Only one can stay.
Make your choice.
Trump is deporting them
2 is the only possible answer
Just deport them all, goblins aren't worth my time.
Whichever one has the sweatiest smelliest tastiest feet.
Which if any of you faggots have ever indulged in female feet, Latinas have literally the best feet.
1 far left, I like that look.
the guy in the background
oh shit, not that one
I'd bang any and all of them. 4 would be my first choice.
2 > 1 > 5 > 4 >>>>>>> 3
none are pajeetas
I’m passing
I concur, but wouldn't kick 5 out of bed for eating tamales.
2 is wrong
fpbp but she is already expanding even at her age
Yeah he can stay.
Trump wants to deport this
I would need to see their asses to make my choice
mama mia
Oh no, I guess they'll just have to try to seduce me for a green card.
Enjoy your parasites and disease
Glad I voted for him then
definitely second from the left.
she can head the conga line back to mexico. none can stay.
Tell them they have to fight for your cock to stay..
Dump those ropes down the throat
The deport them all
We are all hideous goblin monkeys who needs to be deported back to hell
2, 4, 3, 1, 5
Can save one
Deport them all
Ahead of time, under budget
Seppy bippy
Latinas are like the only cute young women in rural areas because they usually don't go to college. It is unfortunate for us actually.
Cute potential wifes
Don't worry Chuds Trump isn't really going to be deporting anyone except for the Palestinians out of Israel.
The 2nd... no, actually I pick the 1st, she seems more modest and humble, and looks about as pretty.
Easy choice, the modest one on the left.
We'll go to a Catholic church together and raise mestizo babies
Wrong. You picked a whore and destroyed your life. Number 1 is the keeper.
those girls are like 13
I'm saying it is unfortunate if a lot of them get deported. It is just going to be fat and old women again. A lot of the oil field guys here have latina girlfriends now too. Young pretty white women think they are too good for these dudes despite them all making 6 figures.
high five
but she's already mine
A wise man that knows females well.
none of them can stay.
My eyes say 2 but my cock says 4. Hmmm.
the one with the penis
fpbp yet again
1 post by this ID
more was unnecessary
Everyone one of these specimens will be 190-210 lbs in 5 years.
They all go. All of them. Every last one.
Take that back
None, they all go.
Tfw no 6/10 Latina waifu to cook you delicious Mexican trendies
As a Latino, I find none of those suitable. I only go for white girls and castizas.
you can go with her
Latinas have literally the best feet.
You've never received a foot job from a nip and a gook at the same time.
Nah they are just Mexican, that's as tall as a Mexican women gets
Kill them
Kill them
Kill them
Lol them
Lol them
Kill them
Yes. Please deport that tranny
the tall one
I wasnt into feet until I meet my beaner soon to be wife. Deary me do I have a problem
4 because her feet are not bad and the other souls be a crap shoot.
Look at the preview of 5 years into the future walking up behind them, it's almost poetic. Deport every one of them.
Whichever one has the biggest dick.
*makes them all pregnant*
Nothing personal.
But seriously, I would go for first. She is the one dressing more conservatively. Wife material.
Ima import muh dicc
i choose this gentlemen, he's got a truck. we can go grab beers and harass waitresses at hooters
oh no no no everyone laugh at this anon.
savage af
Bye fuck off