how is the ritalin high compared to adderall?
is it worth it?
there is no adderall in most of western europe only ritalin
How is the ritalin high compared to adderall?
there is no adderall in most of western europe only ritalin
Yes there is but it goes under attentin.
Ritalin is shit, basically you get the comedown right away.
eat shit junkie
Ive never gotten high on either. I just get normal. Adderall works better with less side effects for me.
Lmao at taking ritalin when studies who that nicotine works better for sustained focus.
Adderall is completely different. It's basically socially acceptable 'speed'
allright but its hard to get for adults,doctors are very hesitant to prescribe it too adults.only children get it here
Adderall is completely different. It's basically socially acceptable 'speed'
But it's comparable to good speed, I'd take attentin over speed I'm not sure about any time.
Ritalin is in the same family as cocaine, Adderall as meth. Ritalin is garbage compared to Adderall, the high isn't an actual high and only lasts for a short period of time. It also has a shitty comedown.
Ritalin isnt nearly as good as Adderall both recreationally and for studying. Adderall contains amphetamines, Ritalin does not. Methylphenidate has NOTHING on mixed salts amphetamines.
Ritalin/methylphenidate is only a dopamine-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Adderall/Amphetamine is both reuptake inhibitor and releasing agent so much more potent.
For a better effects you can just get the research chem version of ritalin called 4f-mph.
Thanks OP. I was on Adderall for 9 years prescribed but abused the fuck out of it. Now I want some and wanna binge a video game. Fuck you bigot.
I know like 3 different adults with blank prescriptions for it.
Could have 12 boxes of it right now if I wanted.
The 20mg ones go for 200kr here.
true but combined with alcohol ritalin metabolizes to sth called ethylphenidate which is known to be quite euphoric
you lucky guy
Adderall will make you end up masturbating for two-three hours if you haven't gotten laid in 9 years. Not that I would know or anything. Just what I heard on blue light of course
Can’t you just go to the doctor and tell them you struggle to focus at school or church or whatever boring shit and then they give you a prescription? Be careful though, the adderall to zogbot pipeline is real.
That's the same reason cocaine and alcohol go so good together. All in all would not recommend though, because you're going to wake up with a mega-hangover.
Yeah it will if you allow yourself to be consumed by the horniness, but if you focus on something else like a video game it won't happen to you. Just don't watch porn on Adderall and you can avoid that.
i've tried but he said it's only for children and he refuses to prescribe attentin or ritalin to adults
It wasnt always an issue but the longer I've gone without sex the less video games distract it. Nine years + drug that impacts your libido is bad combo.
Small amounts of both turn me from a dirty room can't concentrate retard to a normal human being. My IQ is 134 but my life is all fucked up.
Must be a European thing. Damn near every dude I know was prescribed Ritalin or adderall at some point.
I've always had trouble with depression and social anxiety due to an abusive child hood. What Adderall(specifically XR) does amazingly is completely conquer the social anxiety and even short term depression. The confidence you have is truly amazing and actually does last for a few years on a prescribed dose
it is.not easy to get even with an adhd diagnosis for adults
I took Concerta for years growing up when teachers thought I had ADHD. Concerta has the same concentrating effect as Adderall but Concerta has a different release method into the human body. It uses the OROS delivery system. One morning dose slowly releases methylphenidate at an increasing rate throughout the day. Concerta's effects last longer and release more slowly over time than Adderall or Ritalin.
There are other forms of ADHD medication that you could talk to your doctor about other than Ritalin. There's even non-stimulant ADHD meds you could ask your doctor about.
Yeah there's a good chance you would jack off until your dick bleeds.
Kys jew
Second most retarded post on the internet
Every meme flag poster should be shot in the face with a nail gun
Hopefully soon
It's true nigger.
Not really, there's a kernel of truth in what he's saying. Dopamine reuptake inhibitor vs. dopamine agonist.
Not really my market.
I was prescribed adderall for years, but never abused it. I still have several bottles stashed away. It makes me super hyper focused and productive, but it literally turns my dick into a baby penis.
Not joking. My penis shrinks in length and girth to almost nothing.
Anyways... what kind of dose are we talking to get the "high"? I've got the 30mg orange tablets that I would take half of to do the job and get me through 10 hours of shitty Accounting work. Also, what kind of high are we talking?
Not sure anything is worth my penis disappearing for a day or two...
It's a vasoconstrictor.
Almost nothing in it imo. Both are pretty shit drugs in the long run.
Yeah, a BBC thread just DIED for this OP you sick freak
Could I counteract this with a dick pill? I missed out on a couple one night stands back in the day because I was too embarrassed to pull out my adderall micropenis.
lol nah I wouldn't recommend that but just foreplay n shit before you whip your cock out and it'll be the same size
ritalin works for a month and then you get tolerance lol
there is no adderall in most of western europe only ritalin
That's because adderall is a shitty product with mixed amphetamine salts.
Pharmaceuticals with dextroamphetamine and lisdexamphetamine are widely available.
Ritalin is methylphenidate and that's a dopamine nordadrenaline releasing agent and they are generally healthier than dopamnie releasing agents such as amphetamine, this is not much of an issue at therapeutic doses though.
If you want amphetamine then i'd recommend lisdexamphetamine, that is elvanse in Europe, vyvanse in America.
If not then go for any of the dexamphetamine alternatives, there are generics available.
5th year still works for me
just don't be idiot and take breaks once in a while,
Amphetamines are generally dopamine releasing agents, not dopamine agonists.
in theory yes but if you're over the age of 25 you're playing a dangerous game with your heart
please don't ask me how I know
Good luck sleeping taking lisdexamfetamine. He's better off with straight dextroamphetamines(dexedrine In America). Vyvanse lasts way too fucking long for some who needs 5x the prescribed max dose.
gobbling adderall will bring the auditory hallucinations. ritalin is crap.
I have no problem sleeping, I sleep early and I sleep 7-8 hours.
I think I metabolize it pretty quickly like a few percent of Swedes do.
That's true, I do have a pretty slow metabolism. I do like XR Adderall 30mg. Vyvanse made me pretty violent and when I do get it prescribed I ended up going to jail and switched to Adderall IR because of it.
Ethyphenidate is awesome, it used to be possible to get as an RC.
I love speed so fucking much
come home White man
vyvanse is best & smoothest but way too expensive, even generic
I pay $1 for 15 70mg
Ritalin never made me high. Then again, I took it as prescribed. It did cause chest pains, though.
ritalin vaxx status?
How often should you take breaks ?
Anyone else not able to get high from amphetamines? I’ve tried several times. Other than the elevated heart rate and lack of appetite, it just makes me focused and calm.
Fucking ADHD
So far I've tried both Concerta and Foquest (slow release methylphenidate from Canada). It does give me a kick, but I often read that ADHD meds are supposed to calm the ADHD mind. I've read people describing it as "slowing down", or as the constant buzzing of scattered thoughts finally shutting down. To me, on the contrary, it feels like my scattered thoughts are sparked into flames, like a kid on coffee running around. On bad days, my negative emotions are amplified tenfold, and everything seems like the end of the world... until I have the comedown, after which things stop appearing so dramatic. Is it worth hoping for different results on Vyvanse or Adderall?
Same with all stims, after you're up for three or so days. A few hours of sleep is enough.
By comparing the effects to flames, I'm trying to illustrate the volatile and temporary aspect of these thoughts
yes, why do modern white people ban everything?
stims should all be otc buyable in my opinion
Specialist ADHD doctors prescribe it here, not many of them. Tried it, load of shit, headache and not hungry. No real high tbqh.
I'm like 99% sure I have adhd. My sister is diagnosed with it now. Growing up though my dad didn't believe adhd was a real disorder so I never got to try any treatment. I did terrible in school because I could never focus on anything. As an adult I went to alcohol to cope because it made me feel normal. I know a lot of people think adhd is a "meme" disorder but it's definitely real
how do I get a vyvanse prescription in my 30s bros
More prevalent if you grew up using computers or playing computer games. God help the generation growing up with Tik Tok.
if it makes you high, you don't need it.
if you're taking it to get high, you need to die.
Ya. I grew up playing pc games all day. Plus had a steady diet of junk food which I'm sure contained chemicals that contributed to the problem
The best