The Politics of Pregnancy

My wife is set to give birth soon, and I have been collecting my thoughts on the entire experience of pregnancy so far. And, it has oddly made me contemplate what has been lost with the generation of women growing up who will never have children. In short

They will never experience what it’s like for random people to congratulate them on the street for being pregnant

They will never know what it’s like for other mothers to swoon over their stomach, and share their own pregnancy experiences

They will never get to know the joy of having a baby show where mothers, grandmothers, and aunts all come together to celebrate the birth of their child

They will never know the raw feminine glow and hormone boost of the 2nd trimester (this one in particular is insane to experience)

They will never know what it’s like to have an instant life long, unconditional love for another person, their child

I used to hate childless women, viewing them as selfish and petty. Now I just feel bad for them. They have been tricked into a lifestyle that is not normal. It is not conducive to life. It is rejecting thousands of years of evolution, and their own biological instincts.
I never understood the pro natal movement until this year, and I can assure you anons, they’re absolutely right.
ITT: discuss pro natal vs anti natal, the state of dating, and what your excuse is for not having kids (women).

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congrats on bringing another human to this shithole you selfish pos. 8 billion plus people already...

tits or gtfo.
men don't think about this kind of shit as it serves no purpose.

Anti natal defense force out already

my ex aborted my twins and I never recovered. had the whole thing planned out, baby room set up, woke up one morning to her screaming in the shower and a puddle of bloody goop under her feet. she took some shit and killed my kids bros

Make your kids eat beef liver/eggs and supplement with d3+k2 to ensure they grow up to be chads

Sonogram w/ timestamp or OP is full of shit


This ones White satan, I'm sure he'll go on to do more then shit on the street or rape a woman at 13

That is insane. What really made it all come together for me was seeing my child’s face during an ultrasound. It is a living person, despite flawed anti-natal logic.

The woman who dont experience it:

Dont ruin their Body and Pussys, keep a nice flat Stomach instead of getting a crumpled trashbag/getting fat

they have more money, freetime and time to party

having a kid is basically giving up on your own life so you can dedicate to towards someone else.

Here. Last scan. Hand up by his face.

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Those that reproduce, win. Those that don't, lose. Its as simple as that.

Sorry to hear that bro. Hope you're able to deal with the trauma.

I saw little tiny limbs in the congealed blood and I still have nightmares about it almost every day. I'm so fucking depressed I've never witnessed something so evil in my life, idk what to do.

I'm sorry for your loss anon.
Congratulations and I hope its a boy

I am going to party when I’m 40, 50, 60

Life doesn’t end at 30 anon. And they will die alone. Even the roastie who created Sex and The City, who generated this entire hedonistic lifestyle trend, wishes she had children instead. But go on, tell me more about your admiration of hedonism.

congrats anon!

Thanks. I don’t know and won’t find out until they’re born. At this point it’s just my child.

and then you woke up, no one has children on here

>They will never know the raw feminine glow and hormone boost of the 2nd trimester (this one in particular is insane to experience)

this is the craziest part for me, my wife was never "ugly" per se but she definitely had a more masculine build specially her ass, and her torso was like a rectangle. After our first child she became a super model, she lost weight, her hips widened way more than what's normal for pregnancies her face got more feminine a huge improvement overall. Her sex drive has also been way higher ever since.

Not everyone is a loser.

have an instant life long, unconditional love for another person, their child

meanwhile in reality

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Your baby homunculus is developing perfectly

no one who doesn't want to get divorce raped.

Take your message to the streets of India and China, otherwise you are a petty racist.

It is. The scans make it look weird. So far it’s a healthy weight, size, etc. We even did genetic testing to make sure there is nothing we will pass on to them.

maybe she dreamt that you cheated on her, that's why she killed the babbies.
makes sense in wo-man's mind.

An Anti-Natal German

What are the odds?

just stating facts.
women are evil.
end of story.
you will understand as soon as she divorce rapes you. tick tock.

My wife is set to give birth soon,

your first child?

Now I just feel bad for them. They have been tricked into a lifestyle that is not normal.

Based, jews fear this most of all. They fear Europeans having compassion for one another.

This also happened to my wife. I looked into the hip growth thing, and it’s actually a biological change the happens during pregnancy. Did your wife complain of hip pain while walking towards the end? The cartilage in the hips softens up to allow for the hips to widen during labor to make it easier for the child to pass through.

Sorry, trannies. You can’t fake your way into that.

What did she take?

Sure thing, Hans.

Having a pregnant wife and then an adorable baby opens up the world. Random people beam and smile and say hello and connect. You are part of a shared experience. Children are a gift from God and antinatalists will never even know what they’re missing. They just don’t want responsibilities. Life is infinitely better even with the responsibilities.

Life doesn’t end at 30

it does

And they will die alone

no they wont, they have pets and friends.

AI is getting better by the day

Pets and friends

Surrogates for the family they should have had. Pathetic.

the odds are stacked against you.
it's safer to hold a gun to your head and push the trigger, every single day.

based kraut, too many normalfaggots here feels like kikebook

it's funny, these divorce raped nu-males will die alone. and being depressed because they found out 15 years in that their children aren't theirs.

Fuck off kike. For everyone that you get to not have children, the White race just selects for people who don't fall for jewish tricks. Even as you attack us, we get stronger. The pendulum will eventually swing the other way and you'll be crushed under the weight of your crimes.

Falling for the divorce stats meme

Not looking into the data to see where it’s derived from

Are you new here? You’re falling hard for their tricks. I bet your YouTube algorithm recommends you Rich Cooper videos lmao

for every thoughtful anon having a child just abort one hundred poos, niggers, chinks and jews (each) and you will see the world heal very fast.

it's a meme, not reality

you will find out. think back what I wrote when you cry about "it all being unfair" and "she totally acted different" and "why did she cheat on me? why do I have to give her half of my shit"

A based leaf emerges. Not only do your responsibilities increase, but people gain more respect for you. You’re not some Peter Pan loser, stuck in perpetual adolescence.

in the future people only talk to AIs on screens anyway and it will be a better experience than talking to your retarded family members.

Everyone is the same

Sure thing, Hans. You’re seething hard. You sound lonely. Sad!

Just stop existing goy!!

Random people beam and smile and say hello and connect.

who the fuck wants to be talked to by random people?
the average person is literally walking talking garbage.

set to give birth soon

Don't forget.

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Why don’t you have no kids like we do in GERMANY!?

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Don't be naive. The amount of hatred for women here is not from virginal males. This depth of bitterness is only born from truly getting to know them, intimately. Only fathers in the modern era hate women this much. You can forgive them and get over what they do to you, when you watch your children in their custody, only then do you truly learn what it means to hate

who the fuck wants to be talked to by random people?

How does one become this pathetic? You’re a husk of a human. Did the surgeon cut off your soul when he removed your dick?

no, no, my whore wife is totally different

what a coincidence
all the nu-makes that got divorce raped thought the exact same thing.

Cheers bro. Very true, these women have been propagandized into not fulfilling their life's purpose. Raise a champion. Read to them and do math with them. Be active. Have active stuff they can play with.

because we don't want to produce more tax slaves for the evil and corrupt occupation administration.

yes, make it so he's a "winner" and pays lots of taxes to the government

You’re worse than Lainey.

wow, congrats that you fucked a whore and enslaved yourself even more than you already are

I would feel ashamed.

Typical satan. Begone!

Germans are so heavily taxed they don’t have children


Madam, I appreciate your attempt to pretend to be male and not use your femininity to sway a weak argument.
Despite your being overwhelmingly obviously female, I recommend continuing to deny it, focus on antinatalism being a kike scam to reduce white populations and ignore the posts that don't engage with the subject

He looks gay, and you are a sick fuck for posting your kid on Anon Babble.

They don't respect you when you feel sorry for them.

nu-makes like you were the first to comply during "covid", and your excuse was: but but I got a family, what if I lose my job??? let's better make the world a living hell and inject mRNA shit into myself and my wife's kids.

I don't know, some mixture of herbs or something she ordered online behind my back, she wouldn't tell me exactly what it was. I thought she had just had a miscarriage for months until she told me she did it on purpose then I left the same day and let the house go. Fuckin evil cunt, the entire time she was pregnant she seemed so excited to have kids and was even more happy to find out she was pregnant with twins, idk why she lied for so long, she told me she wanted kids, insisted that we have kids then did this to me. Idk what I did wrong

do not vaccinate that baby

his wife will and she will cut off his dick.

That is the plan. I already so some pre-birth stuff along those lines. Listening to classical, baroque, and Romance era music in utero. Talking to the baby so they recognize my voice on birth. Have a plan for month to month development. And will get them fully on board politically when the time comes. Also in an area with an active home schooling community.

It’s transmitted same as HIV. No baby should need this yet they’ll push hard.

you guys look tired let us take care of the baby for few hours……..

You already signed a consent to treat when the baby was being delivered they will vax your baby and run all kinds of “tests” while you’re “resting”
Also default position of the hospital is C-Section it makes them moar money.

you’re only dilated to 9 it needs to be 10

This is complete BS to push C-Section
Never trust your doctor do your own research

breast milk is the best

formula is goy slop read ingredients

don’t give them fluoride water

vaccines are 100% ineffective for anyone under 2yrs old(Japan won’t vaccinate children under 2)

don’t let your doctor convince you mercury in fish is bad but it’s ok when injected directly with vaccine,

fish oil increases IQ

good luck and congratulations
t. Unvaxxed and homeschool oldest is 10 now

I have a feeling that postpartum depression is just Post Birth Clarity.
For males, Post Nut Clarity is their brain btfoing their stupidity and give them dad brain to take care of their future child.
For females, it results in "abandonment" of the baby + the normal whining.

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Congrats. Have another baby

Don't cut off the tip of your baby's penis. It's wrong.

listen to this post OP

Congrats man. I have two of my own. My oldest is 15 now and he's an astute antisemite. I never forced it on him but I never hid it from he. He will never not be redpilled on the JQ. Jews fear a multigenerational struggle against them. Hanibal Barca was one of the fiercest generals Rome ever faced. When he was young, his father Hamilcar made him swear to always continue the fight against Rome. I obviously side with Rome over Carthage but that sentiment always stuck with me. I want my children to continue my legacy. We have to fight jewish power on every front, in our capacity to fight. Even if it's just starting a family, we're all doing our part to push back against the darkness. Enjoy the younger years with your kid, they go by too fast. It may not seem that way when you're losing sleep and changing diapers but you'll miss them one day.

you’re only dilated to 9 it needs to be 10

They verbatim said this to my neighbor and pushed for c section. Interesting.

friendly reminder: women literally SHIT on their newborns.

German can only think of shit

German doesn’t want kids

I’d call you Mohammed, but I am 100% certain you are actually German.

I am 100% certain that you are not the father.


You are both big time faggot losers

how did you know they were twins? how far in the pregnancy was she?

They are weak, and weakness breeds evil.
You've been conned to a degree, pitying evil is evil.

who did the renaming?

you’re only dilated to 9 it needs to be 10

based and true
with 9, the mother has enough leeway to push the baby
with 10, they will be exhausted easily (you will hear most mothers will try to push for multiple hours and then the doctors/nurses jew for C-section)

Your first visit to pediatrician they will have you sign something for the government. They’ll tell you some BS reason. But you’re releasing medical records to your county/state DO NOT SIGN

They will never know what it’s like to have an instant life long, unconditional love for another person, their child

That's nonsense considering children get this too, for their parents.

and it's a fucking nightmare

Now I just feel bad for them.

this goes for dudes too and not just incels
i get laid every now and then but could never finda girl who wants a kid with me because im an irresponsible alcoholic pothead manlet with not a lot of money

but anon, NAWALT
MY wife loves me for who I am and she would never...
famous last words

Did she support Trump?
And did her murder spree coincide with his "victory?"

Clean up your life, man.

Politics aside, congratulations Anon. Per my wife, my son would often move a lot inside the womb to find that comfy spot on top of her bladder. Today he's that kind of kid who likes to relax in a pile of pillows while squirming around to find that perfect spot. Even in the womb, babies have a personality, which is why I despise pro-choice niggers and roasties.

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14 weeks

you are a loser, divorce lawyer victim.
change the world instead of creating another little slave to keep this slave system going.

Whenever I fall asleep with my arm over her stomach I can feel the baby poking at my arm. It’s kind of funny. They’ll run their hand along my arm from the inside. It’s a weird feeling.

who did the renaming?

nothing was renamed, it's a "new disease".
just like covid.
has the exact same symptoms as the flu, but it's a "new disease".

They will never have the masculine urge to violently murder someone for touching your wife's belly.

They will never know what its like to get bitched at by your wife that not for being defensive about it.

They will never grasp the burden of looking to a future you will not be there for

They will never understand your brain going full fucking FED mode and treating every other human as a potential threat to your child

They will never have that internal discussion and realize just how little it would take for them to become murderers.

Anyway Im going to fire up the grill.

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I’m not married or divorced and you even argue like a pissy little bitch. Oh wahh, the whole world is le slavery so everyone should give up, families are BADDDD, boo hoooooooo

Absolute bottom tier

you will be.

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Actual good thread. Hyper-feminism did a lot of damage to our society. Women do deserve rights but they should embrace their natural roles. Things are coming around and I hope more women come to their senses.

Awesome. Is this one your first? If so, remember to apply desitin on every diaper change. Also, when the little one becomes a toddler, invest in a hand vacuum. Graham cracker crumbs will be a regular thing.

Women do deserve rights

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Hahahahahahaha this is gold

How about actual, tangible benefits? Not just performative societal love bombing because you produced another tax cattle? What makes it worthwhile to deal with all the negatives that outweigh these 'positives' you scraped from the bottom of the barrel?

I think we will witness the end of the roastie industrial complex in our lifetime as women realize the life they were sold is not as delivered.

they are selfish assholes.

Women deserve consequences

Don’t worry about other people. Medical industry is hell bent on damaging your kid and creating a permanent patient all for money

hell bent on damaging your kid

Let that sink in
Protect them at all cost. And it starts with knowledge

That's messed up, i'm sorry. There is no good advice anyone can give you, whatever you decide to do it will be the right thing.

women deserve no gibs.

It's just that I don't care nigga. You're not the first idiot to get to fatherhood

It is my first. I’ve got a pretty good setup so far. I’ve never changed a diaper so that is good advice. I am promoting a gay bomb free environment for my kid. All their bottles are glass. Wife is ready to breast feed with her giant milkers. Minimal plastics as much as possible. Cotton reusable diapers. Anything to avoid the hormone menace.

Women deserve women-only spaces (gulag)


Opinion discarded.

Things are coming around

no they're not
they just letting go off the woke gas pedal juuust enough for you to enlist and go fight for Israel again
women will never give up any rights until men take them away
and this won't happen as long as "democracy" and prosperity continue
so everything must go to shit first, before things
"come around"
don't hold your breath

checked. btw When they're old enough, children need to eat hard fruit like apples for proper jaw development.

and this won't happen

...with the nu-males like OP around

He doesn’t want an heir

He has nothing worth passing on

He views the world in this transactional of a manner

The benefits of children are inherent in the child themselves. But if you can’t see that, you’re already lost.

It is my first.

you should go offline and start getting used to it
also get some sleep lol
your next full night of sleep will be 12 months after birth
also get ready to start fapping again

80% of white women are genetic dead ends. From the remaining pool, I'd say half don't want to get married and start a family but would rather live it up since they can coast on the high life easily.
All the good looking women who would make great wives and mothers are taken in high school and college the latest. Whatever remains is taken shortly after they enter the workforce. There exist very few good looking (7 and above) women that are single and have a good heart, are modest, raised in a decent family, soft spoken and pretty. The window of opportunity when they are single is very very narrow. These are the 2% of women, the highest stock of females this wonderful creation can offer. If you don't frequent their circles or the events they attend you have no chance of meeting them. Women also don't go anywhere alone, so whatever hobbies women have or events they attend it is done with their husband or boyfriend and if they are single with their groups of friends.

tldr; there simply aren't enough single good looking young white women to go around for everybody, they are rare and exist mostly in very niche places where men without social circles (loners) can't get in to

What is the point of placing arbitrary limits of human proliferation? Is it just Gaia worship?

its not too late to kill her for what she did to you

its fucking insane the average woman thinks nothing of abortion, literal demons

you see, I fucked a whore, that's what I did in this world

wow, just wow, you really accomplished something of very high value, you really changed the world

Tell me something about your great, great, great grandfather, any of the 16.

Wait until that baby is 4 months old and starts acknowledging you both as his/her parents, looking at you with love eyes and caressing your face.
Childless people will be nothing but husks of empty hope and despair in your eyes. The worst losers in this planet.
I used to be childfree and used to surround myself with childfree people and OHHHH BOY I was wrong.I remember the boomers saying "you will change your mind" and making all the childfree neurotics seethe. Welp, the boomers were right on this one.
I feel bad for my last who never managed to have kids by the time their eggs dried up, and I also feel sorry for the staunch feminist I fucked who went to rip her tubes off in protest. But hey, I'm happy for my wife who played it right.

anon, talking to people with children is exactly like talking to christcucks
they can't explain it
all they say is

you gotta try it yourself

at least with religion you can try and back out if you don't like it
with kids, you can't, even if you hate it
listen to yourself and proceed wisely

looking at you with love eyes and caressing your face.

remember to lie to it as soon as it does that about "cola santa" and "he's always watching so behave properly"

literally the biggest conspiracy out there

normalfag wall of cope

great, great, great grandfather, any of the 16.

why go that far, that's too hard
let him say something about his great grandfather.

Meanwhile Ranjesh raped his entire village and now has 20 little benchod basterds running around, I guess that means he's existentially based and metaphorically redpilled too

they hate it, that's why they also want you to suffer.

imagine raising a girl, so that another men can consume her. it's the most cucked thing you can do.

don't let them induce, birthing vampires will try to torture wife and child and give horrible experience to harvest adrenochrome from the placenta. don't let them have the placenta regardless, get it converted to dried pills for wife to reclaim nutrients and not go crazy post birth. do not circumcise.

hospitals operate for profit not for health, what good for their bottom dollar isn't good for you, your wife or child's health.
they will say abynch of shit and have you thinking you agreed to one thing then pull a fast one since you agree to their blanket suggestion. make them explain their actions multiple times and the procedures they will follow and do not blindly agree to whatever medical practice suggestions they are wanting to practice on you.
do not let training doctors near your family.
do not vaccinate at all, do not take vitamin k it isn't a vaccine but it has all the same bad shit that the vaccines have. they will push fear to get you to comply to their demands.

yes, Ranjesh and Jamal are winners.
OP is the loser.
The only winning move is to fuck as many whores as possible and let other men (losers) pay for it.

they hate it, that's why they also want you to suffer.

some do, some don't
the point is, you shouldn't in good conscience advise someone to do something that has irrevocable consequences
but these rabid retards aren't acting in good conscience
they just want to project what they perceive is superiority
tl,dr: waste of time

The thing is, having children is a worthy goal, but having children is also retarded. Winning a war is a worthy goal, but imagine a soldier berates his fellows for not wanting to destroy an APC, then steps out and shoots at it with an AK (happened in Ukraine).

I would love to destroy this APC (have children) and win this war (rebuild society) but shooting at it with an AK (marriage) will only result in being turned into pink mist (divorce rape and transed kids). It will take a higher order strategy to win this war.

viruses are fake and its not true that fags are a disease reservoir with whores being vectors for disease from fags to reach the larger community


Fought in the war of Independence for the British

Rose in the ranks during that time

After the war shipped to Canada where he was given a land grant by the king

Had a book written about him that I now own

Can you say the same? And what is your point?

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weird that faggots that inject drugs into them get "AIDS", same for prost itutes

but the ones who don't, don't

oh that matches the description of Leokocytopnia, what a coincidence

still sticking shit into your ass is not a good idea in any case





aren't you forgetting somebody OP.
Have fun paying your childcare bills.



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take PCR test, because the doctor said it would be a wise thing to do especially when you are a "risk group"

oh wow, PCR test is positive, I feel healthy, but doctor says I'm super sick and have to take chemicals from now on until I die

I will do that because the doctor is not an evil scam artist, but a honest man

and he is a doctor after all with a PhD wearing a face mask

I cannot. The point is after a few generations everything becomes so muddled your heirs likely have no clue you ever existed, which makes me question the importance people place in the concept.

He is poor

Lmao. I will have fun paying them. Have fun buying funko pops and slop.

Maybe the point is to live a life worth remembering, and gaining knowledge worth passing on. And have you ever actually looked into your own past? Maybe it’s you who are in the wrong. Maybe it’s just you that has forgotten.

you don't understand, normalfags enjoy being slaves. They seek slavery and for a master to enslave them.

Yes, tell me more about how free you are. And tell me how I’m not.

No point in bringing in children into a world where women aspire to be prostitutes and mutts and niggers threaten their existence. All I can say is good luck because you WILL need it.

Do tell me how being in a relationship and having kids and thus more responsibility increases your free time and lowers your stress.

You completely missed the point OP.
not surprising given your narcissistic collapse.

I love a good fight. Give me more.

Begone satan . Spread your message in India or another shithole.

more realistically your kid will just be a normal wageslave, so your wife would be queefing out employee after employee. Ahh, the meaning of life. Wageslavery for Shlomo. Prostitution, mutts and niggers are avoidable. Maybe not in large cities

So what is your point?


Oh you’re a zoomer Redditor, my mistake.

don't forget that your "wife", which will never consider you and her an actual team, can divorce rape you at any time, so that she gets half of your shit at the very least, will tell the judge that you raped her, and at worst tell the judge that you raped her kids.

and even if you are lucky and can provide proof that the bitch is lying, her kids will not get taken away from her, even if she plans to murder them.

I honestly don't understand people who would prefer to have sexual relations with and furthermore impregnate a girl instead of just having sex with a girl who is not yet at an age that capable of becoming pregnant.

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It's trying to shove you off. You're squashing it.

Yes, I’ve looked into my genealogy. A bunch of names from censuses and other records that mean nothing past great grandparents I’ve actually known or talked about with someone who knew them. I don’t feel like I’m continuing anything for all of the names I know and do not know. They had their lives, and if they hadn’t had fucked someone, I would not have mine. That’s all I get from it.

Your not really doing anything in this thread but stroking your own ego.
Having a child is stressful your not going to convince anybody by posting on 4chin.

Realistically, they're both as likely to end with you in prison.

Oops... that *is

Here, have a Teen Kasia a year or two ago on me since that is your thing.

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nice get kike

I’m going where the discussion leads. I have no pretenses about my own situation.


That woman is well into her child-bearing years, as dictated by nature.

wait, it's a tranny?

Get revenge bro

I’m going where the discussion leads.

You're not going anywhere OP.

I always appreciate the duality of Anon Babble

Yes, you are a geriatric fetishist aren't you?

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that's right. Society is basically rigged against the individual. Your wife only queefs out wageslaves. Might as well just tattoo the linkedin logo on her mons pubis because that's how it is. Your wife considers you a slave and a punching bag because of society's anti-human programming. Everyone has been programmed by psychopaths (and their butt pal enablers) and nobody finds anything wrong with this. Worse, they respect the system and they seek its validation and the validation of its slaves.

some anons are too lucky

I mean eventually she's going to hit puberty unless you're some 2D only loser

rigged against the individual

no, the system is rigged in favor of liars and scam artists (lawyer, women)
the more blatant you can lie, the morre the system will help you out and reward you for it.

Just appreciate a good lay is all.
Thay one would do nicely.

also "doctors", casino owners, "land lords" etc.
it all makes sense that way.

Yeah but then you don't get to know your own kids, and that's literally the first thing I've ever experienced that made this shit planet worth it.

the first thing I've ever experienced that made this shit planet worth it.

Good to know you found some use for your spawn.

people think birth rate is suppressed by womens education or whatever, its suppressed by explicit government policies to break up families. even contraception is just an annoyance you can opt out of. if the only way to survive in a world of antifamily courts is to not get attached to your wife or even your child, then men whose first role is to survive will do what they have to

because in order for my pp to get hard i need the prospective father in law to approve of my attempt at family formation

rigged in favor of liars and scam artists (lawyer, women)

its satanic how if you think the laws of God apply youre going to lose. the only conclusion i can come to is God tolerates it because government marriage is a blasphemous parody of Biblical marriage that youre being punished for participating in

Current marriage law violates separation of church and state. Marriage is a religious institution, and as such, the state has no business defining marriage nor in altering existing contracts due to marriage laws. Marriage contracts are fine as long as they are only treated the same as any other contract. As it stands, however, a parallel legal system is in place and the government explicitly violates contract law on the basis of religious interpretation.

this shit planet

you have no idea on what this realm is even on.

When a couple stands before a judge and says, "we're married," he should say, "I don't know what marriage is, nor do I care. Show me your contract."

Maybe you should just sit down and hit a pipe.

I hated most of these and I double hated random strangers trying to touch my belly

Most men are worthless sociopathic narcissists with deep seated oedipus complexes. There's a reason why so many marriages fail. Men are retarded and will blindly walk into a doomed marriage for some fleeting pussy and an Id driven ego boost.
I've seen plenty of men neck themselves when they realize what they've done by sticking their dick into some strange thot.

Nice pilpul rabbi

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but muh book says


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Ah, yes, my book written in English thousands of years ago. Tell me about this "Hell" that "my book" supposedly speaks about.

Show me your contract.

If a judge showed men the contract they were agreeing to and explained it to them they would never sign it. That's why they smile and tell them it's "a happy day".
Most legal marriages are because of children being born out of wedlock, or men wanting to sign a mortgage they otherwise couldn't afford.

My ex did the same shit. Claimed she miscarried and sent me pics in the shower of a big bloody mess. She did it again a year later - this time she pretended she was still pregnant after her body failed to expel the fetus. Carried our dead baby for a month before she bled on me while we were having sex.

First abortion was almost 3 years ago now, I'm still pretty fucked up about it. Still pray and cry for my dead babies.

Worst part was before I knew about the 2nd pregnancy she randomly told me she didn't want to be pregnant because it would ruin her summer (going to a festival and making it with a stranger then lying about it)

Oh and I'm not allowed to feel bad about any of it because "that's her right"

but it was written in another language!

the translations added this, it's not real, not real

make it go away, my god is a loving god

especially when he murdered innocent chidlren

wait, that was also fake, it's all fake, everything that I don't like about my bible is FAKE

mental illness called religion

Sounds like you two were meant for eachother.

Exactly. (regular) contracts can actually be nullified on the basis that they are so dishonest, unconscionable, one-sided, or unenforceable. In fact that's the basis for dismissing most prenuptial agreements, ironically.

Hel (Old Norse: [ˈhel]) is an afterlife location in Norse mythology and paganism

Now tell me where this is in the Bible.

At one point I thought so, I found out shen was pregnant a week after proposing to her. She sure put on a great act. Poor miscarriage victim how could God do this to us etc etc

The translations indeed added Hell. it's not found anywhere in the original texts. I'm actually an atheist btw but over time I've come to understand how shit many of these arguments are, like the iron chariots retardation.

ah, so you "found" the original texts.
let me guess a retarded Anon Babble meme?

My ex was just as joyful about it all too. I still read all the texts about how excited she was sometimes. Only thing I can think of was the she was a cheating slut and wasn't sure they were mine

You don't need to be an archeologist, Anon. They're still around in the original Hebrew and Greek.

They weren't yours, lol. She felt guilty about cucking you and aborted them.

why does everyone always feel the need to convince others of their ideology. If having kids is what you want, fine, enjoy it. If not having kids is what you want, fine, enjoy it.
End of discussion.
Mods, kill this thread

Congratulations brother, I'm hoping for a child in a few years too


Tell me where Hell is in the Bible


Here's the Sheol Wikipedia page

The Sheol Wikipedia page:

Within the Hebrew Bible, there are few – often brief and nondescript – mentions of Sheol, seemingly describing it as a place where both the righteous and the unrighteous dead go, regardless of their moral choices in life.[2] The implications of Sheol within the texts are therefore somewhat unclear; it may be interpreted as either a generic metaphor describing "the grave" into which all humans invariably descend

Hang yourself, kike.

41 posts of impotent incel kraut rage

trust muh PDF

the other PDFs are fake, but mine is legit

You sure do have your head made out.

Why didn't you kill her right then?

This sort of progressive rot lost Democrats the election big time lol. I used to be one too.

I used to hate childless women, viewing them as selfish and petty.

That is because you are a low value breeder/orbiter. Blind natalism without regard for quality is low intelligence inherently.

Also, your wife was cummed in by a dozen or more men before you and you will be raising children that are not entirely yours.

Spouts nonsense

Your nonsense and pilpul isn't very effective, rabbis.

Congrats man, hope everything goes well for you guys.
Sorry for your loss, heartbreaking to hear
Mohammed already has six kids at age 20..

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Islam is right about women

What race are they? What ethnicity? What IQ are the parents and what value do they have?

Natalism is for worthless dysgenic, eugenics is for desirability.

Narcissists will now cry and lash out at you for speaking the truth.

but I'm the main character, I deserve to have kids more than anyone!!

In a lot of aspects yes, but not that different from what I would call classical christianity, but not todays cucked shit with alphabet flags in churches.

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It's crazy how Germans are reliably such subhuman niggers
Master race my ass, you're dumb as rocks.

Most people with children are just coping with the reality that they couldn't stop themselves from nutting in some thot.
Just look at what happened to the dads and divorced men that started mgtow.

Your nonsense and pilpul isn't very effective, rabbis.

It doesn't have to be. Thats the nature of it.

you're dumb as rocks

I'm not holding a loaded gun to my head and pulling the trigger, like you, nu-male.

Consider that only about 20% vote AfD and take into account the nutjobs frequenting pages like 4seasons

picrel German Unity Day, instead of German flags you get Coke (not even the good stuff)

you can vote yourself out of military occupation

I laughed.

German flags

you wouldn't even know what a German flag is, if it would hit you over the head.
Long Live Sacred Germany

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I agree with your perspective too. The system rewards those who abuse others, so you're going to have an easier time adapting. Such people are reserved a spot at the top of the hierarchy, and good people are the "losers" at the bottom. I wish this weren't the case.

I learned from those men and reigned myself in before it was too late. Some damage was done, financially, mentally, socially, and even legally. But I'm in a better place than many of those forerunners ended up in, for which I am grateful.

it's all upside down.
Not even the current date is the correct one.

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Society rewards those born who have life given to them on a silver plater and continue to work within it's set "socially acceptable" bounds.
People that abuse others and break social contracts rarely succeed and more often wind up in jail.

People that abuse others and break social contracts rarely succeed

picrel would like to ahve a word with you
Maybe you can buy some time, though I lately had the thought this all might be a charade, considering the immense stupidity with which both Germany, UK and USA rule. Could it be to induce a one-party solution which stabs it's voters in the back to prepare for a world govt?

gtg for now, maybe later