It's HAPPENING bros! The red heifar was but the first stage!
The Antichrist is coming!
nothing will happen
Dude, it's not about the supernatural! These guys are clearly manufacturing their own Messiah.
You can't see this and think it's a coincidence!
Will the messiah simultaneously cut and suck baby joorats?
Something tells me this world might be a better place if billions of Abrahamics (Jews, Christians, Muslims) weren't actively rooting for the Apocalypse to play out.
Fuckers want to get money. This is their moshiash every two centuries.
it's a fucking psyop (read: retarded meme)
The messiah already came, they ended up rejecting and crucifying him.
clearly manufacturing their own Messiah
There are no messiahs, only cult leaders.
Multiple generations of cults.
Its not Trump so who is it?
bunch of Twitter screenshot without link
multiple threads in the catalog
I'm not seeing any of these Tweets when I look up these profiles on X. Is this some sort of psyop? Why Are there like 6 threads in the catalog with the same screenshots, and without a single link in any of them? I mean if these Tweets are real, it wouldn't really surprise me at all, but why so many threads and so few links?
I denounce the Talmud, will you OP?
E. Michael Jones is spot on about these people.
>clearly manufacturing their own Messiah
There are no messiahs, only cult leaders.
Multiple generations of cults.
It will happen when the weather cools.
That's when they'll make their move.
The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
They're trying to force God's hand.
Watch for these signs:
Three branches will become one.
An island will drift away.
A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
The star will gorge itself on clay.
Idols will speak and move about.
The black flag will fly above the dome.
The belly of the dragon will drip water.
Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
A rock will stand on seven hills.
The ravens will starve.
The bear will leave its cave forever.
The rod and the ring will strike.
They're trying to force God's hand.
They're trying to force God's hand.
They're trying to force God's hand.
They're trying to force God's hand.
The guy they're waiting for is the Antichrist
Wait till they find out that their messiah came almost 2000 years ago and they killed him.
Jesus is already living as a human on this planet.
Sorry, pal. Jews are not the chosen anymore.
You forgot the original
This is exactly why all these old boomers in US politics are wiling to sell their soul for a chance at paradise. They think they're playing a pivotal role in Revelations.
I'm the Messiah
2 more heifers!
Oh sweet! Misinformation!
Some day I will be free of Jewish prophecy. Self-fulfilling prophecy no less.
The boomers actually want the world to end when they do. What's that phrase they like?
"I'll be dead by then".
That's not even a conspiracy theory.
Israel needs the Messiah to show up and command all the Goy's to moaning over us dropping jdams on hospitals.
I know boomers irl who genuinely believe they won't die before the rapture. I grew up with a handful of these schizos telling us kids we'd "never know what it's like to grow old, so feel blessed"
He's a mouthbreathing moron.
If it wasn't for Christianity, you'd all be dead by now. No way that you would have lasted through the nuclear age. And even if you did, for what end?
There are no messiahs
Except for the Messiah, Jesus Christos.
You know the greatest height of Western civilization predates Christianity altogether, right? In fact, Christianity is what destroyed it in the long-term.
inb4 HRE
Neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.
I don' t get it.
What is the point of forcing to get God out of hiding if he is just going to smitten all Jews for their satanistic degeneracy?
Biblically speaking, the attitude to have toward disasters God has is “it must come but woe to the man by whom it comes.” If you’re trying to cause the apocalypse on anything other than God’s timing you may as well be working for Satan as far as he’s concerned
They’re scared of death and think that if the world ends before they do it’ll go better for them when the judgment happens. I, uh, have news for them and it’s not great
Anarchristos, anarmeshiach.
What I said is still true. I'd rather have a future and a present than what? Ancient Rome? You want to go back to human and animal sacrifice, then you can join Islam or Judaism (you are a jew anyway), for the rest we will stay the course of Christian Civilisation, which has far eclipsed anything the Roman's produced. Also the Roman Catholic Church is the historic successor to the Empire, and the fact that you won't acknowledge says... Oh fuck you're not even worth responding to.
Jews will make themselves even more insufferable by installing a charismatic religious leader
Wow, surely no way this could backfire. Go for it jews, your promised land awaits.
Dispensationalists aren't Christian at all. They are just a zionist death cult.
Neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.
They should call it the MNC
Mutt-Negro Conspiracy
Common themes in Rapture dreams.
Group of people waiting for something
Cloudy Sky. Clouds get dark, almost black
A crack in the Clouds showing light
People go up but less than you think
These people transform into Golden lights
Chaos happens below
Sometimes Nukes hitting, crowds attacking each other
Also the Roman Catholic Church is the historic successor to the Empire
What about Brapture dreams? What are they like?
we're finally on to 1 more week boys
What's up with the timestamps? It's not that late on the east coast. Link tweets. It's not there on search.
bottom jew
unlike christians, jews know what it is like to be persecuted
Is this nigga retarded? He obviously never picked up a history book.
Jews are idiots who have no self introspection. You're talking about people that transfer their sins onto a chicken and then kill it because they think GOD won't notice.