My wife is set to give birth soon, and I have been collecting my thoughts on the entire experience of pregnancy so far. And, it has oddly made me contemplate what has been lost with the generation of women growing up who will never have children. In short
They will never experience what it’s like for random people to congratulate them on the street for being pregnant
They will never know what it’s like for other mothers to swoon over their stomach, and share their own pregnancy experiences
They will never get to know the joy of having a baby show where mothers, grandmothers, and aunts all come together to celebrate the birth of their child
They will never know the raw feminine glow and hormone boost of the 2nd trimester (this one in particular is insane to experience)
They will never know what it’s like to have an instant life long, unconditional love for another person, their child
I used to hate childless women, viewing them as selfish and petty. Now I just feel bad for them. They have been tricked into a lifestyle that is not normal. It is not conducive to life. It is rejecting thousands of years of evolution, and their own biological instincts.
I never understood the pro natal movement until this year, and I can assure you anons, they’re absolutely right.
ITT: discuss pro natal vs anti natal, the state of dating, and what your excuse is for not having kids (women).