why have xitter chuds devolved to the "happy wife happy life" level of boomer conservatism?
Why have xitter chuds devolved to the "happy wife happy life" level of boomer conservatism?
Wifeboys who lost arguments against their Democrat wives after the election and pledged to help stomp out misogyny online so they can re-access the pussy they paid for.
Because Vice News is dead so people's only source of entertainment is Andrew Tate podcast YouTube shorts
Some of them have been chudding for years, the loneliness really starts to get crushing once you get past your mid 20s
Because people want to be happy, Nick. They don't want to live alone in a shitty studio in Chicago calling people Jewish on the Internet all day. Some of us actually want to live real lives.
why have xitter chuds devolved to the "happy wife happy life" level of boomer conservatism?
because time is a flat circle
Because it's true. Find the love of your life now.
It's the same 99iq zoomer incel base that've gone from Tate to this now. They'll follow any trend the CIA pushes in their retarded impressionable faces.
I'm just not gonna hate her (my wife)
I know, UGH!! I'M SORRY!!
It's just that I'm not going to hate her is all.
Weird, everything got easier for me once I was past that point. I mean I did happen to end up meeting a nice girl some years later, but 26 was when I deleted all dating apps and stopped giving a shit about finding a girl.
Whites need to have kids
the method is irrelevant
the only way to be happy is to be a doormat for women apparently
It’s crazy how some people can’t grasp this
So then let's fix the issue. Women.
having accounts in 2024
using some globohomo platform
Nah, I'm good
happy wife happy life
Fuck that shit. They have 1 job.
t. Divorced 2 so far
the insecurity of "wifeguys" is very funny to be honest
MIGA is unironically just a bunch of Fox News, Israel-loving cuckservative boomer types now
The cuckservative right is regressing
It's funny how for someone who complains about women he himself acts like a low T histrionic female too. ecelebs are weird specimens
lol they had to prove that chuds are actually really wholesome and heckin respect women after that spick Fuentes tweet went viral
t. Divorced 2
Holy smokes.
Imagine your wife making a video of you begging to go hunting and putting it on tiktok.
And you just try to smile through the pain.
Normal person would just wrap their car into a tree, but you know..
happy wife
happy life
loving your wife is gay
AF really jumped the shark.
Checked. Disgusting.
Half true
Youre happy life has been canceled by the people hes talking about, most likely.
I support the wholesome chungus nonsense but this is forced, and the divide is millennial/zoomer this time. Zoomers arent married and 60+% incel for a variety of reason but mostly because of women. Millennials have been divorced, got married, or got married and had kids by now. I am in the latter demo and i still think pandering 'wholesome' family values to a generation of incels, due to women hypergamy, just before you draft them and send them to die for isreal... Thats a little fucked up.
How about you repeal the federal reserve and ban/destroy private central banking forever instead?
Stop being a loser anon
you have been conscripted to shill for and police the boundaries of discourse for people that hate you if you engage in wifejak posting
t. Divorced 2 so far
Have you considered the possibility that you’re the common denominator in this equation?
Why not both?
the right wing is never gonna go anywhere because you always devolve into philosemitism and woman worship and forget what the mission actually is
Im not even 50 yet either breakroom.
My mom had me at 19 so I raised myself essentially, not much I can't do. I raised both my kids as well. After the first year of breast feeding woman become obsolete.
You need to accept that Kamala lost it’s been weeks
I think af will go nowhere now that it’s alienating married couples and parents.
you have to accept that you are not on facebook
Where was your father?
Both what?
Kamala lost on every platform and irl you need to come to grips with it
repeal the federal reserve and ban/destroy private central banking and encourage people to have families
loving your wife != woman worship, are you retarded? social media rotted your brain
I disagree with woman worship but I fail to see how the woman hating is the answer as Nick believes
that would just lead to south korea levels of fertility
Anon Babble women suck
also Anon Babble no don't divorce them that's le bad
It's them. When their children get older and start bringing up all the shit you already know, it's easy to be vindicated.
What is this post? This is not a kamala board and her shills ran out of money weeks ago. Wheres this 'you lost' narrative coming from, as if its to rub it in (something that never existed).
then why are pushing a kamala meme?
This is not a kamala board
That’s right and it never will be
He never made it back from Vietnam. Never met him.
Why are you mad women voted for Trump?
the drafts are coming
I don't feel alienated over a meme. I have a wife and kids and i think the meme is shit. Seeing it shilled by the daily wire was the deciding factor i suppose. I generally oppose anything isreal first as a rule of thumb.
if you get married and have children you’ll be drafted
if you stay an incel and don’t pass your genes on you won’t be drafted
Wow cool logic
Is that what the wifejak stuff is about? That no pussy movement for cucks?
They're a bunch of sentimental beta cux that will never rebolt against the gynocratic system of feminist death cults. They'll raise their daughters to be pretentious little princesses with cupcake syndrome just like boomer fathers.
Do you love your wife?
feminism is dead and female higher education killed it, stop rooting for a corpse
For what? Wars are over due to MAD.
What will you be doing during that time.
Who gives a shit about those fags, they're like 10% of the younger generation.
Answer the question
Because groypfags need to make everything a dichotomy between their deranged ideology and le evil Jewish globohomo white genocide dystopia. Otherwise no one would ever pay any mind to them.
such a thing could never exist in the united states or western countries cuz the women here are actually attracted to the men unlike in south korea not to mention men who hate women and women who hate men still have sex and reproduce all the time
in 2024 these things are one and the same,