Groypers are seething because Nick instructed them to...

Groypers are seething because Nick instructed them to. Nick is seething because in true homosexual cult leader fashion he fears anything outside his sphere of control that would bring his cult members legitimacy like a wife and children.

You see, malevolent gays like Nick will actively discourage their cult members from finding happiness or fulfillment outside the cult because such independence undermines their control. A content, self-sufficient individual is less likely to remain dependent on the cult’s structure, ideology, or the leader's authority. By fostering a sense of fear, inadequacy, or unworthiness, evil homosexuals like Nick can manipulate followers into believing that the only path to meaning or happiness is through their prescribed teachings. This dependency ensures loyalty, compliance, and often financial or emotional exploitation, which sustain the cult and its Nick’s power.


You’re being used by narcissist

You are Jewish

I don't care about any of that drivel you backward braindead American retard. You retards should be put in your own containment thread. Absolute mouth breathers

Reminder that is a groyfag replies to your thread/post with "You're Jewish" it means you win.

Bro it’s a fucking internet cartoon. Jesus Christ.

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I'm not invested in the future just like everyone else in modern society and wifejak just makes me hate women more. Your meme is jewish subversion. Thats why tranny janny allows it to be spammed.

Nah, it's a forced meme and pure normalfaggotry

didn't read, go back to X

Wifejak is peak reactionary misogynist sentiment. It assumes women/wives are retarded and it is expected of them to show bitchy behaviour.
Kys boomer. Sorry you're stuck with a child as a wife. Shouldn't have been a pedo.

Memes have a basis in reality. Moreover, various wojaks inspire people and make others seethe.

It’s cringe as fuck is what it is.

back in the day

meme gets big

people laugh at it because it's a funny meme


autists and Canadians force a meme by brute-forcing it everywhere for a couple of days

not funny but others see it being posted so they must copy what is new and hip

people make outlandish statements about the social significance of the forced meme and how it's changing society

a week later it dies after the autists and Canadians get bored

Off topic spam, I hope the jannies keep deleting these dumb ass astroturfed threads

haha she said “I’m cold” isn’t that so funny and relatable and wholesome

This is the most forced meme ever.

poorly-drawn wife wojak meme

Conservative Twitter is just neo-reddit


isn even a thing that meme was forced and came out of fucking nowhere
that drawing is utterly fucking ugly
when a 9gag joke become the cornerstone of your beliefs maybe you have a genuine fucking problem

Fuentes and all political talking heads are just conduits for the thoughts and feelings of large groups. Peoples need to have one single boogeyman to latch on to is pathetic. I hate trump fags for being the servile goyim they are, and I dont need a zoomer retard to teach me anything about our political situation. Get a grip and stop focusing on streamers that nobody outside your age group listens to.

Wifejack is just more social engineering. It's another attempt by TPTB at putting the toothpaste back into the tube. All the anti-fuentes shilling is just because he was over target, which is why the flak is heavy and constant.

They so desperately want young men back on the plantation, but only if it's done in a gimped fashion. They don't want to give you any REAL power, they just hope you fall for the lie and play their rigged game again because mass non-participation is hurting the system and exposing it for what it is.

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i don't want things to get better
i want the system to burn to the ground and for everyone to suffer


Seems pretty accurate. There’s something resembling the woketards in the way they act.

you're the woketard

I don't care, this meme isn't funny and will be forgotten within a week.

What is this normie meme even supposed to convey? It seems mundane and empty of any meaning
I think you faggots need to go back to Twitter and post more Elon musk spam

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The joke isn’t in the horrible forced meme, but in the response by a homosexual brown person with a cult of retarded followers who would troon out if he told them to.

i dunno man, this whole meme screams damage control to me. At face value it's just a wholesome pro family meme, but it's sort of waiving over the horrendous fucking behaviour of western white women for the past 2 decades. Like it's attempting to get the increasingly radicalized male population to deradicalize and back onto the plantation, without actually addressing any of the legitimate grievances those men have, so nothing really gets fixed, everyone just gets placated again.

Women's horrible fucking decisions and selfish behaviour got us into this mess to begin with? Look at this cute meme though, shucks i love my wife

I dunno, maybe i am just demoralized or whatever, but i also don't like feeling like i'm being manipulated.

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All the anti-fuentes shilling is just because he was over target, which is why the flak is heavy and constant.

Based, I get called a groyper by seething MIGAtards and I don’t even watch his stuff

Literally no one is changing their mind because someone changed the hair on a meme.

I don't know, there's a couple good daughterjaks.

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that meme came out of nowhere
wojack are drawn over a real person
that one appeared from nowhere without any explanation and was not produced by Anon Babble
not that the message isn somehow relevant
just that this drawing now suddenly called the "wifejack"
I hate forced shit so

The wifejak memes all make her look like a cunt

the social engineer seem to think it will, or they wouldn't have bothered making it.

Wifejak is just married men lying to themselves about having made a good life choice by marrying a woman and having children, and defending that choice.

The joke is that you think nick is relevant at all because his ten followers spam his spic posts on Anon Babble. Nobody is listening to the spic, not in conservative circle or far right circles and even among dipshit zoomers he's a nobody. Anons dont like the shit meme because its a meaningless shit meme. Thats it. It has nothing to do with some spic babble nobody is paying attention to.

"heh see it's a kid talking about Anon Babble issues but the catch here is it's still a kid so it talks exactly like a kid would"

There is nothing interesting about this. The only positive thing about this meme is that it's taking eyes away from the *taps glass* meme which is 100% astroturfed by outside sources

just that this drawing is now suddenly called the "wifejack"

The only positive thing about this meme is that it's taking eyes away from the *taps glass* meme which is 100% astroturfed by outside sources

kys kike

Yeah this shit is really, really dumb. Like what’s the message in that picture? Why have a drawn wojak woman walking in a Target? Where’s the punchline?
Not to mention the faggot in that Twitter screencap and the people posting it seem to take it ultra seriously which makes it more cringe

The record of Nick's pedo faggotry is pretty extensive at this point. Years long, blatant, out in the open. Surrounded by open fags and pedos. Cheers for their degeneracy on camera. Anyone still defending him is basically "coming out" as a fag now (literally every gayper) (embed)

Reminds me of one of those libshit twitter posts about how their 4 year old was crying because of some obscure complex and nuanced political event or supreme court ruling.

the *taps glass* meme which is 100% astroturfed by outside sources

Post nose

men with wives and kids are the ones deluding themselves

Lol k

I'm existentially fucking tired of every single meme for the past 15 years being a frog or a woahjak
can we try something new for once

we're never going back to simping, you dumbfuck simp faggot.
you might as well be asking us to take the bluepill like that cunt in the matrix. go try this shit on reddit or twitter you fucking pussy. i'll fucking kill you.

you can't win goyim every positive that happens to you is controlled by us just stay in the corner and kill yourself

kikes aren't even subtle about their retarded memes anymore. At least with NWNP you tried.

Nah. I watched last night as we got raided with this shitty meme. A plain old raid. I know you'll gaslight about it, but I saw it with my own two eyes.

No, you're right. It's fucking retarded when you really think about it. But there are tonnes of normies out there so trodden upon by TPTB and the system at large that they subconsciously internalize the messages.

They put all this effort into creating it, then dispersing it into the twitter sphere and Anon Babble via their bot accounts and other assorted astroturfing shills.

Taps meme is also forced bullshit.

hurr durr you're not winning goy theres a war or something. Be demoralized!

denounce the talmud and holocaust kike

not an argument, nicker

Also this. Wholesome big chungus reddit "humor"

OP is 100% correct but thankfully cults like AF always follow the same trajectory. Most groypers will find something meaningful in life and defect and the few remaining faithful will end up eating the poisoned tendies in the catboi compound. Whenever the cult leader is gay it always ends up being a suicide cult and a self solving problem.

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Its all fake positive shit

Total controlled opposition. Every "dissident right" figure supports Pierre Polievre in our country who is a faggot kikesucker who will continue the ongoing genocide of White Canadians


Alright, since we're oh so back don't forget to enlist. Based führer Trump needs bodies the meatgrinder in Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

I think you guys just want to be outraged.

he's right, it's a very inorganic forced fake and gay meme

It can get complicated at times. That's why his Rumble channel is blowing up and drawing thousands of new viewers. 115k+ subscribers. We should try to figure him out better. Show is Mon-Fri evenings.

Yeah me neither, but I do like red headed women.
But it sounds like OP is just blowing smoke

it's an over played joke and it's not working as intended
the meme try to guilt-trip the reader into emotional manipulation
it's cheap and unnecessary
it's not generating hope it generate hate
I know right kek
back when it appeared I already knew it was forced
wojack are born of an happening where someone draw a wojack over the face of a human
it's what it so potent to begin with
it was mimicking real life
that wojack was obviously made by a group who never really understood meme to begin with
they think reality mimic wojack and not wojack mimicking reality
not that I don't agree with part of the message

No one is asking you simp for sluts.

Effectively removed all my drunk posting shame I might consider under duress. Shit I'm impressed.

do I get ABC oc meme daughter

-jak and ecelebs

Ah yes. The battleground for the hearts and minds of the terminally online with no impact on anything meaningful is here.

his Rumble channel is blowing up and drawing thousands of new viewers. 115k+ subscribers.

buy an ad

Did I lie?

Notice it's mostly non americans pushing this taps the sign meme about how americans will act and what they should be doing. Totally normal

The problem with that line of thought is that most people do not give a single fuck about Fuentes but do find the spam annoying regardless.
Anon Babble is not as eceleb driven as other places

The meme isn't just about America stupid faggot

It's like saying "oh rly well is your MOTHER/SISTER a dumb worthless traitor cunt too??"
The answer is "of course", it's axiomatic.

Your whore wife 100% messed around before she got with you, so yea, you are indeed asking us to simp for sluts.

Hating women

Worshipping women

Two sides of the same dumb coin. Women shouldn't be the center point of your life.

Having a strong opinion about wifejak is retarded. I just ignore it like 85% of memes that come and go.

Notice the kike didn't denounce the Talmud and the Torah.

All the anti-fuentes shilling is just because he was over target, which is why the flak is heavy and constant


We must be fighting and winning against the gay woke right. They are very much and extremely fighting our organically meme. We must be supporting israel and be respecting our dark elf leaders who are being very based

OP is looking increasingly vindicated

This. Wifejak makes me feel nothing because I do not think about women at all. They are like wallpaper to me. Just sort of there.

Every meme is forced you ninny.

I did notice that as a matter of fact. Curious indeed.

Yes goy, get married. Don't worry about divorce rates.

Yes the only american president in your lifetime thats a peacemaker is really the warmonger. You had it fine under (insert neoliberal globalist regime puppet here) that was always in charge before dont be a populist goyim.

Trying to associate

loving your wife


supporting Israel

Is actually a great example of something being inorganic.

Wifejak makes me feel nothing because I do not think about women at all

Just come out as gay already

Yes it is you stupid kike. It's about Americans joining the military when things get better something that isn't happening at all and never happened in 1016 when Trump won.

You never asked me to though kike? I did ask the Swede here though who supports the meme and he didn't do it

As a noticer, this is what I've noticed.

The jews hate red headed characters and seek to destroy them

In most Wifejack memes, shes portrayed as opposing right wing views and being antagonistic towards the reader.

Its then quite a thing to notice that the meme that is supposed to serve as Anon Babbles enemy also just so happens to have red hair. As if to groom white men to hate red haired women.

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This is assuming there's enough wife material to go around.
I'm not knocking up some cunt who will turn potential sons into faggots and trannies, it's ok you will see how much of a weakness having a family is when CPS takes your kids away for voicing your opinions.
Which happens outside of the Americas.



says the forced meme


don’t get married and have children to own the Jews

Yeahhh that’ll totally own the Jews alright

Your're right. Edits like these are transformative. It's similiar to how leftists made chud against us initially, and we took it and made it our own

No, it's important. Because TPTB are running out of time and they're literally about to go for a hail marry and false flag while doing a blitzkrieg domestic propaganda/terror campaign similar to covid again.

They're hoping they can regain control again in one fell swoop once SHTF.

What? Me? I'm not a meme. I wish I was. I could live off of it and not have to work at walmart.

No, it means you're jewish and that the topic of your thread alone exposes this fact. You look in the mirror and you see a nice jewish lad.

A bit late for that. The only women with red hair anymore are spic girls with cherry red hair dye.

but it's sort of waiving over the horrendous fucking behaviour of western white women for the past 2 decades.

Why are you pretending that White men have been any better?
Are we just supposed to ignore all the White male homosexuals, cuckolds, race traitors, and degenerate Chads, who have been gleefully collaborating with ZOG in the name of cummies for the last fifty years?

A woman cannot be a whore if men are not fucking her, and no amount of incel deflection makes this fact go away.

The other anon is right, you only say that because you're trying to force yourself as a meme

What an eye opening meme lol. I never realized how many unironic incels dwell here. They get so made over it.
The dad meme is cute

the meme was made purposely ugly with a fat nose
you're meme
just a meme everyone love to hate
go back to stuffing your shelves you lazy fucking faggot
you're stealing the Watlons money again

Yes Fuentes is right about 99% of things, 100% of things involving kikes
Yes, he's a closeted homo that probably doesn't realize it yet. Or an extreme volcel in the best scenario - which just makes him retarded in life. If you aren't going to raise a family then you're part of the problem. There's zero excuse.

You are jewish

used adult women

This is like adopting a pit mix when you can get a puppy.

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You're literally proven the sign right.

you're a meme*

when my 6 year old daughter asked me, dead serious, why everyone was so mad about trump, i just told her it doesnt matter and everyone is a bit crazy because of the tv. and then we went roller skating

woke right

astro turf detected
partisan PTG leaking and lying about what trump did and will do in office

Women like this don't exist anymore. Call me blackpilled if you want but you're living in a fantasy world.


Good point. The origin of the meme itself is irrelevant. What matters most is how much traction it will have in online discourse. The more recognition it has the more the meme itself takes on a life of its own, and it doesn't matter how that meme started.
Also checked! I see you're back from the UK now.

They get so made over it.

good morning saars

>used adult women

implying you MUST get married to a non-virgin


I'm not reading all that. I'm taking my wife out for lunch.
Fucking weirdos.

the people trying to force this shitty inorganic meme portraying a generic roastie (already pre-packaged with child) as wife material certainly are

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Wtf is a wifejack?

they were restraint by culture same as niggers currently you see the true state of nature
male anti social behavior is more suppressed than in all of history, female anti social behavior is openly enabled, "rewarded" and promoted

Checked I just bought my son his first pair of roller blades for Christmas.

Watching the shitflinging meltdown over a meme is hilarious. Where were you guys to call out the putler monke cia memes?

This meme getting traction says more about the sad state of current memes more than anything

the new tavistock meme just dropped


Based dad. Checked trips.
Godspeed, Anon.

autists force a meme

people call that out


like literal children

Your sign makes no sense anon. Same with the wifejak spam.

Everyone is bots in this thread. So many assumptions are being made to counter this or that counter shilling effort that it's impossible to have real, actual clear dialogue about what's going on.

This is hilarious. Every reply is steeped 10 levels deep into countering the counter narrative. You really have to struggle to parse the dialogue. Bots, everyone, bots. What is your favorite muffin recipe?

women-hating is the natural suicidal behavior of disgenic pseudomales. the gene pool cleaning itself, as it always was.

you don't realize it because you're dumb, but you are.

Wow an OP has never looked so on the money

This prove to me this womanjak meme is a forced meme. Its clear the powers that be need to get men back to the table but refuse to give men anything but shame and humiliation.
Its always mens fault, its men who aren't >invested in the future via families
When 60%+ of men aren't even talking to women at all at this point, let alone having relationships. They are rejecting a bad deal. When someone turns down a bad deal, shame is not the answer- giving them a better offer is.
It isn't homosexual to be a beta provider for a used up whore who doesn't respect you.
These people refuse to even ask women to be accountable for their own actions. Legalizing baby killing is womens #1 political issue. The social contract is totally dissolved for most men, and they have no incentive to sacrifice for a society that hates and humiliates them.
If you want men to come to the table, you need to offer them meat, not insults. Roll back feminism and force women to curb their hypergamy, or else.


words words words

No more proof needed this meme is r*ddit tier

hmmm I wonder why all these alt-right grifters who make most of their income from get jews are all of a sudden wanting young men to have families aka buy back into society.

He's not gonna start ww3 like biden and your leaders are attempting now anon.

You don't work at Walmart and any pressure put on you and you sperg out in nervous glownigger fashion.

Why are you pretending that White men have been any better?

i'm not, but this meme isn't exactly shining a spotlight on them

the gene pool is being cleaned of women who get a higher education

It's possible to hate them and not worship them because you simply see them as irreplaceable birthing machines for a new generation.

Nah, it really is because the right simps for women way too much. They infantilize them because they know they're adult sized children but vehemently defend their right to act like retards well into adulthood while vilifying young men in the same breath.
I love women, they're cute, fun, and squeezing them fills my brain with more happy chemicals than anything else.

They're also horrific spoiled monsters today and are speed running our societal collapse.
We cannot return to anything resembling a future of families when they're being broken up all the time by the smallest whim of a woman

but my wife isn-

Shut up. Half of all marriages end in a divorce in less than a decade and only a fraction of the population are actually getting married these days (the upper classes, primarily) Relationships, and families for that matter, are being torn apart by never holding women accountable for their actions and the unending fomo they're subjected to by marketing firms trying to sell product is wreaking havoc on their mental states leading to them sabotaging relationships.

call it out

It’s a hysterical seething meltdown

I can't wait for supersyphilis to obliterate every fornicator on the planet.

even worse, it's a meme coin pump and dump scheme.

They made a $Wifejack coin then dumped the memes.

Blueberry cranberry orange muffins with sugar sprinkles on top

Post the "seething meltdown". And no, getting rightfully called a bitch, faggot, or jew does not count as a meltdown lmao

We've been making fun of the Putin monke meme since the beginning. Why don't you just go be new somewhere else?

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I doubt you never think about them, if you didn't you wouldn't even bother writing out a post like that.
I'm fine with admitting I think about fucking women all the time because wanting to procreate is a natural biological urge.

I mean, I'm not asking for REAL power. I want a safe society where I can buy a home, marry a good woman, and raise my children.

is this it? is this a meme "bachlor tax" pretending that it is men who do not wife up women?
a failed root cause analysis

the problem is not cultural and can not be solved with culture

look how mad you are over me just being critical of the meme. I am definitely on to something calling you a shill over this.

This meme makes no sense though. First, women are the worst they've been in...ever? Shit, i'd argue that this meme is actually evidence that women aren't at all feminine anymore. Second, how does this show traditions feminine/masculine dynamics? From what I've seen this is just "relatable" stuff from women doing stuff like wanting the guy to repeat what's going on in a TV show, asking the husband to plug in her iphone, etc. etc.

Like what the fuck is this guy talking about? This meme has created such a weird fucking divide that I can only assume it's AstroTurfed an inorganic.

If they beat you, you win

Ok, Trudeau.

Calling anyone a bitch or a faggot because a drawing hurt your feelings is by every metric a hysterical meltdown
I’m amused and confused not mad just genuinely perplexed. It’s a cartoon..

(the upper classes, primarily)

because the women can always date up to the upper class they are isolated from this issue

fact is marriage as institution dies if men do not outearn women by 50%
birthrates are not above replacement if female higher education is now at or below 10%

awesome. i hope he likes them. it took forever to get my son to try rollerskates or blades, but hes only 4
my daughter put them on in the store and refused to take them off the first time she loved it
im lucky the ski helmet i bought my wife that she never used fits her now, she gets a little too rad sometimes. no injuries yet


Unironically making a meme simping for modern women does in fact make you a bitch and a faggot lmao

The Romans were incels before they kidnapped the Sabine women. People on the so-called "right" have no idea that we're not going back to the 1980s. This isn't the time when America goes back to sleep and we stay in our nice suburbias forever. This is a cataclysmic age where the entire value system and mythos of our culture undergoes death and gets replaced with something that benefits us. Women will not occupy any leading roles in the new civilization, that's just a fact.

Just remember, if we need wives, we will Sabine festival them.

lol at least i'm not McMexican

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Incels are just another variety of the "spiteful mutant", and they're all inherently race traitors who side with shitskin foreigners frustrated by their inability to casually seduce, pump and dump White virgin girls.

I’m amused and confused not mad just genuinely perplexed. It’s a cartoon..

Look at the seethe just questioning this meme creates. You kikes are something.

I didn't realize they wished to only draft American whitey or make them volunteer. Everyone has been talking daily how now that Ukrainian men are dead they want to kill every Finnish man in the useless fake and gay war, and likely the Baltic people too. Tho Baltic countries might still have something worth defending, maybe.

This guy right here nailed it. Fuck all that groyper maga noise.

I haven't forgotten how white women have treated me for the last 30 years, some fucking forced cartoon isn't going to change that, and neither are the gradcucks kvetching that I won't sign myself up for my own death warrant.

These are the same people who think females choose in nature.
The outside observer may think I am attracting my dog with food but he doesn't decide what he gets to eat.

dont show Anon Babble this one though

Yeah it's almost like nick is an intelligence asset or somrthing.

I was awarded the Anon Babble triple crown. I didn't ask for shit, it just happened.

Nah I'll hust keep stealing more company time as payback for the thousand or so hours I've had to work for free due to insane management.

The origin of the meme itself is irrelevant. What matters most is how much traction it will have in online discourse


I see you're back from the UK now.

I was just watching something on UK Netflix. I can't leave the country because too many bad actors are trying to kill me.

You don't work at Walmart

I do. I'm not Kamala Harris committing stolen wagie valor.

and any pressure put on you and you sperg out in nervous glownigger fashion.

No "pressure" is ever put on me you dumb fuck NPC ass nigga. Mods: time this nigga out for 3 weeks. Order up.

this is not the place or the thread to talk about your children. go back to Facebook for that.

I didn't realize they wished to only draft American whitey or make them volunteer.

Thats what the meme specifically talks about yes. I will keep reminding you kikes in 2016 Trump won and the military still reported losses in people signing up so your blackpill kike meme has no basis in reality.

They hated him and ignored him cause he told them the truth, have a (you). The meme was all about the run of the mill modern wife with the brain of a goldfish. The psy ops this particular one has done to the internet is immeasurable.


... can I get a QRD?
Seen that redhead like 4 times and you guys already managed to get it in the normiesphere and to get normies apparently fighting over it.
Is it just wojack getting a "normal" wife after the obese goth gf arc? Are you actually doing a fucking telenovelas with wojack or something?

fair enough

The problem is that women refuse to curb their hypergamy. In the past, this was solved with curbing their rights instead. Now that we do not curb their rights, and they do not curb their hypergamy, women view the bottom 80% of men (in terms of height, looks) as not even human, literal background objects.
Culture is down stream from biology and the problem is that our culture no longer aligns with the reality of womens biology.

Feminism and civilization are not compatible. We can either have 90% of men taking part of society peacefully, at the expense of womens hypergamy, or we can have womens unchecked hypergamy while we live in caves ruled over by the strongest male until beta males decide to start the cycle all over again by killing the alpha and sharing the women as property instead of treating them as people.

At face value it's just a wholesome pro family meme

How is a woman talking about you asking to plug in her charger, a whole family based meme?

Like...what is even a meme about it? What's wholesome about it? It's literally just something a woman, not even a wife or girlfriend, would say to a man. I've had women friends say half the shit I see in these pictures, to me.

Not gonna argue the meme isnt cringe and forced but the point of marrying a virgin and having white kids still stands. Jews get hard on when goy cull themselves

Unironically if it is true the cuckservatives are beyond cooked

I’m praying he likes them because he says he wants to play hockey. We play with ministicks inside and where we are the there’s one rink that’s only open in the winter so he’s gotta practice somehow.

it’s gay to love your wife

Hard sell to anyone that isn’t a groyper I would imagine

n-nou > : (


Regardless, facebook has been an absolute necessity for the past 20 years.

go fuck off to facebook with your blogposts

That's because you're inorganic gop shilling feds/boomers. It's obvious to everyone you're ilk are the normalfag right who brought their culture war drama with Fuentes here, blaming him for the failure of your shit heckin wholesome meme. We've been sign tapping here for a long time, especially since the we get spammed with ukie gore drone spam. Many understand our lot is that we have no lot thanks to boomer-brained policies that continue to fuck over men since the woman vote and their reduction in our countries's stake thanks to the foreign born with kisses from our elites.

Is already obvious this phrase is only used by gay groypers, loser.

indeed, both sexes of your race are commiting suicide.


and here you are, countering the counter-shilling, LMAO. how much money did you geriatric fags waste trying to get this trash off the ground?

I always love how Brits pretend to be high tier intellectuals, dripping with culture, but never say or do anything of note.

Just close your eyes

Women need both the carrot and the stick, for everyone's good. I don't know why this is so difficult to understand.

Which side is anon criticizing?




What is your favorite muffin recipe, leaf?

Fuck off faggot.

Yes anon its a meme about americans fighting iran for israel. If russia invades finland because they're zigger retards then you should fight like any nationalist would.

thats not true, you introduced feminism by choice we did not
you got the sovereignity to fix it and do not

This 100%

this seething

by accusing me of doing a no u he's admitting he is doing empty hysterical replies

again the kikes are not sending their best

just one problem:
there is no funny

You really nailed it OP. Take this W.

Yeah, kind of how it is. That's the whole fomo shit where women are constantly thinking the grass is greener on the other side and having mental fits for not spending their 20's and 30's "right"
A forced meme people are making with the "women are wonderful" bias trying to encourage guys to lock a woman down and reproduce by showing them as being loving, caring simpletons...which is why it eventually evolved into being a child.
Only thing is that men aren't the ones who dictate when/with who women have children so it's just a bunch of older millennials and gen x circlejerking on twitter with it.

Make no mistake, almost all the people here have already been psy-operated beyond repair over a meme that made fun of the average npc wife, and now believe it is some form of traditionalism. Lobotomy of the year. You can't literally make fun of women without being lobotomized.

we have talked a century about what women want
the next century we must talk about what women can't do as we got such a wellspring of data now

Just kill yourself. No one cares about your supposed children here. Why? Because what's the first thing people will do when they have complete immunity from consequences?

They lie. Faggot.

continues reeing at me

I just don’t really understand why you’re so mad at families.

what is even happening in this thread

It's a cheap "remoralization" attempt forced by glowniggers recently, probably sort of as a counter meme to the sign tapping. It fails because it comes off as overly whiny or antagonistic.

Can't do it. Generational poster. Mods: time this user out for treason for 2 months. Welcome to banworld, buddy.

We've been sign tapping here for a long time

Trump won in 2016 and military recruitment still declined

you were wrong kike, we all see it, your blackpill campaign to get us to stay in the corner and die is not going to work. This didn't work when you tried to force no pussy no work and it's not working here

The shitskin zoomers were too busy spamming the overproduced and heavily edited trash that came out of nowhere known as le plapjak to care about that.
Also have you heard of bluesky btw? the new distraction to get you to ignore that people on this board openly link to reddit all the time now?
or how about tapping a sign that was dated for JAN2023 that says "in the coming months" despite the entirety of 2023 and most of 2024 was full of "woke" shit the le sign said would be stopping

You seem to both care and be extremely upset. Maybe just ignore it if it bothers you?

and you guys already managed to get it in the normiesphere and to get normies apparently fighting over it

Höhöhöhöhö ...

what a gay husk of a man.
where the fuck is your warrior spirit you deranged tranny? you want to play dolls with wifey and be mommied, is that it?

You ree'd at me first anon when I simply mentioned the meme remember? I clearly struck a nerve.

Exactly. The Gayper vs PTG shit is something else. Trump is bringing in brown people in droves legally, he hasn't deported any, he hasn't drained the swamp. Only point that matter regardless of who loves Israel or who is a fed or whatever other gay shit.

openly pro-demoralization


the autism blue octopus is anti-semitic

wifejak is jews' tool to turn me into a cuckold

I loathe to play muh both sides but this is seriously kike level of schizophrenia and if Fuentes didn't affirm it everyone would see it.

absolutely fucking not
it's used sparsely by a group since 3 - 4 years
it didn have a name or any traction whatsoever
it was forced then and it is now


You’re being used by narcissist

They take pride in this, it validates their own narcissism. Their brain is too broken to comprehend the shame.

Y-you don't want to be remoralized anon?

Whatever you need to tell yourself I guess just still confused about why you’re seething so hard about families

It's really poorly thought out. Who even thought using that low level feminine aggression on men who already hate women for that behaviour would be a good idea? How in the everloving fuck did they think slapping us with even more smarmy bullshit would work?

Lmao we don't hate women because of memes and games, we hate women from real life experience dealing with them and their shit.

IRL women in the US can kidnap then chemically castrate your son by court order with the force of the US military and FBI behind them

this thing saying whites are being led to fight for Israel is 100% astroturfed


Clearly incapable of handling them then. :)


She's damned ugly. Her "advice" is all her fantasy of using men. She's not getting top tier men with those looks. Even if she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

If such event happens then it's 110% caused by nato faggots at this point and I also won't shed a single drop of my own sweat or blood in such battles. They just want to kill the last nationalist whiteys while the traitors, women and women traitors immediately move to sweden and take a plane to some exotic country from there while putting in their best effort to have nationalist whitey finnish men killed. No one else is going to the meat grinder anyway because why would commies or women go there if they don't feel any inner or social pressure to proof themselves anyway? They are either freed from army be default or they have openly said for 50 years they hate nationalism. I will seriously disfigure anyone's face and genitals who attempts to make make me do anything similar to if some would have forced me to take the vaxx. I hope they find enough volunteers to fight the fake and gay wars, I'm actually quite sure of it, but it will be for nothing.

The Romans were incels before they kidnapped the Sabine women.

Stop confusing bachelor bands with incels, they're not the same.

"waaah stop replying to me!"

from kike who replied to me first

I always used to think that Brits were highbrow intellectuals because of the likes of David Attenborough and Carver and all those explorers but the truth is they're mostly norf fc stereotypes.

okay retard

Yes we. Not everyone here is a simp like you.

become remoralized back into the jewish plantation



no instead whites should just stay blackpilled and accept that anything positive is controlled opposition and the goyim should give up and die

not happening kike

I don't really care for the tap the sign meme.

evil homosexuals like Nick

What a based thread

Well you could answer the question. Why are you seething so hard at families?

They'll never get that because they have to believe we're incels with no relationship experience. They have to believe it, everything falls apart if they don't. In the end though, the meme will live or die based on how much it resonates. Can't force people to post things they have no interest in posting.

No. You have an entire website dedicated to posting about your life with the ability to make photograph albums, videos and galleries. Pictures that will provide proof to what you claim.

So why the fuck are you spewing bullshit here and demanding I just "look away". Kill yourself faggot.

To what end? Not to fight for you faggots or play your rigged game of societal monopoly, no.

I think that people who continuously post about Nick Fuentes are either a part of his camp, or trying to get at his cock and balls.

Either way, no one cares. Take your "Fuck Me, Nick." Fantasies elsewhere.

openly pro-demoralization

wants people to be demoralized


Trump isn’t even the president you spastic

Where did I seethe hard at families quote me kike?

Whole swarm of these in here ... guess this thread needs some diplomacy.

It's pretty retarded in all honesty.

Nick is the best filter for any subversive actions from the left and from cuckservatives who where never really a part of Anon Babble.
Anyone who slanders Nick is suspicious af. What is he actually saying that would make someone mad? That he doesn't back down on women, jews, republican/Trumpist cuckservatives?
You are reddit tourist simps or women who think you can infiltrate men with a shitty unfunny meme.

uh akshually you see being married is so based you guys, I love my wife so much it's unreal haha amirite fellow manosphere redpillers? haha

why THE FUCK would I want people remoralized into dying for israel?
just where do you think you are you retarded tourist? what hasbara discord linked you here?

that's almost all new memes by zoomers. they are creatively bankrupt and just repurpose existing things or make endless variants of wojak that aren't even funny.


quirk chungus

1,000 variants of the coomer/boogies teeth wojak just slightly changed and renamed

the internet was a mistake for anyone with an iq below 110 minimum

Why should I censor myself to protect your feelings. If someone mentioning something about their kids sends you into a blind rage that’s a you problem. If you’re that upset go outside or something fuck

I'm being gracious, but I truly do believe that Mannerbunds are the way forward. Paternal Autocracy is the foundation of every single great nation on earth, and it is the natural way of the Aryan racial oversoul. I refuse to allow women into any positions of power or influence save for priestesses or nurses, so I'm the bad guy according to the meme because the people who made it just want to return to a 1980s conservatism where men still simped over women in pant legs and families had 2 kids max.

What I want is far more radical and life-saving, but we can't get there yet.

no one is forcing you to hate women on the internet. no one is forcing your sisters and mothers to hate men, children and families. no one is forcing you to seek propaganda that supports these selfhating views. you are doing it with your own hands, day to day, without supervision or coercion. it is suicide.

I'm not closeted

see's through your jewish lies

WAAAAAH you just want to be demoralized!!

Nobody is getting back on the plantation. Either negotiate in good faith or fuck off.

You arent a nationalist then. Theres no excuse a nationalist can make when it comes to letting foreign imperialists invade your nation. no amount of cope and fanfics about le based invaders. The reasons why dont matter once your home in invaded by an enemy intent upon conquest and your people start dying. You're not a nationalist, you're a quisling.

queue 'milhouse' or wew lad all over again or the plap jack

Well are you pro family?
Why would someone having a wife or children mean they’re gonna die for Israel?

nick is a barely closeted gay dude with deep seated mental issues and by extension so are you fag

grilljak next, a guy who is good because he just wants to grill
performative normalization of the unacceptable what cuckservatives do for the past 100 years

Seriously though, what the fuck is up with Canadians?

Negotiate what?

The most annoying one was the child Hitler 'I don't appreciate you' one. That one was spammed to hell and back.

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Youre a low iq loser

I blame the not so smart smart phones and the monetization of everything
internet started pandering to the lowest denominator

why THE FUCK would I want people remoralized into dying for israel?

Israel? No: die for your hood.

You asked me why I am seething hard at families. Where did I seethe hard at families kike?

Normalfaggots are so fucking cringe why can’t you dipshits just go back to caring about pro sports and leave politics to those autistic enough to actually be informed. I don’t want you on my side REEEEEEEEEE

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If gotta monetize you stuff otherwise you're leaving money on the table for someone else.

it's not rocket science bro

trump won, woke is "dead"

stop caring about non-white immigration an shieeet

get married to a roastie or a single mom, have more kids

get devorced and paying child support and shieeet

you "win" somehow

Manipulate men

How is that possible? Are straight men retarded or do they just humor women? The latter are some of the most transparent people out there.

the opposite of love is not hate but indifference, any emotions I present are fake and for effect
fact is that wifejak is political valium at best, outright subversion more likely given the reaction to any criticism to it

It’s your general demeanor and refusal to answer whether or not you’re pro family


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ok but when is enough enough?
now peoples are paid to shitpost on X if you want to put a scraper on internet you have to pay for it
you pay for everything
paying paying paying
the new "gameplay" ? paying
you want to live?
holy fuck
the point is
not everything that CAN be monetized SHOULD be monetized but here we are
a race to the bottom and a bunch of idiots asking themselves why

Wifejak is reddit tier wholesome chungus cringe cancer and everyone posting that is a gay simp faggot. Nick is 100% correct

Hitler was pro family btw

America is the only relevant nation on earth so yes it is

unironically believing the founding myths

what's next you gonna tell me Israel should exist because jews died in the holohoax???

We've been shitting on this forced kike meme for weeks, you retarded faggot. Nick's actually late to the game on this.

I don't know, ask all the wifeguys shilling trump to me for free because dey kiidz n'shiet

It’s your general demeanor

How explain?

answer whether or not you’re pro family

You asked me that after I caught you in pilpul claiming I said something I didn't. So link to the post where I said that or showed "demeanor" kike.

You're not the bad guy. You've just fallen for bullshit propaganda. You believe history consisted of the same lies that the most rabid feminists does. Only whereas they oppose the mythical patriarchy you approve of it and wish it were so. Women were never slaves or chattel in some mythical aryan pastorialist ideal. Comparatively women have always had more rights and freedoms in white civilizations than in any other. What you dream of isnt a part of the aryan soul. Its more a part of the asiatic soul.

Fuck off retard. Where does it /families and life/ in the board title? Where does it say similar in the thread itself? You come into a carpet store wanting to talk about roof shingles and they're gonna call you a fucking moron. It's not censorship to make you keep to the topic at hand dipshit.

call out a lying faggot

muh feelings

u-ur m-mad

g-go outs-side

Kill yourself you embarrassment.

(You) have been all over the board posting this today so you clearly don’t agree

I don’t know

So why do you keep inferring it?

When there was no other way out, they simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry.


Do you mean a guy that not only was right in getting his country out of danger but collaborated with the side that has been proven to be right this las 70 years?

The problem (for them) is that it's a meme.
An extremely relatable one (these lost men want families of their own) and an extremely popular one (wojak/pepe dynamic).
So without any effort at all, one random post on twitter filled the hearts of the men they want to keep down with hope and love.

he’s still seething

It’s a cartoon, bro lmao

Who the fuck is "Nick"?

no, it's called rhetoric, pilpuling kike
white feathers is how men got traditionally psyoped into war

He always is. Just another faggot who lifts memes and posts from the board for attention because HE DOESN’T GET IT AND NEVER WILL

You should go back to r/childfree you assblasted retard
But enough about you

why did you say this?

where did I say that?

uh.....actually it was your demeanor

how was it my demeanor

uhhhhh u mad

I accept your concession kike.

A homosexual fed spic.

behold the death cry of the defeated christnigger groyper


like clockwork

Did you miss his first four years where he forgot to deport them or drain the swamp?

i'm talking about your actions, not your emotions. you perpetuate hate, you spread hate. if you don't carry hate it only makes your behaviour even more abnormal.
regardless, the outcome remains the same.

that shit is forced since 3 years and it took a noname on faggot twatter to get you sperg to even notice it
the collective IQ is gone
the whole fucking world feel like it's 1 giant city full of idiots

Anyone who slanders Nick is suspicious af. What is he actually saying that would make someone mad?

He literally calls people who love their wives 'simps', which is pretty sus.

I mean the traitor to his people and bootlicker for foreign occupiers. Hitler saw the complete destruction of his nation. As leaders go he was an abject failure. No wonder traitors like you admire such men as the best.

It's so weird because I barely see any threads about him unless it's hate against him. I don't like him or any ecelebs really but I guess they really like using him as a strawman because of his somewhat nat-soc/anti-jewish opinions.

Your rhetoric is pants-on-head retarded


You must know how stupid that sounds there’s no way you’re that dumb right?

it is simpery, I am sorry this blows your normgroid mind. lurk for 2 more years

It’s still a cartoon bro it can’t hurt you if you don’t let it lol

This was supposed to shit on the modern wife, who complains about movies and wrecking your car. It's not about traditionalism and family. Lobotomized.

the problem is that you post for pay and are so incompetent and intransient to feedback that it leaves a trace of curry in the air

didn't read, you're jewish

Grown men writing paragraphs about their wojak dolls should be hanging from trees ASAP

But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow, that observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed this had taken you one step forward, your amazement was great the next day, the jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before.

You're literally following the jewish playbook to a T. keep exposing yourself.

Fuentes is absolutely a fed. There are good men sitting in prison because of j6 while he didn't get a slap on the wrist.

millennials are all masochist homosexuals

I accept your concession groyper

Get out chomo.

I accepted your concession lying kike we are good.

retarded faggot, you clearly dont know what simping is

Hahahaha your shit doesn't work in real life so hard that you have to post this kind of deflection in hopes you actually "influence" readers on the internet
Your rabbis set you up for failure