'm making because I just don't care if I look silly, that means I'm actually very masculine and confident!". However it's obviously a fear grimace and not a sign of masculinity but the opposite.
The female form of it is quite similar, but in a "look how easygoing and fun I am!" But also means the opposite in reality; she will make your life a living Hell.
My brother in law and his wife. They're alright though. Not hurting anyone.
I still refuse to believe there are really people that live/act like this. Is it a mixture of autism plus whatever meds she is on?
look if youre desperate and you meet a woman who seems into you then you kinda just go with it
It's from a comic parodying the typical late millennial couple
Apparently both of these retards have ADHD or OCD or some neurotic jew disorder if you believe any of that actually exists, which personally is the only way I can imagine bringing paperwork into your relationship would sound appetizing to somebody
by your post I can surely infer that, you clearly have NEVER interacted with a woman
Never seen a place that sells pizza and hotdogs before, like the box shows.
Most white millenial women I know are like this. I blame tiktok.
I blame your effeminate men for letting women even use a smartphone, let alone download filth like tiktok
Not yet anon not just yet. See
big chungus was a reddit meme about bugs bunny looking fat while he was mocking elmer fudd, chungus was a term created by youtuber jim sterling
millennial girls had a thing where they were ironically quirky and random and acting serious was being a tryhard
quirk chungus is when the millennial is now a slightly overweight woman in their 30s but still acts quirky and wacky, is messy and gobble on pizza, avocado toast and sterotypical fast food
Answer me this: This is the most posted and hated couple on here. How come there are no other fagcuckchungus vids?
And do this specific couple even know about their "popularity" on the best chinese fishing forum in the world?
girls who missed out on being whores and think they are quirky and hilarious but they're not
These people look insufferable.
I've seen quite a few millenial couple vids featuring quirk chungus. It's not some great new meme, but the fact it makes simps, glowies, and newfags like you seethe uncontrollably makes it a very funny meme.
boomer doesn't know about quirk chungus
senpai ngmi, on skibidi rizz fr fr
its about sock stuffing, anon
do you not know your memes
Wtf is that?
That thing grow ass in the front
Lots of them are in universities. Mostly 6/10-4/10 women. During my first business trip from my first job, I was living in the same house with 3 chungi. One of them managed to whore out because of her big breasts. Another managed to whore out because she lovered the bar - I respected that for some reason. 3rd one was devoted to her boyfriend who dumped her before we returned home. 3rd one looked exactly like chungi from this webm
disappointed you guys didnt meme sneaky link into being a conspiracy theory
Touch - and I cannot stress this enough - the FUPA
Right? Why the fuck are the kikes pushing "wifejak" so hard today?
Fuck off kike. Daily reminder that jews hate millennials because they bloodied the yids' oversized noses with Occupy Wall Street, the sustainability movement, libertarianism, PUA, Free Tibet, makerspaces, the Tea Party, the Ron Paul campaign, Edward Snowden, Gamergate, Tracy Twyman, Joe vs. the Elan School, Matt Gaetz, etc.
Daily reminder that millennials forced jews to go all in on cultural Marxism, thereby spooking the niggercattle with all their kitschy tranny and pedo shit and ensuring a Trump presidency.
Daily reminder that if jews had more than 50 years left, they would create a new holiday just to lament their "persecution" at the hands of millennials.
Jews have been laser focused on subverting millennials so they don’t breed, as this is the last huge young generation after the Boomers.
Gen X is jaded and too small, Zoomers are Gen X’s Children and even smaller.
Millennials and Gen Alpha are the main targets at the moment.
Nobody here is saying millenial males should not breed zoomettes. But millenial females are old enough to be grandmas legally. They are not viable for reproduction.
Of course is un-real. I believe.
The millennial generation is very polarized.
Marriage is down and childlessness is up, but for married couples, divorce is WAY down and the number of children per mother is higher than in 1970 (it was 3 then, now it’s closer to 4)
Basically right wing and religious millennials are breeding more and staying together more
Eugenics in action. Conservative people will repopulate the earth once the failed zillenial grouping of the early 21st century fails to reproduce.
The Quirk Chungus stereotype existed before the meme
Where do I find a Quirk Chungus to kidnap and store in my basement?
Except harley was never a chungus, she was always hot.
The only women that have been attracted to me are single moms.
Owning a house and multiple cars attracts gold diggers, I lost my virginity to a cute one 3 years ago.
It's a cartoon. Real Harleys in this world are bloated on drugs and booze. Multiple stds and have tripolar disorder and Multiple cats or dogs in place of the children they aborted.
They are happy and the woman seems to love her man. But he should hit the gym, get swole and freshen up though. If he did that, his woman would literally fuck his brains out.
Other than that. What's the problem here?
Yeah, what of it? She's a made up character, that's the point.
I still don't get it
Divorce is only down because Millenials grew up dealing with the effects of the divorce court gauntlet watching our fathers get dragged through the mud by our whore mothers, a lot of millenial men have refused marriage in it's entirety because of it.
subtle kek
He needs to hit her.
She put that on the internet and now the whole world knows he’s a cuckold.
Next time she sets that camera phone up on her £9.99 LED selfie stick he needs to punch her all over the room then fuck her up the arse. Then upload it to tik tok.
Imagine getting spied on by the midgey dicked chinese while you act like you are them. No. This ends now. It’s time to take control. Beat the wife, frighten the little china men who live in tik tok.
She could've lost that weight in those 5 years
you are swedish
If for any reason you need to deal with people like that in real life, and yes they certainly exist, do yourself a favour and volunteer for some trench duty in the Donbass. They are some of the most miserable people in the world to be aroundand they try to sugar coat their misery by acting like idiots.
The male is always an useless, docile, clinger.
The female is a closeted bull dyke with bad daddy issues, no grasp on reality, and a perpetual grievance list running through her head.
There's that one place in Washington D.C.
Front gunt with the niglet?
You don't. After the first 12 hours of weird animal sound impressions coming from your dungeon, intermixed with oy veying and plaintiff cries about why you think she is too ugly to rape, you will drop her off in another city and warn her that you will call the police if she tries to break back into your sex slave fantasy dungeon.
And she will. Will she ever. In fact once a chungi has felt male frustration with their idiocy, this replaces the normal pair bond they have with their parents and they become fixated on you. Eventually you will rope.
Note: kitchens are in fact not for dancing, that's how you get a paring knife stuck in your arm.
What exactly is a "quirk chungus"
Some American saying?
The problem isn't that they do these things, it's that they show them off.
The chore lists are unambiguous and don't leave someone feeling like they're doing it all
It's a bit unnatural.
Dextrals are all insane fuckers.
There was this vid recently, where you get to experience how much of a bitch quirk chungi really are
Millennials and Gen Alpha are the main targets at the moment.
As a Zoomer I agree with you broadly, but I think our time is approaching relatively soon. We're gonna get played off against each other at some point. The "Gen Alpha Is Doomed" and "Brainrot" stuff is definitely something we deserve backlash for but there are other signs as well. Instead of "ruining x industry" we've got articles claiming we are aging like milk and because our men voted 2% for Trump we are going to become the new right-wing boogeyman menace imo. Any of us who try to speak out against any hypocrisy or contradictions from influencers and article authors are gonna get drowned out by mass Internet centralization imo. Take a look at r/FuckYouZoomer if you want to see where that's heading at the moment.
and risk the only female in his life to ever show an interest in him? not a chance
Wrong, soiface is subconscious blackpill acceptance: "I am unattractive, best I can do is a blatantly unserious photo to show I don't even care". Me I just don't even take photos and when I'm forced to in groups I ruin them by throwing Romans (preventing future invitations of group photos)
That's "Gen Z boss and a Mini"
you can't' deflect that shit away that's basically ours.
It's a millennial thing, zoomer won't get it.
they should've drawn quirk chungus fatter and more obese in the OP pic
Fuck off kike. DIY is the polar opposite of everything jews stand for.
Fuck off window licking kike. Chungus are hotter
You now remember the video about the furry/geek/weeb girls buying a big roll of foam from Michael’s.
DIY is done in a shed, garage, or whichever room in your house you're improving.
All that happens in "maker spaces" is metaphorical jizz chugging.
imagine marrying the worst part of corporate office and celebrating it
I knew a guy like this that went trans one day. crazy stupid bastard
So it seems that quirk chungi are fans of the Big Bang Theory show and were former Bernie supporters.
lol, lmao. bitch looks 30
that looks like a man
Nope. green checkmarks are, and red Xs aren't
Venal sin incarnate. Mid cope for not being able to go through with whoring it up with actual Chad. Neither respect each other nor themselves. Everything amounts to "just be happy/nice". NPCs have passions, however deceived they are-- the quirk chungus only has monetizable hobbies and fandom obsessions: the NPC is hollow, but the chungaloid is dead in side.
was meant for
The guy has more hair than a woman
WTF happened to the world
you can't understand quirk chungus until you've seen it IRL. it's a personality type defined by reddit microbehaviors
She cheats on him with large city-type men
I hate nickers
Do you not see the out-of-frame nigger on the left groping her?
They don't do anything productive and make no initiative in life unless it's to consume product
That's most people in society. And quite frankly, there's not much incentive to be anything other than this. Hard work is not rewarded, only luck and nepotism. Consume product gives easy happiness.
Stop posting things that make me appreciate vaccines.
Makes sense. Ive witnessed the phenomenon from its very beginning
Man they have to attack every little thing with cuckold shit don't they? Where did op's pic come from? Reddit? One of reddit's go to sites?
It’s supposed to make fun of us millennials for getting old and still having a childlike tendencies. The women try to hard to be cartoonish and quirky while us millennial men made not having a personality a personality.
Zoomers making fun of us
As you can see in the picture, the history of jews being obsessed with nigger dick is a thousand years old tradition. So when the eternal BBCposter spams interracial porn on Anon Babble, he spiritually connects to the rabbis who lived hundreds of years ago.
The quirk chungus is a real life phenomenon
Fuck off kike. Imagine being worth obscene sums of money and being a part of the cultural and political elite of an unfathomably rich empire, but the only hookers willing to fuck you are all underage, coerced into it against their will, and objectively ugly.
The endless rage against white women comes from kikes, and maybe now some of you newfag tourist niggers will start to understand why. Shitty little yid manlets with degenerate pornhub fetishes can't stand the fact that white women don't want them, and have indeed NEVER wanted them historically.
If white women wanted to fuck jews and niggers, then kidnapping millions of white women and children for the slave trade would have never been a business. You don't kidnap anybody who would come willingly.
Jews are pedophiles. Jews are rapists. Jews rape kids. The postmodern age is defined by seething jewish rage against everything they do not have and can never be.
Too bad no one knows this is the correct answer
I remain greatful every day that I have yet to hear whatever abomination is playing in the orginal video. I may just yet be spared entierly as the world forget this travesty.
This is also a quality post
This is true. Jews are like Indians to white women. White women find Jewish men unattractive and the only way they can get such women is coercion and outright buying them.
With human beings like this Its really not hard. Glad I was raised in a small town where everything is like a decade or more behind and I'm more like a gen x as a result instead of posting cringe slop on fucking tik tok.
Women typically never mentally advance past being teenagers unless they have kids (even then some don't). So these millennial women without kids in their 30s are stuck in their mid 2000s lol so randum phase from when they were teenagers. I hope this helps you understand the Quirk Chungus phenomenon.
I honestly thought it was older.
My Science... give that creature voluntary medically assisted death right this nanosecond!
That article may have been made 8 months ago but the original pic is a couple years old.
average HR department setting all white male applicants to auto reject
This guy gets it
missed out on being a whore
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Pure reddit.
I've started enjoying improving my house. Redoing the lighting in my basement.
The performative cringe behavior is the issue. Ritualizing basic communication between spouses is fucking retarded. Just have a god damn conversation.
Sometimes i wished for gf. But seeing this its really nice being single.
I always thought they were making fun of the Jaiden Animations chick. She lives with a guy but she’s asexual and aromantic, which makes her LGBT+ somehow.
Colloquially known as a front butt
Lol. Breaking air strikes.
It is a woman that got infertile at a young agr due to a HPV infection.
Awkward fat bitch. The guy is retarded because his gf is low quality.
If this lifestyle made redditors happy, they wouldn't have to go around making other people unhappy
Know your meme has the cuck version I've never seen here before on the entry's main page
I FACKING knew it, Kym is reddit's quintessential go-to website.
Nobody cares
Welp, another good reason to never marry or start a family.
quirk chungus was invented as a preemptive euphemism for fat incel girls to seem unique and quirky.
the quirk chungus consumes goyslop and boosts itself.
the man-child is a suoy-added retard
Every second person on the planet will be African by the end of the century
HR harpy tier list:
Gen Z boss > Secret products and a trench > 5'3 and an attitude > Fake tan hands and a hoop > Itty bitty titties >power gap > Sneaky link
infertile at a young agr due to a HPV infection.
**HPV vaccine
Honestly I don't get why any man would get married with the way the laws are. Some people will act like if you find a loyal wife then you won't have any problems but all it takes is a demon talking in her ear years down the road and she can destroy everything you have at any point she chooses. Why would any man enter a marriage when it's completely one sided for the woman?
Idk but I've fucked many a Chungus and they do dirty stuff in bed, even if the husband in the corner is a bit depressing/distracting
it means she missed out on being a whore in her prime and she overcompensates for that by excessive masturbation or degenerate fantasies. i'd say this type of couple is also more likely to engage in cuckoldry. Some dumpy women are the word's biggest whores. Like Caroline Ellison of 'Pinning the weasel' fame or the woman that fucked half her police department that often gets memed to include the dog.
“Quirk Chungus,” described as a woman who fails to realize she has become her mother, refers to all dogs as "doggos" or "puppers" and “missed out on being a whore.”
So basically a pathetic woman who latches onto an even more pathetic man-child and makes him an instrument of her will.
"Man-child": It is someone that is the chronological age of being a man, yet still behaves as a child.
What this looks like:
Irresponsible choices when it comes to work and lifestyle. IF they have their own place, it’s typically unkempt, or even a downright pigsty. They were possibly not taught how to clean, pick up after themselves, cook, etc….and still have seen no need to learn these skills.
Self-serving, thoughtless behavior patterns. These “men” will assume that their wants come before others and they often lack the empathy to realize that their interests aren’t what’s best for everyone else. Compromise isn’t a word in their vocabulary.
Disrespectful of other’s time, effort and space. Littering in public places, or even not cleaning up their own messes at a friends house, mistaking mutually shared spaces (such as community picnic tables/parking places in apartments) as places that are acceptable for blaring music, arguing loudly/fighting or otherwise being disruptive to everyone else.
They usually demand respect from others while not being willing to give any respect
Thanks ChatGPT.
I hate these people, but that woman specifically
Checked. Lol. They're harmless goofballs.
What exactly is a "quirk chungus"
You remember the term "manic pixie dreamgirl" anon? Quirk chungus is the shorthand for a woman who aspires to be a manic pixie dreamgirl but is either bipolar, a Bogart, or nightmare fuel.
Definitely this, but she's not fat enough and she hasn't said "omg I'm literally like my own mother now" yet.
A lot of girls in childless relationships with nerds are quirk chungus, I know one zoomette like that IRL (as a side note, like pretty much every "LE MILLENIALS BAD" meme it's only tangentially related to actual millenials)
I don't consider her a bad person and actually like her as a friend, but she feels very much like the archetypal case so here's QRD
clearly a low self-esteem kid in her teens
immersed in nerd culture by the time she's grown up
but now very outgoing and social
LOADS of unmet need for attention
somewhat anxious attachment style
fascinated with mental wellness, therapy and all that psych shit to the point where I suspect it's actually detrimental for her
but at the same time finds it hard to express genuine vulnerability without putting a veil of irony on it
Add all these up and you get the perfect conditions for a quirk chungus to emerge.
of course the swedish take is abhorrent
You only have to put up with that if you're ugly/beta/short and you convinced some girl to marry you by being her "best friend" that stuck around through her whore phase. I would say 70%+ guys in relationships would tell their wife to fuck off if she handed them that bullshit.
Quirk chungus is just the femoid version of manchild who are characterized by unironically using phrases such as "adulting"
quirk chungus is like the girl doesn't want to be sexualized, because she thinks she's a rape victim or something, she's not really, but the propaganda convinced her.
so she doesn't want to be sexy. but that leaves a big gaping hole in personality for women, because, being a sex object is basically their entire personality. so they have a bunch of 'weird' behavior instead.
the man also similarly grew up in a dysfunctional household and thinks his wife's behavior is... better then his mom's. he just has low expectations for himself and everyone around him. so he's with quirk chungus.
i'd rather kms
isn't that they do these things
Yes it is. You should not be doing chores and taking care of kids. All women say they want their man to do some but they will lose respect for you if you do that woman shit. You work hard at your grift and your only interactions with the kids should be "fun guy" that plays chase/wrestles or "discipline guy" that teaches them things. You don't change diapers and you don't do dishes unless your wife is sick or overwhelmed.
and millennials want to call us zoomers cringe...fucking hell
I would rather drag my balls through a mile of broken glass than be in that relationship
Every single pizza shop in NJ at least has a kids menu that includes hotdogs but most also include it in their grill section near the burgers
It's this. With a side order of I wouldn't even say"missed out on being a whore" more like "never been cold approached by a guy ever in her life"
you are all a useless bitch for creating those artificial treads.
and i am not talking about the users but the nigger jew who administer this shithole.
Its the average tumblr reddit muh nokia strong zoylennial me me me manchild generation, essentially the ones who pushed wokeness who willingly do vasectomies and who have like funkopops or anime statues or lego star wars buildsets despite being like 35. 90% of people who fit this meme are millenials
This is spot on.
Not this shit again
It essentially displays the collective schadow of the millenial generation in the same way that wiggers show the collective schadow of the zoomer
It's never late to be a slut, at least of you are white, lol.
Thats not even cameltoe at this point
Why do non mothets go crazy when they age out?
They’re both manchildren, but a QC is unquestionably the one who “wears the pants”. Like said, if you see an undoubtedly Autistic couple at trivia night where the woman is talking to all her other “nerd girl friends” and the man is blankly staring into space until his woman speaks to him, that’s a QC/MC situation. In the end, it’s what happens when post-liberal feminism has finally ravaged the last dregs of millennial culture and men can’t even feel safe in their once “uncool” spaces
Nothing, until they start voting and supporting the things that are destroying modern society.
80s babies grew up with everything being a jingle or an ad and with tons of childhood nostalgia. The as would be so good kids would beg for things all the time. They also grew up with lots of product trends. Watch 90s or late 80s commercials and you'll see this clearly.
Absolutely wrong. You can’t be a cougar later in life without being a whore as a teen/college student and building up training. Going into being a whore without prep is setting yourself up for further embarrassment and shame
First time of me hearing about it and that's saying something.
So this is the superior white race I've heard rumors about. Huh.
She regrets that she didn't take advantage of her "hot phase" by sleeping around.
badmouths the jews
while being the second best golem, a fucking commie
Come on, man!
Yes, quirk chungi are also immature, which includes:
no children
probably forcing beta male spouse to be sexless
thinking herself some kind of sex abuse victim, "sorry honey, I just can't" and he's OK with that.
I know at least one couple like this IRL.
I think they tried to play a millennials vs zoomers thing and it didn't really work. zoomers vs boomers got a lot more participation, just like millennials vs boomers.
the real issue is that boomers gobble up bait without any bullshit-awareness, everything from "10 Reasons Zoomers Hate Boomers" style clickbait ads in their feeds to "Okay, Boomer" girl.
Boomers as a generation have an uncanny weakness to propaganda, and it has shaped the world we live in. Everything from fear of nukes to this unfounded belief that Israel is an ally, not an adversary and foreign parasite, despite no evidence to the former and ALL evidence of the latter.
They'll talk about the entire system being rigged and compromised by foreign interests but their eyes gloss over when they see AIPAC unconcealed and steering their fucking government right in front of them and how (((berg'd))) every institution and corporation is.
this is actually a very correct answer
I can’t lie. That’s a nice butt
I find it amusing how the plural for chungus is chungi
I dated a qt Asian quirk chungus, she was actually extremely fun to be around and I really enjoyed her. The issue is chungi have severe mental health issues and are usually on a cocktail of BC and a history of SSRIs, usually self harm too. I didn’t want to marry some chick and have kids only to come home to drowned babies in a bath tub when postpartum kicks in.
Otherwise quirk chungus is actually extremely fun to be around due to high energy and is malleable to what you want to do.
That webm isn’t a bad idea to do occasionally for self reflection and self improvement, but it’s done in a gay soulless way.
It’s called a gunt
Boomers are a mix bag, it’s like 50/50.
One half were the most spoiled greedy evil people you can imagine that came to prominence as the children of the upper middle class in 50s America, the other half are blue collar Vietnam man who’s been kicked down his whole life by the other group and has basically just given up or got retarded angry at the world.
I don’t think zoomers and millennials are taking the bait as much because both generations have grown up with access to free information outside the propaganda machine and both have seen insane decrease in living standards. Boomers are insulated from the reality of the modern economy so they tend to lash out at anyone challenging the status quo more, but there are quite a few disgruntled boomers (see ) that actually side with millennials and zoomers, they’re just cringe retards because boomers.
Gen x has inherited the role of maintaining the status quo through being the middle management priest class pushing the new age globohomo agenda in academia and corpo America while the blue collar gen X is all that’s left to maintain the infrastructure due to artificial barriers to entering trade work (decade long apprenticeships for $10/hr for example) and mass immigration of incompetent slave labor. Tradie gen X prefers to shove their head in the sand running on auto pilot to just go to work and collect a check.
Quit static-ing up my shit, bitch and get your goddamn oily appendages off it
Early millennials made their entire personality around being light-hearted, quirky, unique and goofy at all times.
The zoomer brain rot behavior pattern when they hit 40 is going to be a sight to behold.
Check out Apollo the Parrot on youtube. His owner and the owner's wife are the epitome of this meme.
It's gonna be a trip to see.
that's the generational split, there's one with the millennials too.
Boomer 1 vs Boomer 2 over the Vietnam war
Millennial 1 vs Millennial 2 over the ME terrorism wars.
My theory is the schisms were deliberate. I think they served 2 major purposes.
1.) Nationalism and martial aptitude are framed as the thesis, the antithesis is the radicalization of the latter half of the generation towards grievance/hippy-like cultivation, the synthesis is a degraded sense of nationalism and martial aptitude.
2.) Disrupts coupling and degrades family culture, as men in their late 20s/early 30s find themselves ideologically irreconcilable to the early 20s mating pool that now ideologically opposes them.
What you get is a larger than natural population of failed men and women -- and conditions for a social state where drug use and bad parenting are more prevalent.
Both Boomers and Millennials experienced this dynamic with uncanny similarity.
It’s basically women without children infantilizing their husbands because they need to mother something due to instincts. Nothing more. Every generation had them, it just used to be caused by infertility and you’d find her volunteering to help the local library youth groups
She’s only a bitch because that guy is a major cuck. This is what happens when couples don’t have kids, they start doing weird arts and crafts online for their friends to see. If they had kids they could be doing projects with their children instead and reexperiencing their childhood vicariously that way.
I've also noticed that there seems to be a distinct difference twixt boomers and GenX the way there's a different twixt millennials and zoomers. The former both feel this intense responsibility to say how the world should be, and neither is shy about doing all kinds of horrible destructive shit on the road to good intentions. GenX and zoomers seem to be completely detached from that responsibility, and are blackpilled enough that they are content merely to survive. I expect the next generation after zoomers will be similar to boomers and millennials. Everything seems to be a cycle.
interesting take.
I don’t know if this was planned out from the start, but I could definitely see them capitalizing on the similar situations. I see the millennial occurrence as a weak echo of the Vietnam era culture and not really a major push. I also think it was easy to sell the opposition side of the war as both wars were undeniably immoral, in retrospect even I as a GWOT vet that went full zogbot can see how stupid the war was and done only in the interest of Israel.
If you notice the veteran cohort in millennial gen is much smaller than the boomer gen, but millennial vets have a majority oversized influence. I think this is partly due to the degrading qualities of the left, which by design weaken the followers over time to the point they become toothless, where right or traditional wing ideologies that lead people to be nationalist and militaristic tends to strengthen them over time as the leftist ideology weakens.
Don't worry the son and possibly daughter will suffer
That’s the generational theory by Howe and Strauss
Have you really never seen one of those women who try to be funny "like one of the guys", but it's bone-chillingly cringe as all hell?
I have a coworker who thinks we're friends, who speaks in argentinian accent (think 'strayan for you anglos) whenever she's near me just because we used to like an argentinian show, like in the early 2000's. AND SHE DOES NOT STOP MAKING THE ACCENT EVEN IF THERE'S OTHER PEOPLE NEARBY. I want to kms whenever we meet for more than 5 mins.
And just to leave it out there, no I'm not fucking her, I wouldn't fuck her with my worst enemy's dick. It's just that this job pays well above average for my field so I can't quit, so we've been stuck together for years now.
That’s like doing the borat voice now lol
*holds up spork*
I agree its a cycle, and if it is an unnatural cycle, a manufactured cycle, then Alpha will be going to exactly the same markers Boomers and Millennials went, there will be a war pushed with populist nationalistic rhetoric, then a clear reversal of that rhetoric.
Demographically this has proven to be an effective way to kill/maim/prevent/pacify millions of lives and cultivate the overall social conditions that the power apparatus sees as tenable to their continuity in the big picture.
Ultimately that's what we're all up against. It is the big picture, and that shit runs on a schedule, so the intent should be to fuck up next season's programming this season. If you know where they want to go, you can do a lot to disrupt something that predictable that (at this time) is around 1 decade out, give or take a few years.
Steve Bannon, former Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to former president Donald Trump is a prominent proponent of the theory. As a documentary filmmaker, Bannon discussed the details of Strauss–Howe generational theory in Generation Zero. According to historian David Kaiser, who was consulted for the film, Generation Zero "focused on the key aspect of their theory, the idea that every 80 years of American history has been marked by a crisis, or 'fourth turning', that destroyed an old order and created a new one". Kaiser said Bannon is "very familiar with Strauss and Howe's theory of crisis, and has been thinking about how to use it to achieve particular goals for quite a while." A February 2017 article from Business Insider titled: "Steve Bannon's obsession with a dark theory of history should be worrisome", commented: "Bannon seems to be trying to bring about the 'Fourth Turning'."
bifurcated gunt/nigglet
I didn’t like her at first but now I do. She looks committed to her husband and is skinny.
Half of reddit is under the age of 18.
They make $36,000 per year. Collectively.
hurting kikies
Lmao yeah Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand are absolutely flipping their kippahs and shitting bricks of latke that you are following their prized economic system.
You should read or listen to the books they wrote. It’s kind of a slog though as it really isn’t that interesting besides the general concept, but they understandably need to go through the details to illustrate the theory.
The big difference is that this is the first time we've been at the opening cusp of a cycle with high-speed internet and the ability to share large amounts of information. While I'm not suggesting the masses can't once again be Two Minutes Hate'd into jingoism, this is a time when we're being given far more vivid and far more plentiful footage of the Ukraine conflict as well as the various wars the kikes are waging around Israel. Result? Backlash against the "Western" powers on a far grander scale and a surprising amount of criticism of Jewish power structures compared to circa 2000. We're way beyond WTO protesters being made to look like goofy faggots. The template will need dramatic alterations to account for the shift provided by information availability. I think it's more than likely that they won't even bother. If there's anything we've learned over the last decade, it's that the powers that be are arrogant and sloppy and they have zero interest in adapting to the current environment. They've done things a certain way since 9/11 and damned if they're going to let some "disinformation chuds" change it.
why is she so fat
Women love to dance in kitchens
what is the sex like
non existent
right or traditional wing ideologies that lead people to be nationalist and militaristic tends to strengthen them over time as the leftist ideology weakens.
Yes, its why schedule is everything. The left is the pool of people that volunteer for their own destruction, and will invariable collapse as the attrition of their choices over time degrades their capabilities, and its by design -- whereas the right/traditional group is what is being destroyed by the consequences of the process, by degrees, more removed from the world they want for their future generations, every generation. They reject the poisons being offered, but unless they remove the poison peddler, there is no protecting young people, who don't know what is happening, from accepting those poisons.
Its a subtle war of attrition, and they're playing the long game. We have to too.
I think I will. Sociology has historically been scoffed at by the mainstream right, but understanding it is key to reading the opponent's moves. Adam Curtis documentaries used to be posted here a lot more, and that trend needs to be continued.
You must be a zoomer or not been out of the basement much. Any millenial guy knows another lazy nerdy guy who collects funko pops and has le heckin sick gaming pc and a fat girlfriend/wife who is loud and annoying and just all around abhorrent, it's hard to put into words really. Fat, thinks she's creative but draws doodles basically, obnoxious, is a pump and dump for everyone else but he settled for her because it's the first woman to ever give him attention. It's just an overbearing gross bitch who you have to put up with because your homie is pathetic
look at disney adults for more context, jenny nicholson types, or watch a clownfish tv video and listen to this nerdy guy and his fucking obnoxious "geeky sparkles" wife while she rants about shit and you can literally hear her fat lips smack. It's that basically
tuba noises
What's so bad about having a "quirk chungus" gf???? I get why being a man-child is not a good thing, but the girl seems fun to be around
This is actually an incredibly effective method to manage life with brain damage.
She looks like she's committed to making her husband commit to her unbearable life style. Look at that face. Come the fuck on, he hates this, just too much of a faggot to say it.
Hey don't clown on Clown(world)fishTV Kneon and Geeky Sparkles are a great duo.
You know he fucking hates her so much. You can see it in his eyes.
avocado dance
I really didn't need to know what that retardation entailed. thanks faggot
You've clearly never met one. These guys live in quiet shame their whole lives dating these bitches and having to put up with their dumb shit
This is all I really see
sloppa chungus rizzler gyatt 100 sneed nigger
I'm sorry but they're the prototypical nerd/quirk chungus phenotype, bitch literally calls herself geeky sparkles, I don't care how based their opinions are it's embarrassing. and I can't finish a single video with her in it because I can almost see the spittle flying when she starts yelling and ranting
that's just the side effects of too much screen time and ssri
these aren't quirk chungus, these are just dysgenic and obese trailer trash, a bit further down the humiliation scale
But they dunk on woke shit all the time so it's ok. I wish they had more constructive hobbies but thats just the way the world works.
quirk chungus is just the female manchild, pretty sure all us millennials got brain damage from lazy boomer parents feeding us fast food dinners every weeks
What did you think of The Rizzler at Full Gear on Saturday?
that stark beige and white room
shit thrown on the floor everywhere
women have no souls
yes I agree with their takes and clearly I watch their content, I'm just shitting on them because I know people exactly like them in real life. don't take things so personally, I think you may have a touch of the tism yourself, people playfully talk shit about each other
jesus fucking christ
The soiface started out as a cool screaming face you did in the 90s, like if you were at a concert or with your bros.
It's a heavy metal thing, but it's been completely ruined by bald headed fag-beard millennials doing it over space wars or some fried chicken
I think you may have a touch of the tism yourself
If that's the case I would have been accomplished in at least one discipline.
Checked, I agree with that take.
They're not in total control, but would never admit that, especially not to themselves/each other/their supporters. Evidence of that is in how spastically they have interacted with online opposition over these years.
Even if they feel like they are in total control, they have data, they have tools to parse data, they have effective methods and tactics and strategies etc, ultimately the technology is a crutch and they can't accept the reality that no matter how much useful psychographic/demographic information they harvest and analyze that they can't actually read minds and when their targets know that they are attempting to, with maximum hubris, with weaponized profiling and targeted media advertisement technologies, they are fully vulnerable to disruption by the simplest deceptions.
Malicious compliance is a bitch to detect and covert subversive organizations are the easiest organizations to covertly subvert.
hear me out cake
what the fuck is even that?
Imagine a girl that acts like a dumb teen, running around the house, watches TV upsidedown, complains about chores, wants to be irresponsible, eating cereal for dinner, wears disney socks, sleeps in a Stitch onesie, talks about how her favorite movies used to be on Nickelodeon....
it gets old REALLY fast. and then when you realize shes 32 and still acts this way you're done
i checked it out recently and was taken aback at how creepy the audio was. when watching it silent, my brain supplied some playful sing-song voices for the women, but the reality is that they are grimly chanting like it's some kind of lynch mob. not cute at at ALL, contrary to what they probably believe.
Both are absolutely necessary to function in 2024 otherwise you're going to be left behind.
these post that bots make for other bots and shills to talk to each other while ultimately doing it to slide threads they dont like are tiring.
all fields btw.
How do you even know what these people are up to? I have absolutely no contact with anyone from the past and I hope theyre all fucking dead
All the men in my family are happily married devout catholics with many children. You are a loser with a loser attitude
Mother of God
It's a fate worse than death.
Yeah haha that would be so bad...
No us early millennials did not we are defacto Gen X only post 80's born millennials are so faggy and fucking gay
it might be fun for a few months, but youre better off finding a DDLG girl instead if thats what you want
why is her ass on backwards?
Quirk chungus is just the female equivalent of a woman child
Quirk chungus think they're still cute way past their prime and they're secretly jealous of actual lil grils
For me it's because i have never understood what the fuck a "personality" is even supposed to be. Every boomer just seems like they watched too much TV and adopted the theatrical, exaggerated mannerisms of some fictional character then just kept doing it until they internalized them and can do the autistic LARP 24/7. Same for zoomers except it's their favorite rap nigger. Is this the much valued "personality"? In that case thank God neither me nor anyone i know in my generation has one. What's the fucking point? It's just utter faggotry.
But her ass is on backwards.
I <3 both heranus
I have ADD and OCD, and would never do that gay shit.
I'm thinking 5'3 with an attitude
why are her feet so huge?
le bacon le narwhals at le midnight upboatty boat
Basically. I think there is an alternate culture being developed outside of the mainstream accepted post modernist culture, a return to a more traditionalist world view. The issue is that most people in post modern culture, while they hate the culture, are too weak and lazy to suffer the emancipation process and post modernist leaders are attempting to import replacements. Inevitably it will get so uncomfortable that emancipation, though a daunting task, will be preferable than living under the alienating failing post modern state.
The post modern leadership realizes this, so in a desperate attempt to maintain power they are trying to create a crisis they control (ww3 with the east) but they can’t come to terms with the fact they don’t control all the cards (propaganda machine is failing, economy is in the toilet, citizens have no reason to defend the west). I think the crisis has been boiling since the 2008 financial crisis and is just about to spill over, usually crises take a couple decades to fully ferment and lead to social change, you can see this in the American revolution or the civil war for example.
I think we are on the verge of the post modern cultural collapse, I think the cultural replacements will be largely predicated by how the collapse occurs. If there is a nuclear war and societal destruction I don’t think westerners will embrace technofuedalism anymore, or if societal destruction is avoided maybe we will embrace technological advancement under a different framework, these of course are just a very narrow example.
I also am aware that I’m not the only one with these views and it’s becoming fairly mainstream.
I’ve never seen it before
therefore it’s not the REAL version
oh ok
Yes, exactly.
A lot of women with husbands will fuck if their husband is a fat impotent star wars fag.
basically, they're performatively nonserious in a way that obviously stems from low self esteem
It's not the real version. Cope.
Double digits lesbian girl?
One would wonder why there's always a constant "Marxism is le bad" signal for the right, particularly when lots of elements of Marxist critique explain otherwise inexplicable things. Almost like someone doesn't want right wingers reading gramsci
Is this what happens to older millennial adult couples that don't have another Star wars or marvel movie to look forward to?
It's over, just have kids and make new memories. Stop reliving old ones!
Nvm I looked up, thats hot as fuck but no clue how to get it. Firstly I would have to become a BDSM master which I also have no clue how
I don't hate them but this is making me wanting to take a bath in a Semipalatinsk lake.
Idk, mine works and makes the food and cleans. I take care of stuff and maintain the armory and lay the pipe.
Ngl I envy him
is it chungi or chunguses?
You envy being a faggot?
KEK this pic reminds me of my cousin. At one time he was a cool dude then post high school he hit a drought with women. he eventually hooked up with this bossy ass chick who fucking emasculated him beyond belief and basically turned him into a cuck. then she left him KEK and eventually he hooked up with this much younger porker chick. he bragged he was only using her for sex and told my brother and me he sticks his thumb in her ass during sex and she squeals like a pig LOL. he then married her, she lost a ton of weight had two kids with him but then emasculated him and is now leaving him KEK
I'm going to go with CHUNGI. Funguses doesn't sound right, fairly sure the same grammatical rules apply.
try fetlife, or the kink threads on Anon Babble
As retarded as that is, they do love each other and that's nice but not enough to have children already.
Shes blue eyed white, probably have a pink pussy and butthole. I'm blue eyed white and only asians are into me. Yeah I envy him, she seems fun too just need a good fuck and some beatings to pipe down
Thanks mate
Since she has no tits or ass to slap red, I'd slap her in the face. Then I'd take her money and spend it on drugs. The revive her by slapping her in the face some more.
Funny part is that would make her love you deeply, while being "nice" would make her hate you. I truly despise women
Damn, I've been doing romance the wrong way. Here, hold my meth.
come here slut, time for murderfuck
her, at work the following day:
"I got me a good man!"
Thats unironically how it works