shit-eating subhuman scum

there is a version of this without the watermark.
buy a fucking ad.

is this like a military dance battle lol wtf they doin

Imagine the smell

that's some goofy shit.

this is like watching the funny moves of two harmless animals getting ready to fight each other.

Why don’t you redeem for 19.99 you absolute turbo nigger. Kys.

It's just for entertainment. Fail attempt at making fun of a harmless show

the fuck am i watching ?

your entire subcontinent appears to have been put here for entertainment of actual humans

where's funny?

It's a weird opening the border or changing of the guard at the border between India and Pakistan. They have bleachers for people to spectate and cheer on their local border guards, it's nuts.

You are the color of shit and you are shit.

The India/Pakistan version of the Haka.

pajeets wearing rakes on their heads


Who won this contest Anon Babble ? Personally i would give extra points to India just for the red rooster comb hat but Pakistan got the moves not gonna lie

They are literally animals trying to dominate each other with erratic movements lmao


calling anyone the colour of shit

lmaoo lets compare skin colour brownie.

kjo08lm7shh81.jpg - 640x1138, 35.84K

literally the coolest part of india + pakistan

yes saar all of the shitskins imported as slaves and domestic servants means you are the winnings

Why don't they just exchange feces like everywhere else in their country

this video should come up first in search engines for “cargo cult”

Before I make fun of these angry roosters little dik wagging, what's happening here?

polish shitterscrubber posting scat

top kek

please dont make another thread without paying for a subscription to screen capture pro

You are watching the opening/closing of the border beetween two nuclear powers, please do not panic as anything that happen in this plane of reality doesn't actually matter


inner city white trash gets knifed by shitskin

oh no whatever

tip for next time, no one has a kid with an abo unless they're the absolute bottom of "white" society. it's like a white chick burning coal

this seems to be a problem for you jeets, you cannot help but compare yourself to white trash. it's like you're hardwired to see the world through the lens of a peasant dirt farmer

kek seething.

muh inner city white is different from me but this jeet that is across a border is totally you!!!

go ahead post more webms that i myself posted here of jeets dying. waiting to see one of an actual paki. dont have one do you? enjoy getting jeeted so hard that no other country in history has ever gotten jeeted this badly. i'll just laugh at you

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this ritual clowning would be cool to watch if they were more synchronized
as it is, they're flailing about and it's 100% cringe

Poo swapping is for friends, and these are not friends.

Excuse me saar, but the saars on both sides of the border are of wearing the Chicken Hats. I believe an explanation is in order.

topkek stupid poos

Could the winning poo rooster defeat the haka girl?

what is this spastic dance?


Their arrogance and filth knows no bounds

Poo.svg.png - 1280x800, 56.32K

It is called the Wagah border closing ceremony. Every day when they close the India/Pakistan border they go through this strutting peacock ceremony. I have seen it in person, it's pretty cool.

How many times have you seen this guy sucking off a dog

I actually think that it's kind of cute that they do this.
It's like two songbirds puffing themselves up and putting on a big show to try and scare a rival away from their territory when in reality they're never really going to do anything about it.

India has nukes

Pakistan has nukes

People say nukes are real, if they were they would have nuked each other long ago.

The point is that both sides take turns trying to out-macho each other.

I could slap box any one of those vegan losers into the earth

Those guys are all like 2 meters tall. They only pick the biggest and toughest looking soldiers to perform.

The point is that both sides do goofy shit to avoid nuclear war.

It's cute and that's the point, both are afraid of nuclear confrontation so they do this instead and fell better that their relations aren't REALLY seriously tense.